
作者&投稿:繁录 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. accident n. 事故,意外的事
2. adventure n. 冒险; 奇遇
3. advertisement n. 广告
4. ambulance n. 救护车
5. anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的
6. apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪
7. appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌
8. appointment n. 约会
9. appreciate v. 欣赏; 感激
10. audience n. 观众,听众
11. average a. 平均的;普通的 n. 平均数
12. baggage n. 行李
13. bamboo n. 竹
14. beard n. (下巴上的)胡须
15. behaviour n. 行为,举止
16. blame n.& v. 责备; 责怪
17. bleed vi. 出血,流血
18. telephone booth电话亭
19. boring a. 乏味的,无聊的
20. breathe vi. 呼吸
21. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast)vt. 广播
22. businessman n. 商人;企业家
23. camera n. 照相机;摄像机
24. candle n. 蜡烛
25. carrot n.胡萝卜
26. ceiling n. 天花板,顶棚
27. celebrate v. 庆祝
28. centigrade a. 摄氏的
29. century n. 世纪,百年
30. certificate n. 证明,证明书
31. chain store(s) 连锁店
32. cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋
33. chemistry n. 化学
34. circle n. vt. 圆圈 将……圈起来
35. classical a. 传统的;古典的
36. climate n. 气候
37. clinic n. 诊所
38. college n. 学院;专科学校
39. comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的
40. comment n. 评论
41. communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)
42. compare vt. 比较,对照
43. composition n. 作文;作曲
44. conceited a. 骄傲自满的
45. condition n. 条件,状况
46. conference n.(正式的)会议;讨论
47. congratulate vt. 祝贺
48. content a. 甘愿的,满意的 n. 内容
49. convenient a. 便利的,方便的
50. counter n. 柜台,结账处
51. countryside n. 乡下,农村
52. cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹
53. crazy a. 疯狂的
54. crowded a. 拥挤的
55. curious a. 好奇的;奇异的
56. daily a. 每日的;日常的 ad. 每天 n. 日报
57. damage n.& vt. 毁坏,损害
58. damp a. & n. 潮湿(的)
59. dangerous a. 危险的
60. daughter n. 女儿
61. dawn n. 黎明,拂晓
62. deadline n.最后期限,截止日期
63. December n. 12月
64. delicious a. 美味的,可口的
65. deliver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)
66. dentist n. 牙科医生
67. describe vt. 描写,叙述
68. destroy vt.破坏,毁坏
69. determine vt. 决定;决心
70. develop v 使发展;使发达;使发育;开发vt 冲洗照片
71. devote vt. 把……奉献; 把……专用(于)
72. diary n. 日记;日记簿
73. dictionary n. 词典,字典
74. dining-room 食堂,饭厅
75. disadvantage n. 不利条件;弱点
76. disappear vi. 消失
77. disaster n. 灾难;祸患
78. discovery n. 发现
79. disease n. 病,疾病
80. distant a. 远的,遥远的
81. district n. 区;地区;区域
82. disturb vt. 扰乱;打扰
83. divide vt. 分,划分
84. dizzy a. 头晕目眩的
85. download n.& v. 下载(计算机用语)
86. drawer n. 抽屉
87. drunk a. 醉的
88. easy-going a. 随和的
89. education n. 教育,培养
90. effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试
91. electricity n. 电;电流
92. encourage vt. 鼓励
93. endless a. 无止境的; 没完的
94. enlarge vt. 扩大
95. entertainment n. 娱乐
96. entrance n. 入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可
97. envelope n. 信封
98. environment n. 环境
99. especially ad. 特别,尤其
100. examine vt. 检查;诊察
101. excellent a. 极好的,优秀的
102. exit n. 出口,太平门
103. expect vt. 预料;盼望;认为
104. experience n. 经验;经历
105. expert n. 专家,能手
106. explanation n. 解释,说明
107. express vt. 表达;表示;表情 n. 快车,特快专递
108. failure n. 失败
109. fairly ad. 公正地,正当地;相当(程度)地
110. familiar a. 熟悉的
111. favourite (美 favorite)a.喜爱的n.特别喜爱的人或物
112. February n. 2月
113. festival a. 节日的,喜庆的
114. firm n. 公司; 企业 a. 坚固的,坚定的
115. foggy a. 多雾的
116. following a. 接着的;以下的
117. forgetful a. 健忘的,不留心的
118. former a. 以前的,从前的;(两者之中的)前者
119. fortunate a. 幸运的; 侥幸的
120. freezing a. 冻结的;极冷的
121. frequent a. 经常的;频繁的
122. fresh a. 新鲜的
123. fridge =refrigerator n. 冰箱
124. frighten vt. 使惊恐,吓唬
125. government n. 政府
126. gradually ad. 逐渐地
127. graduate v. 毕业
128. grateful a. 感激的,感谢的
129. habit n. 习惯,习性
130. hardworking a. 努力工作的
131. helpful a. 有帮助的,有益的
132. hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好
133. honest a. 诚实的,正直的
134. imagine vt. 想像,设想
135. immediately ad. 立即
136. impossible a. 不可能的
137. impression n. 印象,感觉
138. improve vt. 改进,更新
139. include vt. 包含,包括
140. increase v. & n. 增加,繁殖
141. independent a. 独立的; 有主见的
142. information n. 信息
143. intend vt. 想要,打算
144. interest n. 兴趣,趣味;利息
145. international a. 国际的
146. internet n. 互联网,英特网
147. interview n.& vt. 采访,会见,面试
148. January n. 一月
149. journey n. 旅行,路程
150. junior a. 初级的;年少的
151. justice n. 正义; 公正;司法
152. kilometre n. 千米(公里)
153. kindergarten n. 幼儿园
154. kind-hearted a. 好心的
155. kitchen n. 厨房
156. knowledge n. 知识,学问
157. ladder n. 梯子
158. lame a. 跛的,瘸的 ,残废的
159. lamp n. 灯,油灯;光源
160. language n. 语言
161. latest a. 最近的,最新的;最晚的
162. latter n. (两者之中的)后者
163. learned a. 有才华的; 博学的
164. lecture〔 n. 讲课,演讲
165. license n. 执照,许可证
166. litter v. 乱丢杂物
167. lively a. 活泼的; 充满生气的
168. local a. 当地的; 地方的
169. lovely a. 美好的,可爱的
170. luggage n. (总称)行李
171. magazine n. 杂志
172. majority n. 大多数
173. manager n. 经理
174. marriage n. 结婚,婚姻
175. material n. 材料,原料
176. meanwhile ad. 同时
177. measure v. 量 n.措施
178. medicine n. 药
179. memory n. 回忆,记忆
180. mention n. 提及;记载 vt. 提到,说起;提名表扬
181. message n. 消息,音信
182. method n. 方法,办法
183. minority n. 少数;少数民族
184. misunderstand (-stood) v. 误会;不理解
185. model n 模型,原形;范例;模范
186. modest a. 谦虚的;谦逊的
187. neat a. 整洁的; 灵巧的
188. necessary a. 必需的,必要的
189. neighbour (美 neighbor) n. 邻居,邻人
190. nephew n. 侄子,外甥
191. nervous a. 紧张不安的
192. network n. 网络,网状系统
193. niece n. 侄女,甥女
194. November n. 11月
195. nowadays ad. 当今,现在
196. October n. 10月
197. officer n. 军官;公务员,官员;警察,警官
198. opinion n. 看法,见解
199. opposite n. 相反,对面 a. 相反的,对面的
200. ordinary a. 普通的,平常的 �
201. organize (美organize) vt. 组织
202. otherwise ad. 要不然,否则;另样
203. parking lot 停车场
204. particular a. 特殊的,个别的
205. passenger n. 乘客,旅客
206. patient n. 病人 a.耐心的
207. percent n. 百分比, 百分数
208. performance n. 演出,表演
209. personal a. 个人的,私人的
210. persuade vt. 说服,劝说
211. physical a. 身体的;物理的
212. picnic n.& v. 野餐
213. playground n. 操场,运动场
214. pleasure n. 高兴,愉快
215. popular a.流行的,大众的,受欢迎的
216. population n.人口,人数
217. postpone vt. 推迟,延期
218. practical a. 实际的,适用的
219. practice (美practise) v. 练习,实践
220. prepare vt. 准备, 预备; 调制,配制
221. present a. 出现的,出席的n.礼物,赠品vt.呈奉,奉送
222. president n.总统;主席
223. pressure n. 压迫,压力,压强
224. pretend vi. 假装,装作
225. prevent vt. 防止, 预防
226. primary school 小学
227. professor n. 教授
228. programme (美program) n.节目;项目
229. progress n. 进步,上进 vi. 进展;进行
230. promise n.& vi. 答应,允诺
231. pronunciation n. 发音
232. proper a. 恰当的,合适的
233. protect vt. 保护
234. proud a.自豪的;骄傲的
235. prove vt. 证明
236. provide vt. 提供
237. province n. 省
238. punctual a. 准时的
239. purpose n. 目的,意图
240. puzzled a. 迷惑的,困惑的
241. quality n. 质量,性质
242. quantity n. 量,数
243. quiet a. 安静的;寂静的
244. rapid a. 快的,迅速的
245. realize (美realize) vt. 认识到,实现
246. reasonable a. 合乎情理的
247. receipt n. 收据
248. reception n. 接待
249. recognize (美recognize) vt. 认出
250. recommend v. 推荐
251. recover vi. 痊愈; 恢复
252. reduce vt. 减少,缩减
253. refusal n. 拒绝
254. register n. 登记簿,花名册,注册员 v. 登记,注册
255. relative n. 亲属,亲戚
256. remind vt. 提醒,使记起
257. represent vt. 代表
258. respect vt.& n. 尊敬,尊重
259. restaurant n. 饭馆, 饭店
260. roundabout a. & n. 绕道的,不直接的;转盘路
261. rubbish n. 垃圾;废物
262. safety n. 安全,保险
263. salary n. 薪金,薪水
264. saying n. 说,俗话,谚语
265. scholarship n. 奖学金
266. scientific a. 科学的
267. secretary n. 秘书;书记
268. seldom ad. 很少,不常
269. sentence n. 句子
270. separate v. 使分开,使分离a. 单独的,分开的
271. September n. 9月
272. serious a. 严肃的,严重的;认真的
273. several pron. 几个,数个 a. 若干
274. shortcoming n. 缺点,短处
275. shortly ad. 不久
276. shoulder n. 肩膀;(道路的)路肩
277. shower n. 阵雨; 淋浴
278. sightseeing n. 游览,观光
279. signal n. 信号,暗号
280. signature n. 签名
281. silent a. 无声的,无对话的
282. similar a. 相似的,像
283. sincerely ad. 真诚地
284. skilled a. 熟练的; 有技能的
285. sleepy a. 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的
286. slight a. 轻微的,细小的
287. smart a. 灵巧的,伶俐的;(人、服装等)时髦的,帅的
288. social a. 社会的;社交的
289. society n. 社会
290. special a. 特别的,专门的
291. standard n. & a. 标准(的)
292. steal (stole, stolen) vt. 偷, 窃取
293. straight a. 一直的,直的 ad. 一直地,直地
294. stranger n. 陌生人,外人
295. strength n. 力量,力气
296. strengthen vt. 加强,增强
297. succeed vi. 成功
298. successful a. 成功的,有成就的
299. suggestion n. 建议
300. suitable a. 合适的,适宜的
301. support vt.& n. 支持,赞助
302. suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想
303. tear n. 眼泪 v. 扯破, 撕开
304. technology n. 技术
305. teenager n.(13~19岁的)青少年,十几岁的少年
306. temperature n. 温度
307. tense a. 心烦意乱的,紧张的
308. terrible a. 可怕的;糟糕的
309. theatre (美theater) n. 剧场,戏院
310. therefore ad. 因此,所以
311. Thursday n. 星期四
312. tiresome a. 令人厌倦的
313. traffic lights n. 交通指挥灯,红绿灯
314. training n. 培训
315. transport n.& vt.运输
316. troublesome a. 令人烦恼的; 讨厌的
317. trust vt. 相信,信任,信赖
318. truth n.真理,事实,真相,实际情况
319. twelfth num. 第十二
320. twentieth num. 第二十
321. typist n. 打字员
322. umbrella n. 雨伞
323. unemployment n.失业,失业状态
324. unfortunately ad. 不幸地
325. uniform n. 制服
326. university n. 大学
327. unlike prep. 不像,和……不同
328. unusual a. 不平常的,异常的
329. upset a. 心烦的,苦恼的
330. vacation n. 假期,休假
331. valuable a. 值钱的,贵重的
332. various a. 各种各样的,不同的
333. vegetable n. 蔬菜
334. victory n. 胜利
335. virus . n. 病毒
336. visitor n. 访问者,参观者
337. vocabulary n.词汇, 词汇表
338. volleyball n. 排球
339. voyage n. 航行,旅行
340. waist n. 腰,腰部,腰围
341. waitress n. 女服务员
342. warm-hearted a. 热心的
343. Wednesday n. 星期三
344. willing a. 乐意的; 愿意的
345. wisdom n. 智慧
346. wonderful a. 美妙的,精彩的;了不起的;太好了
347. worried a. 担心的,烦恼的
348. wounded a. 受伤的
349. youth n. 青春; 青年
350. zebra crossing 人行横道线(斑马线)

1) dis(not, the opposite of) disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm, disaster, disastrous, disappoint, disable, disability, discharge, disclose, discount, discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy, disease, disgrace, disguise, disgust, dishonor, dishonest, dislike, dismay, disorder, dispatch, disperse, displace, displacement, displease, disregard, dissatisfy, distort , distract, disintegrate, isparage, dispassion, disproportionate

2) in- (not, in, into) inability, incorrect, inability, incapable, indirect, inhuman, injustice, informal, inside, include, inclusive, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indefinite, independence, independent, indifferent, indirect, indispensable, individual, indoor, inertia , inevitable, infamous , infinite, inhabit , inhabitant, inherent , inject, inland , inlet , inner, innocent, innumerable , input, inquire, inquiry, insane, insensitive, insert, inside, insight, insist, inspect, inspiration , inspire, install, installation, installment , instance, instant, instinct, insulate , intense, interior, internal, into, intrinsic, invade, invalid , invaluable , invariably , invasion, invert , investigate, invisible, involve, inward, incomplete, indecisive, inedible, inept, inevitably, infection, infirm, injection, innate, insatiable, insecurity, insider, insidious

3) im- (not, in, into) impossible, imbalance, immature, immoral, impatient, implicit , impress, impression, import, immigrate, imprison, immerse

4) il- (not) illegal, illiterate, illogical ir- (not) irregular, irresponsible, irrespective

5) un- (not) unable, uncover, undo, undoubtedly, undress , uneasy, unemployment , unexpected, unfold , unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload, unusual, unaware, enlightened, unparalleled, unsustainable,

6) non- (not) nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal, nonresident, nonsense, nonfundamentalist, nonspecialist

7) mis- (wrong, wrongly) mislead, misspell, misstep, misfortune, misuse, misguided, misinformation

8) de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce) deform, deface, demobilize, destruction, deforest, denationalize, depress, depression, decode, decrease, degenerate , degrade , descend, descendant , descent

9) pre- (before, in advance) prefix, pre-historic, precaution, precede , preceding, preclude , predecessor , predict, predominant , preface, prejudice, preliminary, premature , premier , premise , premium , preparation, prepare, prepay, preside , president, presumably, presume , pretext , prevail, prevent, previous, prewar, preconception, prediction, prescientific, presumptively

10) ante-, (before, in advance) anteroom, ante-Christian, antemeridian, anticipate, antique

11) fore- (in advance, before, in or at the front) forearm, forehead, foreman, foretell , foresee , forefather , foreleg, forerunner , fore , foremost, forecast, forewarn

12) ex- (out, out of, former) ex-minister, ex-president, ex-Soviet Union, ex-wife, export, exclude, exclusive, excursion, exhibit, exile , exit, exotic , expand, expansion, expedition , expel , expend , expenditure , expense, explode, explosion, explosive, expose, exposition , exposure, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, exterior, external, extinct, extra, extract

13) post- (later than, after) postgraduate, postwar, postmeridian, postpone, postscript

14) sub- (under, below, less important) sub, subject, subway, subtitle, subdivide, submarine , sub-zero, submerge, submit, subordinate , subscribe , subsection, subsequent, subsidiary , subsidy , substance, substantial, substitute, subtract, suburb, subconsciously, subtly

15) infra- (below in a range, beyond) infrastructure , infrared

16) re- (again, back to a former state) react, reaction, recall, recede , receipt, recipient , reclaim , recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover, recovery, recreation, recur , recycle , redundant , reflect, reflection, reflexion, reform, refrain , refresh, refreshment , refund , refute , reinforce, reject, remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance , renew, repay , repeat, repeatedly, repel , repetition, replace, replacement, represent, representative, repression , reproduce, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restore, resume, return, reunion , revise, revive

17) co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- (with together) co-existence, cooperative , co-author, coalition , coherent , coincide , coincidence , collaboration , colleague, collide , collision, collocation, compassion, compassionate, concentric, confederation, conjoin, coordinate, correlate, correlation, correspond

18) inter- (between, among) interchange, interchangeable, interdependent, interpersonal, interview, interact , interaction, intercourse , interface , interfere, interference, Internet, interrupt, interval, intervene

19) macro- (large) macroeconomics , macrocosm , macrostructure

20) micro- (extremely small) microcomputer, microeconomics , microscope, microphone, microsurgery, microelectronics, microbiologist

21) super- (greater or more than) super, supermarket, supersonic , superman, superpower, supernatural, supervise , superb, superficial, superintendent , superior, superiority , supreme, supersystem

22) sur- (more than, beyond) surplus, surtax, surface, surpass , surround, survival, survive, suspect

23) ultra- (beyond, very, too) ultramodern, ultrasound, ultra-violet

24) auto- (of or by oneself) auto, autocriticism, autoland, automobile, automation , automatic, autobiography , autonomous , autonomy

25) mal- (bad, badly) malfunction, maltreat , malnutrition , malpractice

26) tele- (at or over a long distance, by or for television) telegram, television, telegraph, telephone, telecommunications , telescope, telescreen, teleswitch, televise

28) semi-, hemi- (half) semicircle, semiconductor, semi-colony , semifinal, hemisphere

29) uni-, mono- (one) uniform, unify , union, unique, unit, unite, unity, universe, universal, university, monologue , monoplane, monopoly , monotone, monotonous , carbon monoxide

30) bi-, di- (two) biweekly, bicycle, bilateral , billion, bilingual, dialogue, carbon dioxide

31) tri- (three) tricycle , triangle, triangular, trilogy , triple, trigonometry

32) quadri-, quadru- (four) quadruple, quadrangle

33) penta- (five) pentagon, Pentagon, Pentium

34) hexa- (six) hexagon, hexangular mill- (thousand) millennium, millimeter

35) sept- (seven) September, Sept-Wolves nona- (nine) nonagon, November

36) octa- (eight) octagon, octave, octopus, October 38) deci-, deca- (ten) decade, decimal

39) centi- (hundredth part) centigrade, centimeter, centipede, century

40) kilo- (thousand) kilo, kilometer, kilogram (me), kilowatt

42) multi- (many) multipurpose, multinational, multiple, multiply, multitude

43)counter-,anti-,contra- (opposite, against counteract, counterattack, counterclockwise, counterrevolutionary, antibiotic, antigravity, antimatter, antiwar, antinuclear, contradict , contradiction, contramissile, contranatural, contrary, contrast, anticonsumerism

44) mini- (smallest, short) minibus, miniskirt, minimum, minister, ministry, minor, minority, minute

45) max- (greatest) maximum, maximal, maximize

46) out- (outside, beyond) outdo, outwit, outlive, outnumber, outdoor, outstanding, outskirts , outward, outcome, outer, outing , outline, outlook, output, outrage , outside

47) over- (too much, above, additional) overwork, overuse, overtake, overpass , overthrow , overturn , overall, overdue , overhead, overhear , overlook, overseas, overtime

48) trans- (across, on or to the other side of) transaction , transatlantic, transcend , transfer, transform, transistor , transit , transition , translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transmitter, transparent, transplant, transport, transportation

49) under- (too little, below) underdevelop, underdevelopment, underestimate, undergraduate, underground, underlie , underline, undersea, underlying , undermine , underneath, underwear

50) neo- (new) neo-Nazism, neolithic

51) be- (cause to be or have) befriend, belittle

52) bio- (life) biology, biography , autobiography, antibiotic, biochemistry, biosphere, biomedical

53) en- em- (cause to become, put into the stated condition) embody, empower, endanger, enlarge, enrich, encompass, enthrone, entrench

54) extra- (outside, beyond) extracurricular, extraordinary

55) mid- (middle) midday, midnight

56) poly- (many) polycentric, polydirectional, polysyllabic

57) pseudo- (not real, false) pseudomemory, pseudonym, pseudoscience

58) thermo- (heat) thermochemistry, thermometer

59) vice- (next in rank below) vice-chairman, vice-president

60) aero- (air) aerial , aeroplane, aeronautics, aerospace

61) cross- (across, going between the stated things and joining them) cross-country, crossbreed

62) intra- (inside, within; into) intracity, intra-department, intranet

63) pro- (in favor of, supporting) pro-America, pro-abortion

64) self- self-employed, self-taught

65) step- (not by birth but through a parent who has remarried) stepmother, stepchildren
pos = put 放置

pose, position, expose, exposure, compose, composition, propose, proposal, oppose,

opposition, impose, dispose, disposal, preposition

tract = draw 拉,抽,引

tractor, attract, attraction, attractive, distract, subtract, contract, abstract, drag, draw, straight, straighten, stretch

sec, sequ = follow 跟随

second, secondary, sequence, subsequent, consequence, consequently

vid, vis, vey, vy = see 看

visible, vision, visibility, invisible, visual, video, videophone, revise, revision, supervise, supervision, evident, evidence, visit

spect=look 看

spectator, spectacle, spectacular, prospect, inspect, inspection, expect, expectation, respect, respectable, respectful, respective, respected, suspect, suspicion, specific, despite

mob, mov, mot = move动

mobile, mobility, mobilize, automobile, motion, motive, motivate, motivation, motor, move, promote, promotion, emote, remote

ced, ceed, cess , gress = go, walk 行走

precede, proceed, procedure, process, exceed, excess, excessive, succeed, success, successful, succession, successive, successor, access, accessible, progress, congress, regress, aggressive


bankrupt, interrupt, corrupt, disrupt, erupt

mini, min = small, little 小

miniskirt, minimize, minimum, minus, minute, minority, diminish

scrib, scrip 写,记,抄

describe, description, script, manuscript, prescribe, prescription

dict, dic = say 言,说

diction, dictionary, contradict, dictate, dictation, dictator, predict, prediction, predictable, indicate, verdict

miss, mit = send 投,送,发

mission, missile, dismiss, dismissal, transmit, transmission, emit, emission, promise, compromise, committee, commission

port = carry 拿,带,运

portable, import, export, transport, report, support

leg, legis 法

legal, legalize, illegal, legislate, legislation, legislature

solu, solv 洗,溶解

solution, solve, resolve, resolution, dissolve

press 压

impress, impression, express, suppress, depress

viv, vit=live活:

live, living, lively, survive, livelihood, alive, revive, vivid, vital, vitamin

count=number: 数

account, accountant, discount, number, numeral, numerous, innumerable

ag=act 行动,做:

action, exactly, react, interact, transact, radioactive, agent, agenda, agency,


facility, factory, faculty, affect, defect, infect, perfect, efficient, fiction, artificial, proficiency, feasible


remark, signal, signature, design, designate, significance, resign

du, doub, coup=two 二:

dual, double, doubtful, couple, dubious, duplicate, dual


balloon, ballot, hemisphere, atmosphere

popul, publ=people人:

popular, public, publicity, republic, publish, republican, population,

men, min=mind心灵,精神:

mind, remind, mention, mental, comment, memory, memorial, remember, commemorate


construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction, destroy

fund, found=base基础:

basement, basis, foundation, profound, fund, refund, fundamental


dividend, individual, particle, participate, particular, partner, apart, counterpart, depart, impartial, department, party, apartment, compartment


dependent, independence, append, appendix, suspend, pension


conduct, deduct, misconduct, educate, induce, introduce, produce, reduce,


operate, cooperate, opera


venture, adventure, avenue, convention, invent, eventually, prevent, intervene


proclaim, reclaim, exclaim, advocate, provoke, vocal, voice,


section, segment, intersection, sector

grat, grac, gree=please高兴,感激:

grace, grateful, gratitude, congratulation, agree, agreeable, greet, pleasure, pleasant, disagree

vail, val=worth价值:

worth, worthy, worthwhile, available, prevail, value, valid, validity, valve, evaluate, equivalent

pel, peal, puls=drive驱动:

appeal, compel, compulsion, compulsory, propel, pulse, impulse


prefix & suffix

1. abol=to do away with废除 abolish废除 2. ab-sum=not present离开 absent不在 3. abyssys=bottom底 abyss深渊 4.ac=an oak栎属植物 acorn橡树子 5. acer=a field原野 acre英亩 6.acer=sharp尖锐的 acerbity酸 7. acidus=sour发酸 acid酸 8.acu=sharpen削尖 acumen敏锐 9. ...

英语词根共568个 列举前50个词根 1、(a)esthet = feeling 感觉 2、abl, abili = able 能力 3、acid, acri, acrid, acu = sour, sharp 尖,酸,锐,利 4、acro = top 顶点,高点 5、act = to do, to drive 行动,做 6、aer, aero, aeri = air 空气,充气 7、ag = do, act 做...

1、root的意思“根,根部”,引申可指“根本,根源”,常与介词of连用。例:Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils.金钱被认为是万恶之源。2、base一般指露出地面的、具体有形的事物的底部、基座等,偶尔也可用来比喻理论的基础或讨论的根据等; 还可指军事或工业基地等。例:Many ...

英语常用词根有很多,列举如下:前缀ad- con-,de-,dis-,ex-,im-,per-,pre-,pro-,re-,sub-,trans.词根cept、duc、fer、flex、flect、grad、ject、mit、nounce、pel、port、put、close、fact、form、fuse、press、pose、quest、scribe、script、serve、sense、side、sign.以上最简单最常见的...

1、常用词根有:(1)acid,acri,acrid,acu=sour, sharp,表示“尖,酸,锐利”,如:acidify酸化(acid+ify…化→酸化);acuity尖锐,敏锐(acu+ity性质→尖的性质→尖锐)。(2)act=todo, to drive,表示“行动,做”,如:acting演技;enact实施,颁布(en+act→使[法律]动→实施法律)。(...

英语词缀分类如下:1、前缀+词根:re-(前缀,表示:回)+ port(词根,表示:拿)——>报告,汇报(把消息、情况等“带回来”——>报告)。2、词根+后缀:ori(词根,表示:升起)+ -ent(在这个单词中是名词后缀)——>orient东方(太阳“升起”的地方——>东方)。3、前缀+词根+后缀:pre...


angrily - to → towards - east → eastward - 构成数词的后缀有 -teen (十几),-ty (几十),-th (构成序数词)。例如:- six → sixteen - four → forty - four → fortieth 以上仅为部分常见的前缀和后缀示例,实际上,英语中还有更多的前缀和后缀,它们可以帮助我们构造出丰富的词汇。

-ry 3. 种类 (n) jewelry 宝石 -ry 4. 行业 (n) forestry 林业 -s 1. 构成复数名词 (n) rockets 火箭 -s 2. 第三人称单数 (v) plays 玩 -s 3. 构成副词 (ad) indoors 在家 -ship 1. 动作 (n) courtship 求爱 -ship 2. 身份 (n) citizenship 公民身份 -ship 3. 关系 ...

英语单词词根表 急需 最好能有中文解释
【英语字根】1,ag=do,act 做,动 2,agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr)3,ann=year年 4,audi=hear听 5,bell=war战争 6,brev=short短 7,ced,ceed,cess=go行走 8,cept=take拿取 9,cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀 10,circ=ring环,圈 11,claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫 12,clar=clear清楚,...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语的词根有哪些? -
屈怨复方:[答案] 常见的词根 1) aer, ar, 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane, aerial, 2) ag, act, ig, 含义是“做,动作” active, agent, reaction, 3) alt, 含义是“高”, altitude, 4) alter, altern, altr, 含义是...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语常用词根 -
屈怨复方: 那是词缀吧prefix & suffix

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语的词根有哪些? -
屈怨复方: 太多了. 名词:-er,-ness,-ist,-ty,-ce,-or,-ee,-ian.-ese,-ant,-ism,-tion,-ment.-ion,-ing,-ship,-hood,-age,-ure,-dom,-ity,-th,-al,-ance,-ence,-ful 形容词:-ful,-less,-ish,-Ive,-ous,-able,-ible,-ic,-ant,-ly,-al,-y,-ent,-ary,-some,-like,-en,-ed,-an 动词:-ize,-en,-ify 副...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中常用的英语词根 -
屈怨复方: 前缀 词缀意义 举例 anti- 1. 反对,反抗,对抗 antisocial (a. 反社会的) antipathy (n. 反感) co- 一起;共同;同等 co-operate (v. 合作) dis- disbelieve (v. 不信,怀疑) disorder (n. 杂乱) en- encase (v. 装入,包住) endanger (v. 危及) il- illegal (a. 违法的...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语最常用的到的词根 -
屈怨复方: -ment -ty -al -ly -tion -ion -er/or/ist -ship -dom -ness -hood -able -ful -less -ize(ise) -ive.

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语词性词根 -
屈怨复方: 名词后缀 1)-or/er/ess/crat/cis:做某件事情或职业的人或物:worker, debtor 2)-acy, 表示\"性质,状态,境遇\" democracy, accuracy, diplomacy 3)-ance, -ence表示\"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” importance, diligence, difference, ...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高考常用词根,词缀,带上翻译,谢谢了,
屈怨复方: 词根1.st, sta, stan, stin , stit, stat, sist 站,立 2.fer 携带,带,拿3.tend, tens, tent, ten, tain, tin, tun 伸,拉4.sit, set, sid, (h)od, sess, ceed, ced, cess 坐,走,放 5.vers, vert, ward 转,弯 6.vid, vis, wis, wit,view 看7.plain, plan, plat, flat, pleas, plac 平...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语常用词根如题,知道的请列下格式如下:加前缀 dis - ,in - ,ir - ,mis - ,un - ,im - ,表示否定意义.加后缀 - ese, - or, - er, - ian, - ist, - eer等表示人和物. -
屈怨复方:[答案] 1) dis(not, the opposite of) disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm, disaster, disastrous, disappoint, disable, disability, discharge, disclose, discount, discourage, discover, discovery, ...

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中常用的英语词根词缀有哪些?急急急 -
屈怨复方: 词根、词缀也很难记.可以找些方法来记.比如说sanguine 脸色红润的 三(san) 桂 (gui) 呢(ne)(陈圆圆脸色红润的撩开帘子说:三桂呢)

翁牛特旗17627719193: 高中英语词根词缀 -
屈怨复方: 我高考141 大学期间没看英语 四级74 大学英语6级勉强过了 因为词汇量比较挂不住当然,这指的是国家英语等级考试 专业英语考试又另当别论

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