
作者&投稿:扈雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an a

  Finally, differences in cultural traditions.
  1。 different values
  Americans have personality, value orientation based on individual-based individualism, focusing on personal interests, advocating personal development, self-realization, which is the core of American culture. A U.S. scholar aptly pointed out: In a democratic society, every citizen have the habit of pondering a small goal, that is himself. In the family, the individual is based, the individual with the highest value, do not rely on others to exist, independent of family relationships. So in American families, parents tend to view themselves and the children as two separate individuals, "self", including parents and children of self-self. First of all, children, the realization of self-worth is clear to respect the wishes of children, interests and hobbies, they all had different parents, the United States more emphasis on individual enjoyment of life, usually a child will never give up in order to listen to concerts, watching movies, dancing or appointments .
  Chinese people talk about similarities, there is an overall supreme values, emphasizing the collective interests above personal interests. Chinese believe that people approach is the establishment of the "two" antagonistic relations generated. From ancient times, "self" concept is always associated with another attendant, personal value only in relationship with others, was able to reflect. In Chinese families, the parents, loss of self, nor the children's self-respect, my parents, loss of self expression is the presence of a severe "parent-child a sense of unity" and parents and their children their own values as a continuation of the child as their own life, full and life, hope, and children with sensory integration indivisible. Such parents will substitute their own children's interests, standing on the perspective of the design of adult children's future, so the expectations of Chinese parents in relation to the child's ability is high.
  The United States re-personality, the Chinese say there is a common value orientation of their economic background. The United States in the modern capitalist economic structure and dynamic commodity economy premature exclusion of natural economy, champion the past century. Individuals under the conditions of the commodity economy is relatively independent, each individual can do to improve themselves in extended self, can be in the commodity economy based on competition and development, so the importance of self-cultivation tradition. A natural continuation of the Chinese economy for thousands of years, Chinese people habitually tied to the land, to deprive individuals of the conditions of independent development, decades of planned economy failed to let the Chinese people out of dependency. Personal development often need to "take the relationship" to the individual's assessment is carried out by comparison with others, and they tend to integrate into the collective, to avoid being isolated.
  2, thinking styles in different
  Americans are rationalism, the U.S. Family Education respected the basic principles of a rational treatment of family members and family matters. The United States are mostly the parents duty to raise and educate their children, and the obligation to society, like look, this is beyond the individual's position, rather than exclusively from the family itself or the parents of their own interests to look at family education. Since they believe that raising children is compulsory, and not have plans to raise children for old age, neither return their old nursing home into a person's fate should be (of course, the Chinese people as unethical practices stem from the U.S. Social Security mechanisms and cultural practices).
  The Chinese are feelings first, our family education to human relations based, emotional reasoning as a rule, to deal with family relationships. My parents, their children as their own private property, from a personal pension or a personal honor for face-saving point of view about their children's education, caring parent implies more intense sympathy and affection in the "Returning the favor," the affair. Thus speaking, is not difficult to understand why Chinese parents, "Succeed", "hope women into the Phoenix," the mood is far better than in the United States, often utilitarian purpose of family education.

lymph 淋巴lymphatic 淋巴的,淋巴管hardly 几乎不hotly 激烈的highly 高度的,非常happily 快乐地总之,你用以h开头的形容词加ly变成副词,不就有“hly ”了吗

Hourly 时间观念强的:及时的。Honestly诚实地。.


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cilian. 睫,纤毛; 睫毛,纤毛( cilium的名词复数 )你单词是不是错的


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从江县13212398867: 求中间带有H字母的英文单词20个 带中文翻译~ -
戈管长松: 1 shoe 鞋 2 ship 船 3 sheep 羊 4 shrimp 虾 5 shy 害羞的 6 cheap 便宜的 7 chat 聊天 8 teacher 老师 9 shape 形状 10 shirt 衬衫 11 shut 关 12 comprehensive 综合的 13 comprehension 理解 14 change 变化 15 cohere 连贯、一致 16 schedule 计划表 17 perhaps 也许 18 light 灯、轻的 19 fight 打斗 20 sight 视线

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戈管长松: live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an a

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戈管长松:[答案] [i]miss give lift did thing think thin it this pick little big win list milk live chicken chick hill fill wind windy litter field film kick middle... (meet的过去式) get puppet red yellow pen pencil best better December November September bell men yes festival February ...

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从江县13212398867: 带有ey两个字母的单词(两个字母连着的) 要5个 带上意思 -
戈管长松: 1.abeyance--名词 中止 2.beyond---介词 在……那边/ 在……之后 3.eye---名词 眼睛 4.they--人称 他们 5.obey--及物动词 服从; 听从 希望可以给你帮助.

从江县13212398867: 含有 l j 的英文, 最好是4个英文的 .. 可以自创的 , 带上意思. -
戈管长松: jewel~珠宝 jalor~帆船 jealous~嫉妒 jello/jelly~果冻~ jellyfish~水母 jilt抛弃 jolly欢乐的 jolt摇晃 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如果是要取英文名字的话有 Jill~吉尔(jill也有少女的意思) Jules~朱尔斯 Julia~朱莉娅 Julie~朱莉

从江县13212398867: 含有字母Z和字母H的单词多想几个、带上意思 -
戈管长松:[答案] herz:赫茨 ;赫芝 ;心脏病 Elizabeth:伊丽莎白 Hi-Z:高阻抗 ;输入 ;高阻态

从江县13212398867: 带上的英语单词是什么 -
戈管长松: 一个单词表达不出 “我带的有 ...”,应该用what 引导的主语从句:~What I bring with me are A, B, C and ... (好几个) ~What I bring with me is only X (只有一个).

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