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China is a vast, rich resources, multi-ethnic country with a long history, each nation has its unique rich dishes. Regional cuisine in geographical environment, climate, cultural traditions, ethnic customs and other factors under the influence of development has formed after a long history. The most influential, the most representative is shandong, sichuan, guangdong, fujian, jiangsu, zhejiang, hunan, anhui, the eight kinds of known as the "eight regional cuisines". China's "eight regional cuisines" is based on a variety of cooking methods, each has its strengths.





落luo1. to settle down2. to fall behind3. to miss; to omit落la1. to leave behind2. to fall behind3. to miss; to omit

英文中的"落"(luo)可以有多种含义,具体取决于上下文。首先,"to settle down" 指的是一种安定或静止的状态,比如一个人在一个新的地方安顿下来或一个项目进入了稳定阶段。其次,"to fall behind" 引申为落后,无论是进度落后还是在竞争中落后,都表达了滞后或不足的情况。再者,"to miss; to ...

英文翻译:net income;surplus; fall;drop


落叶的英语翻译 落叶用英语怎么说
defoliationn.落叶;去叶;采叶fallen leaves落叶[植]deciduous leaf落叶defoliatev.(使)落叶 花园里,七叶树已经落叶了。In the garden, the leaves of the horse chestnut had already fallen

Leaves fall 或Leaves are falling.如果是落叶则为fallen leaves

跌落的英语翻译 跌落用英语怎么说
跌落 [词典] drop; fall; decline; [经] sink; depreciation;[例句]降落伞突然瘪了,他从300英尺的高空跌落到地面。He plunged 300ft to the ground when his parachute collapsed

落在 用英语怎么翻译
fall on + 日期,地点,fall用作动词。eg: Valentine's Day falls on February 14th.He fell on the playground.fall in + 温度、价格、成绩等(in后加某方面),fall多作名词。eg:There is a fall in temperature.词组:fall in love with sb.等 ...

fallen leaves是落在地上的叶子。想表示叶子在空中飘荡该用falling leaves falling leaves 网络 落叶; 落叶归根; 正在飘落的叶子; 正在飘落的树叶; 正在下落的叶子;[例句]He is playing with the falling leaves.他在和落叶玩耍。

the leaves fall from the tree.(落叶是大自然的常态,应该使用fall的一般现在式,就是它本身。)

兰考县18090598576: 段落的英语翻译 -
壤炭爱纳: Yimiyangguang is a story, Yulong Snow Mountain year-round misty, autumnal equinox season there will be only one meter a year-long sunshine down, the legend is that people will be able to shine Yimiyangguang a beautiful love. Means to hold ...

兰考县18090598576: 英语段落翻译 -
壤炭爱纳: 1.I saw an article about the gynecological specialist named LinQiaoYa.2.The inefficiency of food will lead to a morbid manner and then the diseases3.This discoveries make the farmers and consumers start focusing on the organic agriculture4.we ...

兰考县18090598576: 翻译英文段落 -
壤炭爱纳: All three of us in our family like eating fruits very much. My mother likes eating apple, I also like eating it. My father likes eating orange. We all like eating vegetables.My mother likes eating carrot,I like eating potato , father likes spinach.Mother doesn't ...

兰考县18090598576: 英语段落翻译 -
壤炭爱纳: In the thirteenth Shanghai International Automotive Industry Exhibition, the automobile manufacturers in the expo display their latest products,these worlds amazing products will represent the trend of automotive design within the next few years. We ...

兰考县18090598576: 翻译英语段落 -
壤炭爱纳: 汤姆是一个小男孩,他才仅仅七岁.一次,他去了电影院.这是他第一次去.他买了一张票然后进去了.但是大约两三分钟他又出来了,买了第二章票又进去了.过了几分钟他又出来又买了张票.两三分钟又过去了,他又出来又买了一张票.一个女孩问他,“你买这么多票干嘛,你看见了多少朋友?”“不,我朋友没在这.但是一个很高大的女人总是在门那里阻止我,并切碎我的票

兰考县18090598576: 英语翻译段落1.i'm writing to thank you for those two wonderful days in Beijing.I will always remember this visit.Before i arrived,i was a little anxious.i didn't know ... -
壤炭爱纳:[答案] 段落1:我写这封信,是为了表达对北京两天的盛情招待的谢意.我会永远记住这次行程.去之前我有点紧张,我不知道有什么值得期待的事情.但是我本没有担心的必要.你给予我非常热情的欢迎另我很快就有了在家的感觉.我永远不...

兰考县18090598576: 英语段落在线翻译 -
壤炭爱纳: 当我告诉她的时候 ,她是安静了一会儿.刚开始,她并没有相信我.“但是妈妈, Michlle 完全知道我的照片中有什么 !”Kalya 坚持.况且我有权利认我的孩子因为当 Michlle 听了 Kayla的自傲在她的工作.

兰考县18090598576: 英语段落,英语翻译,高手大神求翻译,希望通顺完美些加分.I know that she is hurt.And oppressed but won't show it.And if a tear falls from her,Then the hurt ... -
壤炭爱纳:[答案] I know that she is hurt. 我知道她受到了伤害 And oppressed but won't show it. 感到压抑,只是没有表现出来 And if a tear falls from her, 即使是她哭出来 Then the hurt hasn't died. 也不能治愈这种伤痛 Tell me if I should make up with her. 如果需要我和...

兰考县18090598576: 翻译英语段落
壤炭爱纳: Philadelphia,USA which place is my best love.there is a common town. It is so quite, and very nice to life.And there people are very kind.They often help people,but never wish other give their prize .they are very fun,every weekend, people take part in ...

兰考县18090598576: 段落英语翻译 -
壤炭爱纳: The interviewer is good, I call XXX, live in Tianjin City Hedong District of Zhongshan Gate, is now the senior accounting Tianjin foreign language university. I made the accounting qualification certificate, through the computer two C language and ...

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