
作者&投稿:富林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I love my roommate.He is so cute,and have a great body.I want to fuck him.Last weekend,we take shower together,and I touched his penis.Oh my god,it make me feel so good.Then I sucked his penis and drank his sperm.And he licked my toes,and told me that he love me too.I think I am gay,and love my roommate. 谢谢望采纳---栗花时候

How do we get along with co-workers? We should be supportive, honest, and sincere in our company. First, we need to respect everyone who works in our company. Every employee should be treated equally. As male employees, we should not discriminate our female colleagues. In stead, we should be more understanding and open-minded when we work with them. Second, we need to be a contributor in our company. We should be capable of accomplish our projects independently; we should be able to cooperate with our co-workers harmoniously

When students move into the accommodations offered by college, they are taught to live in harmony. Harmony in their rooms is crucial to their lives in college days. It can further affect their emotions and even studies.

  Despite that, many acts conducted by students reflect the disharmony in university residences. For example, most of the boys' rooms are in a mess. The importance of good cleaning habits should be stressed. And sour relations between students living together fundamentally endanger the harmony in college dormitories. Some trivial matters can trigger conflicts. We should view everyone as our friend and respect each other.

  From my perspective, we should drive our efforts to boost the harmony in college residences. This goal is far-reaching. Boarders should take a package of measures to fulfill it. A harmonious dormitory environment can play a positive role in college students’ studies and lives.

I love my roommate.He is so cute,and have a great body.I want to fuck him. Last weekend,we take shower together,and I touched his penis.Oh my god,it make me feel so good.Then I sucked his penis and drank his sperm.And he licked my toes,and told me that he love me too. I think I am gay,and love my roommate.


和室友相处的的第一件事就是交流。交流是一个关键词,如果室友间不互相交流,他们就彼此不了解,当发生争吵时,情况就会变得更糟糕。因此学生应该经常和室友交流,彼此了解。The second thing is to be considerate. Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play...

和室友相处的的第一件事就是交流。交流是一个关键词,如果室友间不互相交流,他们就彼此不了解,当发生争吵时,情况就会变得更糟糕。因此学生应该经常和室友交流,彼此了解。 The second thing is to be considerate. Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play computer ...

如何和室友相处英语作文如下:We know that students should learn how to get along with others, but first of all, we should respect others, everyone has their own way of doing thinggs, so we should understand each other, communic ate with each other, share our happiness and sadres...

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我的室友作文1 有一群人他们会和你朝夕相处,一年,两年,三年,而他们却是不一样的存在,我的室友不一样的烟火。 ——题记 学霸精英尚大学,正如他的名字一样,每天都在为上大学而努力,三年时光,他一直留着小平头,厚厚的眼镜片架在他的鼻子上,整天都是在背东西,当然他还很有热心,碰到有困难的同学他都会伸出援手...

顿时我就无语了。 这就是我的”逗逼“室友们,你还喜欢吗? 我的室友作文2 我们的宿舍里除了我和李逍外,还有两个超级胖的室友,平时为了区分他们,我们叫他们大胖、小胖。大胖叫洪昊明,是千岛湖人。小胖叫王烨锋,来自桐庐。这两个人虽然都那么胖,但是他们的性格却截然不同。 经过这么多天的相处,我发现大胖勤劳...

英语作文 给室友写便条 June,26Dear Wang Hai,Your good friend e here to return your book, and he said that the book is very interesting .Besides he invited you to go for a walk together with him on sunday afternoon.Yours,Li Ming 如何与室友相处好的英语作文作文 How do we get ...


一个和谐的宿舍生活英语作文2 我的宿舍生活作文 篇1 终于等到开学这天啦,懒散了两个月,是时候该忙碌了。于是我早早就爬起来了,迅速收拾好东西奔向学校。 期待已久的住宿生活开始了。早就想摆脱父母魔爪的我们,异常兴奋的整理宿舍,待到父母离去时,我们开始独立了。原以为没有父母的啰嗦教管,我们就可以按照自己梦寐...

not to mention "friendship" Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others.As long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.There are a few ways to improve the relationship between your room...

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