
作者&投稿:拓肯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Today, my mother took me to eat seafood.
A door, there is a conspicuous Michi Ko in the opposite. My cold sweat came out, isn't it the......Went to have a look, found that small pile of armor tile. Yes, it is in this life I know most sharpteeth armor in the freshwater inside won't be other biological break very powerful creature --crocodile.
All of a sudden I dare not move, afraid I move the crocodile dog bit me. "What are you afraid of?It is specially provided for people to eat, the rope is fixed with mouth!" Mother said. I was relieved to hear this.
I went to the crocodile pool, crocodile still dumb as a wooden chicken, only the tail leisurely and."There is several big dork!" I muttered, handle to extend the past. I touched its tail, and touch its head, and the handle to reach it before. They thought I was a piece of delicious chocolate, also forgot his own mouth is fixed, suddenly flew at me, frighten me to jump back, twinkle, I instinctively hand, it came up empty handed. The crocodile adjusted the direction, I haven't had time to get on its trend, then pounce. I'll get out of the way! It's too hard, touched the glass wall,sliding down right into the hard shell turtle, turtle shell quickly retracted. The crocodile can not display its shell breaking predation ability, had to stand the intruder.
The crocodile was "detained", showing a dull appearance, however, is still "evil fish", so it willshow it cruel bite kill animal nature. This is really a!



The crocodile is alligator eye all reptiles collectively. Usually for bodily form is huge, and the heavy reptiles, appearance and lizards slightly similar, but a slightly greater than it some, belong to carnivores. Currently accepted alligator were 23 varieties.


It is a living organism and prehistoric times like the dinosaur reptiles in the last link connection. At the same time, it is related to the existing recently of birds. A large number of all sorts of alligator fossil has been found; Four mysticetes 3 a have gone extinct. According to these extensive fossil record, may establish crocodile and the clear relationship between other vertebrates.


The crocodile is ever found alive first and most primitive reptiles, it is in the Triassic period to cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era (about two hundred million years ago) evolved by amphibians, continue today is still a half water a fierce reptiles, it and dinosaurs were contemporary animals, extinction of the dinosaurs whether environment influence, or their own reasons, are already is a fossil; The crocodile exists to prove it life of powerful.


Crocodiles are not a fish, belong to crawl worm webs, vertebrates is the only existing generations. Dinosaur It into the water can swim, the landing can climb, the body fat force big, known as the "king" of reptiles. It pulmonary breath, as the chains of amino acids, the structure of the oxygen supply oxygen storage capacity is strong, thus has the characteristics of longevity. General average life is as high as 150 years old crocodile.


The most general for up to 12 m crocodile heavy about 10 tons, but most of the species at an average of about six meters crocodile weighs about a ton of, mainly with fish, birds, the hare, frog, for food, predatory animals. Of Jaw strong and powerful, and there are many conical teeth long, short legs, a claw, four-toed webbed between toes. The tail is long and thick, with thick skin scales


The crocodile of spinal reptiles, distribution in tropical to subtropical rivers, lakes, coast. The crocodile families of a lot of, the existing crocodile class 23 kinds of the most violent temper, fierce, like to eat fish and frogs and other small animals, even bite kill livestock. The representative body crocodile-Marine crocodile, is it the crocodile orders, form a, also called Marine crocodile or sea alligator. This gnus coastal until northern Australia. The six to seven meters, and weighs about a ton of, the longest of 10 meters, is the largest surviving reptiles. Marine crocodile lives in the gulf or crossing the sea is far.


Perched on light waters, a bend in the river, and the gulf is the intersection point). Except a few crocodile lives in the temperate zone, most of the tropical and subtropical areas of the life in the rivers, lakes and much water swamp, also some live in shallow water close to shore. It face long, long mouth, there is the "king of the world than the crocodile," said. The crocodile rich ornamental value. The crocodile has also DuoZhong medicinal health care efficacy. The crocodile is also rare edible delicacies. Because of its whole body, therefore, the world treasure, some countries are actively developing the crocodile breeding.

范文:Crocodile is a carnivorous ovoid vertebrate reptile. It is the oldest reptile contemporaneous with dinosaurs more than 200 million years ago. It is also one of the most primitive animals that have survived so far. 

Crocodiles survive and multiply because of their strong vitality, and have become one of the oldest "living fossils" on the earth. Crocodiles are endangered wild animals and are listed as endangered wild animals and plants under class I protection internationally.

翻译:鳄鱼为肉食性卵生脊椎类爬行动物,是两亿多年前与恐龙同时代的最古老爬行动物,也是迄今生存着的最原始动物之一。 鳄鱼因强盛的生命力而生存和繁衍,成为地球上最古老的生物“活化石”之一。鳄鱼属于濒危野生保护动物,被国际上列为 I 类保护的濒危野生动植物。

An accurate count of annual crocodile attacks on humans is difficult to obtain. Many of the areas in which humans and large crocodiles come into contact are remote, impoverished, or in areas of political unrest. Thus, crocodile attacks are not always reported to local authorities, and some reports are difficult to verify. The most deaths in a single crocodile attack incident may have occurred during the Battle of Ramree Island, on February 19, 1945, in what is now Burma. Nine hundred soldiers of an Imperial Japanese Army unit, in an attempt to retreat from the Royal Navy and rejoin a larger battalion of the Japanese infantry, crossed through ten miles of mangrove swamps that contained Saltwater Crocodiles. Twenty Japanese soldiers were captured alive by the British, and almost five hundred are known to have escaped Ramree. Many of the remainder may have been eaten by the crocodiles, although gunfire from the British troops was undoubtedly a contributory factor. Since 1990, many people have been killed by crocodiles throughout Southeast Asia and Australia. In February 1982, an Iban village headman. On May 22, 1992, an Iban girl, Dayang anak Bayang was killed by Bujang Senang at Pelaban River, another tributary of the great Batang Lupar River near Lingga in Sri Aman Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. The killer crocodile was shot to death by several police sharpshooters and Iban hunters after a four-hour ordeal.[citation needed] It was the biggest and oldest crocodile ever caught in the area. On March, 2008, a 7 year old boy killed by crocodile attack from the river in the town of Rizal, Palawan, in the Philippines. On March 19, 2006, University of Washington medical professor Richard Root, age 68, who had moved to alleviate a shortage of physicians, was killed on a wildlife tour of the Limpopo River when a crocodile emerged from the river, grabbed Dr. Root and pulled him under. In September 2005, Russell Harris, a 37-year-old British engineer, was killed by a large saltwater crocodile while snorkeling off Picnic Beach in Australia [2]. His body was recovered. In August 2005, a 60-year-old man was dragged underwater by a crocodile in northeastern Australia. In October 2002, 23-year old German student Isobel von Jordan was killed by a saltwater crocodile in Kakadu National Park, Australia. In April 2002, 35-year-old British musician Richard Shadwell was killed by a crocodile in Borneo. Another relatively famous, or infamous, crocodile hails from the Rusizi River an

In western legends, crocodiles are not only brutal but also very crafty. When looking at people, animals, fish or some other possible prey, the crocodile will always 'cry' a few tears, as if it bemoans the state of the universe and pities the fate of humankind. But the tears are false, and only serve to lull hapless prey.



恒河鳄(食鱼鳄、长吻鳄)Gavialis gangeticus Gharial --- 短吻鳄科(鼍科)嘅英文:alligator 源自西班牙文 el lagarto,意思解蜥蜴;鳄属 (Crocodylus) 源自希腊文 krokodeilos,解作爬虫(kroko = 爬行,deilos = 蠕虫[或人类]);恒河鳄属 Gavialis源自印地语ghariyal,解作鳄鱼,「gharial」后期...

“鳄鱼”的英语是:crocodile 在英语里发音:英 ['krɒkədaɪl]     美 ['krɑːkədaɪl]详尽释义 n.(名词)鳄鱼; 鳄鱼皮革; 鳄类动物;变形 复数: crocodiles

alligator crocodile 参考例句:1.The alligator lashed its tail in the water.鳄鱼在水中迅速地摆动着尾巴 2.A saltwater crocodile lunges for the camera.一只海产鳄鱼猛冲向相机。3.These would have provided an impermeable shield over SuperCroc's neck, back, and tail 这些鳞甲覆盖在鳄鱼脖子...

下面来学习一下吧鳄鱼英语单词1crocodile 鳄鱼英语单词2alligator短吻鳄鳄鱼的英语;“鳄鱼”的英文为 crocodile,音标英 #39kr#594k#601da#618l美 #39krɑk#601#39da#618lcrocodile除了鳄鱼还有别的意思,例如n鳄鱼皮革 n英国口语尤指学生成纵队慢步行进者 n逻辑学;1鳄鱼的英语是crocodile,英 #712...

1. 鳄鱼的英文单词是alligator,英式读音[ˈælɪgeɪtə(r)],美式读音[ˈælɪˌɡetɚ]。2. 常见的与鳄鱼相关的英文短语包括:大鳄鱼(alligator)、青鳄鱼(sapphire cayman)、小鳄鱼(crocodile; schnappi)、鳄鱼岛(buaya i; pulau buaya)...

鳄鱼小顽皮 英文介绍
顽皮小鳄鱼的英文名叫: where's my water Where's My Water? is a puzzle video game developed by Creature Feep and published by Disney Mobile, a subsidiary of Disney Interactive Studios. Released for devices using Apple's iOS and Google's Androidoperating systems, the game requires ...


鳄鱼的英语:crocodile 读音:英 ['krɒkədaɪl] 美 ['krɑːkədaɪl]词汇搭配:1、crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲 2、Crocodile Hunter 鳄鱼猎人 3、crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮 ; 鳄鱼皮革 4、Crocodile Teeth 鳄鱼牙齿 相关例句:1、The crocodile was ...

急 鳄鱼的英文
【物种名称】鳄鱼【拉丁学名】Crocodylus siamensis【英文名称】Siamese crocodile 【科属分类】真核域 动物界 Fauna 、脊索动物门 Chordata、脊椎动物亚门 Vertebrata 、爬行纲 Repitilia、初龙下纲、鳄型总目、鳄目 Crocodylia→下属三科:鼍科 Alligatoridae、鳄科Crocodylidae、长吻鳄科Gavialidae。注:...


崇阳县17756253166: 英语作文:鳄鱼鳄鱼鳄鱼是迄今发现活着的最早和最原始的动物之一,它和恐龙是同时代的动物,鳄鱼最大体长达14米重近11吨.有许多锥形齿,腿短,有爪... -
戚姜瑞能:[答案] Crocodiles are ever discovered one of the earliest and most primitive animals alive, it is contemporary animals and dinosaurs, the crocodile in nearly 11 tons of 14 meters long. There are a lot of con...

崇阳县17756253166: 英语作文写鳄鱼6句话怎么写 -
戚姜瑞能: In western legends,crocodiles are not only brutal but also very crafty.When looking at people,animals,fish or some other possible prey,the crocodile will always 'cry' a few tears,as if it bemoans the state of the universe and pities the fate of humankind....

崇阳县17756253166: 英语作文:鳄鱼 -
戚姜瑞能: Crocodiles are ever discovered one of the earliest and most primitive animals alive, it is contemporary animals and dinosaurs, the crocodile in nearly 11 tons of 14 meters long. There are a lot of conical teeth, short legs, a claw, webbed toes. The tail ...

崇阳县17756253166: 急求鳄鱼英语作文 -
戚姜瑞能: 今天妈妈带我去吃海鲜.一进门,就有一个很显眼的水池子在对面.我冷汗就出来了,难道那个就是……走过去一看,发现那里大大小小一堆盔甲平铺着.没错,那就是我这辈子所知道的牙齿最锋利的盔甲在淡水里头不会被其他生物弄破的十分...

崇阳县17756253166: 请给我猴子,大象,鲸,鲨鱼,鳄鱼的英语作文各一篇(50字内就够了) -
戚姜瑞能: Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea. All whales have forelimbs modified as fins, tails with horizontal flukes and nasal openings on the top the head. Blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever ...

崇阳县17756253166: 请给我猴子,大象,鲸,鲨鱼,鳄鱼的英语作文各一篇(50字内就够了)要写出它们生活在哪里,吃什么,善于什么. -
戚姜瑞能:[答案] Whale is the common name for various marine mammals of the order Cetacea.All whales have forelimbs modified as fins,tails with horizontal flukes and nasal openings on the top the head.Blue whale is th...

崇阳县17756253166: 鳄鱼的英文怎么写
戚姜瑞能: 语法标注解释 crocodile英音:['krɔkədail]美音:['krɑkə,daɪl] 名词 n. 1.【动】鳄鱼[C] 2.鳄鱼皮革[U] 3.【英】【口】成纵列慢步行进的人(尤指学生)[C]

崇阳县17756253166: 急求描述鳄鱼用不少于五句话描述一下鳄鱼的特性.用英语.急 -
戚姜瑞能:[答案] crocodile [简明英汉词典] n.鳄鱼,鳄鱼皮 crocodile [5krCkEdail] n. 鳄鱼,鳄鱼皮 crocodile croc.o.dile AHD:[kr¼k“…-dºl”] D.J.[6kr%k*7dail] K.K.[6kr$k*7da!l] n.(名词) Any of various large aquatic reptiles,chiefly of the genus Crocodylus,native to ...

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戚姜瑞能: 学名:Alligator sinensis 扬子鳄是中国唯一的鳄种.全球鳄鱼共有25种,中国只有湾鳄和扬子鳄.但是作为体型最大的鳄(10米长),湾鳄早已在几百年前灭绝了,而扬子鳄现为我国特有,也是从远古北方仅存的唯一分布在温带的孑遗种类....

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