
作者&投稿:解金 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



the custom of Chinese Spring Festival

the custom of Chinese Spring Festival .

春节习俗英文:New Year's Money, Waiting for the Year, New Year's Eve, Spring Festival couplets, Dumplings。春节习俗中文:压岁钱、守岁、年夜饭、贴春联、吃饺子 1、压岁钱 压岁钱是由长辈派发给晚辈的,年晚饭后长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,晚辈得到压...


1、贴春联——Post new year's scrolls 每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要挑漂亮的红春联贴于门上,辞旧迎新,增加喜庆的节日气氛。春联的另一来源是春贴,古人在立春日多贴“宜春”二字,后渐渐发展为春联,表达了中国劳动人民一种辟邪除灾、迎祥纳福的美好愿望。这一习俗起于宋代,在明代...

春节的习俗 英文版

1、过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival 2、除夕 New Year's Eve;3、初一 the beginning of New Year 4、元宵节 The Lantern Festival 5、饺子 dumpling 6、辞旧岁  bid farewell to the old year 7、扫房 spring cleaning;...


过年的风俗英语。春节是我们国家非常盛大的一个节日,这是大团圆的节日,不少人好奇新年的风俗用英语该如何表达。接下来就由我带大家了解过年的风俗英语的相关内容。 过年的风俗英语1 贴窗纸Paste window paper People in North China are used to posting paper-cut on their windows. When sticking the window de...

“腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子” ,据《吕氏春秋》记载,我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。"December 24, dust cleaning house," according to the "Lushi Spring and Autumn" records, our country in the Yao and Shun times have the Spring Festival dust-sweeping custom.扫尘的意义在于要把一切穷...

所以大部分除夕夜里的习俗也是和除去旧恶、祈求幸福相关 10、Family reunion 亲人团聚 例句:Spring Festival is a family reunion holiday, the children left home to returned to their parents at home. 春节是个亲人团聚的节日,离家的孩子要不远千里回到父母家里。

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their ...

崇礼县19439693204: 中国春节的传统习俗的英语怎么拼写 -
徐矩艾狄:[答案] Chinese Spring Festival traditions

崇礼县19439693204: (春节传统文化习俗的英文词汇)用英语怎么说 -
徐矩艾狄:[答案] dsadsadsadafjdhfjdahfj adf jasf ajfaf adhfjjadfj a

崇礼县19439693204: "春节习俗"用英文怎么说 -
徐矩艾狄: 你好! 春节习俗 The Spring Festival custom

崇礼县19439693204: 春节习俗英语怎么说? -
徐矩艾狄: Spring Festival traditions

崇礼县19439693204: 中国春节习俗 这几个字用英语怎么说 -
徐矩艾狄: the chinese Spring Festival custom the custom of Spring Festival in China

崇礼县19439693204: 春节习俗英文 -
徐矩艾狄: 英文版:The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before; Most is famous is "the year beast" fable. "The year beast" is a cruel terrible wild animal, ...

崇礼县19439693204: 春节习俗英文翻译 -
徐矩艾狄: Make dumplings 包饺子paste spring poems 贴春联on New Year's money 给压岁钱pay a New Year call 拜年sweep dust 扫尘sweep dues

崇礼县19439693204: 用英语说春节的风俗用英语分点说如:One:.Two.等最后用英语来总结一下!速求! -
徐矩艾狄:[答案] 春节习俗 Spring Festival Traditions The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest ...

崇礼县19439693204: 春节的习俗 英文版(急) -
徐矩艾狄: My family is going to pay New Year's visits to many relatives and friends during the Spring Festival(春节期间,我们一家人会去给很多亲戚拜年) Lion dance is a traditional performance of the Spring Festival.(舞狮是春节的传统表演) During the...

崇礼县19439693204: 新年的习俗英语怎么说
徐矩艾狄: the customer of NEW YEAR


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