
作者&投稿:禹哲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Weifang city is recommended as "world kite countries"There are long history about Weifang kite, delicate and beautiful modelling, the work is smooth, fly off.Weifang kite after historical evolution and lateral spreading, and gradually formed a selection of exquisite, beautiful modelling,Firm work choiceness, vivid, painting is gorgeous, flexible traditional style and artistic characteristics. Today's art of weifang kite a lot of . due to a variety of artists and professions kite makers different life experiences and different cultural levels and different knowledge structure, formed a different system and schools.Weifang kite is characteristic of painting, artistic, both the folk art colour, bright and Chinese ink containing muddy dignified.

kite:A light frame covered with paper, cloth, or plastic, often provided with a stabilizing tail, and designed to be flown in the air at the end of a long string.

WeiFang is a modern city with many traditions. The city has about a million inhabitants, and is situated in Shandong, the most easterly province of China. WeiFang is known from anciant times, and has a rich history and culture of more than 1000 years. Kites from WeiFang are amongst the best ones in China.

During the Spring-and-Autumn-Period and the period of the Warrying-Empires (475-221 v.u.Z), some 2300 years ago, the first kite had been developed in the province of Shandong. The long literary tradition of China enables us to find more detailed information. Regarding to the book of Han Fei Zi, the master of joinery Mu Zi had been contructing within three years time of developement a man-lifting kite, known as the Wooden-Black-Eard-Kite. The book of Hong Shu tells us, that some time later the master of joinery named Lu Ban, had been building another Wooden-Black-Eard-Kite, that had been used as reconaissance device above the ancient city of SongCheng. Both masters originate from the ancient state of Lu, today named Qufu. Qufu is known as the birthplace of Confucius (551-479 b.c.). The city of Qufu has historic grounds of outstanding historical interest, especially the imperial palace of the Confucius family, the grove and parque with the grave of Confucius, and the extent living quarters of the dukes of the Confucius descendants.The first descriptions of kites made with bamboo frames covered by paper and silk, originate from the Tang Dynasty 。Within his book of kites, Yang Cai writes not only about the classic Wooden-Black-Eard-Kite, but also about many other kinds, known and build up to date. Especially the heron or egret kite, a bird kite with wings and legs that are moving like real ones, gives a realistic view of flight. Todays quality kites sometimes are constructed according to these historic patterns mimicing a living birds when landing. Just have a look at the Hunting Eagle Kite with his realistic claws, threedimensional beak and inclined head. When landing this kite, it gives a realistic impression of an eagle preying game.

Common practice is generally used kites bamboo frame, made ???of paper meat. Bamboo is the main material for making a kite frame. 3-5 cm thickness selected bamboo whittled bamboo, bamboo toughness to make kites using the skeleton. According to their preferences skeleton made ???o...

Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world.In China,there's a long history to fly a kite in the Spring while usually the weather and wind are so suitable for this leisure and with the development of society, ...

China is the birthplace of kites,and Weifang is one of the chief places where Chinese kites originated.Kite-flying became prevalent in Weifang in the Song Dynasty (960-1279),and by the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)kite-flying had become even more popular,and there had appeared fairs ...

风筝的英语是什么介绍如下:kite:英\/kaɪt\/ 美\/kaɪt\/。n.风筝;鸢(猛禽)。vt.使用(非法支票)骗钱;涂改(支票)。第三人称单数: kites复数: kites现在分词: kiting过去式: kited过去分词: kited。双语例句:The kite has a span of 1.5 metres.风筝宽1.5米。As the flimsy...

Makes the kite the tool:Starch, Paper knife Makes the kite the material:Thin bamboo strip,Gauze paper,Ma Lazhi (1) this kind of four square shapes kite,Now uses many,Most universal(2) kite skeleton,Solely uses two to compose extremely simply(3) procedure although is simple,But...

英语翻译 风筝的来历
风筝的来历 风筝又叫“风鸢”、“纸鸢”、“纸鹞”,在我国已有两千多年历史.最早的风筝是以木材为主制作的,称为“木鸢”.它可以载人载物,飞越险阻山川,弥补车马航船的不足.它还运用在军事上,成为从空中侦察敌情的“尖端武器”.相传春秋时,公输盘就曾用它从空中侦察过宋国的城防情况.后来以纸代木...

例如放风筝,那总是有趣的,并且它也是我喜爱的体育运动! 但是首先,我们必须做风筝,可能它对我们是很难! 但是不要担心,我们可以与我们的朋友或父母一起做它! 在今年,我与我的朋友做一只风筝,但开始我不知从何下手,我的父亲告诉我你可以在互联网上找到答案! 最终,我找到了答案,因此我与我的...

Common practice is generally used kites bamboo frame, made �6�7�6�7of paper meat. Bamboo is the main material for making a kite frame. 3-5 cm thickness selected bamboo whittled bamboo, bamboo toughness to make kites using the skeleton. ...

See the yard kids holding brightly coloured kites,like The heavenly maids scatter blossoms.like.I envied very much,so he begged my mother will buy me a kite.My mothercouldn't help I begged,bought me a very beautiful eagle kite.I'm pulling a line,one hand gently holding the ...

Makes the kite the tool:Starch, Paper knife Makes the kite the material:Thin bamboo strip,Gauze paper,Ma Lazhi (1) this kind of four square shapes kite,Now uses many,Most universal(2) kite skeleton,Solely uses two to compose extremely simply(3) procedure although is simple,But...

廉江市17680406976: 求有关风筝的英语介绍字数少点,30字就好了,速求,最好是自己写的 -
濮窦贝洛:[答案] Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world. In China,there'... every year there are numerous kite lovers go there to fly their own kites. 自己写的,讲了讲风筝历史悠久,在中国,山东潍坊...

廉江市17680406976: 求一篇有关风筝的英语短文 120左右就可以~风筝 中国文化 -
濮窦贝洛:[答案] Spring is a delightful season.The temperatures are moderate,and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors.This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly col...

廉江市17680406976: 英语作文向美国朋友介绍风筝 -
濮窦贝洛:[答案] 绝对够专业 A kite is an aircraft consisting of multiple wings tethered to an anchor system.Frequently a wing of a kite is referenced as "kite".The necessary lift that sustains the kite in flight is generated when air flows above the kite's surface,producing ...

廉江市17680406976: 一篇关于风筝的英语作文80字 -
濮窦贝洛: See the yard kids holding brightly coloured kites, like The heavenly maids scatter blossoms. like. I envied very much,so he begged my mother will buy me a kite. My mothercouldn't help I begged, bought me a very beautiful eagle kite. I'm pulling a line, ...

廉江市17680406976: 一篇关于风筝的英语作文80字 -
濮窦贝洛:[答案] See the yard kids holding brightly coloured kites,like The heavenly maids scatter blossoms.like.I envied very much,so he begged my mother will buy me a kite.My mothercouldn't help I begged,bought me a very beautiful eagle kite. I'm pulling a line,one ...

廉江市17680406976: 一篇关于风筝的英语作文要求:李明的爱好是制作和收集风筝.请根据以下提示,以李明的语气写一篇短文,介绍自己的爱好.70词左右.提示:(1)自9岁时开... -
濮窦贝洛:[答案] Makes the kite the tool:Starch, Paper knife Makes the kite the material:Thin bamboo strip,Gauze paper,Ma Lazhi (1) this kind of four square shapes kite,Now uses many,Most universal(2) kite skeleton,Solely uses two to compose extremely simply(3) ...

廉江市17680406976: 求关于风筝的英语短文,演讲稿,如果没有,一般英语短文演讲稿也行,最好带翻译,谢了 -
濮窦贝洛: Our Beautiful WorldThe world in which we live is a very beautiful world .About seventeenths of the earth is water while three-tenths is land.What a beautiful day: The sun is shining and the sky is so blue .The land ,oceans, mountains and rivers , ...

廉江市17680406976: 一篇关于风筝的英语作文 -
濮窦贝洛: Makes the kite the tool:Starch, Paper knife Makes the kite the material:Thin bamboo strip,Gauze paper,Ma Lazhi (1) this kind of four square shapes kite,Now uses many,Most universal(2) kite skeleton,Solely uses two to compose extremely simply(3) ...

廉江市17680406976: 急需一篇英语作文:写一篇有关风筝哲理的文章,可先谈风筝为什么能飞起来,再由此联系生活感想.提示...急需一篇英语作文:写一篇有关风筝哲理的文章,... -
濮窦贝洛:[答案] 急需一篇英语作文:写一篇有关风筝哲理的文章,可先谈风筝为什么能飞起来,再由此联系生活感想.提示...

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