
作者&投稿:正逃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、First, I wake up from my bed. Next, I walk downstairs. Then, I read the newspaper.Finally, I enjoy my breakfast.

First of all you need to study English very hard.
Secon, you need to memorize a lot of vecabularies.
At last, you need to be calm in order to get a good score in the test.

1. Please do not leave litter.请勿乱扔垃圾.2. No,Mocky. Don't litter!不,摩奇。不要乱扔垃圾!3. Don't litter, Bajie.八戒,不要乱扔垃圾。1. "As usual, Tommy forgot to make his bed before he went out to play."如往常一样,汤米又忘记在出去玩之前把床整理好。2...

英语新版教科书 第四单元单词造句,第一个单词是rule 最后一个单词是New...
我每天都做早操。我妈很少喝茶。我妹妹去购物一次或每周两次。我会上网冲浪今天晚上。你喜欢什么程序做?他们没有结果的工作。你想喝点什么吗?我们应该养成良好的习惯。我会尽我所能来帮助你。我的衣服跟你不一样。请保持安静!我现在必须去 回家。我一定要少吃肉。也许你错了。虽然我失败了,我会...

How many times is this to make English sentenses until today?

first 佛哦死特 second 赛梗的 third 嗽的 forth 佛哦死 fifth fi福死 sixth 似一客四 seventh 赛文死 eighth 诶死 nineth 耐死 tenth 特因死 eleventh 一来文死 twelfth 特为儿唔死 好难阿~~~建议还是照着一写学英语的软件上的读音读,这些仅供参考,希望能帮到你~...

我只在我书上找到了这个:(也是3篇的) 一:I like to have friengs who like to me.I'm quieter than most of the kids in my class,and my best friengs Yuan Li is quiet,too.There are some differences,though.I'm smarter than Yan Li,Sh。

Originally, because the land, cause sandstorms deforestation, afforestation.

因此,关于如何自学外语,我的第一个意见就是:若要以“五会”为目标,就必须想方设法获得或创造一定的外界条件,尤其是听外语的条件。二、 创造英语听说机会对自学英语者来说,倘还可以利用电视、广播、磁带、网络等得到一定的“听”的机会,则“说”英语的机会就更少了。在这种情况下,不妨试一试下述这些方法:(一) ...

英语的人称代词(Personal Pronoun)有三种不同的人称形式:第一人称(First Person)指说话人自己:单数I,me,my,mine;复数we,us,our,ours 第二人称(Second Person)指说话的对象:单数you,you,your,yours ;复数you,you,your,yours 第三人称(Third Person)指说话人谈论的对象:单数he,him,his,his...

1. You should give your teacher an explanation.2. you shoud learn from him\/ her. OR ; You should always help others.3. you could tell your classmates to help you find it.4. You'd bettr look for it everywhere.5. Why don't you take a walk instead?6. You should ...

I go to school by bus.I go to the park by bike.I go to the train station by car.

兴山县19760768333: 用首先第二最后造英语句子 -
乾溥切尔: First of all you need to study English very hard. Secon, you need to memorize a lot of vecabularies. At last, you need to be calm in order to get a good score in the test. 首先你要好好学英语 第二你要多背单词 最后你要放松才能在考试中取得好成绩

兴山县19760768333: 首先,其次,接下来,然后,之后,最后的英语句子 -
乾溥切尔: 英语语法1、首先:Firstly. 2、其次:Secondly. 3、接下来:following. 4、然后:then. 5、之后:after that 6、最后:at last. 写作技巧 1、审题,条理清楚.保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚.对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来说,谁干什么要清楚. 2、写主题句.主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才有可得及格分.写主题句嘴保险的方法就是把中文提纲的各句译成英语.

兴山县19760768333: 怎么用at first/last造一句英语句子 -
乾溥切尔: at first = 最初(首先,开始时) At first we used hand tools. 首先我们使用手工工具. at last = 终于,最后 Long looked for comes at last. 久久寻找,终会找到.

兴山县19760768333: 英语的"首先","其次","再次","最后"怎么说? -
乾溥切尔: 首先:initially,first of all, 其次:what's more,next in importance, 最后:finally,last but not least. 英文连接词是连接英文单词的词,如also,and等.英语有486,000个左右的单词,而连接词却只有70个左右,它们总是非常高频率的出现在各类文章...

兴山县19760768333: 写英语作文中第一、二···中用什么词? first of all,secondly ,and then,finally还是first,second -
乾溥切尔: 序数词:第一:first第二:second第三:third第四:forth第五:fifth 数字:one、two、three...... 顺序的词:首先 first of all,第二步:secondly ,然后:and then接下来next最后finally

兴山县19760768333: 英语翻译 -
乾溥切尔: at first 首先scondly 其次thirdly 第三点then 然后later 稍后finally 最后recent 近来的in the end 最后as soon as 一...就near 靠近next to 次于far from远离in the form of 以...的形式on the left...

兴山县19760768333: 用首先.然后.最后造2个句子 -
乾溥切尔: 过马路的时候,首先要向左看,然后向右看,确定安全了,最后再过马路.

兴山县19760768333: 英语怎么用第一第二第三人称造陈述句 -
乾溥切尔: I like playing the piano. You go to school by bus. She goes to school on foot. (精 锐 庆 春)

兴山县19760768333: 蛋炒饭怎么做,要用英语翻译,最好用简单的词.要按下列的步骤:1.先.2.然后.3.最后...每个句子不要太长,一两句话就可以了,步骤要用最精简的,谢了. -
乾溥切尔:[答案] 1,prepare two eggs ,some rice ,some oil ,and some seasoning . 2,pour some oil into the pan ,and then add in the rice,stir-fry for a short while 3,.break the eggs and put it in the pan ,stir-fry for a moment. 4,Add in the seasoning and mix them well,Now it is...

兴山县19760768333: 在英语句子里第1,2,3人称怎样排列 -
乾溥切尔: 首先把第二人称排在首位,表示对对方的尊重,接下来是是第三人称,为表示谦虚,往往最后才提到自己,所以排列顺序是“第二人称、第三人称、第一人称”.

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