
作者&投稿:殷珊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.His mother wants him _______at home today.
A.stays B.stayed C.to stay D.staying
2.____ Dasan is from Canada,_____ he can speak Chinese well.
A.Although,but B.Although, / C.Although, so D./,so
3.Good ________ habits help me get good grades.
A.eating B.eat C.ate D.eatting
4.Is her watch _____ yours or different?
A.the same B.the same as C.same as D.the same to
5.-I am often ill.-_________.A.I think so B.That’s OK. C.Really? Thank you. D. I’m sorry to hear that.
6.-Do you often brush your_______? –Yes, I do.
A.tooths B.toothes C.teeth D.teeths
7.There’s ________. That’s _________nice.
A.too much; too much B.much too; much too
C.Much too; too much D.too much; much too
8.Mary shouldn’t eat ________ for 24 hours.
A.Something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
9.It’s very important _________ study hard.
A.from B./ C.for D.to
10.I watched the football match last night and______ go to bed_______ 10 o’clock.
A.don’t ; when B.didn’t; as C.don’t; until D.didn’t ; until
11.---________?----He has a sore back.
A.What’s the matter with him B.What is wrong with he
C.What’s the matter with his D.What’s the wrong with him
12.This song sounds_____.A.beauty B.beautiful C.beautifully

13.---How long is he _________? -----For two weeks.
A.staying B.coming C.going D.leaving
14.They are _______.A.staying walk B.going walks
C.taking walks D.going walk
15.I don’t like this shirt. Can you give me __________ one?
A.other B. the other C.any other D.another
16.It took _________ to do my homework. A. me an hour half
B.me half an hour C.me half a hour D. me a half hour
17.There is ______ for him to do today A.something important
B.Important something C.anything important D.important anything
18.I am thinking ____ what to do next.A.out B.of C.about D.for
19.____ is the weather today? A.What B.How C.Which D.Who
20.My telephone number is 5391939. Please __________.A.write them down B.write down them C.write it down D.write down it

21.Jim is _____ for shanghai on Sunday.
A.coming B.doing C. leaving D. returning
22.May I ask you ________ questions?
A. little B. a little C.a few D.few
23.Can you tell me when you __________home?
A. get back to B.get to back C.get back D. get to
24.Do you enjoy _________ football?
A.playing B.play C.played D.to play
25.How about _____ with us to the Great Wall?
A.come B. comes C.came D.coming
26.It takes her 20 minutes ________ her homework.
A. finish B.finishing C. finished D. to finish
27.The N0.8 Middle School is not far _______ his home.
A. to B. from C. with D. at
28.---How does he go to Hong Kong?----_________.
A.By the plane B.By air C. Takes the plane D.Take the plane
29.Tom never depends ______ his parents. He likes to do everything _________ himself.
A.with; on B.on; by C.in; by D. from; with
30. _______ students in my class like basketball very much.
A.The number of B.A number of C.The numbers of D.A little number
31.Kate isn’t very_______. She likes to stay at home and read.
A. outgoing B. kind C. funny D. quiet
32.Two years ______,the Blacks lived in New York.
A. late B.ago C.behind D.after
33.Every day his parents make him_____in the garden.
A. to work B.working C. work D.works
34.Ann enjoys ________ the music on Sundays.
A listening to B.listening C.listen to D. listen

35.I like to have friends _________ are the same as me.
A. which B.whose C.who D. where
36.________ should get the job, lucy or Lily?A.Who do you think
B.Whose do you think C.Do you think whose D.Do you think who
37.Light travels _______ than sound.
A. much fast B. far fast C. much faster D. more faster
38. Liu is a(n) ________girl and she doesn’t like talking much.
A.outgoing B. quieter C. quiet D. wild
39.Li Lei’s parents _________doctors.
A. are all B. are both c. all are D. both are
40.Lily is ________shorter than Lucy.
A. very B. too C. quite D. a little
41.Joe_______ go to the doctor. His neck is sore.
A. have to B. can C. has to D. may.
42.---Sorry, because I have to look my brother.----That’s too_____. Maybe_________ time.
A. bad; another B. bad; other C. good; another D.good; other
43. ---Would you like to visit the museum?--_______.
A.Yes, please B.Sure, I’d love to.C.sorry, I wouldn’tD. Yes, I would
44.Can you ______ my house to have a meeting together?
A. come over to B.come back to C. leave for D. have a look at
45.I have to study____ my science test ____ Thursday afternoon.
A. at; on B. on; for C. for; in D. for; on
46.Thanks for _____ me _______ your party.
A. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to
47.---_______ ? -------It’s May the 12th.
A. What day is it? B. What’s the date today? C.What’s today?
D.What date is it?
48._____ is good for us ______ morning exercises every day.
A.That; doing B.That; to do C.It; doing D.It; to do
49.Mr black ______ to China the day after tomorrow.
A. flies B. fly C. is flying D. flew
50.I hope there is _______ with my eyes. A. nothing wrong
B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong D. wrong anything
51.Mary writes as ________ as her brother.
A. good B. better C. well D. best
52.---_____ is your school from here? ---Ten minutes’ walk.
A. How long B. How far c. How d.How much
53.My father goes to work ________ every day.
A. by bike B. in a bike C. on bike D. ride bikes
54.A horse is _______ than a dog.
A.much heavy b.more heavier C. much heavier D. heavy

55.Please keep______ . Her brother is sleeping.
A.quiet B.quietly C. busy D. sorry
56.Please ______ me after you come back from your vacation.
A. call B. ask C. inviting D. to call
57.She looks the same ______ her sister ______ some ways.
A.as; as B. in; in C. from; at D. as; in
58.This is my friend. He is _______ outgoing than I am.
A.much B. much more C. a little D. a lot of more
59.He is very tired now. He should stop______ a rest.
A.to have B. have C. has D. having
60.His job is not _______ exciting ______ his sister’s.
A.more; as B.as; so C.so; as D. much; at
61.If you want to get the job, you must be good ______ children.
A.at B.with C.for D.in
62.Mr Bean enjoys ______jokes and often makes us ________.
A. to tell; to laugh B.tells; laugh C.telling; laugh D.telling; laughing
63.Traveling by ship is ______ than taking a bus.
A.A lot of fun B. much fun C.a lot more fun D. a lot much fun.
64.It took us _____ to walk to the factory last Saturday,
A.one and a half hour B.one hour and a half hour
C. One hours and a half hour D. one and a half hours
65.A number of students _________ interested in sports now.
A.Is B. was C. are D. were
66.People are worrying________ the pollution(污染)of the air.
A.with B.for C.in D.about
67.I went to ______ that film last weekend.
A.look B.watch C.look at D.see
68.Some students say yes, but ________ say no.
A.another B.the other C. others D.other
69.---- ______of the teachers in our school is 118. _________ of them are women teachers. A. The number ; A number
B.The number;The number C.A number;A number D.A number;The number
70.---Is your home ______ the park?----No, it’s _______the park.
A.far to; near from B.far from; near from C.far from; near D.far to; near
71.----When are you going? -----I’m going ______ May 1st.
A.over B.for C. on D. to
72.He is _________ his younger sister this evening.
A.Look at B.look C.babysiting D. babysitting
73.Her teacher ______ her an interesting book yesterday.
A.gives B.give C.send D.sent
74.Please show _______ your pictures.
A.we B.our C.ours D.us
75.We should brush our _______ twice a day.
A.tooths B.teeth C.tooth D.tooths

76.I am kind of ______. Can I have something to drink?
A.happy B.thirsty C. hungry D. angry
77.The results ______ “watch TV” are interesting.
A.On B.to C.in D.for
78.Is your pen _______Jim’s?
A.same as B.the same C.the same with D.the same as
79._______ he likes watching TV, he gets good grades.
A.But B. Because C.As D .Although
80. I eat ______ meat because I don’t want to be so heavy.
A.lots of B.much C.less D.more
81.Sally is _________ than her sister.
A.more funny B.funier C.funniest D.funnier
82.How long does it ______ you to ride to school?
A.use B.uses C.take D.takes
83.I _____think he _____a famous movie star.
A./; isn’t B.don’t; isn’t C.don’t; is D./ ; wasn’t
84.Where ______ your sister _______ for vacation?
A.are; going B.is; going C.does; goes D.is ; go
85._____ fine mornings, many old people get together to exercise.
A.At B.In C.For D.On
86.Li Lei with his friends _____ work on the farm next week.
A.goes to B.go to C.are going to D.is going to
87.---Must I return the book before Friday?---No, you________.
A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.don’t
88.I enjoy _______ to parties.
A.go B.going C.go to D.to go
89.Li Ming and Lin Tao ______ black eyes.
A.has B.have both C.both have D.both has
90.Shang Hai is bigger than _______ in China.
A.any city B.any other city C.any cities D.all the cities
91.Jim’s bag is bigger than _______.
A.I B.me C.Lucy D.Lucy’s
92.The old man is good at_______.
A.paint B.paints C.painting d.to paint
93.That book is not so ________ as this one. A.more interesting
B.interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting
94.Tennis isn’t the same _____ badminton. They are different _______each other.
A.as; from B.as; with C.with; as D.from; at
95.My jacket is longer than ______.A.her B.him C.she D.hers
96.I’m ______ hungry. Do you have something to eat?
A.little B.a little C.many D.lot of
97.---__________ today?----It’s Monday the 14th.
A.What B.What’re C.What’s D.How’s
98.Paul can’t come to the party. He’s _______ soccer.
A.Plays B.play C.played D.playing
99.I’m free ____22:00.Please come here before 22:00.
A.till B.at C.after D./
100.Thank you ______ me to your party.
A.Ask B.for asking c.to ask D.asking.

1-5CBABD 6-10CDBDD11-15ABACD16-20BACBC21-25CCCAD26-30DBBBB31-35ABCAC36-40ACCBD41-45CABAD46-50DBDCA51-55CBACA56-60ADBAC61-65BCCDC66-70DDCAC71-75-CDDDB76-80BDDDC81-85DCCBD86-90DBBCB91-95DCBAD96-100BCDAB


sound like 听起来像,固定搭配
2. How
回答by bike,方式状语,用how进行提问
3. A
much和a little修饰不可数名词
a lot 要加of再加名词
why not+动词原形

D,soud like 是一个固定句型,意思是听起来像。

1。D sound like 听起来
2。HOW 怎样(方式)
3。A 修饰复数名词
4。GO why not + do
5。D 搬到有趣的地方,interesting 后置修饰somewhere(某地)

1,Dlike (sound like 听起来像)
4,go (why not+动词原形)
5,D.somewhere interesting (课本上有许多这样的词出现)

sounds like 听起来像
a lot 书写形式是 a lot of 或 lots of
a little+不可数名词,意为有一点
why not+动词原形
A. interesting anywhere 和C interesting somewhere,语序错误(记住固定搭配,没有理由)

1.C,as if是“好像”的意思,我准备要出国,纽约听起来像是我的梦想之都
B结构不对,所以不符。Dlike“喜欢”更加不对,如果是is like就可以了;A,as"作为;因为"意思不符
3.A;much是修饰不可数名词,students是可数的,没有a lot这种用法,只有lots of或者a lot of;

1.-Hello,May I speak to john?-___B___.A.Sorry,she's out. B.Hold on C.Speaking.I'm John. D.Who are you?hold on 等一下的意思 2.That film is___A___.A.full of fun B.filled with full C.full of funs D.filled with funs be full of 充满 3.It's time...

1.( A)I have a new wallet.It’s my birthday present ___ my aunt. a.for b.from c.of 2.(C )Nancy ___ at the back of the bus ,suddenly the bus ___ . a.sitted,stoped b.sited,stopped c.sat,stopped 3.( C)Here’s ___ interesting book for you. a.\/ ...

Beihai Park is about three kilometres ___.A. far B. far from C. far away D. away 请问该选哪个,为什么?答:最佳答案为D。我们可以说:北海公园离这里很远。英语说:Beihai Park is far away from here.From here 可以省略:Beihai Park is far away.这个far 是一个模糊的概念...

7.C how long意为“多长时间”,how many times意为“多少次”,how often意为“多长时间一次”,本句的回答是“一个月一次”,故选C 8.C 根据回答about two months是一段时间,故用How long提问 9.B be good at后面只能接名词或动词的ing形式 10.B 是一种祝福用语 11.A 根据句意是...

C,she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称),从这句看出“airline employee”是要“check people’s luggage”,而不单单是“pick up the luggage”,所以选C C,这题简单的,upset对应unhappy D,“Everyone was looking at ...

2.用在选择疑问句中,灵活译为\\"还是\\"。如:Is that an apple or an orange?那是苹果还是桔子?3.否定句中,我代替我的大哥and ,表示\\"和\\"的意思。如:I don\\'t like bread , rice or porridge.我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥。4.连接两个并列的句子,表示\\"否则,要不然\\"的意思。如:Hurry up,...

4.B(apple trees中apple名词作形容词,因为短语不是单数就是复数,这里只有单数,所以选择B)【类似的短语】:shoe shop 5.B(it代指sweater)1.Mr Black is( )father.a.SuHai's and SuYang's b.SuHai and SuYang's 2.She needs( )a.a glass water b.two giasses of waters c.two glasses...

根据所给汉语句子的提示,完成下列的英语句子。每条横线的字数不限。1.很多女孩都想报名参加“超级女声”的比赛 A lot of girls want to ___enter for___ Super Girls.2.那个主意听起来很棒。That idea ___sounds great___.3.很抱歉,票已经卖完了。I'm sorry , but we ___sold out___...

六、选择括号内正确的一个。(5×2分)41. They (A; has \/ B: have) lunch in the kitchen.42. She (A: watch \/ B: watches) TV in the evening.43. We (A: ride \/ B: rides) a bike to our school.44. Ton and Alice (A: likes \/ B: like) listening to music.45. His...

选 C 句子意思是:电影结束了,他们正走出电影院。

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锺茜热淋: 1、形容词最高级前加the 是固定搭配选C2、在某一天,天用on修饰选C3、在徒步旅行的时候你会看见村庄 根据句意选D

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锺茜热淋: 13选B 14选D

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锺茜热淋: 答案依次为DBAAD.

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锺茜热淋: 题目1,答案D解:Henry's 表示某人的居所.题目2,答案B解:A项news 为不可数名词,故前不应有“a”;B项,由第二句的“win a second”可知,这是(第)一个,即“start”;C\D项均不匹配文意题目3,答案A解:考察与 名词的数 有关的限定词用法.A项中all 与后面的 “are”在复数意义上相一致;B项中both用来表示“两者(都)”,由题可知共六人,故不符;C项表示笼统意义上的“没有(一个)”;D项表示一个大整体中的一小部分,但一共才六个人,故不适合.

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锺茜热淋:[答案] B A B B

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