英语完形填空15格 八年级上的(题目及答案)

作者&投稿:初柿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As they left Mr. Penbury peacefully reading in the park, Bill talked to Tom about the wantedman whose picture they had seen outside the police-station.
“tall, thin and with36____hair,” he said. “Mr. Penbury!” shouted Tom, “It37_____ him perfectly.”
“exactly,” said Bill with both joy and 38_____. “39_____ we know that our40 _____ isn’t the wantedman.” Rejected(反驳)Tom.
“all the same,” said Bill, pretending to be serious. “I think I ought to 41____ with the police about this.”
Tom42_____ with his friend about the plan. But Bill 43_____ to revenge(报复)himself for all the punishments 44______ Mr. Penbury had given him unfairly in his opinion. He stopped at the next 45_______ and went in. He46 _____when he came out.
“Well, what did you say to them?” Tom asked.
“Oh, I just said that there was a man in the47 _____, who looked very much like the 48______ man.”
“but they must have known that it was a boy 49_____,” Tom said.
“I don’t think so,” Bill explained. “I changed my 50______. I spoke 51_____ my father.”
The boys never found out for certain 52______ Mr.Penbury was actually taken to the police station that Sunday. He appeared at school the next morning 53______. However, Tom felt that Bill’s trick must have 54______ because he often caught Mr. Penbury studying their faces with even 55_____ attention.
36. A. few B. little C. several D. a few
37. A. copies B. keeps C. likes D. fits
38. A. sadness B. surprise C. happiness D. excitement
39. A. Though B. And C. But D. Or
40. A.teacher B. friend C. classmate D. student
41. A. have a try B. have a word C. have a discussion D. have a speech
42. A. agreed B.disagreed C.followed D. discouraged
43. A. considered B. decided C. realized D. thought
44. A. when B.where C.how D.that
45. A. restroom B. street corner C. phone box D. police station
46. A. was crying B. was interesting C.was smiling D. was surprising
47. A. street B. school C. way D. park
48. A. correct B. strange C. punished D. wanted

49. A.speaking B. talking C.saying D. telling
50. A. voice B. sound C.name D. idea
51. A. as B. like C. after D. before
52. A. what B. whether C. that D. which
53. A. as well B. as much C. as usual D. as often
54. A. started B. helped C. worked D. failed
55. A. little B. great C. less D. greater
36. B. few, several, a few这些词要修饰可数名词, 但是文中空格后的名词hair是不可数名词,故用little来修饰.
37. D. 由上下文可知这里应该填入的单词意思是 “与…..相符”而suit, fit 两个都有此义。但是suit更侧重“颜色,衣服,发型等适合某人”,因此这题就选择Dfit。
38.D.根据上下文的语义理解, excitement 为最佳答案.
41.B.考察固定词组的意思。Have a try尝试一下 have a word与某人通话 have a discussion讨论一下 have a speech这不是一个词组。与警察通话就要用have a word
43.B.固定用法decide to do sth。其他动词都不能加to do。
45.C.由下文可推知他是去给警察打电话,所以应该是进入电话亭phone box。
50.A.voice指人的声音 sound指一切能听到的声音
53.C.考察固定词组的用法,as usual意为“和平常一样”
54.C.“起作用” work

Immediately to the beginning of 3, and I tried to do a review of their English program
Examination of the first study to find out in the test information, the focus of targeted training. In the test should focus on their weaknesses to fill up. Such as strengthening the spelling of words, the accumulation of good statements, etc. in preparation for writing. Only in this way can more quickly to improve their results. At the same time, I will be back will be acquired by word, phrase, sentence useful. Review their own plans to work closely with teachers to link the review, well help me to improve the efficiency review, to seize the focus of knowledge and difficulties. At the same time, under the guidance of the teacher to complete three rounds of review.

First, we must seize to review ina general outline

Second, sub-block review, I will explain the basis of examination of "the content and the capacity requirements of the examination" is divided into voice, vocabulary and grammar (object clauses, adverbial clauses, etc.)
Third, a comprehensive testing and simulation exercises, and do more in the previous test. Hearing individual choice, Cloze, reading comprehension, and writing, more questions

In short, in order to achieve good results in examinations must have a solid foundation of knowledge and flexibility in a variety of problem-solving ideas, confidence and perseverance, we must do a good job in a reasonable comprehensive review of the English total, have been based on teaching materials, has been applied for The purpose of the summary in the light of the prevailing circumstances, abilities, and thus to improve my self-learning ability and improve the effectiveness of the purpose of review can be made in the excellent examination results. I hope that through the careful review, can I get good results in examinations.

Plan to do a good job, I will set strict demands on themselves.


The Ming Dynasty (明朝)  __1____ to construct the Ming Tombs in the early fifteenth century. From 1425 to 1628, about thirteen Ming Emperors  __2___ there in these tombs. The construction of the first Ming Tomb(明陵) started in 1410, seven years after the Ming Emperor (皇帝) Zhu-di  _3___ power from his nephew Jian-wen. Then twenty-two years after he ___4___to the throne (王位), he   5   illness.  Emperor Zhu-di’s coffin(棺木)   __6____ in the first tomb which  __7___ Chang-ling. During the construction of the tombs, lots of experts and workmen     8   from all parts of the country to build the domes and to decorate the walls. Later another twelve tombs    9    successively(连续地). In the early 17th century, the last tomb   10  .  The construction of all these tombs  __11___ more than 200 years. The tombs occupied(占据) a large area and   12   a great fortune. After the liberation, one of the tombs   13   and a lot of treasures   14   from inside. Now the opened tomb   15    to the public.  Up to the present day, the Ming Tombs    16     by millions of people.  In the early 1950s, a reservoir (水库)   17   near the Ming Tombs. During the construction, Chairman Mao and other Chinese leaders ___18___   in labour. Now the reservoir   19   the Ming Tombs Reservoir.  In 1991 the Ming Tombs  __20____ as China’s tourist attractions (旅游名胜).



1.   a)  began      b) was begun       c) had begun       d) is beginning 

2.   a)  bury (埋葬)  b)  were buried    c)  were burying    d) buried  

3.   a)  has seized     b)  seizes      c)  had seized       d)  was seizing 

4.   a)  was coming      b)   come     c)   comes        d)  had come  

5.   a)  died of     b)  died         c) died from   d)  was dying

6.   a)  placed     b)  was placed      c)    was placing    d)   place  

7.   a)  called      b)   had called     c)  was called      d)  call

8.   a)  called   b)  were called on  c)  were called off   d) were called in  

9.   a)  were built    b) built      c)  had built     d)   were building   

10.  a)  was completing  b) was completed  c) complete  d) were completed 

11.  a)  last (延续)    b)  has lasted      c)   lasted     d) had lasted   

12.  a)  has cost      b)    costs    c)   was costing     d)   cost    

13.  a)  was opened    b)   open     c)   opened    d)   was opening 

14.  a)  find    b)  were found    c)   found     d)   were finding   

15.  a)  is opened     b)   open     c)  is open      d)  opened    

16.  a)  are visiting   b)  visited   c)  were visited   d)  have been visited  

17.  a)  was constructed  b) was constructing  c) constructed  d)  construct  

18.  a)  took on      b) took part      c)   took off     d)   take part   

19.  a)  calls      b)   has called     c)  is called     d)  is calling    

20.  a)  identify(确定)  b)  identified  c) had identified  d)  were identified


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