At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the UN Secretary General points out that,_____..

作者&投稿:弭庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
7 At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the UN Secretary General pointed out that,~

因为是 被动,所以选择过去分词,排除A B,根据语意,选D

The UN Secretary General 其中Gernetal作意思是常务,联合国安全事务专员


泽普县13669538956: at the怎么读 -
祢学抗力: /æt/ /ðə/或者/æt/ /ði/ 主要看the的读音 the在元音前读[ði],在辅音前读[ðə],而元辅音的判断不是第一个单词,而是第一个音素,或说发音. 如the United States的第一个音素是[j],半元音,按辅音读[ðə]

泽普县13669538956: At the Bank 为什么银行用at而不是in 还有哪些场所是用at的 -
祢学抗力: 因为bank是小地方,还有如airport,hospital,supermarket等均是at

泽普县13669538956: 英语选择题请问选哪个? 68.Many people who work at the United Nations can speak two or three languages with - ____. -
祢学抗力:[选项] A. easy B. easily C. ease D. free

泽普县13669538956: 7 At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the UN Secretary General pointed out that, -
祢学抗力: D因为是 被动,所以选择过去分词,排除A B,根据语意,选D

泽普县13669538956: State和Nation的区别是什么?"theUnitedNat
祢学抗力: 可以,美利坚联合国和美利坚合众国可以通用,但是由于美利坚合众国以被更多人接受,所以少用美利坚联合国.STATE是州的意思,美国有很多州,而UNITED是联合的意思,NATION是国际,国家的意思,那么,the United States (of America)就是:联合的州,习惯就叫美国(美利坚合众国),而the United Nations是:联合的国际 ,国家,所以译为中文就叫联合国了.谢谢合作

泽普县13669538956: The United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009年在哪举行 -
祢学抗力:[答案] 2009年联合国气候变化大会(英文:2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference,缩写“COP15”;2009年12月7日─12月18日)在丹麦首都哥本哈根的贝拉会议中心举行.

泽普县13669538956: ...demands by poorer nations for financial help in coping with climate change.United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki - moon called on delegates at the United ... -
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泽普县13669538956: 阅读理解 In the United States it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day while he is shaving or ... -
祢学抗力:[答案] 答案:1.C;2.A;3.B;4.D;

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祢学抗力: I was the world's first proposed the establishment of a "United Nations Office of the President," issued "the world's worth of" the world a unified ID card "," a uniform ...

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