
作者&投稿:锁屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
上上周,上上上周 英语怎么说?~

上周 last week
上上周 the week before last 或者 a week ago
上上上周 就是14天之前 fortnight ago 或 two weeks ago

用the week before last表示“上上周”或“大上周”应该比较合适,two weeks ago的意思是“两周以前”。

the week before last week, 但是楼上的this week before..就不对。

上上周,也就是两周以前,也可以用two weeks ago

因为上上上周,用英语就比较复杂,the week before the week before last week,理论上这种表达没有任何不妥,就是太复杂了,很少见有这种用的,所以直接就three weeks ago了。

那么two weeks ago表达上上周,没有任何不妥。

嘎嘎,还真出现了good good study, day day up 的翻译?
上周,last week
上上周:the week before last (week).

the before last week

this week before last week

Last week

我们上周买了一些礼物 We bought some presents last week.希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!

Last Sunday, my friend and I went to the Summer Palace.We are riding a bicycle, reached the park at 8:30.I bring food, kangkang carrying a camera, brown, with fruit, food and water.Maria took a kite.Jane with a guitar.Jane plays the guitar in the park to sing.Maria ...

高兴帮助你。上周日是晴天吗?这句话用英文表达:Was it sunny last Sunday ?请采纳,谢谢!!sunny


星期英文如下:星期一 Mon.(全称Monday)。星期二 Tues.(全称Tuesday。星期三 Wed.(全称Wednesday)。星期四 Thur.(全称Thursday)。星期五 Fri.(全称Friday)。星期六 Sat.(全程Saturday)。星期日 Sun.(全称Sunday)。星期起源:星期作为时间周期最早起源于巴比伦。世界各国通用一星期七天的制度最早...

we took part in a party last weekend

英语翻译:I went to Emei Mountain with my friends last week. It was sunny. We saw many beautiful trees and stones. And we saw some cute monkeys. We ate delicious food at the top of the mountain. We were tired but happy.

上周我和我家人一起承火车去成都玩了三天 用英语怎么翻译
Last week, I, along with my family,went to Chengdu by train and travelled around for three days.这里的“玩”不可翻译成“play”,这样有失偏颇并且带有中式英语的意味。另外,时态用一般过去时即可,无需完成时态。

‘上周 天很冷’英文怎么翻译?
It was very cold last week.

你上周过得怎么样 英文怎么翻译
How was your last week?How如何, 一般用be动词表示过得怎样? 如: How was your vacation? I had a good time. 你假期过得如何? 我过得很愉快

睢县15368246165: “上上周”用英语怎么说 -
荀肥小儿:[答案] 用the week before last表示“上上周”或“大上周”应该比较合适,two weeks ago的意思是“两周以前”.

睢县15368246165: “上上周”用英语怎么说 -
荀肥小儿: 用the week before last表示“上上周”或“大上周”应该比较合适,two weeks ago的意思是“两周以前”.

睢县15368246165: 请问“上上周”用英语怎么说如题:“上上周”用英语怎么说就是“上周”的前面那一周 -
荀肥小儿:[答案] the week before last week

睢县15368246165: 请问“上上周”用英语怎么说 -
荀肥小儿: the week before last week

睢县15368246165: 上上周,上上上周 英语怎么说?上周,是last week,上上周,怎么说?上上上周,又怎么说?总不能真的就说the week before last week、the week before last... -
荀肥小儿:[答案] 上上周还不如说成半个月前,上上上周不如说成三周以前.学英语不能太死板,按你这样的说法,纯属中式英语,外国人根本听不懂

睢县15368246165: 英语翻译上上周可以说the week before last,但上上周一呢?能不能说the monday before last -
荀肥小儿:[答案] Monday two weeks ago

睢县15368246165: 上上周 日语怎么说 -
荀肥小儿: 先々周 せんせんしゅう sen sen syuu

睢县15368246165: 请把下面的汉语翻译成英语,1.上周的上周2.下周的下周3.上周的上周四4.下周的下周四 -
荀肥小儿:[答案] the week before last week the week after next week the Thursday of two weeks before the Thursday after two weeks

睢县15368246165: 上周一、上周二、上周三、上周四、上周五有英语分别怎么写 -
荀肥小儿: last Monday, last Tuesday, last Wednesday, last Thursday, last Friday 上周一、上周二、上周三、上周四、上周五

睢县15368246165: 最后一周和上周用英文各怎么说?last week 和 the last week有区别吗? -
荀肥小儿:[答案] last week上星期---这个表达的参照时间是“目前” the last week 那时侯的上星期---这个表达的参照时间是“当时”-- 也就是说,上下文肯定有个过去的时间,而所说的the last week 是指那个时间的上个星期 同样,next week和 the next week也是这样...

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