
作者&投稿:琦倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. In memory of Qu Yuan. On this day, people eat rice dumplings, dragon boat in order to celebrate the festival. The state has also developed a statutory holidays, in order to improve the national attention to the China traditional festival, the Dragon Boat Festival is handed down from the ancestors holiday, we should pay attention to cultural heritage. On the day of the festival every packet dumplings, some places will be dragon boat, put the dumplings into the river to commemorate Qu Yuan. It is really a meaningful Chinese traditional festivals!

The dragon boat festival is a traditional chinese fastival.We hold the festival to remember the great poet Qu Yuan.He was a loyal minister of Chu,and ended his life in Miluo river after his country been destroyed by the enemy.   During dragon boat festival,we eat zongzi,which is a special dumpling made of rice and have some sweet stuffing in it.In many provinces,there would be a boating race,and many people would insert Amy on the door,in order to exorcise evil spirits and blessing for peace.Many children would wear a kind of special hand catenary,it made of five colors of cotton lines.It is believed that it can help the chilren become healther.

About the Dragon Boat Festival custom.
1. Lunar month, Chinese Boat Festival boat races are customs.
农历五月, 汉族的端午节有龙舟竞渡的习俗.

2. Dragon Boat Festival is In memory of Quyuan, and we row dragon boats in that day.
为了纪念屈原, 我们有在端午节中午划龙舟的习俗.

3. There is the customs of eating Zongzi and racing dragon - boat on that day.

关于一篇端午节的英语作文 Dragon Boat Festival is my favourite festival.During the holiday of Dragon Boat Festival,I got together with my family to have a big meal.We ofen ate the zongzi.It tasted very nice.And we saw the Dragon Boat Races.I felt excited because the race was bustling wit...

写作思路:围绕喜欢端午节的中心思想,结合端午节的习俗进行写作,正文:The Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite holiday, the Dragon Boat Festival during holidays.端午节是我最喜欢的节日假日期间的端午节。My family and I will have a big meal together. We often eat zongzi, which tastes ...

端午节英文介绍可在开头介绍端午节的具体由来;然后描写人们在端午节的风俗习惯,比如端午节需吃什么,做什么;最后在结尾部分对端午节做一个总结。端午节双语范文介绍如下:The Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu Festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to ...

写作思路及要点:介绍多种端午节习俗,分开写作。正文:1、Eating zongzi 吃粽子 Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival.粽子是用糯米做成...


每个人都忘记了那些不开心的事,而是记住了感激生活,希望一个更美好的未来。这就是我最喜欢的节日。猜你喜欢:1. 中国传统文化相关英语作文范文 2. 关于节日的英语作文带翻译 3. 高考节日英语作文2017年范文 4. 关于端午节的英语作文 5. 关于节日的英语短文带翻译 ...

端午节赛龙舟的寓意(英语)(50字) 赛龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。相传起源于古时楚国人因舍不得贤臣屈原投江死去,许多人划船追赶拯救。他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖时不见踪迹。之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼,以免鱼吃掉屈原的身体。 Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the fe...

写作思路:主要写出端午节的由来以及习俗。正文:The Dragon Boat Festival was originally established by ancient ancestors to worship the Dragon ancestors and pray for good fortune and evil spirits.端午节,本是上古先民创立用于拜祭龙祖、祈福辟邪的节日。It is said that Qu Yuan, a poet of ...


1、端午节英语作文 Fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also called DuanYangJie, afternoon day festival, may festival, ai festival, terminal five, midday, summer day. Although the name is different, but all around the custom of the peoples holiday is the same. The Dragon...

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岳曹瑞替:[答案] The dragon boat festival is a traditional chinese fastival.We hold the festival to remember the great poet Qu Yuan.He was a loyal minister of Chu,and ended his life in Miluo river after his country been destroyed by the enemy. During dragon boat festival,...

威远县17520494940: 英文介绍端午节短文要一篇几句话的英文介绍,介绍端午节习俗的 -
岳曹瑞替:[答案] Dragon Boat Festival,often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival,is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.It is also known as the Doub...

威远县17520494940: 关于端午节的70词的英语小短文 -
岳曹瑞替:[答案] 农历五月初五为端午节,是中国传统的节日,是纪念历史上伟大的民族诗人屈原.端午节是我国二千多年的旧习俗,每到这一天,家家户户都悬钟馗像,挂艾叶菖蒲,赛龙舟,吃粽子,饮雄黄酒,游百病,佩香囊,备牲礼. May Chu Wu for the Lunar ...

威远县17520494940: 用英语写一篇介绍端午节习俗的email,用简单句型就可以了, -
岳曹瑞替:[答案] dear XXX I'd like to tell you about something about dragon fastival,here is it, The dragon boat festival is a traditional chinese fastival.We hold the festival to remember the great poet Qu Yuan.He was a loyal minister of Chu,and ended his life in Miluo river ...

威远县17520494940: 有没有关于端午节的英语小短文 -
岳曹瑞替: 农历五月初五为端午节,是中国传统的节日,是纪念历史上伟大的民族诗人屈原.端午节是我国二千多年的旧习俗,每到这一天,家家户户都悬钟馗像,挂艾叶菖蒲,赛龙舟,吃粽子,饮雄黄酒,游百病,佩香囊,备牲礼.may chu wu for the ...

威远县17520494940: 英语作文:向外国人介绍端午节向外国人介绍端午节 包括由来,习俗,等. -
岳曹瑞替:[答案] The Dragon Boat Festival for the annual lunar may fifth day,say again DuanYangJie,afternoon day festival,WuYueJie,five days festival,elliott DuanWu,ChongWu section,summer quarter,afternoon,was origina...

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岳曹瑞替:[答案] Duanwu Festival (端午节,Duānwū Jié) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citation(引用;引证) needed] It has since been celebrated,in various ways,...

威远县17520494940: 用英语写一篇介绍端午节习俗的email,,用简单句型就可以了,,英语高手帮帮忙!! -
岳曹瑞替: dear XXXI'd like to tell you about something about dragon fastival,here is it, The dragon boat festival is a traditional chinese fastival.We hold the festival to remember the great poet Qu Yuan.He was a loyal minister of Chu,and ended his life in Miluo ...

威远县17520494940: 关于端午节的英语作文谁能帮我写一下下啊!简单介绍一下中国人过端午的一些风俗习惯,说说你自己今年的端午节是如何度过的?结合自己的感受谈谈过端... -
岳曹瑞替:[答案] 端午节英语作文(Dragon Boat Festival) 过端午节学英文--端午节的由来 Dragon Boat Festival,often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival,is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.It is also...


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