
作者&投稿:雕勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like Reading
My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep, so I like to read story book. My parents buy me a lot of books, I read them everyday, I always finish reading a book in a week. I like adventure story very much, I imagine I am the guy who is so great. Books gives me happiness, I like reading.

My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep, so I like to read story book. My parents buy me a lot of books, I read them everyday, I always finish reading a book in a week. I like adventure story very much, I imagine I am the guy who is so great. Books gives me happiness, I like reading.

I like Reading
My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep, so I like to read story book. My parents buy me a lot of books, I read them everyday, I always finish reading a book in a week. I like adventure story very much, I imagine I am the guy who is so great. Books gives me happiness, I like reading.

我爱读书初中作文【篇1】 我爱读书从小,我就很喜欢看书,记得还在幼儿园时,我就早早地学起了a、o、e。书就像我的伙伴一样和我一起长大,我也从看《安徒生童话》《成语故事》转变为了《水浒传》《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。 童话故事,科幻小说,百科全书,世界名著,依然坐落在我的书柜里。时间的流逝并没有减去他们半...

我爱读书学生作文精选篇1 书是人类进步的阶梯,书不仅是人类发展的驱动,更是我智慧的翅膀,让我在书海中随心所欲的飞翔。 我从小很爱读书,小的时候,爸爸给我读童话故事,我喜欢童话故事里富有正义感的玫瑰花精,喜欢上美丽善良的白雪公主和高大帅气的白马王子……上小学的时候,妈妈送给我一本厚厚的作文书和(轮椅上...

爱读书的姐姐写作文,要注意开门见山交代时间地点人物(姐姐),然后描述如何爱读书,包括细节描写。最后结尾要点题,写出心声。下面分享三篇爱读书的姐姐作文,供您参考。 爱读书的姐姐作文 篇1 我有一个美丽又可爱的姐姐,她非常喜欢读书,读书的时候,周围的一切好似都是空气,眼里只有一本她爱看的书。 有一次,我在附近...

我喜欢读书四年级作文1 我是一个比较喜欢读书的孩子,每当有空的时候,我就会静静地坐在书桌前,手捧一本课外书籍,仔细的阅读。 爸爸常说我“一见到一本新书就爱不释手,把什么都忘记了,连吃饭也忘了,好像叫书迷了魂。”有一天晚上,妈妈让我睡觉,我正在看《好朋友,坏朋友》,嘴里应着,可是一会就又沉浸到书里了。

篇一:我喜欢看书 你们问我最喜欢什么?我会说我最喜欢看书。我喜欢看书,因为它给了我知识;我喜欢看书,因为它让我开心;我喜欢看书,因为它让我的生活从充满了乐趣;我喜欢看书,因为它在我无聊的时候让我有事可做;我喜欢看书,因为它在我伤心的时候让我快乐 最近,我看了一本书,名叫《女生...

我爱读书作文500字六年级【一】 我比以前更爱读书了。我来到新的学校,我变化了许多就说看书这件事吧,光是这件事,我就有翻天覆地的变化。记得原来,我很不喜欢读书,能不读书,就不读书,写完作业就看电视,玩电子产品。可是,当我来到另一个学校时,我变了,变得更爱读书了。因为是住校,...

我爱读书六年级作文 篇1 读书,为何不是一件快乐的事?读书时,就算你之前多么悲伤,多么烦闷,可当你沉浸在书海中,所有的烦恼与悲伤也都会烟消云散。 我最喜欢的事莫过于读书,对于我来说,饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。我最喜欢读《三国演义》,每当我有空闲,我都会拿起《三国演义》聚精会...

我爱读书六年级作文 篇1 有句话说得好:书是人类进步的阶梯。书可以让我们获取新的知识,书可以让我们变得有修养,书可以让我们了解到做人的基本。啊,书可真是给我们打开一扇知识大门的金钥匙! 你们知道吗?因为我爱读书,父母气坏了。记得那几次,我总是看书,一没事干,就看书,我完完全全的遨游在知识的海洋里,父...

读书让生活更美好作文600字篇1 读书给人以乐趣,给人以知识;读书丰富了我们的知识,开阔了我们的视野,充实了我们的生活。读书让生活更美好!我喜欢读书,周六周日,都会去图书馆借几本书看看。每当我走进图书馆,看到读者津津有味地读书,有一种温馨甜蜜之感,正如诗中所说:“书香,美的极致...

读书为话题作文 篇1 我喜欢读书。因为他能带给我快乐,当我我们打开书认真阅读时,就会有新的发现和收获。 我喜欢读书。因为它像我们的小老师,让我们从中学到很多丰富的知识。高尔基曾经说过:我扑在书籍上,就像饥饿的人扑在面包。这告诉我们书就是营养品,没有了书籍就像人们没有了灵魂。 我喜欢读书。因为一个知识...

德化县13696654846: 英语作文喜欢读书 -
以英久诺: The Benefit of Reading Books 1. 世人都说金银好,而我认为读书才是无价宝. 2. 读书使人充实、完美,知识使社会进步. 3. 要坚持活到老,学到老. Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the...

德化县13696654846: 写英语作文,我喜欢阅读 -
以英久诺:[答案] I Like ReadingReading is my favorite hobby.I can never stop the love for reading because books are likewise teachers as well as good friends in my life.As we know,books are the source of knowledge.I b...

德化县13696654846: 英语作文我喜欢读书 -
以英久诺:[答案] My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep,so I like to read story book.My parents buy me a lot of books,I read them everyday,I always finish reading a book in a week.I like adventure story very much,I imagine I am the guy who is so great.Books gives ...

德化县13696654846: 求一篇“my hobby"关于看书的英语作文(望有翻译) -
以英久诺:[答案] My hobby is reading,I like reading books because I think we can learn a lot of knowledge and open our eyesight by reading... 我的爱好是阅读,我喜欢读书,因为我认为通过读书我们可以学到很多知识并且开拓我们的视野,我只要一有空就会读书. 我...

德化县13696654846: i like reading英语作文50字就可以了 -
以英久诺:[答案] I like reading,and I think everyone like reading .Because read more books can make youself happy and relax.When you read,you will get a lot of not understand knowledge.someone like magazines and someo...

德化县13696654846: 英语作文我最喜欢读书 -
以英久诺:[答案] My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep, so I like to read story book. My parents buy me a lot of books, I read them everyday, I always finish reading a book in a week. I like adventure stor...

德化县13696654846: 英语作文喜欢读书 -
以英久诺:[答案] My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep,so I like to read story book.My parents buy me a lot of books,I read them everyday,I always finish reading a book in a week.I like adventure story ver...

德化县13696654846: 英语作文我喜欢阅读 -
以英久诺:[答案] I like reading very much,because I can get a lot from books or magazines.When I was little,I read books with many colorful pictures.They are very attractive with such beautiful pictures.Besides,there ...

德化县13696654846: 英语作文喜欢读书 -
以英久诺: I like Reading My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep, so I like to read story book. My parents buy me a lot of books, I read them everyday, I always finishreading a book in a week. I like adventure story very much, I imagine I am the guy who is so great. Books gives me happiness, I like reading.

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