
作者&投稿:羽宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

改为同义句you must look after(take care of ) you sister对划线部分提问(大写的为划线部分)we can listen to music OUTSIDE THE HALLWAYS
Where can we listen to music?改一般疑问句Uncle wang does housework on weekend
Does uncle Wang do housework on weekend?改为祈使句you can't turn on the radio
Don“t turn on the radio。先翻译 然后改为一般疑问句 然后做肯定与否定回答1.他不得不起早He has to get up early。
Does he have to get up early?
Yes,he does/No,he doesn”t。2.她每天七点钟刷牙
She brushes her teeth at 7:00 every day。3.我爸爸会弹钢琴
My father can play the piano。
We must listen to music in the music hall,

I have to do the homework。2.我觉得我家的约束太多了
I think my family has too much rules。3.我晚上10:00前必须上床睡觉
I have to go to bed before 10 pm。4.你认为你的英语课怎么样?
What do you think of your English lessons?5.我们不能在教室里吃东西
We can‘t eat in the classroom。6.放学后我得练弹钢琴
I have to play the piano after school。7.有课的晚上我们不应该看电视
We shouldn“t watch TV on the nights when we have classes。8.十点钟前你必须得睡觉吗?
Do you have to go to bed before 10 pm?9.音乐课上我们可以唱歌跳舞
We can sing and dance in our music class。10.我们可以在食堂吃饭
We can have meals at the dining-room。

1. Andy is going to play basketball this afternoon.
2. My aunt will buy a new one soon.
3. We will leave a little later.
4. It will be sunny tomorrow.
5. There will be many new buildings near here in the ten years.

1.The film was put on in that cinema four days ago.
The film ___has been on________four days ago.
2.The market opened last year.
The market __has been opened_____for _one year____.
第一个on 是持续性动词
不能用open ,因为是形容词,指的是开门营业的意思,指一天天的开门,

2.The market has been opened for one year.

1. has been on
2. has been open one year

Ⅴ. 句型转换按要求转换下列句型,每空填一词(每空1分,共10分)。小题1...
故一般疑问句中助动词用does,同时注意将has改为原形have,填:Does have小题4:根据上文句意:今天真的很热。可知下文对天气进行提问,故填How weather,今天天气怎么样?小题5:根据上文,可知句意为:老师告诉孩子们不要在考试中作弊。Tell后面接带to的不定式做宾语补足语,其否定表达是在不定式符号...

1.你难道没看比赛吗?(反问改陈述)2.他要去补习。(双重否定句)3.爸爸说:“我明天要去昆明,你自己做饭吃。”(直接引语改间接引语 )4. 我们怎能忘记老师的淳淳教导?(反问改陈述)5.那浪花所奏的不正是一首欢乐的歌吗? (反问改陈述)6.这里的景色这么美,怎能不使我们流连往返呢?(...

句型转换小题1:I saw the film 2046 just now.(用just做状语)I...
小题1:have,seen小题2:Have,you小题3:hasn’t,done yet小题4:How long,have小题5:No, hasn’t 小题1:考查时态。just常与现在完成时连用。主语I是第一人称,谓动词语用原形。故填have seen。小题2:一般疑问句是把助动词have, will, do等提到句首。故填Have you。小题3:在否定句...

句型转换: 1、_Lily and Lucy_ will visit their grandparenst next...
1. Who will visit their grandparents next week?2. Where shall we meet at seven o'clock?(这一句是一般将来时,借了一个助动词shall。)3. Which suit do you want to buy?划线提问的要领:划线提问用“替换法”。有三步:(1)用一个特殊疑问词(what, when, why, which, where, how...

句型转换 (共5小题,计10分)
这是考查自我介绍的两种方式,我的名字是mike和我是mike都是介绍自己是mike的方式,意思完全相同。【小题5】这是考查句子变为复数句,注意句子中的代词,系动词,名词都变成相应的复数词汇,再注意名词变复数的特殊变化,在此题中,watch是ch结尾,以s,x sh ch结尾的单词加es。考点:句型转换。

句型转换 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(5分)
【答案】【小题1】Does,have 【小题2】Where is 【小题3】These;boxes 【小题4】don’t have 【小题5】are small 【答案解析】试题分析:【小题1】考查has的疑问句形式,has为实义动词时,变疑问句时,借助于Does,has回归成动词原形。【小题2】对地方提问用where,系动词is提到主语前。【...

把字句和被字句都是常见的句式,把字句和被字句的转换是小学语文句型转换要求学生掌握的类型之一。理解句子意思,自问自答。如“谁做了什么”该为“谁把什么做了”, “谁怎么样”改为“谁把什么怎么样”;“谁做了什么”和“谁怎么样”改为“什么被谁怎么样”。练习题:(一)、把下面句子改成...

句型转换(本大题共10个空,每空1分,共10分)小题1: I like P.E. becaus...
小题1:Why, do小题2:Does, go小题3:don’t have小题4:What’s , favorite\/ favourite小题5:Please spell 试题分析:小题1:根据上文,可知句意为:我喜欢体育,因为它有趣。划线部分表原因,用why提问,后加一般疑问句。把原句改为一般疑问句加助动词do。故填Why, do小题2:根据上文...

小学语文句型转换 有答案
他要去补习。(双重否定句)他不可以不去补习.你明天难道不来上学吗?(反问改陈述)你明天不来上学。他要去看书。(双重否定句)他不得不去看书。陈述句:你吃过饭了 反问句:难道你没吃过饭?设问句:你吃过饭了吗?一定吃过了.疑问句:你吃过饭了吗?被字句:饭被你吃了.把字句:你把饭吃了.否...


西安市18446414039: 我要50道英语的句型转换(要有答案)最好是初一的、、急用 -
人娄酚磺:[答案] 句型转换 一、将下列句子改为复数形式: 1.There is a knife in the box. There _____ _____ ______ in the box. 2.She's a woman doctor. They're ______ ______. 3.Our teacher often tells us a story. ...

西安市18446414039: 5道英语的句型转换题1)The clothes need washing(同义转换)The clothes________________________2)We can`t see stars during the daytime(被动)... -
人娄酚磺:[答案] 1 The clothes need to be washed2 Stars can't be seen during the daytime.3 The teacher asked the students not to make any noise.4 It takes me half an hour to walk to school from my home.5 When did they...

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人娄酚磺:[答案] 1.going to by plane 8.neither nor like 9.In spite of 10.would rather than

西安市18446414039: 英语句型转换,请认真回答,不要乱来哦,准确点,答得好的加分1.How about going home?(改为同义句)____ - _____go home?2.Let me see.(改为同义... -
人娄酚磺:[答案] 绝对正确! 1.How about going home? =(Why not) go home? 2.Let me see. =Let me (have/take a look). 3.Bill wants some oranges. =Bill (would like) some oranges. 4.What would Li Lei like? =What (does) Li Lei (want)? 5.Give me some drink, please. =...

西安市18446414039: 英语句型转换方面 的1 what is the weather like today?(用tomorrow代替today)2 Let's go to have a comp.(换同义句)3 My mother is strict.She is also kind.(2句... -
人娄酚磺:[答案] 1,What will the weather be like tomorrow? 2,What about going to have a camp? Why not go to have a camp? Why dont you go to have a camp? Shall we go to have a camp? 3,My mother is strict and kind. My mother is strict and she is kind as well. My ...

西安市18446414039: 几道英语的句型转化题1.She likes playing the piano.对playing the piano提问2.I go to school by bike.对by bike提问3.She teaches us math.改为一般疑问句4.... -
人娄酚磺:[答案] 1.She likes playing the piano.对playing the piano提问 What does she like?2.I go to school by bike.对by bike提问 How do you go to school?3.She teaches us math.改为一般疑问句 Does she teach you math?4.D...

西安市18446414039: 初二下英语题句型转换题1.I have already had my lunch.(改为一般疑问句)__________________________________.2.LiLei has eaten fish and chips.(改... -
人娄酚磺:[答案] Have you had your lunch yet? Li Lei hasn't eaten fish and chips. I have known Sarah for three years. Neither did I.I didn't either. How long has ...taught

西安市18446414039: 几道英语题目好的+50分五.句型转换1.We'd better go there by bus.(改为同义句)1) We'd better - ____ - the bus there.2) We'd better go there - ____ - ... -
人娄酚磺:[答案] 1.We'd better go there by bus.(改为同义句)1) We'd better ___take___ the bus there.2) We'd better go there _on_____ the bus.2.Finally the police caught them at the traffic lights.(同上)The polic...

西安市18446414039: 英语句型转换常见题型 -
人娄酚磺: 句型转换题是中考常见题型,它主要用来考查大家对句子结构的构成、变化的掌握及在行文中的运用等,类型繁多. 在句型转换中一定要注意时态,记清单词的搭配.现以近两年中考题为例,分类介绍如下: [第一类] 改成否定句 英语中有关否...

西安市18446414039: 英语的句型转换题目在下面The strawberrise were good(改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答) - __thestrawberrise good?No.they__ --
人娄酚磺:[答案] Were weren't

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