谁知道用difficulties怎么造句 normal怎么造句

作者&投稿:佴幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Life has returned to normal.

A group of people went camping.
The internet function on this phone has been disabled.
There is no difference between those two tests.
Imagine if you had a million dollars.
The normal weather of summer is quite hot in this region.
There are many difficulties in completing this task.
We require a high amount of training for this job.
Treat others with kindness.

The difficulties are all in your imagination


difficunlt什么意思? 急~~~ 快点
你打错了,是 difficult 最基本的意思 困难的;不随和的;执拗的 下面是详细解释 difficult ['difikəlt]adj.1. 难的,困难的,艰难的,难做的,难制的,费劲的,费力的,麻烦的,需要花工夫或技术才能完成的,不是轻而易举的 2. 难懂的,难解的,难以理解(或解决)的,深奥的,复杂艰涩...

比较级:more difficult 望采纳,谢谢。

n.困难( difficulty的名词复数 ); 难度; 难事; 麻烦;

The question is not easy.It's very ___. A:diffic
A 理由:句号前后为同义句,前一句说“不太容易”,则后一句的意思是“非常困难”,说道困难,只有A项符合,因为easy是形容词,则空格处也需是形容词,即difficult

你想问的是difficult吗? 困难的意思,和hard是近义词,但是比hard正式。和hard不一样的地方是表示更困难时,difficult后面不能直接加-er,得用more difficult。

trouble : 既可数的,又是不可数, [U][C]difficulty : 难事,难处,难题 :可数 困难,艰难 :不可数 还是看情况而定..

求解答过程:With a lot of diffic

I have difficnlty expressing in english ,I think you know what I...
我在表达英语方面很困难,我觉得你知道我指的是什么 O(∩_∩)O~

I find it diffichlt to remember everything (改为复合句)
I find that it is diffichlt to remember everything .祝你开心。

这道题怎么做:With a lot of diffic

班玛县17064001132: 用名词difficulties简单造句 -
生晴里亚: there are many difficulties between i and my sisiter

班玛县17064001132: difficulties怎么读 -
生晴里亚: diffculty ['dɪfə,kʌltɪ]【复数】 difficulties

班玛县17064001132: 语法填空,用适当形式,应填什么with some - -----(difficult) -
生晴里亚: difficulties '困难',名词复数

班玛县17064001132: 有一些困难用英语怎么说 -
生晴里亚: have problem/trouble (in) doing sth have problem/trouble with sth 做什么事很困难. have some troubles/difficulties 有一些困难(麻烦)

班玛县17064001132: 在英语学习中我在什么什么方面有困难用英语怎么说 列举几个例 -
生晴里亚: I have difficulty in English listening. 我在英语听力方面有困难.I have difficulty in English writing. 我在英语写作方面有困难.I have difficulty in English reading. 我在英语阅读方面有困难.谢谢采纳~~

班玛县17064001132: have difficulties to do 还是Have difficulty to do. -
生晴里亚: 楼上说的很对,have difficulty 后面要用动词的 ing 形式,而不能用不定式.这是讲英语的思维方式.但是,这就给那些喜欢用语法分析句子结构的人出了一个难题.difficulty 后面怎么能跟一个现在分词短语呢?这个动作并不是 difficulty 发出的啊...

班玛县17064001132: 谁能告诉我“用微笑面对一切”用英语怎么说啊!急~~~ -
生晴里亚: Because No matter what difficulties , I wanna face all with smile .

班玛县17064001132: I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.为什么不用difficulties? -
生晴里亚: 此句中,difficulty作不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词也不能改为复数形式,这里笼统地指困难,费力. 此外difficulty指具体的难事时,是可数名词,才用复数形式.不要以为句中有some这个单词,就认为后跟名词复数,要知道some既可以修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词希望我讲的这些,您能听的懂

班玛县17064001132: 学习难点用英语怎么读 -
生晴里亚: 学习难点在英语里面叫做Learning Difficulties,比如:Rolling the "Rs" is a learning difficulty in Spanish. 发舌尖颤音r是西班牙语学习时的一个难点.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

班玛县17064001132: “以后”用英语怎么说 -
生晴里亚: 从此以后:thereafter 三天以后:three das ago过去时 in three das三天以内/前,将来时 以后……:from now on 例句与用法:1. 那人说从今以后他要努力工作了.The man said that he would work hard from now on.2. 从今以后,我跟他一刀两断....

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