
作者&投稿:沈胆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

那是不久以前的一天,我正绻在姥姥家的大沙发上美美地看着电视,电话铃突然不合时宜地响了起来。我懒洋洋地拿起电话,妈哈哈声音钻进我的耳朵:“你马上给我回来!”紧接着“哐”的一声电话被挂断了。我先是一懵,接着就慌了神儿,心想:听这个口气妈妈绝对是生气了,可是,她为了什么事生气呢?最近我也没犯错啊!不管怎么琢磨,我还是乖乖地跑下楼奔向回家的方向。 就这样,我带着满心的疑惑和忐忑按响了家的门铃。妈妈用她特有的零下100摄氏度的眼神盯着我,指了指屋门,示意我进屋。我蹑手蹑脚从妈妈身边溜进自己的小屋,只见书桌上整齐的摆着几张揉皱又被抚平的纸条。
妈妈对孩子的关爱就是对我们报以最大限度的包容,就是在你任性的时候为你着急生气,却在第二天清晨送给你最阳光的微笑。就是在你青春懵懂的青涩躁动中焦虑不安,却在午夜十分为你守候的慈祥笑容。 关爱,是可以化解一切的人间挚爱。

How to improve oral English Nowadays there are more and more people who learn English. And how to improve oral English is a question raised in many English learners. Different people have different opinions on this matter. In my mind, there are three steps to figure it out. First and foremost, you should have the determination to study oral English and the confidence to master it, which can make you practice oral English with zeal and pride. Secondly, you ought to find a oral English test with tapes, so you can correct your pronunciation. Besides you are able to pratice oral English whenever you want. Last but not least, you have to blurt out whatever you can speak to practice your Enlish, no matter whether you are in English corner or come across a foreigner on ther road. You can use every possible means to use Enlish orally.If you can do all the things as I just mentioned, I believe you can make it in the end.


I'm a high school student now. I am weak in spoken English However, it important for us to speak fluent English. For one thing, fluent speaking ability is badly needed in today’s society, a society that is experiencing reform and wider opening to the outside world.

For another, in a more competitive society such as ours today, spoken English usually becomes that ounce more advantage you have to beat your rivals in competing for a position having much appeal for both of you.

And the I plan to improve my oral English as following: Firstly, I will spend 40 minutes remembering words every day. Secondly, after school, I will listen to the English tapes and read some English writings every day.Thirdly, I must talk with classmates in English. On Sundays, I will learn English on the Internet.

This is my plan. I am sure that constant practice will help me to succeed.






In English study, we have been concentrated too much on writing, listening, reading. However, when it comes to speaking, few people emphasize much importance to it. According to me, spoken English is an very important part of our English study.
First of all, with the globalization of the economy, spoken English becomes more and more important. We main reason we learn English in order to use it. So we can communicate with the foreigners, do business with them. The international organizations need people who have a good command of spoken English.
In addition, good spoken English is the guarantee of developing international friends. Many schools have exchange programs, if you can speak English well, you will have more chance.
Last but not the least, language is an important way to get to the local culture. Only you master the language, can you be able to get to know the local people and find more about the culture.
With the globalization, it is high time for us to improve our oral English to meet the challenge.


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