
作者&投稿:大狐艳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My Weekend
Last weekend, my parents and I went to the seaside. It was sunny that day, so when we saw the clear blue sea, we were too amazed to say a word. We spent all day swimming there and after the sunset, we barbecued on the shore.It was really wonderful. On the way home, we all felt happy and excited.
On vacation,I went to the beach.There was sun,sand and sea.It made me feel exciting.I had great fun swimming in the sea.I also went to the mountain.It was interesting to climb the mountain.I was tired,but I was happy.What about you?

This summer vacation, I went to tokyo.
It was a very great city!
We went to the Great Wall first.Like its name,it was very great.We can see many mountians around.
Then we went to visit Tian'an Men Square.It was also fantastic.
We lived in a small house in a Hutung, it was a traditional tokyo building called 'four-section compound'.
I enjoyed myself a lot

I Am Going to Hong Kong for My Vacation
This summer,for my vacation,I'm going to Hong Kong with my mother.I can visit Disneyland and lots of museums.It is also a wonderful place for shopping.I have lots of things to buy,for example,I want to buy some nice clothes,school things and interesting books.What's more,I can visit my aunt who works there,I think we will have a good time in Hong Kong.

Last summer I have visited Hainan island.During the holiday I have a good time.In Hainan the best interesting things is scuba diving.In the seabed the coral reefs were very beautiful!I like it very much,and I have taken many photos by my camera.And also the scenary of Hainan is beautiful, for example"the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea."is very famous and it means "Tianya Haijiao."
And there's even a deer park,in the park we can see mang kinds of deer.The deer are very lovely,I like it very much.In conclusion,I have interested in my last vacation.

I had a good time in the last vacation.
Last Sunday,I went to a farm in my father's car.On the way we saw beautiful sights.After an hour we got to the farm.There we talked with some farmers to learn about the farming.There are many animals like horses and cows on the farm.I fed chickens .My brother Tony rode a horse.My parents helped the farmers work in the field.At about five o'clock,tired but happy ,we got home.

1. 暑假去庐山旅游的作文,400字左右,写真情实感,还要写感受和体会 庐山云雾,不单婀娜多姿、妙趣横生,有时当你兴致勃勃尽情赏景时,忽地一阵云雾不知从何处升腾起来,迅疾拉开一张巨大的幕布,变魔术般把美景全然遮住。而就在你为此而惋惜,甚至哀怨时,一阵清风刮过,又是江天一览、美景再现。当然,也有一些时候,...

周末和同学一起去骑乡下度假的英语作文 要100字左右
Last weekend,my friends and I spent a meaningful holiday.In order to understand the rural life style,and to feel the beauty of nature.Saturday morning,we get up early,after breakfast,We are riding a bicycle,to the countryside.Along the way,we appreciate the different scenery.The ...

下面是我帮大家整理的一次旅行作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 一次旅行作文1 咚咚咚,有人敲门。原来是奶奶的朋友来送我们几张雅戈尔动物的门票。仔细一看,当天到期。妈妈立刻提议我们十分钟后出发去动物园玩一天吧。全家人迅速投票表决,全票通过。那就说走就走,出发! 一路上我们欢声笑语,不一会就到了雅戈尔...

一篇关于旅行的感悟的作文(大全13篇)【篇六】   我们是爱旅游的一家子,爸爸妈妈时常对我说,读万卷书不如行万里路,用双脚去丈量异国他乡的每一寸土地,才能得到最真切的感受。   每到暑假,我们都会安排一趟远行,前不久,我们一起去了马尔代夫度假,那是一个好像人间仙境的小岛。一上岛,蓝天白云、椰林树...

通过62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333335336465环境描写人的作文作文中的环境描写 一切景语皆情语,在记叙文、散文的写作中,环境描写是不可少的。 环境描写可以渲染气氛,可以衬托人物、可以推动故事情节的发展。如果在文章的开头先进行一段简洁的环境描写,既可以为文章提供一个特定的背景,又能使文章形成一种特殊的...


我们的最后一站是牛郎岗海滨度假区。我先脱下鞋子和海滩来一次零间隔接触,听着海浪拍打海岸的声音,真爽!冲完海浪我就去捡贝壳,可是贝壳全是破的,让我很绝望,但我的一串串足迹留在了沙滩上,很美! 今天,我玩得十分开心,在回来的路上我还美美地睡了一觉呢! 四年级游记作文5 “到了没有呀,怎么要这么久?”...

旅游景点作文400字 篇5 以“惊、险、奇”著称于世的司马台长城,位于密云县古北口镇境内,距北京市区120公里,是我国惟一保留明代原貌的古建筑遗址。它南靠白龙潭风景区,西邻金山岭长城,东靠云岫谷游猎区,是集旅游观光、科教、探险、温泉疗养、休闲度假为一体的旅游佳地。 司马台长城全长19公里,敌楼35座,始建于明洪...

海边游记初三作文600字篇5 我的家乡威海,是个清新的海滨城市,这里风景优美、物产丰富,是一个好地方! 家乡有许多风景优美的地方。你看,现在我们来到了海水浴场,海水浴场是旅游度假、避暑疗养的好地方,这里的海水清澈见底,在阳光的照射下,像一颗大大的闪闪发光的蓝宝石。海水凉丝丝的,让烦热的人们跳进海里,洗个舒爽...

北京旅游攻略英语作业,英语作文 寒假期间你去北京旅游了请根据以下提...
1、2月10日你们一家乘火车去京旅游 2、你们参观了天安门、长城、北京大学 3、北京有很多美味的小吃,如麻花,北京烤鸭,油茶等 4、五天的旅行结束了,但你依然回味无穷。2、八年级上册英语第一单元关于去北京度假的作文 1) It’s our duty to save water(节约水是我们每个人的责任。) As we ...

安西县19854033618: 英语作文 度假请你用英语写一篇度假作文,内容包括时间,地点,活动[不少于两件},天气,心情等,用词50个左右, -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] My WeekendLast weekend,my parents and I went to the seaside.It was sunny that day,so when we saw the clear blue sea,we were too amazed to say a word.We spent all day swimming there and after the sunse...

安西县19854033618: 2篇关于度假的英语作文.作文要围绕Where did you go?what food did you eat?did you go with anyone?how was the weather?what did you like best?what did you ... -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] My vacation was great.I went to Guilin with my family last week.We went there by train. We stayed there for five days.We saw beautiful green hills,clear water and special caves.We went boating in Guilin.It was exciting.We had some delicious special food....

安西县19854033618: 求写一篇关于度假的英语小作文 -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] 百度 谁有关于上海度假的英语小作文, 2011-01-01 | 分享 10分钟内有问必答前往下载 满意回答 Shanghai, Hu for short, is situated on the estuary of Yangtze River of China. It is the largest industrial city in China. Covering an area of 5,800 square ...

安西县19854033618: 英语度假作文 -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] Last summer I have visited Hainan island.During the holiday I have a good time.In Hainan the best interesting things is scuba diving.In the seabed the coral reefs were very beautiful!I like it very much,and I have taken many photos by my camera.And also ...

安西县19854033618: 关于度假的英语作文 -
锺肩膦甲: I Am Going to Hong Kong for My Vacation This summer,for my vacation,I'm going to Hong Kong with my mother.I can visit Disneyland and lots of museums.It is also a wonderful place for shopping.I have lots of things to buy,for example,I want to buy ...

安西县19854033618: 急需一篇有关度假的英语作文 大约在80词左右 急用.是在度假的过程中给一位朋友写信 要写明是和谁一起去的 什么时候去的 什么时候回来 去的哪 这几天都干... -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] Hey Michelle, I am writing to share my joyful travel experience with you. Currently I am on vocation in Sydney with Jack. We have been here for five days now, and will be back in Beijing on the 28th of March, so I will be catching up with you then. Sydney is ...

安西县19854033618: 关于一篇去度假的英语作文(80词左右)我需要这篇作文.记住要以初二学生的水平写哦. -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] It was a fine day! I went to several places of interest such as the Great Wall and Tiananmen square.I was amazed by China's ... later practiced speaking English with me. China has left me a wonderful impression and I look forward to come back here for ...

安西县19854033618: 写一个关于度假的英语作文(10句以上) -
锺肩膦甲: Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an ...

安西县19854033618: 关于去哪里度假的一篇英语作文带翻译 -
锺肩膦甲:[答案] It was a fine day! I went to several places of interest such as the Great Wall and Tiananmen square.I was amazed by China's historical background and the industrious Chinese people who built the Great...

安西县19854033618: 关于度假生活的英语作文80词(带翻译九年级) -
锺肩膦甲: Last weekend,my friends and I spent a meaningful holiday. In order to understand the rural life style,and to feel the beauty of nature.Saturday morning,we get up early,after breakfast,We are riding a bicycle,to the countryside.Along the way,we ...

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