hangout跟hang out的意思有什么不同?

作者&投稿:蒯谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
hangout跟hang out的 区别~

hangout跟hang out的 区别在于:前者是名词,后者是动词性词组。
1 住处 (流氓等) ; 聚集处
2 常去的地方
This is our favorite hangout.
It has the reputation of being a mob hangout .
Urban Street East of commodity shop has been a public calendar hangout.
My music bar has recently turned out a popular hangout.

hang out
1.=lean out伸出身体
The dog lay in theshade with his tongue hanging out;it was so hot.那条狗趴在阴凉处伸着舌头,因为天气太热。
2.=fasten,spread,or show sth.outof a building挂出门(窗)外
People hang flags outon the national holiday.国庆日,人们把旗子挂在门外。
3.=endure;notgive in;be unyielding忍受;坚持;不屈服
The besieged soldiers had to hang out for four days without supplies.被围困的战士们不得不在断绝给养的情况下坚持了4天。
The striking workers hung out for more money before resuming work.罢工的工人坚持要提高工资才复工。
Our food will hang outfor two days.我们的食品能维持两天。
Where are you hanging out these days?这日子你住在哪儿?
6.=spend one's time idly鬼混;闲荡
The teacher criticized Bill for hanging out in a bar.老师批评比尔在酒吧鬼混。
If you continue to hang out with that group of bad boys,you'll fail in your exams.如果你继续和那群坏孩子鬼混,你考试会不及格的。

hung out和hang out的区别:中文翻译的意思不同。
1、hunt out 中文意思是:找出;搜寻出,寻找出(收藏起来的东西)。
2、hang out 中文意思是:挂出;闲逛。
1、hunt out
hunt sth out 找出
Hunt them out of Russia 把德国鬼子消灭
hunt out rout up 搜寻出
hunt out an old diary 找出一本旧日记
2、hang out
hang it out 怠工
hang in out 永远不分开
hang-out 某人常去的地方
hang g out 闲逛
Hang-out Buddy 玩伴
hang somebody out to dry 把晾起来了 ; 晾起来了 ; 把……晾起来了
hang it out to dry 挂在外面吹干
hang sometechnique out to dry 把……晾起来了
Hang somebody out to try 把谁晾在一边

1、hunt out
Two hunters usually hunt out of personal purposes, without thinking about people's livingenvironment.
These lovers of the netherworld hunt out secret entrances to the catacombs and explore themiles upon miles of uncharted tunnels.
I'll have to hunt out the children's old clothes to give to the rag and bone man when he calls.
In terms of opposite attracting, we may hunt out people whose personalities complement our own.
The body has two lines of defence against flu: proteins called antibodies that bind to viruses and stop them replicating, and immune cells that can hunt out and destroy infected cells.
人体通过两种方式抵抗流感:通过被称为抗体的蛋白质与病毒结合,阻止病毒复制; 通过免疫细胞追击并消灭已经感染的细胞。
But because the hunt happens out at sea, it's hard to photograph and has received far lessattention than Taiji's bloody cove.
I've seen your CD somewhere, but you have to hunt it out in your room.
One bite of this and I am determined to hunt these out when I'm back in the UK.
In the summer of 1822 Leigh Hunt came out to Italy to discuss a new periodical, proposed byByron, in which Shelley was to take part.
Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick.
2、hang out
But, as a teenager, I had “better” things to do than hang out at the airport.
You refuse to hang out with someone unless they make specific plans to hang out with you.
The division assesses technological trends by sending anthropologists and sociologists to hangout in living rooms, senior care centers, and hospitals.
It was its own little city, everyone would either hang out, or go fishing, or go hunting with each other. That life is gone.
We could talk for hours. Or we could just hang out, perfectly comfortable simply being together, saying almost nothing.
For example, if you are limiting sweets, don't hang out in the bakery.
Many fashionable young people go there to shop, be seen, or just hang out.
Maybe it's your Grandma or the guy you hang out with at your job at the mall.
Sometimes it can be fun to hang out in your sweats all day, but if you’re feeling lethargic, powerless, or directionless, not getting dressed is going to make you feel worse.
Or we could just hang out, perfectly comfortable simply being together, saying almost nothing.


(1)hangout n.(流氓)住所,巢穴;比如:

By the time he was sixteen, Malcolm already knew most of London's teenage hangouts. 


(2)hang out释义:伸出; <非正>居住;  晾晒(洗好的衣物); (infml) (呆在某处,或与某人呆在一起)闲逛。比如:

I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my washing out. 


I often used to hang out in supermarkets... 



hang out(英 [hæŋ aut]  美 [hæŋ aʊt])有“伸出”、与某人呆在一起闲逛的动词性质,hangout(英 ['hæŋaʊt]  美 [ˈhæŋˌaʊt]) 只有名词性质。hang out后面加with someone 表示跟某人在玩耍



(1) 一般来说,hang out后面加with someone 表示跟某人在玩耍。但有时候out会被省略。

“Hey, John. It’s nice to see you again.”

“And you. We must hang out sometime.”

“I would love that. I’ll call you soon.”




语言点:We must hang out sometime。可以用于好久不见的朋友,表示要重聚的想法。

(2) 而如果问别人他们在干嘛?对方说 "hanging out" 则表示他们有空,并没有做什么特别的事情。

“Hi Simon, what are you doing?”

“Nothing much, just hanging out with Sally.” 

“嘿 Siman, 在干嘛呢?”



金山词霸-hang out


hangout跟hang out的 区别在于:前者是名词,后者是动词性词组。

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hang out和go hang的区别 -
顾钱诺易:[答案] hang out 是出去闲逛 形象的联想就是把自己弄到外面去吹吹风晒晒太阳 go hang是关心不再 go表示变成...的样子 词组联系起来就是被闲置的状态.

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hang out 和 hang about 的区别 -
顾钱诺易:[答案] 最常用的是挂出来的意思,一般有时候阅读理解考一个偏的就喜欢考居住的意思 1.居住 He hangs out in an old house. 他住在一栋旧房子里. 2.挂出;伸出 They hung out the flags. 他们挂出了旗帜.

阿勒泰地区17728133140: play with与hang out的区别 -
顾钱诺易: play with与hang out的区别如下: 1、释义不同. play with意为:同…一起玩;玩弄…;(不太认真地)考虑;逗 hang out意为:挂出;闲逛;出去玩 2、侧重点不同. play比较适合小孩子表达“玩耍”,或是“跟宠物玩”.如果是小孩子,"...

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hang out 和hang about表示闲逛时的区别 -
顾钱诺易:[答案] hang out 更侧重于跟朋友出去玩的意思 hang about 则相对更集中于闲逛,徘徊的意思哈

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hung out和hang out的区别是什么? -
顾钱诺易: hung是hang的过去式,在意思上没有区别,都表示伸出的意思,只是时态不同.hung out音标:英 [hʌŋ aut] 美 [hʌŋ aʊt] hang out 音标:英 [hæŋ aut] 美 [hæŋ aʊt] 关于hang的词组:hang around 闲荡:悠闲地消磨时间;闲荡.陪伴:和某人在一起;厮混 hang back 变为不情愿;退缩 hang in 坚持不懈 hang off 退缩;变为不情愿 hang on 纠缠:紧紧握住某物;坚持:坚持不放弃;坚持不懈.hang together 团结一致;紧密团结 hang up 悬吊:在钩子上或衣架上挂起

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hang out 和hang 的用法 -
顾钱诺易: hang 悬挂 I hung my coat (up) on a hook.我把外套挂在挂钩上.Hang your hat on the hook.把帽子挂在衣钩上.hang out 闲逛 He often hangs out in the supermarket.他经常在超市闲逛.

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hang out 和hang 的用法用在“悬挂”时怎么用用在“闲逛”时怎么用 -
顾钱诺易:[答案] hang 悬挂 I hung my coat (up) on a hook. 我把外套挂在挂钩上. Hang your hat on the hook. 把帽子挂在衣钩上. hang out 闲逛 He often hangs out in the supermarket.他经常在超市闲逛.

阿勒泰地区17728133140: hang out 和hang about都有闲逛的意思,在用法上有没有什么区别? -
顾钱诺易:[答案] hang out 更侧重于跟朋友出去玩的意思 hang about 则相对更集中于闲逛,徘徊的意思哈

阿勒泰地区17728133140: 为什么hang out是闲逛的意思?怎么引申? -
顾钱诺易: hang out 就是 spend time in a certain location or with certain people;即: 在某地或和某人消磨时光. 这个是定义或解释; 如果为了理解方便,可以这样,hang是挂,out外面,挂在外面,飘在外面,自然就是“闲”逛了~~

阿勒泰地区17728133140: 他前几年经常在这闲逛 英语怎么写…… 常常是现在时标志 前几年又是过去式标志 怎么办hang out 过去式+ed 还是hung out -
顾钱诺易:[答案] He used to hang out here. used to do 表示过去常常做某事 hang out的过去式是hung out hang的过去式是hanged的时候表示上吊

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