
作者&投稿:于胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Free Loop - Daniel Powter

May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight
May we sing and dance till we lose our minds
We are only young if we seize the night
Tonight we own the night

Tonight we own the night

La la la la la
La la la la la ...

When my time is over, lying in my grave

Written on my tombstone, I want it to say
This man was a legend, a legend of his time
When he was at a party, the party never died
Hey, Everybody's got a dream so what do you say
Are we making history?
May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight
May we sing and dance till we lose our minds
We are only young if we seize the night
Tonight we own the night

Tonight we own the night

La la la la la
La la la la la ...

For tonight im famous, for tonight im king
And I will be remembered, for centuries of sand

This man was a hero, a hero of the night
When he was at a party, the party never died

Hey, i'm a little drunk, but I got something to say

May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight
May we sing and dance till we lose our minds
We are only young if we seize the night

Tonight we own the night

And let us wake up in studded strangers bed
Let the drinks comes in until nothing left
And this night my friends we will not forget

Tonight we own the night

Tonight we own the night

May our hearts be full like our drinks tonight
May we sing and dance till we lose our minds
We are only young if we seize the night
Tonight we own the night

Tonight we own the night
We Own the Night - The Wanted

Free Loop - Daniel Powter
I'm a little used to calling outside your name

I won't see you tonight so I can keep from going insane

But I don't know enough I get some kinda lazy day
Hey yeah

I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name

I'll be stooped tomorrow if I don't leave as them both the same

But I don't know enough I get some kinda lazy day

Hey yeah

Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand yeah

And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright

I'm a little used to wandering outside the rain

You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same

But I don't know enough I need someone who leaves the day
Hey yeah

Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand yeah

And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright

Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand yeah

And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright

Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand yeah

And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright








张冉怡 1990年12月16日,出生于河北省石家庄市,毕业于北京舞蹈学院芭蕾舞系,中国内地女演员 张冉怡在芈月传上的定妆照 2014年,张冉怡出演个人荧幕处女作《上官婉儿》,从而正式进入演艺圈,12月出演都市情感剧《坐88路车回家》。2015年9月,出演古装爱情剧《多情江山》;11月,因在传奇剧《芈月传》...

2018年10月19日 港珠澳大桥管理局19日晚发布消息称,港珠澳大桥将于2018年10月24日上午9时正式通车。2017年5月27日 港珠澳大桥主体工程主线浇注式沥青铺装圆满完成。12月21日,港珠澳大桥主体工程车辆通行费收费标准听证会在珠海举行。2016年6月29日 港珠澳大桥主体桥梁成功合龙。2015年12月21日 ...


黄埔区15828683390: running man9月15号那一期的歌曲 -
查征欣匹: 跳舞时候的歌 第一首 fantastic baby ----bigbang 第二首 看我,贵顺 -----姜大成 bigbang 登场的歌曲 crooked ----权志龙 上车时候的歌 有话要说 --- 李胜利

黄埔区15828683390: 求计算2015年9月11到2016年6月12号中间有多少天?
查征欣匹: 2015年9月11到2015年12月31号,共:20 31=51(天)2016年1月1到2016年6月12号,共:31 29 31 30 31 12=164(天)∴2015年9月11到2016年6月12号中间有51 164=215天

黄埔区15828683390: 抖音1级到40级要刷多少人民币? -
查征欣匹: 抖音号升级到40级需要送出音浪89万,现在音浪与人民币的兑换比例为10:1,即10音浪=人民币1元,所以刷到40级需要刷人民币8.9万,数额较大,请谨慎消费.扩展资料:以下为抖音每个等级要合计花费的抖币及相应的RMB:1级:1抖币 = 0.1...

黄埔区15828683390: EXO 4月14日深圳湾体育馆 第十三届@音乐风云榜 年度盛典 电视上有直播吗? -
查征欣匹: 第十三届《音乐风云榜》年度盛典已拉开帷幕,将于4月14日在深圳南山区(深圳湾体育馆)举行.14日下午16:30,新浪娱乐将独家视频直播音乐风云榜年度盛典.音乐风云榜盛典直播地址(14号): http://live.video.sina.com.cn/room/classic

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