求英语学霸 初二下 (4a 4b的答案)

作者&投稿:颛肃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

so that
You should practice showing yourself.
You should talk to her and say sorry to her.
You should explain that you don't mind her phoning,but she should let you have a rest.
You should tell him you need the book so that he will return it soon.
You should communicate with them.


4a. 第一题longest. longer. 第二题 high. highest 第三题 big. 第四题 popular. popular


舞钢市13742547958: 八年级下册英语第28页4a4b答案 -
高阙安达: 4a1. so that2. although3. until4. although4b1. you should practice showing yourself.2. you should talk to her and say sorry to her.3. you should explain that you don't mind her phoning,but she should let you have a rest.4. you should tell him you need the ...

舞钢市13742547958: 八下英语书60页的4a 4b -

舞钢市13742547958: 初二英语,求4a,4b答案 
高阙安达: myself can should what's have must needn't does have doesn't has should put some medicine on the cut see a dentistexerciselie down and rest

舞钢市13742547958: 八下英语6单元44页4a 4b -
高阙安达: 4a1. As soon as2. so, that3. unless4. As soon as5. unless6. so, that4b1. helps2. has3. uses4. make5. sees6. turn7. love

舞钢市13742547958: 初二下册英语书22页 4a 4b 怎么填 -
高阙安达: 4a Ann rode her bike to the park at 11:00 last Sunday morning.At 11:10,she put her bike near the trees.While she was watching two boys swimming in the lake,a thief took her bike away at 11:15.After five minutes,she found her bike was lost.She didn't know what to do,so she called the police.

舞钢市13742547958: [急急急急!!!]仁爱版七下英语Unit6 Topic3 SectionD 4a和4b的内容 -
高阙安达: 4a 介词(依次):沿着,穿过,在街的拐角,在···的对面,在···和···之间; 强制性用语(祈使句)(从左到右依次):小心! 别在路上玩耍. 请在教室中保持安静.别迟到.4b(从左到右依次):打扰了,这附近有···吗? 是的,走到这条街的尽头,然后··· 打扰了,我怎样去···? 沿着···走然后在第一个路口左拐. 打扰了,哪条是去···的路? 对不起,我不知道,我是新来这里的. 打扰了,您能告诉我怎么去···吗? 沿着这条路一直走直到你到··· 打扰了,···在哪里? 你需要乘718路公交车. 它离这里多远? 大约离这里···公里.一字一句打的,望采纳哦···

舞钢市13742547958: 人教版八年级下册英语第一单元4a ,4b答案 -
高阙安达: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/796290ec4afe04a1b071de2a.html这个挺好,不要积分的

舞钢市13742547958: 英语八年级下册英语人教版P60,4a 4b答案! -
高阙安达: 4a2.Have you found it 3.He was already left;When did he left4.She has already seen the film 5.I have not told then yet4b loves;has;read;will be;finished;will write,has not read

舞钢市13742547958: 初二下英语单选,求英语学霸速速解答,好心人,谢谢,一定要准确 -
高阙安达: 15.B16.B17.A18.B19.A20.B21.B22.A23.B24.A25.A

舞钢市13742547958: 有没有学霸啊,初二英语,帮忙做一下谢谢 -
高阙安达: 展开全部6、B7、C8、B 二1、fourth2、coaches3、more confident4、amazing5、smoking6、to give7、called8、closely

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