take turns to do sth.和take turns doing sth.的区别要例句

作者&投稿:皮英 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
take turns to do sth.和take turns doing sth.的区别~

区别是:take turns to do sth是现在还未发生但即将发生,take turns doing sth是已发生并将继续发生。
一般take turns to do sth 和take turns doing sth 两种用法都有。那就看强调主要是将要去做还是这件事情本身了,如Beth and Amanda are taking turns riding(强调骑马这件事)。另如We take turns to answer the phone(强调将要开始的动作)。
Dan and I usually take turns to cook. 我和丹通常轮流做饭。
The students were taking turns reading aloud. 学生正在轮流朗读。
We took turns in pushing the bike along . 我们轮流推自行车。

in turn 轮流,依次
turn off 关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向
turn into v. 变成;进入
turn on 打开,发动
turn out 生产;结果是;关掉;出动;驱逐
turn over 移交给;翻阅;把…翻过来;发动;营业额达到;反复考虑
turn left v. 向左转
turn right v. 向右转
turn around 船只留港
turn in 交上;归还;拐入;告发;[口]上床睡觉
turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻回到
turn up 出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧
turn out to be 结果是;原来是
turn down 拒绝;向下转折
turn from 对…感到厌恶
your turn 轮到你;该你了
turn away 避开;解雇;不准…入内;走开;转过脸
turn round 转身,转向;归航;回车道;转变
turn of the century 世纪之交;19世纪与20世纪转换交替时期;19世纪末20世纪初
by turns 轮流;交替

take turns doing sth:轮流做某事,表示的是已发生并将继续发生的情形;
take turns to do sth: 轮流去做某事,现在还未发生,但即将发生。

区别是:take turns to do sth是现在还未发生但即将发生,take turns doing sth是已发生并将继续发生。

一、take turns to do sth

读音:英 [teɪk tɜːnz tu duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ]   美 [teɪk tɜːrnz tu duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ]




1.We can take turns to be the leader.


2.The nurses and doctors take turns to be on night duty.


3.Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener.


二、take turns doing sth

读音:英 [teɪk tɜːnz ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ]   美 [teɪk tɜːrnz ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ]




1.Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.


2.The two brothers take turns looking after their father.


3.We will take turns speaking, so don't all try to speak at once.



同义词:do sth in turn、rotation

一、do sth in turn

读音:英 [ˈduː ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn tɜːn]   美 [ˈduː ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn tɜːrn]


例句:There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn. 



读音:英 [rəʊˈteɪʃn]   美 [roʊˈteɪʃn] 


例句:Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.


take turns doing sth:轮流做某事,表示的是已发生并将继续发生的形。
take turns to do sth:轮流去做某事,现在还未发生,但即将发生。

take turns doing sth
1、Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.
2、The two brothers take turns looking after their father.
3、We will take turns speaking, so don't all try to speak at once.

take turns to do sth
1、We can take turns to be the leader.
2、The nurses and doctors take turns to be on night duty.
3、Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener. First, take turns to listen.

to do强调客观动作,轮流去做某事。(这个动作如果未发生,也可以笼统说是表示将来。)

1:take turns to do sth是现在还未发生但即将发生
2:take turns doing sth是已发生并将继续发生。

同义词one by one in order one after another

托克托县17011843954: 轮流做某事的英文是take turns doing 还是take turns to do? -
采泊法莫:[答案] 前者多些 也就是 take turns (at) doing sth 可见,其实doing sth是省去了的介词at的宾语

托克托县17011843954: take turns to do 和take turns doing有什么区别 -
采泊法莫:[答案] nihao.take turns to do something 与take turns (in) doing something 在语法上没有区别,意思相同,如:My husband and I take turns to do the housework===My huaband and I take turns (in) doing the housework....

托克托县17011843954: take turns to do 还是doing -
采泊法莫: 虽然有些词典只显示 take turns to do (比如剑桥英语词典) 实际上 take turns to do 和 take turns doing 没有区别, 可以互换. 例句 We take turns doing the dishes.

托克托县17011843954: 是take turns to do还是take turns doing?哪个正确? -
采泊法莫: take turns to do sth. 轮流做什么事情e.g. They take turns to do the cleaning.take one's turn to do sth.e.g. He took his turn to speak at the conference.

托克托县17011843954: 是take turn to do还是 take turns to do? -
采泊法莫:[答案] take turns to do sth.轮流做什么事情 e.g.They take turns to do the cleaning. take one's turn to do sth. e.g.He took his turn to speak at the conference.

托克托县17011843954: take turns to do和ding的区别 -
采泊法莫:[答案] take turns doing sth是指轮流做某事,表示的是已发生并将继续发生的情形 to do sth:是轮流去做某事,现在还未发生,但即将发生.

托克托县17011843954: 轮流做某事?是take turns to do sth 还是take turn to do sth? -
采泊法莫:[答案] 既然是轮流,就不是一个人 take turns to do sth

托克托县17011843954: take turns doing sth与take turns to do sth 有什么区别?详尽 -
采泊法莫:[答案] take turns doing sth:轮流做某事,表示的是已发生并将继续发生的情形; take turns to do sth:轮流去做某事,现在还未发生,但即将发生.

托克托县17011843954: 一个英语问题take turns 的意思是轮流做某事,后面应该跟to do,还是跟doing, -
采泊法莫:[答案] take turns: 轮流 例句与用法: 1. You can't both use the bike at once you'll have to take turns. 你们不能两人同时用这辆自行车--得轮流使用. 2. Let's take turns at doing it. 让我们轮流来做吧. 3. Th...

托克托县17011843954: in turn和take turns to do sth.有什么区别 -
采泊法莫:[答案] in turn 依次;轮流,一般用来作状语,如let's do the housework in turn take turns to do 轮流做什么,是一个句型,如we take turns to do the housework

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