
作者&投稿:汤须 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
2道 英语单选 谢谢!~

1.选B marry是及物动词vt.后面不能接with,to之类的介词,另外这句话的意思是那个女孩在她妈妈的意愿下嫁给了一个医生,虽然看起来这句话是女孩是被迫嫁的,但是marry没有被动语态所以D也不能选
2.选C 应该用过去完成时,这句话的意思是由于那场骗局/恶作剧,截止昨天早上,该国家所有的糖都被卖光了,这题关键是看这个标致 by the end of yesterday morning

我还行吧 好好学习啊 fighting

He was so nervous that his stomach was in a ______
A.tornado B.tempest C.tenacious D.turmoil
选D,A.tornado 龙卷风 B.tempest暴风雨 C.tenacious顽固的 D.turmoil 混乱

Although we do not want you to leave the firm, there is nothing we can do to_____
A.resist B.hinder C.prevent D.allow
选B,A.resist 抵制 B.hinder 阻挡 C.prevent防止 D.allow允许


1 C 2 A

1.D be in office 当权,在职 总统, 总统前要加the 2.C in the hope of 怀着希望……in hopes of 希望着……in the hope that 希望……意思都是一样的,关键看后面理解,hope和wish的区别,wish表示心里的愿望,期望,hope希望,主要是主观的感觉。

句意也会相应该发生改变,没有比较的含义,只有对比的含义.rather than 意思为"是...而非..."2,C,主要是考这个by the time,在这时候,在这个时间,强调这个时间点.这个时态标志用于一般用现在完成时,过去完成时,用于主从句形式.具体要根据语境.这样说, 从句用过去时 主句过去完成时 从句现在时 主句...

We suggested that he (should) say sorry to his parents. 省略了should的用法,所以A的答案是正确的。又如:I suggest that Mary (should) spend the holiday with her mother.类似这样使用的单词,你可以查看下面这个网页:http:\/\/edu.sina.com.cn\/en\/2006-01-10\/213235500.html 第二题答案...

【1】目前句子里缺的是宾主,而that不可以做宾主代词,what可以。“strick to”是短语固定用法,意思是“坚持、执着于”【2】Keep in mind 也是短语固定用法,意思是“将注意力集中于……”,不可以拆开用,what 做宾语代词,与后面的句子"the teacher said"是同位语,后面要接正常语序的句子,而不...

11. When they arrived, the game ___D___.A. already startB. already started C. have already startedD. had already started 12. Those books ___B___ to the library next Monday.A. can return B. can be returned C. can returned D. can return to 13. I’m sorry, ...

首先,第一题,英语里面,主动和被动在语法中区分是很明确的,所以,故plant 是要被water来浇灌的,至于C和D,need doing = need to be done, 但当两个同时出现,就远D了,没理由,约定俗成的(其实在口语中根本不这么死抠语法的)第二题,see sb do 看见某人做某事的全过程,see sb ...

1.选A,分析前句:乍看ABC都行,排除D(还未下雨,当然不能用现在进行时说“正下雨”);后句:wish后用虚拟语气,题意要表达的是:我们已经出来,只是希望先前没出来,以免受雨淋。根据wish用词搭配锁定A项(与过去相反,用had+过去分词)。2..题目没上传选项指哪方面的经验,而且experience 后面...

And finally,when night at last came,the street___and only the rubbish__sadly blowing in the cooling night wind.答案A.emptied,remained 选项B.silenced,left第二个空不对 因为需要填谓语动词 否则并列句缺谓语 应该是was left 2. Jack stood there staring and he appeared ___ what I...

1.Many buildings___on both sides of the street the next year.A.will build B.were built C.are to be built D.will be built 答案:选D the next year说明是将来时,而且要用被动语态 2.I am sorry:I can't___your opinion about this question.A.argue B.share C.have D.agree ...

帮我看看两道英语单选~It is reported that___the Air Force about 0...
2while表示前后关系对比,0,帮我看看两道英语单选~It is reported that___the Air Force about 000000 a year.Really a problem,isn't it?A bird hit cost B birds hit cost C bird hits cost D bird hit costs 答案是C B 为什么不行?2.Ships must have more than one redio operator__...

宜都市17562999332: 两道英语单选题!急~~
巢堵复方: 1.B 2.D 非谓语动词的否定形式一定放在前面.invovle in doing 固定搭配

宜都市17562999332: 英语选择题 2道 急!
巢堵复方: 第一题选择B,陈述事实,句子的意思为“当我们在看电视的时候,贼爬进了我们家.” 而C项是不正确的选项,动词ing形势不是动词,不能够在句子中单独使用 第二题选择A,第一个空修饰headache,用形容词 而第二个空再修饰ill的时候,ill为动词,用副词修饰

宜都市17562999332: 几道英语简单题 十万火急单选1.The green shorts are ( )sale for 25 yuan.A for B on  C at D in2.The socks ( ) all colors are for just 2 yuanA. in B  for C on... -
巢堵复方:[答案] AABHow much are the shorts?这个很怪异,不会For...can buy ...with onlyto see...on sale

宜都市17562999332: 英语单选题2道1、the policeman was woundedin____leg,but he caught the thief by - __armA.his,the B.the,his C,the,the D.his,his2.when i got there,the bell rang - ... -
巢堵复方:[答案] C,the,the 英语里,说到身体部分,都不直接用his /my /her 等所有格,要用:动词+某人,然后加the ,再加身体部位.如句中:wounded him in_the___leg; caught the thief by _the__arm2.when i got there,the bell rang___th...

宜都市17562999332: 【急求帮忙25道英语单选】!单选题 共 25 题 1、Don't just look on the dark side._______, you are a good student. ( 4 分 ) A、Above allB、In factC、To be ... -
巢堵复方:[答案] 单选题 共 25 题 1、A、Above all 2、B、were 3、D、glanced 4、D、would not have failed 5、A ,well 6、D、value 7、A、as well as 8、B、asked 9、C、as 这不是状语从句 从句缺宾语.这是定语从句 10、C、were they 11、C、to get up 12、D、the...

宜都市17562999332: 英语单选题2道,1.Chairman Mao called on the people to() Lei fengA.learn from B.study from C.study D.learn2.Her kindness () her beauty.A.added B.added to ... -
巢堵复方:[答案] 1A固定搭配,向*学习2B增添的意思

宜都市17562999332: 英语单项选择2题 -
巢堵复方: 1 .B 水果可以在冬天很好地储存 其中句子是被动语态 所以用过去分词2.D 要与老人礼貌的说话 ①句子为被动语态 所以要用过去分词 ②有情态动词 must 后面要用动词原形 和...

宜都市17562999332: 2道英语选择题(急!!~~
巢堵复方: 1.D 宾语从句,语序为连词、主语、谓语. 2.B 表否定用don't, so表示上文所提事物

宜都市17562999332: ...programmes aimed at improving the - __ - for the poorest people in China .A.situation B.cases 为什么选B啊2.release和releave用法上有什么区别如这样一道... -
巢堵复方:[答案] 1situation可数名词应用复数 2relieve缓解(困境)release释放,放开

宜都市17562999332: 2道英语单选题
巢堵复方: 1.A 2.B plan on,打算,指望的意思. 句意:你不要指望能开车去西藏. There为首的反义疑问句要用it指代.

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