
作者&投稿:称狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As someone who is addicted to procrastination, the major event that takes up my weekend schedule is catch-up work.
All sorts of assignments would be cramped on my desk with little space for my other items such as water bottles, pencil-cases and laptop etc. The built-up assignments often range from art, math, science, english and all other humanlities. The date which i procrastinated from, well, days, weeks, months and even years in some case.
This as a result often causes me a lot of stress and anxiousness during the weekend and directly affects the quality of my sleep. So the lesson from that? Don't procrastinate!

However, I still haven't changed as I'm skimming through the forum right now answering english essays for some stupid dumbass who can't be bothered to do their own work!

On last Saturday, i have many things to do.i will wake up at7:00a.m.i will do my housework at morning until 10:00a.m.i will watch TV after that until 12:00a.m.i will cook my lunch and have it before12:30.p.mThen i will sleep until2:30. Then i will do my homework, i have to comeplete it before4:30, because i promise my friend to go to paly tennis at4:35. i will go home at 6:30p.m. Then i will have dinner with my parents.After that i will play computer games until 8:30p.m.Then i will take bath. After that i will go to sleep .

Last week, on Saturday morning, I cleaned my room, it was very dirty, but now is very clean, so because of this I feel happy. In the afternoon, I went to the library, I read a book about Chinese history. We want to learn, make persistent efforts. On Sunday morning, I went to the uncle, and brother play together for a long time, I am very happy. In the afternoon, I watched a movie about aliens. I have such a happy weekend! Next weekend, I want to go to a classmate home

别全按英语的语言顺序翻得不像中国话就行了~" g+ T5 c! _) Y' X3 b\/ O* ]( X写作的话关键是时间太紧了0 c#a" ]3 G" k3 Y背一些万能句子句式很有用 k+|5 w4 p% ^+ o或者是背一些名人名言$ Z+g# {) K2 R8 H8 B6 B! d再要不就背一些看起来很复杂的句子结构6 N3 w1 e7 r9 E'...


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