
作者&投稿:融秆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   1. nw abut 了解关于…...事

  2 . ae a bet 打赌

  3. win r lse the bet在打赌中赢或输

  4.have bad luc 运气不好

  5. step inside走进里面

  6. lead the wa 带路

  7. I wnder if... 我想知道是否…...

  8. g right ahead 说下去

  9. as a atter f fact事实上

  10. b accident 偶然

  11. sail ut f the ba 驶出海湾

  12. stare at 盯着

  13. twards nightfall 到夜幕降临时

  14. carr … ut t sea 把…带到了大海

  15. give neself up fr lst 因为迷路而绝望

  16. accunt fr 导致

  17. wr as an unpaid hand 免费劳动

  18. t be hnest 坦白地说

  19. ur idea f se ind f e 你认为的一种笑话

  20. be n wa 上路

  21. shw sb. ut 把某人带出去

  22. be cnfident abut 对…... 自信

  23. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车

  24. the cst f a urne 旅行费用

  25. fall ver 跌到

  26. lse ne’s patience 失去耐心

  27. sta ut f ail 免坐牢

  28. d fift ups withut stpping 不间断地连续跳五十下

  29. accunt fr ur behaviur 对你的.行为做出解释

  30. be ealus f the thers’ success 嫉妒别人的成功

  31. shw a willingness t d sth.表示乐意做谋事

  32. tae the gentlean’s rder 让那位绅士点菜

  33. read the bill 看帐单

  34. be reserved 被预定了

  35. tae a chance 碰碰运气

  36. the l n the waiter’s face 服务员脸上的表情

  37. in a rude anner 用粗鲁的方式

  38. fr a while 一会儿

Unit 3 consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为 means n 手段;方法 transportation n 运输;运送 board n 上(船、飞机等)△destination n 目的地 experience vt&n 体验;经历;经验 simply adv 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直 get away from 逃离 △raft vi 乘筏 n 木筏 vacation n 假期;休假 natu...

高中英语必修三Unit 1单词 take place 发生 beauty \/' n. 美;美人 harvest \/'hɑ:vist\/ n. & vt. & vi. 收获;收割 celebration \/ seli'breiʃn\/ n. 庆祝;祝贺 hunter \/'hʌntə\/ n. 狩猎者;猎人 starve \/stɑ:v\/ vi. & vt. 使饿死;饿得要死 origin \/'ɔ...

高一必修三英语单词表按首字母... 高一必修三英语单词表按首字母 展开  我来答 为你推荐: 特别推荐仅靠冷兵器古代军队能对付丧尸潮吗? 减盐到什么程度对健康就无益了? 八旗铁骑是如何跨海作战的? 没文化,千万别和重庆人吵架× 个人、企业类侵权投诉 违法有害信息,请在下方选择后提交 类别 垃圾广告 低...

1. 用英语必修三第三单元的单词写一篇作文 题目自拟100字 you are a high school student or middle? there''re some words you should have not saw before. check them out from your own dictionary. . when i was a child, i hate almost every sort of animals. the dogs snarled at me terribly,...

第二课 Hunger Income Poverty Human Development Index Measure Goal Expectancy Position Educate Figure Household Homeless Charity Crowded Freeway Inhabitant Similarity Unfortunate Location Tourism Transport Industrial Polluted Smart vast Entertainment exchange 第三课 disater Flood Hurricane Lightning Thun...

高二选择性必修三英语单词如下:1、skinny:英语单词。读音英['skɪnɪ]、美[ˈskɪni],意思是adj. 极瘦的,皮包骨的;紧身的;小气的;皮的,皮质的。2、dimension:英语单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“方面;[数] 维;尺寸;次元;容积”,作形容词时意为“...

For several billion years after the "Big Bang", the earth was still just a cloud of dust. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether ...

高一英语 同义句转换三句 都是下学期的 必修三第三单元
保证准确率!1. was supposed to be killed 2. what was more 3. am fed up with 4. is well known as 参考资料:英语牛人团

Module2 hunger n. 饥饿 income n. 收入 poverty n. 贫穷 human n. (与动物等对比的)人 development n. 发展 index n. 指数 measure vt. 测定;测量;评估 goal n. 目标 expectancy n. (根据概率得出的)预期数额 position n. 位置 educate vt. 教育;培养;训练 figure n. 数字 household...

高中英语外研版必修三单词表 1. across prep. 横过;穿过 (SH3 M1 P1)2. boot n. 长统靴;皮靴 (SH3 M1 P1)3. continental adj. 大陆的;大洲的 (SH3 M1 P1)4. face vt. 面向;面对 (SH3 M1 P1)5. range n. 山脉 (SH3 M1 P1)...

黄石港区13748644498: 高中英语必修3unit3词组短语 -
欧朗格利: Unit 3 1. know about 了解关于…事 2. make a bet 打赌 3. win or lose the bet 在打赌中赢或输 4. have bad luck 运气不好 5. step inside 走进里面 6. lead the way 带路 7. I wonder if 我想知道是否… 8. go right ahead 说下去 9. as a matter of fact 事实上 ...

黄石港区13748644498: 高中英语必修3unit3词组短语速度 -
欧朗格利:[答案] Unit 3 1. know about 了解关于…事 2. make a bet 打赌 3. win or lose the bet 在打赌中赢或输 4. have bad luck 运气不好 5. step inside 走进里面 6. lead the way 带路 7. I wonder if 我想知道是否… 8. go right ahead 说下去 9. as a matter of fact 事实上 10. ...

黄石港区13748644498: 英语必修三第三单元短语 -
欧朗格利: ever since从那以后 be fond of喜爱;喜欢 care about关心;忧虑;惦念 change one's mind改变主意 make up one's mind下决心;决定 give in投降;屈服;让步 as usual照常 at midnight在午夜 ight away立刻;马上 as if仿佛;好像 at an end结束;终结 in ruins严重受损;破败不堪 dig out掘出;发现 a(great) number of许多;大量的

黄石港区13748644498: 人教版 普通高中英语必修3 第3单元的单词短语表RT -
欧朗格利:[答案] 你还是把你的教科书后面的单词表撕下来复印吧 效果更好的.

黄石港区13748644498: 高中英语必修3单词短语及语法 -
欧朗格利: 一.单词: birthplace novel boyhood adventure phrase author scene penniless wander pavement businessman permit ahead bay nightfall fault spot passage unpaid account embassy patience envelope unbelievable steak pineapple dessert amount rude manner scream genuine issue fake rag indeed bow barber

黄石港区13748644498: 人教版高中英语必修三黑体词 -
欧朗格利: 高中英语黑体单词及短语 必修 3Unit 1 take place 发生 religious adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 in memory of 纪念;追念 belief n.信任;信心;信仰 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 trick n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt.欺骗;诈骟 play a trick on 搞恶作...

黄石港区13748644498: 必修三的英语短语
欧朗格利: take place 发生 in memory of纪念 dress up盛装,打扮 play a trick 开玩笑 look forward to 期望 day and night日夜,整天 as though好象 have fun with sb玩的开心 keep one's word首信用,履行诺言 hold one's breath屏气,屏息 balanced diet平衡饮...

黄石港区13748644498: 高中英语必修3单词人教版 -
欧朗格利: 第一个单词大概是take plac 必修3 Unit 1 take place 发生 beauty n. 美;美人 harvest n. & vt. & vi. 收获;收割 celebration n. 庆祝;

黄石港区13748644498: 英语Unit3 词组
欧朗格利: 1.... front 2. Barber 3. take-off 4, alarm 5, jump down 6, be in hospital 7, in clinic 8, each other, each other 9, along...... go 10 and move around 11, a car accident 12, silent 13, to... meaningful 14, arrived 15, in the kitchen 16, had just ...

黄石港区13748644498: 高中英语必修三第三单元知识点总结, -
欧朗格利:[答案] go ahead,stare at,account for,on the contrary,take a chance,in rags,as forbring up 养育;呕吐 bring down使垮台; 降低 is based on 以…为基础/基于… be set in以…为背景 bring back拿回来; 使回忆起来 br...

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