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现在还在上映的美剧里基本没有跟越狱很像的,推荐你看看CSI犯罪现场、24hours反恐24小时、还有Criminal Minds犯罪心理,都是犯罪题材的,在国内都很火

  【Prison Break】
  Season 1 consists of 22 episodes. Lincoln Burrows is accused of the murder of Terrence Steadman, who is the brother of the Vice President of the United States. With strong evidence supporting the charges of first degree murder and aggravated discharge of a firearm against him, Lincoln is sentenced to death and is sent to the Fox River State Penitentiary to await his execution. Lincoln's brother, Michael Scofield, is convinced of Lincoln's innocence and hatches an escape plan. After installing himself at Fox River, time works against Michael as he must overcome various obstacles and make the right connections among the inmates and prison staff to be successful in breaking out his brother. The protagonists are aided by their lifelong friend Veronica Donovan, who begins to investigate the conspiracy that put Lincoln in jail. However, they are hindered by covert agents, who belong to an organization known as The Company. Michael, and his brother Lincoln, along with six other inmates finally escaped in the season finale.

  Season 2 consists of 22 episodes and directly follows from the first season finale. It begins eight hours after the prison escape from Fox River State Penitentiary, focusing mainly on the escapees. New characters are introduced, including federal agent Alexander Mahone, who is assigned to track down and capture the eight escapees. Series creator Paul Scheuring describes the second season as "The Fugitive times eight" and likens it to the "second half of The Great Escape". The fugitives journey to locations across America with the authorities close behind them as they each pursue their individual goals. The secondary plot involving the political conspiracy develops as The Company continues their plan to locate and eliminate Lincoln Burrows and others who get in their way. Though on the surface much of the storyline concerning the conspiracy concludes by the season finale, there are indications that both the role of The Company and that of Michael Scofield are far more complicated and interrelated than it appears. In the season finale Michael ends up being sent back to prison in Panama, and Lincoln is exonerated of all his crimes.

  Season 3 continues from the second season finale, where most of the main characters ended up in Panama. While Lincoln is exonerated from his alleged crimes, Michael is imprisoned at Sona Federal Prison facing a homicide charge with agent Mahone, T-Bag and Captain Bellick. They are coerced by The Company into helping fellow convict James Whistler escape in exchange for the release of Sara and LJ. Although the conspiracy storyline has not finished, the third season's plot will be "as different in tone as Season 2 was from Season 1".[1] Series creator Paul Scheuring has commented that the overall theme of it will be "redemption".[4]

  Season 1

  Main article: Lost (season 1)

  Season 1 began in the United States on September 22, 2004 and featured 24 episodes[54] that were aired on Wednesdays at 8:00. A plane crash strands the surviving passengers of Oceanic Flight 815 on a seemingly deserted tropical island, forcing the group of strangers to work together to stay alive. Their survival is threatened by mysterious entities including polar bears, an unseen creature that roams the jungle, and the island's malevolent inhabitants known as the "Others". They encounter a Frenchwoman who was shipwrecked on the island over 16 years earlier and find a mysterious metal hatch buried in the ground. An attempt is made to leave the island on a raft.

  [edit] Season 2

  Main article: Lost (season 2)

  Season 2 featured 23 episodes[54] that were aired in the United States and Canada on Wednesdays at 9:00 starting September 21, 2005. Most of the story, which continues 45 days after the crash, focuses on the growing conflict between the survivors and the Others, with the continued clash between faith and science being thematic in certain episodes. While some mysteries are resolved, new questions are raised. New characters are introduced, including the tail-section survivors and other island inhabitants. More island mythologies and insights into the survivors' pasts are divulged. The hatch is explored and the existence of The DHARMA Initiative and its benefactor, the Hanso Foundation, are revealed. As the truth about the mysterious Others begins to unfold, one of the crash survivors betrays the other castaways, and the cause of the plane crash is revealed.

  [edit] Season 3

  Main article: Lost (season 3)

  Season 3 featured 22 episodes[54] that were seen in the United States and Canada beginning on October 4, 2006 and on following Wednesdays at 9:00 pm. The series returned from hiatus on February 7, 2007 and was aired at 10:00 pm.[55] The story continues 67 days after the crash. New crash survivors and Others are introduced, as the crash survivors learn about the Others and their history on the mysterious island. One of the Others and a new island inhabitant join the survivors while a survivor defects to the Others. A war between the Others and the survivors comes to a head, and the survivors make contact with a rescue team.

  [edit] Season 4

  Main article: Lost (season 4)

  Season 4 was planned (prior to the the Writers Guild of America strike) to feature 16 episodes, to be broadcast in the United Kingdom[56], the United States, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada[citation needed] beginning in the U.S. and Canada on January 31, 2008 at 8/7c.[14] If the writers' strike ends before February 15, 2008, 4 to 6 episodes could be added to the 8 completed before, bringing the season up to 14 episodes.[57]
  More of the Island's secrets are to be revealed as the castaways continue to seek rescue after making contact with a freighter. It is also revealed that the 4 rescuers are not actually on the island to rescue the survivors of oceanic 815 and are in fact after Ben. Season 4 is to feature both flashforwards and flashbacks.

第三部是弟弟又进监狱 哥哥帮弟弟

第一部:michael scofield 的哥哥Lincoln Burrows被公司的人陷害杀了总统的弟弟而被判入狱,并准备电刑。michael在得知哥哥真的是被陷害的情况之下,选择了抢银行,之后他要求关进他哥哥所在的监狱里。因为福克斯监狱的改造是由michael所在的公司承当的,因此身为建筑工程师的他对此了如指掌并将其纹在背上,之后michael通过种种方法,带着哥哥和其他几个监狱的人一起成功越狱。

第二部:michael与lincoln逃亡,出来了一个能想到michael想法的FBI警员mahone ,和michael他们一起越狱出来的逃犯陆陆续续的被其追到杀害,只剩下几个3个人。之后michael与lincoln和这三个人又为了第一部中最后越狱死了的老头的一大笔钱而又聚到了一起。之后他们被其中一个人t-bag算计,于是四个人一起去找t-bag,与此同时他们还要逃避mahone 的追捕。

第三部:林肯终于洗脱了谋杀罪名,可以光明正大回美国的时候,却轮到了迈克尔。虽然成功从福斯河监狱里救出了被人栽赃的 哥哥林肯,但迈克尔为保护莎拉又揽上杀人罪,被投入巴拿马的监狱。同时,被迈克尔用计栽赃入狱的Mahone,及T-bag、Bellick也进了这所监狱。公司将sara和LG绑架了,用此威胁michael救出监狱里的一个人wislter,最终michael等人又成功越狱。








被因比尔的到来而引起的一系列神秘事件而吸引时,与吸血鬼是否和平相处的考验才真正开始。本剧由《六英尺下》的创造者Alan Ball缔造,《真爱如血》探究了人类胆小的心灵世界,改编自Charlaine Harris的小说《南方吸血鬼》。被艾美奖获得者Ball形容为“为聪明人准备的大餐”的《真爱如血》,拥有着非常出色...





我刚看完第二季 我的理解是他对那个朋友的感激和尊重 毕竟苏克雷当时是逃犯而他的朋友在见过他不仅没有举报他还帮助他打听玛丽克鲁兹的下落 在跟苏克雷第二次见面的时候告诉他玛丽克鲁兹准备结婚还把摩托车借给他 而且很多民族都有贴面礼啊

sucre 要去找她女朋友(他堂兄准备跟她结婚),他朋友怕他弄坏摩托,手势相当于叫他朋友放心了可能也有谢谢的意思

东昌区15363973742: 越狱是什么电视剧?讲得什么事情? -
貂迹德巴: 美剧,现在国内电视台没有引进播出,现在第二季演完了,在拍第三季越狱简介片名:《Prison Break》 译名:《越狱》 地区:美国 类型:剧情类连续剧 片长:从2005年8月29日起播出 出品:福克斯(Fox)剧情介绍:...

东昌区15363973742: 请简要介绍一下电视剧<越狱>,谢谢!
貂迹德巴: 越狱第1季 Fox在《越狱》(Prison Break)上赚足了好评,该剧由温特沃斯·米勒主演,讲了一个不顾一切的男人为了帮助他判了死刑的兄弟越狱而闯入监狱的故事. 越...

东昌区15363973742: 《越狱》是一部怎样的美剧? -
貂迹德巴: 一句话来概括的话:《越狱》是理科生版《肖申克的救赎》1994年蒂姆·罗宾斯版的《肖申克的救赎》,被IMDB上160万会员评为250佳片的第一,获得67届奥斯卡7项提名,改编自斯蒂芬·金的同名小说. 演员,主题,氛围,拍摄,表演...

东昌区15363973742: 《越狱》讲的是什么故事情节?为什么很多人喜欢看啊?好看吗? -
貂迹德巴: 剧情介绍】第1季:无“越”有“狱” 剧情:这次是弟弟救哥哥 迈克尔·斯科菲尔德正陷于无望的困境中——他的哥哥林肯·巴罗斯被认定犯有谋杀罪被投入了FoxRiver监狱的死囚牢.虽然所有的证据都指出林肯就是凶手,迈克尔却坚信兄...

东昌区15363973742: 美剧 越狱 剧情
貂迹德巴: 小妹妹,如果你想了解美剧.《越狱》是不容错过的经典之作.它不是犯罪剧.里面既涉及到政治阴谋,又涉及到亲情、友情....更有爱情!里面的所有人物智商都超级高. 关于剧情: 主人公麦克是全剧的主线,他原本的职业是结构工程师,但...

东昌区15363973742: 《越狱》好看吗?谁给我简单介绍一下剧情?
貂迹德巴: 迈克尔受过良好教育,是个白领建筑设计师,收入丰厚并且住着高级公寓.但是从剧集一开始,他就一心盘算着蹲进监狱.为此,他刺了文身,并手持军火抢劫了一家银行.在朝天开了几枪之后,迈克尔束手就擒,并在法庭上完全放弃了辩护....

东昌区15363973742: 关于《越狱》
貂迹德巴: 第一季的的10集或者9集这一段吧,是说Sara生日,然后有人送给他花,她说不能保存太久所以扔了,Michael就送给她能保存很久的纸玫瑰,对吧? 那是在第一季

东昌区15363973742: 谁能告诉我有关《越狱》的详细资料?
貂迹德巴: 片名:《Prison Break》 译名:《越狱》 地区:美国 类型:剧情类连续剧 片长:从2005年8月29日起播出 出品:福克斯(Fox) 导演:桑福德-布克斯塔弗、博比-罗斯、布莱特-雷纳 主要演员: 文特沃斯-米勒——饰 迈克尔-斯科菲尔德 多米尼克-珀塞尔——饰 林肯-巴罗斯 彼得-斯多马瑞——饰 约翰-阿布兹 阿马里-诺拉斯克——饰 菲尔南多-苏克雷 斯塔西-基齐——饰 亨利-波普 罗宾-托尼——饰 维罗妮卡-多诺万 马歇尔-奥尔曼——饰 里杰-巴罗斯 韦德-威廉姆斯 ——饰 布拉德-贝里克 维恩-卡里斯——饰 萨拉-唐克里迪 罗伯特-奈普——饰 “背包”瑟多-巴格韦尔

东昌区15363973742: 《越狱》`剧情简介 ? -
貂迹德巴: 第一集 Bellick和新朋友Sapo,一个一样在SONA吃尽苦头的哥斯达黎加人,被一群人“拷问”,没有东西吃.另外一个囚犯要求他俩清洗厕所以支付房租,Sapo在压力之下发飙.不久Bellick让Lechero给他食物和衣服以交换信息.T-Bag在...

东昌区15363973742: 关于 越狱 这部电视剧
貂迹德巴: 1.对于没看过美剧的人来说或许会觉得好看,美剧看得多了就会觉得其实也挺一般.好看的地方是在于其前期剧情的安排巧妙,紧张刺激,但后面的剧情就没有这种感觉了. 2.一集40分钟,四个季度一共79集外加83分钟的特别版“最后一越”. 3.第四季去年五月就更新完了,早就大结局了~

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