
作者&投稿:撒莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.The lowest price
In Japan our company achieve sales targets for many years and have strong relationship with many venders.
We can offer you a pleasure price even the luxury goods which may cost too much when buying yourself or other ways.Please contact us and take the consideration.
2. High technical assistance and short time delivery
Our company located in Kyoto,which is surrended by world advanced technology enterprises.we have been coperated with them for many years to provide perfect services.And the goods will be delievered allover the world within the shortest time because of its convenient logistics.
3. Rich experience for solvingmanufacturing problems
we have been supplying services for advanced manufactures for 70 years.And we have confidence on the in proposed decision,logistics transfer and quality supervision.
4. Multilingual compatible
we can communicate with Japanese,English,Chinese,Korean,Indonesia,French,German without any problem.




International Online reports:
"The showcase of Hi-sense has been upgradedin terms of class and quality this year!", said with surprise by a Germanjournalist whom I encountered. Indeed, from a small kiosk in 2009 to a majorstage covering nearly 700 square metres this year, the global celebration ofhome appliances known as the Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA-Berlin)has undoubtedly witnessed the birth, youth and maturity ofHi-sense. Therefore, Dr. Lin Lan, the Vice President of Hi-sense Group and theManaging Director of the Hi-sense International Marketing Co., Ltd., explainedwith pride, “we participated in the IFA five years ago and has been there sincethen. We were basically ignored for our small and ordinary kiosk. Now, however,more than 200 journalists came to our media conference where only 75 of themwere invited. Hi-sense is now an emerging Chinese brand that has been recognizedand accepted by many.” To construct a world-class brand and a multinational enterpriseis a dream that has never been abandoned by Hi-sense. The two major markets ofthe world, Northern America and Europe, are of outstanding importance to abrand like Hi-sense when it wanted to progress to a world famous brand from alocal brand in China. Dr. Lin Lan commented on this, “you are not a world brandif not successful in these two regions, no matter how much you sell or howpopular you are. Only when you are successful in those regions, and overseassales takes half of the group’s turnover, can we say that Hi-sense is a globalizedcompany”.


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那五彩缤纷的烟火,在我的脑海中怎么也挥之不去。于是,我就写了这篇文章。 中秋节作文 小时候在农村长大,总盼着过节。春节和中秋是家乡最受重视的两个节日。或许是因为那时候生活水平比较低,只有过节时家里才会改善一下生活;或许是一到过节就放假,总会搞一些娱乐活动,自己可以痛痛快快地玩一场;或许两者兼而有...




向阳区19423507913: 悬赏100分!寻英文高人翻译,一篇文章中译英
海垄熊胆: In our lives ther will always be some people talking themselves, say that they are beautiful enough, not smart, it will affect our mood, and even affect our lives, change the arguments of others, living in someone else's argument in the ... As long as we ...

向阳区19423507913: 100分悬赏,请用英语帮我翻译下这篇短文,请尽量避免语法错误 -
海垄熊胆: What I designed is a modernized, multi-functional and simple warehouse that can be built near a dock or a habour. It's intended to be rent to companies that need it. The warehouse can not only store various kinds of goods, but also it can do some ...

向阳区19423507913: [悬赏100] 灯火未央 -- 翻译成英文 -
海垄熊胆: 黑暗的夜,灯火微明,虽只似烛火般微弱,却已足够温暖人心.我想的是glim glinting. 首先,在修辞上,它是头韵,读起来会很顺口 其次,在意上,glim指a source of light,as a candle.有点那种微弱的感觉.glint指to produce small bright flashes of light,而且可以指人流露出强烈情感.选做动词,我觉得挺不错.希望你喜欢.

向阳区19423507913: 给我把一篇小作文翻译成英文,考试用…悬赏一百分!
海垄熊胆: 我是有道翻译的,请采纳 Dear mike hello, I saw on TV that America is popular, influenza a part schools are closed, your school have influenza a case? How are things with you? Whether you are in class? I'm worried about you! I give you ask some ...

向阳区19423507913: 100分悬赏,用英语翻译一段短文..急用
海垄熊胆: This essay tells us how the writer's music teacher treats them. That teacher is the hero in the writer's heart. In my opinion, a hero should have these qualities: Being ready to help others, not caring about troubles, not being afraid of difficulties and ...

向阳区19423507913: 急!!求元旦文章(英文)带中文翻译,满意加100悬赏!! -
海垄熊胆: Yesterday my mother asked me a question, which makes me a Joji monk - scratching their heads. She asked what I want New Year's Day gift, I said: I want to eat a lot of good food. Mom heard shook his head and says: I did not that necessary, you ...

向阳区19423507913: 100+50分悬赏,用英语翻译一段短文..急用 -
海垄熊胆: 中文意思的表达比较省略,逻辑不清.英文强调逻辑,并且需要补充中文中常常会省略的东西. ______________________________________________________________ 这篇短文告诉了我们,作者不小心迷路了,最后他成功脱困的经历. ...

向阳区19423507913: 高中英语作文,必采纳,100悬赏 甚至你回复汉语,我自己翻译 -
海垄熊胆: 开篇可以使用 with the developing of science and technology,many students choosemajor ,for example,或者是 2.As is known to all ,more and more students like to learn .....in the university.这个话题好写

向阳区19423507913: 求英语美文100字左右,有中文翻译,十篇以上,每多一篇悬赏高5,附录 -
海垄熊胆: 100字英语美文摘抄(1) Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No ...

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