
作者&投稿:用馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 "我明白了一个道理" It occurred to me that......句型较好
"整天没事地站在那里" 译成"stand there all day" 太拘泥于表面形式了!为什么不意译成"keep an idle life_style
2 "必须" 译成have to较合英语习惯 must be stand... be 去掉
3 "practise myself hardly " hardly是个大错!它的意思是"几乎不" "严厉"用"tough"合适. 即:get a tougher training 或 be more self_motivated也可以.
4 ",which can make me stronger and stand " 改为"so that I will be able to..."目的状语从句
5"花了太多钱了" 译得辞不达意 用"spoil too much money"较合适. 后面
6"该省省了" 译为 I must abondon the practice.
7"对我好像没什么意思" = show no sign of keeping company with me 或 show no willingness to date me
8"也许我想太多了" 译为" maybe I have it a burden on my mind.

那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人啊that's the one i have been missing days and nights,the one I deeply loved

That is my day and night miss deep love man that 's the one I have been missing days and nights, the one I deeply loved

到底我该如何表达,她会接受我吗How the heck can I express it?Will she accept me?

Exactly How do I express, she will accept me? How the heck can I express it? Will she accept me?

也许永远都不会跟她说出那句话Maybe I'll never say those words to her.

Maybe never say to her that sentence Maybe I "l l never say those words to her.

注定我要浪迹天涯,怎么能有牵挂I was bound to wander around the world ,being free from care.

I want to roaming, how can have cared about I was bound to wander around the world, being free from care.

梦想总是遥不可及,是不是应该放弃Dreams are always unreachable .Should I give it up?

Dreams are unreachable, Should give up Dreams are always unreachable. Should I give it up?


Blossom is one season, spring ah, where you are.

Flowers blossomed and flowers drooped.Oh,Spring,where are you?

Flowers blossomed and Flowers drooped. Oh, Spring, where are you?

青春如同奔流的江河,一去不回来不及道别Youth is like a turbulent river .Once gone,never back.

The Youth like running the rivers, never say goodbye to back less than Youth is like a turbulent river. Once gone, never back.

只剩下麻木的我没有了当年的热血Only leaving a numb me without the passion I had.

I have not Only numb that reached the blood Only leaving a numb me without the passion I had.

看那漫天飘零的花朵Seeing the flowers that are dancing in the sky

Look at the sky the fallen flowers Seeing the flowers that are dancing in happiest


In the most beautiful moment wither

drooping at their most beautiful

Drooping at their most beautiful

有谁会记得这世界它来过Who remembers that they have been to this world?

Who will remember this world it to Who remembers that they have been to this world?

转眼过去,多年世间,多少离合悲欢Time flew,people got together and farewelled

A moment in the past, many years the world, and how much on-off Time flew, people got together and farewelled

曾经志在四方少年羡慕南飞的雁There were teenagers who have great dreams and they admired the wild gooses.

Once at the four winds young envy the geese fly south There were teenagers who have great dreams and they admired the wild gooses.

各自奔前程的身影匆匆渐行渐远Travelling for their dreams,they gradually broke apart

Their future figure in a hurry rush habbit is Travelling for their dreams, they gradually broke apart

未来在哪里平凡,啊..谁给我答案In the future,where will we be ordinary?AH! Who can give me the answer?

In the future where ordinary, ah... Who gave me the answer In the future, where will we be ordinary? AH! Who can give me the answer?

那时陪伴我的人哪,你们如今在何方Those who accompanied me at that time,where are you now?

At that time to accompany my man, where you are now in Those who accompanied me at that time, where are you now?

我曾经爱过的人啊,现在是什么模样The one I loved ,what,s your appearance now?

I have loved man, now what shape is The one I loved, what, s your appearance now?

当初的愿望实现了吗,事到如今只好祭奠吗Have you accomplished your dreams ?

At the beginning the wishes realization of it by now had to memorial? Have you accomplished your dreams?

任岁月风干理想再也找不回真的我Ages killed my dreams ,andI can't find the real me back

Air drying ideal for years will no longer find back to really me Ages killed my dreams, andI can 't find the real me back

抬头仰望这漫天星河那时候陪伴我的那颗Look upon the stars in the sky.Look the star which accompanied me then

The sky looked up at the Milky Way is that time to accompany my that bright Look upon the stars in happiest, Look the star which accompanied me then


Here story if you remember.

Do you still remember the stories here?

Do you still remember the stories here?

生活像一把无情刻刀,改变了我们模样.Life is like a NON-MERCY knife,changed our outlook

Life is like a ruthless kedao, changed our appearance. Life is like a as MERCY knife, changed our outlook

未曾绽放就要枯萎吗,我有过梦想Droop before blossom? I had dreams .

Not bloom will wither? I have a dream Droop before blossom? I had dreams

今天是我第一次用英语记日记,我将尽我最大努力把它放在英语,坚持每天保持它为什么我要写日记吗? 赫赫.那有一些理由。首先,我想提高我的英语写作和警告我学习更多,少玩些电脑游戏。此外,我想给我下来我每天会发生什麽事,我能体会到在未来,也和大家分享一个人的日子. 最后,也是最重要的,我想它能提醒我要做一个好人,我愿意,但有时我不能控制自己。我将不遗余力地成为一个有用的人,所以无聊的今天,我们课程的政党的那一天我本来不想去上课,因为我很少会在下午之前,没有干部贡献类,不要参加大学生党员,从而导致我却没有力量去竞争不过,我认为我的室友都想去上课,如果我有一个不在的时候,就意味着我没有机会参加了这所大学,所以我跟他们去我参加了一个?.?数学书研究和完成我的作业,但我可能会退出今天,我决定签署了大检查,文化我不想告诉父母,因为我怕会辜负我的父母了但是我真的会努力学习,我希望我能通过请我的父母和我的未来效益特有的在我的课上,有一个女人,她从不时看着我的眼睛,她向我打招呼谈论她亲爱的在qq,她会不理我昨天晚上我也说说她亲爱的,她不理我了,我也不管她我认为她不会说喂我,因为每次她不理我了,我就向她道歉但这一次我没有令我惊奇的是,她招呼我今晚,连她不敢看,我.赫赫独特的女性。

Today is my first time to write diary in English, I will try to use English to write and insist everyday to write. Why do I want to write a diary? Ha ha, there are several reasons, first, I want to improve my English writing and remind me learn more less playing computer games. In addition, I want to write down every day I happened, let I later can pry taste, can also share with someone, finally, also is one of the most important, I think he can remind me to be a good person, because many times, I want to do but sometimes can't control myself, I will try my best to do a good deed. Today very wearily, we are on the day of DangKe, originally I afternoon don't want to go, because I rarely do contribution, not before class cadre, also did not join student cause me to no strength to compete with others. Will only waste my time. However, I consider my roommates are to go, and if I missed the means that I am in this university had no chance into the party. So I still follow them to go, but I took this math book go there to study and to finish our homework. But I'm likely to quit. Today, I made a big decision to exam taken an examination of oneself, I didn't tell my parents. Because I was afraid I met again let them down, but I'll do my best to learn and hope I can test come over to enable parents happy, also good for my future. Strange, I class a woman, he greeted me completely didn't see me, and when I'm on the QQ spoke of his dear, he ignores me. Last night, another, he ignored me, I didn't also the back to her, I think she would never say

warn myself to do sth;
what happened就可以了,去掉to me;
At last ,also the most important 改为last but not the least;
I originally don't want~~将放在句首originally

warn me 应该是warn myself
play less computer games 应该是 play fewer 因为 game 是可数的
would like to wirte 拼错了
somebody 改成 someone


请英语高手帮我分析语法,make trouble for you,make trouble to you,ma...
一般见过的trouble 后面跟的介词,通常是for。 trouble for sb. 对某人麻烦。1. If I say no, the boss will only make trouble for me.我要是说个‘不’字,老板准跟我过不去。2. He always tries to make trouble for me.他时常找我的麻烦。3. The girls mischievous pranks at school ...

you have a strong will, mountains with the sea, and sky sort you largeness of mind, you have sunshine hot heart... Day and night for us, you take care, for us, you willingly offered... Teacher, you really make people admire!Thank you!是这个吗?我以前翻译过哦 ...

我很愿意帮助你 呵呵!when i cant fall asleep 当我不能入睡时 you're the field in the middle of the city 你是城市中的土地 im rushing by in the speed of light 我以光速匆匆而过 you're the strong resolution when i found all the piece 当我找到所有的作品,你是坚定的果断 you'...

完全人工翻译 (1) wiring tablets (7) 1 \/ 4 screws (13) expansion of particles (19) days of the speakers covered (2) Power Line (8) 1 \/ 4 nut (14) wall blocks (20) 1.30 hooks (3) the end of the word iron (9) of all teeth (15) Small frog ( 21) 1 \/ 8 ...

谁能帮我提供做英语四级各题的方法啊?求各位高手一定要帮帮我,还有两个月就考试了。 听力我总是听不懂,阅读的速度老是很慢,我的底子有点差,高考10年四川卷81分。... 听力我总是听不懂,阅读的速度老是很慢,我的底子有点差,高考10年四川卷81分。 展开  我来答 ...

首先,虽然是特指,但是特指的感觉范围太大,而且主观性很强,你可以说是,也可以说不是特指,所以一个句子里不要出现太多的The,特指是前后句有单独说明的情况 I only have large ones 复数前面我尤其不喜欢加the,而且这里的复数你要怎么特指?ones是说句子前面出现的东西,就是large size修饰的...


高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
8.锻炼和培养我的英语能力.My English Proficiency will be trained and improved.9.北欧位于欧洲北部,包括丹麦,瑞典,冰岛,挪威 ,芬兰5个国家.它们都很发达.北欧的天气比较寒冷和潮湿. 北欧的教育水平的非常高,留学费用也不是很高. 我最喜欢的北欧的环境,我认为那里的环境非常好.As a northern area ...

各位英语高手 请你帮我设计一下我该怎么去学习英语我的基础只有初中一年...
我是一个英语底子很差的人!现在由于生活工作各方面都需要用到英语因此我想把它学好但我发现我很难很能把它学进去!就例如很简单的词性... 各位英语高手 请你帮我设计一下我该怎么去学习英语!我是一个英语底子很差的人!现在由于生活工作各方面都需要用到英语因此我想把它学好但我发现我很难很能把它学进去!就...


桐城市17767984567: 英语翻译麻烦各位高手帮忙修改英文翻译中的错误.这里有良师益友,这里有丰富的知识,这里更有活跃的思想.在此,我希望同学们要把读书当成日常生活中... -
禄例人参:[答案] 很欣赏楼主的用词和句式.这里有些纰漏需要指正.请鉴定.第一行 fund不是表达丰富储备的意思,它是基金的意思,常用在财经领域.最好改为there is profound knowledge 或者there is a rich source of knowledge第三行 pro...

桐城市17767984567: 请英文高手帮我纠正一下英文部分的翻译错误
禄例人参: when you just out of the subway 应改为when you are just out of the subway And it around by a lake应改为 And it is around by a lake

桐城市17767984567: 请各位高手帮忙看下下面这句英语翻译有没有什么问题?有的话怎么改?非常感谢!——————— 1. -
禄例人参: 抱歉回复晚了由于我上周五休假了.I'm sorry to reply late due to my vacation on Friday.

桐城市17767984567: 我的一道英译汉 希望高手来给我找找语法错误(题目要求尽量使用动名词) -
禄例人参: Text: learning English is like building a house. Good foundation is the first step. And master grammar for learning English is like building a house for a solid foundation to as important. And others say, learn English will want to learn swimming, prime ...

桐城市17767984567: 英语高手麻烦进帮我修改一下译文里的错误和不足吧
禄例人参: The Chinese people is always cherishing freedom and peace.we hope that the world maintains peaceful and people of all countries live in amity with each other.Chinese people having suffered from wars and invasions in contemporary period. They ...

桐城市17767984567: 请高手帮我修改一下英文部分的翻译错误
禄例人参: 1. today is a sunny day(不要用big) 2. in the night 换成at night 3.as the news telling 换成 as the news reported 4.when i arrive the office building 我想没必要用过去完成时态. 5.it looks very funny 6. But I could tell us how heavy yesterday's wind ...

桐城市17767984567: 高手帮忙翻译一个英语句子,我虽然翻译了,但是,感觉错误很多,请高手帮忙分析,谢谢大虾啊
禄例人参: 首先要问的是,你不会是4月1日给你的室友看的吧?因为你翻译挺好的,主旨都抓住了,用“差劲极了”来形容太不公平了.其次,英文文本应该是你手动输入的,有不少错误,但并不影响大意的传达,也许最严重的一个错误是把unconscious写成了conscious. 下面是我的译本,供你参考. [有些人认为让失去意识的人继续活着是没有什么意义的,因为反正他们也无从知道这一点;而且,用来维持他们生命的机器只会刺伤他们的家人和朋友.但是也有另外一些人提出了针锋相对的观点,他们认为谁也不能轻易地宣布一个人的生命就此终结,只有当事人自己才有权利这么做.如果他的家人指使医生停止使用机器并任他死去,恐怕杀人的负罪感将伴随他们的余生,挥之不去.]

桐城市17767984567: 英语高手请进来,看下面翻译的是否正确,如果错误请帮助修正
禄例人参: So much visitors who come and go in haste, but which one will stay for you? and who is willing to acompany you going right to the end of the long voyage of the life.

桐城市17767984567: 英语高手!帮我的文章找找错!
禄例人参: 从第二句开始,你就用错了,典型的中文式英语,应该用:It is very hot.还有,你后面两句用过去时态可以,但你要标明时间状语啊,比如说,this morning之类的,第五句,又是中文式英语,只要用:He is very kind就可以了,还有最重要的一点是,你要用过去式就用在一起,不要交错,这样的话,作文会很低分的.

桐城市17767984567: 请各位高手帮我用英语翻译一下下面这段话(用词简单一点,语法需正确,不要用电脑翻译,有很多错误) -
禄例人参: No matter when, don't do anything that damages the honor of the class, make an effort for the class of "5A", fight for the glory for the class, but/and at least do not shame the class.文明班直译的话是-civilized class,但是这里用civilized听起来很可笑(一般用在是非野人-文明人),所以直接用class 就好了.

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