
作者&投稿:桂尤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
上周我在学校做过什么有趣的事情 英语作文~

Last Weekend
I had a happy weekend last week.
On Saturday morning,I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes.In the afternoon,I cleaned three bedrooms in my house -- mine,my parents' and my brother's.
On Sunday,I played football in the park.Then I went to my grandparents' house.Grandpa played the piano!The whole family was so happy.Later,we wanted to swim.But it was too cold.
This was last weekend.
星期六早晨,我看了电视,帮母亲洗了衣服.下午,我打扫了三间卧房 -- 我的父母的、我弟弟的和我的.

Last week, on Saturday morning, I cleaned my room, it was very dirty, but now is very clean, so because of this I feel happy. In the afternoon, I went to the library, I read a book about Chinese history. We want to learn, make persistent efforts. On Sunday morning, I went to the uncle, and brother play together for a long time, I am very happy. In the afternoon, I watched a movie about aliens. I have such a happy weekend! Next weekend, I want to go to a classmate home, discuss with him. In the afternoon, I want to take a shower, good personal hygiene. I also want to go to the playground, relax. Hope I can be happy!

Last Weekend
I had a happy weekend last week.
On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house -- mine, my parents' and my brother's.
On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents' house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold.
This was last weekend.
星期六早晨,我看了电视,帮母亲洗了衣服。下午,我打扫了三间卧房 -- 我的父母的、我弟弟的和我的。


大清周年庆大内有趣开 心 。怎么组成完整的句子

上网可以干哪些有趣的事? 真的是太多太多了。。。淘宝购物。。。看娱乐新闻。。。看电影。。。看韩剧。。。和朋友聊天。。。去校内网玩。。。玩联网游戏。。。看视频。。。 坦克世界组队时都遇到过哪些有趣的事? 倒没有什么有趣的时候,大都是我看他走位不好吐槽一下,他看我走错路然后吐槽我一下。倒没...


这真是一次有趣的活动,不但锻炼了身体,还让我感到回味无穷。 一次有趣的活动作文4 我在社会实践活动里干了许多的事情。 有一次,我们五年级和四年级全体同学都去深圳市园山的基地,那里非常的大,非常的宽,只是那里有一点丑,但是那里的风景非常的美丽,也有许多新鲜的空气。我们每个班都有一个男教官和一个女老师,他...

晚会还进行游戏和抽奖环节,活跃了现场的气氛,真是一群有趣的人。其中男士天团带来罗志祥的《你干嘛》把晚会的气氛引爆,还有自创的非洲鼓表演以及三键成曲更是引人入胜,原来头马俱乐部的成员都这么有才,用藏龙卧虎来形容一点都不为过。   所有的才艺表演结束后,主持人开始进行头马十周...



十周年庆典海报-陈小春纪念海报庆10周年!十年“锡婚”变一家四口,这 ...
但是,对于真正的情侣来说,时间是不存在的,他们度过的每一天都是情人节。 陈小春在他的个人社交平台上发布了一张与妻子应采儿的照片,并庆祝了他们的结婚十周年纪念日。没想到时间过了这么久还不知道。陈和结婚10年了。 庆祝陈小春应采儿结婚10周年的海报多有趣啊! 这张海报做得很好。单看标题,感觉很有年代感。

有有趣的事情,我给你讲故事吧:洞房时新郎提出的奇怪要求 男孩和女孩终于结婚了,好久宾客们才走.两人在床上聊了好久,熄灯前,男孩一本正经的说:我可以答应你任何事,但你也必须答应我一件事.女孩柔声道:你先说来听听.男孩欲言又止.过了一会儿,男的说:你什么都可以碰,但床下的小白箱你...

宕昌县18399916464: 上周你都干了什么有趣的事英语作文带翻译40字 -
通盲文亭: Last WeekendI had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house -- mine, my parents' and my brother's.On Sunday, I played football ...

宕昌县18399916464: 用英语写一写上周做过的有趣事情 -
通盲文亭: Last week I had a lot of things to do in school. Almost every day last week, I arrived at our school at 7:30 inthe morning. I usually had an hour for self-study after arriving at school. At 8:00 am I started our classes. I had 4 classes in the morning and at ...

宕昌县18399916464: 简述你上个星期六上午你所做的两件有趣的事情,并发表感想.英语作文?? -
通盲文亭: My weekend I had a intresting weekend. Last Saturday, the weather is very hot, so, I went to the swimming pool with my good friend. It's very cool! On Sunday, I went to the library, I read an intresting book, it's relaxing. I think, my weekend is intresting. I like it very much! What about your weekend?

宕昌县18399916464: 上个周末你做了甚么有趣的事情?用英语怎样说 -
通盲文亭:[答案] 答案是: what interesting things did you do last weekend ? 手工翻译尊重劳动欢迎提问感谢采纳

宕昌县18399916464: 以 你上个星期做了什么 写一篇不少于60词的英语作文 -
通盲文亭: I Joe and I decided to take the long trip we'd always wanted across the country. We were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life. Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie. We started out in early spring from ...

宕昌县18399916464: 英语作文我的上一周干了什么60词带翻译 -
通盲文亭: 上周五,我和山姆去了动物园.8:00,我们来到了超市买了面包,火腿,饮料.出了超市,我们打算乘公共汽车.天气很好,很多人都去动物园,我们决定步行去动物园.一路上,我们互相讲故事,不知不觉就到了动物园.在动物园里,我们观...

宕昌县18399916464: 假如你是李明,你的英国笔友想知道你上周末都干了些什么,有什么有趣的或不快乐的事,80词左右, -
通盲文亭:[答案] hello,my pen pal,last sunday,i was very happy but busy,in the morning,i went to shopping with my parents,i bought many food and i bought a hat,i think the hat was very beautiful so my mother bought it...

宕昌县18399916464: 上周末做了什么英语作文(初一水平) -
通盲文亭: Last Saturday,My parents and I went to the zoo.8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages. Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus. The weather was good, a lot of people go to the zoo, we decided to walk to the zoo. ...

宕昌县18399916464: 用英语介绍一下你上周做的事情(至少五句话) -
通盲文亭: I played football with my friends I listened music I ate a fish I cleaned my room I went to my grandmother's house

宕昌县18399916464: 英文翻译(过去式):上周末你做了什么有趣的事情吗 -
通盲文亭: 上周末你做了什么有趣的事情吗What fun thing did you do last weekend ?望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

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