
作者&投稿:辟仇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


do your friends usually help you learn english?

从2000年到2004和2005有14百分之和百分之27种respectively.Such增长的benn含义增长的2003,while以一种稳定的率坚持不懈日益增长RMB121.5十亿点以百分之27种YoY没有increase.Retail销售的一种巨大的增长率被站的整个的零售销售应归因于lcal popuation还有改进诸如在Shapingba的三峡广场的零售区域的增加的收入转移,当2004和2005有14百分之和百分之27种respectively.Such增长的benn含义增长时应归因于lcal popuation还有改进诸如在Shapingba的三峡广场的零售区域的增加的收入转移,已作为目击承受百分之41用2005一年的孤独的增长


1215亿人民币的总零售额,27%的巨额增长,从2000年到2003年,零售业已经在一个稳定的水平上持续增长,而2004年和2005年更是分别显著增长了14%和27%。这样的增长归功于当地人口不断增长的收入和零售领域水平的提升,比如在Shapingba区的Three Gorges广场,2005年其见证了41%的独立增长。



我有个朋友,他英语成绩非常好想找一家翻译的兼职公司 去哪找?_百度知 ...

中文部分:现在的天气感觉套上外套有点热,脱掉外套有点冷。上课的时候对小组没有帮助,却没有被小组忽略。在学Java的时候却对php产生了兴趣。你的翻译:1. Now the weather made me feel a little dilemma, I would feel a little hot if I dress the coat and would feel a little cold if ...

study in your school?Are the most of lessons taught in individual or pubilc?4.Is there any chances that you can perform?Whether there is an opportunity to take part in some concert?5.I am much eager to have the opportunity to study in your school.恩,上班没事,帮帮你忙!

to strengthen their ability to imitate, the ability to mimic the training exercises from the beginning of the hearing. I told you some of the ways we can according to their characteristics and appropriate basis for change, I believe there will be more effective.(Google翻译,仅供参考...

Do you still remember last year the same time\/ today? It's just a normal day, however, the first time we met doom I can't let go recollection. Although I have to.

朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。( have a debt) 求翻译成英语
朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。His friends have helped him a lot and he owes them a debt of gratitude。帮忙可用Help,表示欠某人人情,表感激的意思可用owe,但后面需接宾语。翻译的句子时态应该用过去式,因为帮了他很多忙是已经发生了的事。重点词汇解释:1、help vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;...

I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭.我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她...


如果你有时间,你可以和我联系,一名翻译。我朋友的学校可以给你一个好方法。你的英语会在一个月内改善 大学英语学习是从中学英语学习的不同。在中等学校里,我们学习英语主要是为了高考,而在大学学习英语的目的是完全不同的。现在我们学习外语,以改善我们的工作能力,尤其是在未来沟通foreiguers。我们...

绥德县13356721033: 英语翻译请英文好的朋友帮助我翻译一下如下句子:(我知道我的英文翻译的很烂,但是还是请帮助我讲中文翻译成准确的英文)事实:这一整段都是谎言,... -
恭钥愈舒:[答案] In fact,the whole is complete a lie.During my work in Nancy's company,she has never told me something about salary until I asked for that two weeks later.肯定对哦,求采纳么么哒 o(∩_∩)o

绥德县13356721033: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这些话翻译成英文:1.我回到广州了.你回到美国了吗?旅行愉快(有趣)吗?你去了哪些地方玩(旅行)呢?我去了A,... -
恭钥愈舒:[答案] 1.I'm back in GuanZhou.Are you back in US yet?Is the trip fun?Where did you go?I went to A,B,and C,they are all really pretty.Please come to China again when there's a chance.GuanZhou is an old city,w...

绥德县13356721033: 请英语高手帮个忙,帮我翻译一段话,请不要出现语病哦,最好口译,谢谢!看了你的留言,我很报歉.我一直都认为我在你心中没那么重要,原来我错了.我... -
恭钥愈舒:[答案] After reading your message,i felt so sorry~i should've made such a huge mistake that i thought i was not that important in your ... 木有主语额,应该用分词~后面love you ,love you 木有这么写的,重复,总给人感觉是翻译软件翻译的

绥德县13356721033: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这个句子翻译成英文,我为一个如此大的公司在英语翻译上如此马虎感到遗憾. -
恭钥愈舒:[答案] I feel so sorry that such a big company has been so careless with the English translation .

绥德县13356721033: 请英语好的朋友帮我翻译如下的话,谢谢 -
恭钥愈舒: Dear Customer Service: Sorry to bother you. Here is my order number: . I haven't receiced any message that my order has been shipped. I would like to ask the reason. If you just have no stock in your depots, I want to cancel my order. Thank you! Best wishes! Yours, sincerely,

绥德县13356721033: 请会英语的进来帮我翻译一段话,非常感谢!
恭钥愈舒: Hi, I am so sorry, I am not good at communicating with you in English on the line, I insist on refund, and I will purchase your priducts to learn English in advance Here is the information 1. Please refund to my credit card, it's the one that I purchased ...

绥德县13356721033: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
恭钥愈舒: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

绥德县13356721033: 请各位英语达人帮我翻译一段话 谢谢!! -
恭钥愈舒: To see whether a woman self-confident, after looking at her up remover. To see whether a man self-confident, to see him after falling out of love. Look at a man's taste, depends on his socks. To see whether a woman pampered, to look at her hand. ...

绥德县13356721033: 请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译一段简单的话 -
恭钥愈舒: hello, i would like to buy your....., has it been opened or is it new? i would like to buy 5-10 of them per day. is there enough stock? can it be delivered via EMS to china? how much does 5 of them cost? what's the lowest price? for now, i would like to ...

绥德县13356721033: (高分急)请英语口语好的朋友帮忙,帮我翻译一小段对话,谢谢! -
恭钥愈舒: 1.I like pop and jazz.When I hear your song,I find your voice very beautiful,and the performance is perfect. 2.I met your music teacher before,and she said that you are excellent when she talked about you.3.I want to know what subbjects do you have ...

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