英语大神飘过来,,,,,,,1-2 。5-9

作者&投稿:进晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

make sentences English

1, at the back of the classroom.
2, the picture of her eyes. were half -closed
3. 我能问个问题吗?
4. these pictures are very funny.

  1. closed   fly out of

  2. the same way as

5.agree to sing

6.planned to come  stay

7.hope to raise/keep

8.not catch up

9.forgot to take

1,closed, flying out of
2,the same way that
5,agree to sing
6,planned to come, stay
7,wish to raise
8,not keep up
9,forgot to bring

雾 fog 困倦的 sleepy 光亮 light,brightness 光亮的 bright 反光的 light-reflecting 突然的 sudden 雪球 snowball 打架 fight 深的 deep 结冰的 frozen 陆地 land 激动人心的 exciting 扔,投, throw 尖叫 scream 雪人 snowman 冰 ice 到处 everywhere ...

气人, 这是初中的英语吧,我这个大学的也只能得8分。赶紧再来学霸帮我 journey 旅行 不知道 不确定 有可能是 climber 登山者 top 山顶 ourselves enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 reach 到达 不到长城非好汉 pull 拉 pull me up 把我拉上来 Finally 最终 wide 宽 长城很宽 c...

1 fog. 2 sleepy, sleepy. 3 bright, shiny. 4 bright, reflective. 5 suddenly. 6 snowball. The 7 War (frame). 8 deep. 9 frozen. 10 of the land. 11 exciting. 12 throw, throw, throw. 13 screaming exclaimed. 14 the snowman. 15 ice. 16 everywhere ...


71.keep the secret 72.knock the glass onto the ground 73.be a social worker 74.care for\/about 75.travel around the world

下载文件:|与大神JQ的日子 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:严禁附件中包含其他网站的广告0001-00181“桃子,桃子!”室长提着两壶水,大呼小叫地走进寝室。竹小桃赶紧鼠标一点,关上了腐X乐园的网页,转过头,努力装出和室长一样正直的表情。“桃子,你手机坏了?”室长...

John plans to do something meaningful for his neeighbourhood.Because he wants to help others who really need help.Mary wants to do housework at home.Because she can make parents less tired.

He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom,but he made a mistake. Then his whole house had a power cut. Another time, hewanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filledthe room with water.又一次,他是试着在将我市的灯换个亮点...

79, around sign\/indication 80 change cold

英语大神飘过来 1.air,2.bicycle,3.birds,4.buildings,5.fla
1, hills 2, birds 3, air 4, modern 5, railway 6, taxi 7, bicycle 8, buildings 9, houses 10, flats

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神飘过来,,,,,,1 - 6 -
芒颖莱阳: 1.near, nearer, the nearest

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神飘过来啊,,,,翻译英语,初二水平...雾.困倦的,瞌睡的.光亮,光泽.光亮的,反光的....
芒颖莱阳: 雾 fog 困倦的 sleepy 光亮 light,brightness 光亮的 bright 反光的 light-reflecting 突然的 sudden 雪球 snowball 打架 fight 深的 deep 结冰的 frozen 陆地 land 激动人心的 exciting 扔,投, throw 尖叫 scream 雪人 snowman 冰 ice 到处 everywhere

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神飘过来啊,,,,38 - 39...42 - 43 -
芒颖莱阳: 38.president 39. foreign 42. beauty 43 interest

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神凑过来 -
芒颖莱阳: 第一句of改成about 第二句upon改成by 第三句they改成we 第二段第一句have改成had 第二局fun改成funny 第三句only划掉 what后面加个to 第二段最后一句 choose前面少一个to careful改成carefully 最后一段about改成by

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神来,来了就采纳.... -
芒颖莱阳: 1 classroom2 schoolbag3 watch4 dictionary5 box6 brush7 under8 door9 window10 blackboard11 exercise book12 close toEnglisheraseronbetweencarto...

华亭县13470944777: 【英语大神来】汉译英,要有倒装句式,在线等 -
芒颖莱阳: 1 尽管他们很惊讶,他们还是平静下来(calm down),收拾行李.Although they were very surprised, they calmed down and packed up2. 尽管他们勇敢战斗(fight bravely) (fight, fought, fought),但是他们不可能赢.Though they fought bravely, ...

华亭县13470944777: 英语1 - 30数字怎么读求大神帮助 -
芒颖莱阳: 1是万,2是吐,3是死瑞,4是fao,5是faiwu(汉语拼音),6是c(英文c的读法)克死,7是赛文,8是A(英文A的读法)特,9是耐,10是ten(汉语拼音),11依来问,12tuail吴(汉语拼音),13色tin,14faotin,15飞甫tin,16c(英文c的读法)克死tin,17赛文tin,18A(英文A的读法)tin,19耐tin,20团忒,21团忒万,22团忒吐,23团忒思锐,24团忒fao,25 团忒faiwu(汉语拼音),26团忒c(英文c的读法)克死,27团忒赛文,28团忒A(英文A的读法)特,29团忒耐,30色忒 这是汉语式英语,具体以印表为准,不过您要是不会音标,这个可供参考

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神来,急!!! -
芒颖莱阳: 二、1. rains won't go 2. will be rainning 3.to spend 4.to share 5. not to make 三、1. what's the proper way 2. kiss each other greet 3.talk little about 4.cannot until5.polite enough to 四、1. at the first time leading them to visit 我尽力了~

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神来 -
芒颖莱阳: 一般情况下,to do 是一般将来式,是打算去做什么 ;doing 是现在进行式,是现在正在做什么,也有例外,具体情况具体分析.to do和doing 意义各不同1 stop doing/to do stop to do 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事. stop doing 停止做某事....

华亭县13470944777: 英语大神们帮帮忙? -
芒颖莱阳: 1 The key is on the desk.2 Where is my hat?3 Whare are the computer games?4 The books are in the bookcase.5 My ID card is in my schoolbag.

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