
作者&投稿:蔺霭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Marine 海军陆战队员
Firebat 火枪兵
Ghost 特种兵
Vulture 秃鹫车
Goliath 机械人
Siege Tank 坦克
SCV 工程兵
Dropship 运输船
Wraith 幽灵战机
Battlecruiser 大和舰
Science Vessel 科学船
Medic 医疗兵
Valkyrie 瓦格雷
Civilian 平民
Advisor 基地

[TMaRdy00] "You want a piece of me, boy?"
[TMaDth00] [death]
[TMaDth01] [death]
[TMaPss00] We gotta move!
[TMaPss01] Are you gonna give me orders?
[TMaPss02] Oh my god! He's whacked!
[TMaPss03] I vote we frag this commander.
[TMaPss04] How do I get out of this chicken *BEEP* outfit?! - Communications Technician Private W. Hudson, Aliens
[TMaPss05] You want a piece of me, boy?
[TMaPss06] If it weren't for these damned neural implants you'd be a smoldering crater by now!
[tmaSti00] Ahh...That's the stuff!
[tmaSti01] Ahh...Yea!
[TMaWht00] Commander.
[TMaWht01] Standin' by.
[TMaWht02] Checked up and good to go.
[TMaWht03] Give me something to shoot.
[TMaYes00] Gogogo!
[TMaYes01] Let's move!
[TMaYes02] Outstanding!
[TMaYes03] Rock 'n roll!

[tfbRdy00] Need a light?
[TFbDth00] [death]
[TFbDth01] [death]
[TFbDth02] [death]
[tfbFir00] [flame]
[tfbFir01] [flame]
[tfbPss00] Is something burning?
[tfbPss01] Haha, that's what I thought.
[tfbPss02] I love the smell of napalm. - Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
[tfbPss03] Nothing like a good smoke!
[tfbPss04] Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?
[tfbPss05] Got any questions about propane? - Hank Hill, King of the Hill
[tfbPss06] Or, propane accessories? - Hank Hill, King of the Hill
[tfbWht00] Fire it up!
[tfbWht01] Yes?
[tfbWht02] You got my attention.
[tfbWht03] Wanna turn up the heat?
[tfbYes00] Naturally.
[tfbYes01] Slammin!
[tfbYes02] You've got it.
[tfbYes03] Let's burn.

[tghrdy00] Somebody called for an exterminator?
[TGhDth00] [death]
[TGhDth01] [death]
[TGhLas00] [laser]
[TGhLkd00] [lockdown]
[tghpss00] You called down the thunder.
[tghpss01] Now reap the whirlwind.
[tghpss02] Keep it up! I dare ya.
[tghpss03] I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors.
[tghwht00] Ghost reporting.
[tghwht01] I'm here.
[tghwht02] Finally!
[tghwht03] Call the shot.
[tghyes00] I hear that.
[tghyes01] I'm gone.
[tghyes02] Never know what hit em.
[tghyes03] I'm all over it.

[tvurdy00] All right, bring it on!
[TVuDth00] [death]
[TVuMin00] [mine]
[TVuMin01] [mine]
[tvupss00] Something you wanted?
[tvupss01] I don't have time to f*BEEP* around!
[tvupss02] You keep pushing it boy.
[tvupss03] And I'll scrap you along with the aliens!
[TVuWht00] What do YOU want?
[tvuwht01] Yeah?
[tvuwht02] I read ya, SIR.
[tvuwht03] Somethin' on your mind?
[tvuyes00] Yeah, I'm going.
[tvuyes01] I dig.
[tvuyes02] No problem!
[tvuyes03] Oh, is that it?

[TGoRdy00] Goliath online.
[TGoDth00] [death]
[TGoPss00] MilSpec ED-209 online. - ED-209, Robocop
[TGoPss01] Checklist protocol initiated.
[TGoPss02] Primary ? level one diagnostic...
[TGoPss03] USDA Selected.
[TGoPss04] FDIC approved.
[TGoPss05] Checklist Completed. SOB.
[TGoWht00] Go ahead tac-com.
[TGoWht01] Com-link online.
[TGoWht02] Channel open.
[TGoWht03] Systems functional.
[TGoYes00] Acknowledged HQ.
[TGoYes01] Nav-com locked.
[TGoYes02] Confirmed.
[TGoYes03] Target designated.

Siege Tank
[ttardy00] Ready to roll out!
[TTaDth00] [death]
[ttapss00] *Singing the tune of "Ride of the Valkyries"*
[ttapss01] I'm about to drop the hammer!
[ttapss02] And dispense some indiscriminate justice!
[ttapss03] What is your major malfunction? - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket
[ttatra00] [siege]
[ttatra01] [siege]
[ttawht00] Yes sir!
[ttawht01] Destination?
[ttawht02] Identify target!
[ttawht03] Orders sir!
[ttayes00] Move it!
[ttayes01] Proceedin'.
[ttayes02] Delighted to, sir!
[ttayes03] Absolutely!

[TSCRdy00] SCV, good to go, sir.
[EDrRep00] [repair]
[EDrRep01] [repair]
[EDrRep02] [repair]
[EDrRep03] [repair]
[EDrRep04] [repair]
[TSCDth00] [death]
[TSCErr00] I can't build it, something's in the way.
[TSCErr01] I can't build there.
[TSCMin00] [mine]
[TSCMin01] [mine]
[TSCPss00] Come again, Captain?
[TSCPss01] I'm not readin' you clearly.
[TSCPss02] You ain't from around here, are you?
[TSCPss03] I can't believe they put me in one of these things!
[TSCPss04] And now I gotta put up with this too?
[TSCPss05] I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!
[TSCPss06] I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight.
[TSCTra00] ?

[TDrRdy00] Can I take your order?
[TDrDth00] [death]
[TDrPss00] When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.
[TDrPss01] In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device.
[TDrPss02] To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.
[TDrPss03] Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop.
[TDrWht00] Go ahead, HQ.
[TDrWht01] I'm listenin'.
[TDrWht02] Destination?
[TDrWht03] Input coordinates.
[TDrYes00] In the pipe, five by five. - Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TDrYes01] Hang on, we're in for some chop. - Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TDrYes02] In transit, HQ.
[TDrYes03] Buckle up!
[TDrYes04] Strap yourselves in boys!
[TDrYes05] I copy that.

[TPhRdy00] Wraith awaiting launch orders.
[TPhClo00] [cloak]
[TPhClo01] [cloak]
[TPhDth00] [death]
[TPhPss00] Last transmission breakin' up...come back...
[TPhPss01] I'm just curious...why am I so good? - Comedian Ken Dodd
[TPhPss02] I gotta get me one of these. - Steven "Eagle" Hiller, Independence Day
[TPhPss03] You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?
[TPhPss04] Yours truly.
[TPhPss05] Everybody gotta die sometime, Red. - Staff Sergeant Bob Barnes, Platoon
[TPhPss06] I am the invincible, that's right.
[TPhWht00] Go ahead commander.
[TPhWht01] Transmit coordinates.
[TPhWht02] Standin' by. - Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TPhWht03] Reporting in.
[TPhYes00] Coordinates received.
[TPhYes01] Attack formation.
[TPhYes02] Roger.
[TPhYes03] Vector locked-in.

[tbardy00] Battlecruiser operational.
[TBaDth00] [death]
[tbapss00] Identify yourself!
[tbapss01] Shields up! Weapons online!
[tbapss02] Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!
[tbapss03] We are getting WAY behind schedule.
[tbapss04] I really have to go...number one. - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
[tbawht00] Battlecruiser reporting.
[tbawht01] Receiving transmission.
[tbawht02] Good day, commander.
[tbawht03] Hailing frequencies open. - Commander Nyota Uhura, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
[TBaYam01] [yamato]
[TBaYam02] [yamato]
[tbayes00] Make it happen. - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
[tbayes01] Set a course.
[tbayes02] Take it slow.
[tbayes03] Engage! - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Science Vessel
[TVeRdy00] Explorer reporting.
[TVeDef00] [matrix]
[TVeDth00] [death]
[TVeEmp00] [EMP]
[TVeIrr00] [Irradiate]
[tvepss00] I like the cut of your jib! - Mr. Burns, The Simpsons [1F04]
[tvepss01] E=MC...d'oh let me get my notepad.
[tvepss02] Ah, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that.
[tvepss03] Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?
[tvepss04] I think we may have a gas leak!
[tvepss05] Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?
[tvepss06] Ah...the ship.... out of danger? - Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
[tvewht00] Ah, greetings command!
[tvewht01] Transmit orders.
[tvewht02] Receiving headquarters!
[tvewht03] We have you on visual.
[tveyes00] Let's roll!
[tveyes01] Excellent! - Mr. Burns, The Simpsons
[tveyes02] Commencing!
[tveyes03] Affirmative, sir.

[TMdRdy00] Prepped and ready!
[Miopia1] [?]
[TMdDth00] [death]
[TMdPss00] I've already checked you out commander.
[TMdPss01] You want another physical?
[TMdPss02] Turn your head an cough.
[TMdPss03] Ready for your sponge bath?
[TMdPss04] His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!
- EKG: electrocardiogram/electrocardiograph
- defib: an electronic device that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a fibrillating heart
[TMdPss05] Clear! *bzzz*
[TMdPss06] He's dead, Jim. - Cmdr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, M.D., Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
[TMdWht00] Need medical attention?
[TMdWht01] Did someone page me?
[TMdWht02] State the nature of your medical emergency! - Emergency Medical Hologram v1.0, Star Trek: Voyager
[TMdWht03] Where does it hurt?
[TMdYes00] Right away!
[TMdYes01] Stat!
[TMdYes02] I'm on the job!
[TMdYes03] On my way.
[TmedCure] [restoration]
[TmedCure2] [restoration]
[TMedflsh] [optic flare]
[Tmedheal] [heal]
[Tmedheal2] [heal]
[TMedRest] [rest]
[Tmedrest1] [rest]

[TVkRdy00] Valkyrie prepared.
[TVkDth00] [death]
[TVkPss00] This is very interesting...but stupid. - Arte Johnson, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In
[TVkPss01] I have ways of blowing things up.
[TVkPss02] You're being very naughty.
[TVkPss03] Who's your mommy?
[TVkPss04] Blucher! - Frau Blucher, Young Frankenstein
[TVkPss05] [horses neighing] - Young Frankensten
[TVkWht00] Need something destroyed?
[TVkWht01] I am eager to help.
[TVkWht02] Don't keep me waiting.
[TVkWht03] Achtung! - German for "Attention!"
[TVkYes00] Of course my dear.
[TVkYes01] Perfect!
[TVkYes02] It's showtime!
[TVkYes03] Jawoll! - German for "Alright!"
[TVkYes04] Achtung! - German for "Attention!"

[TCVRdy00] Hey, how'd I get here?
[TCvDth00] [death]
[TCvPss00] I wanna be all I can be! - USA Army slogan
[TCvPss01] I tell you what. I think I'll join up!
[TCvPss02] I'm a little claustrophobic though.
[TCvPss03] Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces.
[TCVPss04] Ah, what the hell. I need that college money.
[TCvWht00] Hey there.
[TCvWht01] How ya'll doing?
[TCvWht02] What's up?
[TCvWht03] Howdy.
[TCvYes00] I'm goin'.
[TCvYes01] No sweat.
[TCvYes02] Yup.
[TCvYes03] All right.
[TCVYes04] Sure thing.

[tadErr00] Not enough minerals.
[tadErr01] Insufficient vespene gas.
[tadErr02] Additional supply depots required.
[tadErr03] Landing sequence interrupted.
[tadErr04] Inacceptable landing zone.
[TAdErr06] Not enough energy.
[tadUpd00] Base is under attack.
[tadUpd01] Your forces are under attack.
[tadUpd02] Research complete.
[tadUpd03] Add-on complete.
[tadUPD04] Nuclear launch detected.
[tadUPD05] Abandoning auxilorary structure.
[tadUPD06] Upgrade complete.
[TAdUpd07] Nuclear missile ready



[TMaRdy00] "You want a piece of me, boy?"
[TMaDth00] [death]
[TMaDth01] [death]
[TMaPss00] We gotta move!
[TMaPss01] Are you gonna give me orders?
[TMaPss02] Oh my god! He's whacked!
[TMaPss03] I vote we frag this commander.
[TMaPss04] How do I get out of this chicken *BEEP* outfit?!
- Communications Technician Private W. Hudson, Aliens
[TMaPss05] You want a piece of me, boy?
[TMaPss06] If it weren't for these damned neural implants you'd be a smoking crater by now!
[TMaSti00] Ahh...That's the stuff!
[TMaSti01] Ahh...Yea!
[TMaWht00] Commander.
[TMaWht01] Standin' by.
[TMaWht02] Jacked up and good to go.
[TMaWht03] Give me something to shoot.
[TMaYes00] Gogogo!
[TMaYes01] Let's move!
[TMaYes02] Outstanding!
[TMaYes03] Rock 'n roll!

[TFbRdy00] Need a light?
[TFbDth00] [death]
[TFbDth01] [death]
[TFbDth02] [death]
[TFbFir00] [flame]
[TFbFir01] [flame]
[TFbPss00] Is something burning?
[TFbPss01] Haha, that's what I thought.
[TFbPss02] I love the smell of napalm.
- Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
[TFbPss03] Nothing like a good smoke!
[TFbPss04] Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?
[TFbPss05] Got any questions about propane?
- Hank Hill, King of the Hill
[TFbPss06] Or, propane accessories?
- Hank Hill, King of the Hill
[TFbWht00] Fire it up!
[TFbWht01] Yes?
[TFbWht02] You got my attention.
[TFbWht03] Wanna turn up the heat?
[TFbYes00] Naturally.
[TFbYes01] Slammin!
[TFbYes02] You've got it.
[TFbYes03] Let's burn.

[TGhRdy00] Somebody call for an exterminator?
[TGhDth00] [death]
[TGhDth01] [death]
[TGhLas00] [laser]
[TGhLkd00] [lockdown]
[TGhPss00] You called down the thunder...
[TGhPss01] Now reap the whirlwind.
- General Hummer, The Rock
[TGhPss02] Keep it up! I dare ya.
[TGhPss03] I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors.
[TGhWht00] Ghost reporting.
[TGhWht01] I'm here.
[TGhWht02] Finally!
[TGhWht03] Call the shot.
[TGhYes00] I hear that.
[TGhYes01] I'm gone.
[TGhYes02] Never know what hit em.
[TGhYes03] I'm all over it.

[TVuRdy00] All right, bring it on!
[TVuDth00] [death]
[TVuMin00] [mine]
[TVuMin01] [mine]
[TVuPss00] Something you wanted?
[TVuPss01] I don't have time to f*BEEP* around!
[TVuPss02] You keep pushing it boy.
[TVuPss03] And I'll scrap you along with the aliens!
[TVuWht00] What do YOU want?
[TVuWht01] Yeah?
[TVuWht02] I read ya, SIR.
[TVuWht03] Somethin' on your mind?
[TVuYes00] Yeah, I'm going.
[TVuYes01] I dig.
[TVuYes02] No problem!
[TVuYes03] Oh, is that it?

[TGoRdy00] Goliath online.
[TGoDth00] [death]
[TGoPss00] MilSpec ED-209 online.
- ED-209, Robocop
[TGoPss01] Checklist protocol initiated.
[TGoPss02] Running level one diagnostic.
[TGoPss03] USDA Selected.
[TGoPss04] FDIC approved.
[TGoPss05] Checklist Completed. SOB.
[TGoWht00] Go ahead tac-com.
[TGoWht01] Com-link online.
[TGoWht02] Channel open.
[TGoWht03] Systems functional.
[TGoYes00] Acknowledged HQ.
[TGoYes01] Nav-com locked.
[TGoYes02] Confirmed.
[TGoYes03] Target designated.

Siege Tank
[TTaRdy00] Ready to roll out!
[TTaDth00] [death]
[TTaPss00] *Singing the tune of "Ride of the Valkyries"*
[TTaPss01] I'm about to drop the hammer!
[TTaPss02] And dispense some indiscriminate justice!
[TTaPss03] What is your major malfunction?
- Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket
[TTaTra00] [siege]
[TTaTra01] [siege]
[TTaWht00] Yes sir!
[TTaWht01] Destination?
[TTaWht02] Identify target!
[TTaWht03] Orders sir!
[TTaYes00] Move it!
[TTaYes01] Proceedin'.
[TTaYes02] Delighted to, sir!
[TTaYes03] Absolutely!

[TSCRdy00] SCV, good to go, sir.
[EDrRep00] [repair]
[EDrRep01] [repair]
[EDrRep02] [repair]
[EDrRep03] [repair]
[EDrRep04] [repair]
[TSCDth00] [death]
[TSCErr00] I can't build it, something's in the way.
[TSCErr01] I can't build there.
[TSCMin00] [mine]
[TSCMin01] [mine]
[TSCPss00] Come again, Captain?
[TSCPss01] I'm not readin' you clearly.
[TSCPss02] You ain't from around here, are you?
[TSCPss03] I can't believe they put me in one of these things!
[TSCPss04] And now I gotta put up with this too?
[TSCPss05] I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!
[TSCPss06] I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight.
[TSCTra00] ?

[TDrRdy00] Can I take your order?
[TDrDth00] [death]
[TDrPss00] When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.
[TDrPss01] In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device.
[TDrPss02] To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.
[TDrPss03] Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop.
[TDrWht00] Go ahead, HQ.
[TDrWht01] I'm listenin'.
[TDrWht02] Destination?
[TDrWht03] Input coordinates.
[TDrYes00] In the pipe, five by five.
- Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TDrYes01] Hang on, we're in for some chop.
- Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TDrYes02] In transit, HQ.
[TDrYes03] Buckle up!
[TDrYes04] Strap yourselves in boys!
[TDrYes05] I copy that.

[TPhRdy00] Wraith awaiting launch orders.
[TPhClo00] [cloak]
[TPhClo01] [cloak]
[TPhDth00] [death]
[TPhPss00] Last transmission breakin' up...come back...
[TPhPss01] I'm just curious...why am I so good?
- Comedian Ken Dodd
[TPhPss02] I gotta get me one of these.
- Steven "Eagle" Hiller, Independence Day
[TPhPss03] You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?
[TPhPss04] Yours truly.
[TPhPss05] Everybody gotta die sometime, Red.
- Staff Sergeant Bob Barnes, Platoon
[TPhPss06] I am the invincible, that's right.
[TPhWht00] Go ahead commander.
[TPhWht01] Transmit coordinates.
[TPhWht02] Standin' by.
- Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TPhWht03] Reporting in.
[TPhYes00] Coordinates received.
[TPhYes01] Attack formation.
[TPhYes02] Roger.
[TPhYes03] Vector locked-in.

[TBaRdy00] Battlecruiser operational.
[TBaDth00] [death]
[TBaPss00] Identify yourself!
[TBaPss01] Shields up! Weapons online!
[TBaPss02] Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!
[TBaPss03] We are getting WAY behind schedule.
[TBaPss04] I really have to go...number one.
- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
[TBaWht00] Battlecruiser reporting.
[TBaWht01] Receiving transmission.
[TBaWht02] Good day, commander.
[TBaWht03] Hailing frequencies open.
- Commander Nyota Uhura, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
[TBaYam01] [yamato]
[TBaYam02] [yamato]
[TBaYes00] Make it happen.
- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
[TBaYes01] Set a course.
[TBaYes02] Take it slow.
[TBaYes03] Engage!
- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Science Vessel
[TVeRdy00] Explorer reporting.
[TVeDef00] [matrix]
[TVeDth00] [death]
[TVeEmp00] [EMP]
[TVeIrr00] [Irradiate]
[TVePss00] I like the cut of your jib!
- Mr. Burns, The Simpsons [1F04]
[TVePss01] E=MC...d'oh let me get my notepad.
[TVePss02] Ah, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that.
[TVePss03] Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?
[TVePss04] I think we may have a gas leak!
[TVePss05] Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?
[TVePss06] Ah...the ship.... out of danger?
- Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
[TVeWht00] Ah, greetings command!
[TVeWht01] Transmit orders.
[TVeWht02] Receiving headquarters!
[TVeWht03] We have you on visual.
[TVeYes00] Let's roll!
[TVeYes01] Excellent!
- Mr. Burns, The Simpsons
[TVeYes02] Commencing!
[TVeYes03] Affirmative, sir.

[TMdRdy00] Prepped and ready!
[Miopia1] [?]
[TMdDth00] [death]
[TMdPss00] I've already checked you out commander.
[TMdPss01] You want another physical?
[TMdPss02] Turn your head an cough.
[TMdPss03] Ready for your sponge bath?
[TMdPss04] His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!
- EKG: electrocardiogram/electrocardiograph
- defib: an electronic device that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a fibrillating heart
[TMdPss05] Clear! *bzzz*
[TMdPss06] He's dead, Jim.
- Cmdr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, M.D., Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan>
[TMdWht00] Need medical attention?
[TMdWht01] Did someone page me?
[TMdWht02] State the nature of your medical emergency!
- Emergency Medical Hologram v1.0, Star Trek: Voyager
[TMdWht03] Where does it hurt?
[TMdYes00] Right away!
[TMdYes01] Stat!
[TMdYes02] I'm on the job!
[TMdYes03] On my way.
[TMedCure] [restoration]
[TMedCure2] [restoration]
[TMedFlsh] [optic flare]
[TMedHeal] [heal]
[TMedHeal2] [heal]
[TMedRest] [rest]
[TMedRest1] [rest]

[TVkRdy00] Valkyrie prepared.
[TVkDth00] [death]
[TVkPss00] This is very interesting...but stupid.
- Arte Johnson, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In
[TVkPss01] I have ways of blowing things up.
[TVkPss02] You're being very naughty.
[TVkPss03] Who's your mommy?
[TVkPss04] Blucher!
- Frau Blucher, Young Frankenstein
[TVkPss05] [horses neighing]
- Young Frankensten
[TVkWht00] Need something destroyed?
[TVkWht01] I am eager to help.
[TVkWht02] Don't keep me waiting.
[TVkWht03] Achtung!
- German for "Attention!"
[TVkYes00] Of course my dear.
[TVkYes01] Perfect!
[TVkYes02] It's showtime!
[TVkYes03] Jawoll!
- German for "Alright!"
[TVkYes04] Achtung!
- German for "Attention!"

[TCvRdy00] Hey, how'd I get here?
[TCvDth00] [death]
[TCvPss00] I wanna be all I can be!
- USA Army slogan
[TCvPss01] I tell you what. I think I'll join up!
[TCvPss02] I'm a little claustrophobic though.
[TCvPss03] Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces.
[TCvPss04] Ah, what the hell. I need that college money.
[TCvWht00] Hey there.
[TCvWht01] How ya'll doing?
[TCvWht02] What's up?
[TCvWht03] Howdy.
[TCvYes00] I'm goin'.
[TCvYes01] No sweat.
[TCvYes02] Yup.
[TCvYes03] All right.
[TCvYes04] Sure thing.

[TAdErr00] Not enough minerals.
[TAdErr01] Insufficient vespene gas.
[TAdErr02] Additional supply depots required.
[TAdErr03] Landing sequence interrupted.
[TAdErr04] Inacceptable landing zone.
[TAdErr06] Not enough energy.
[TAdUpd00] Base is under attack.
[TAdUpd01] Your forces are under attack.
[TAdUpd02] Research complete.
[TAdUpd03] Add-on complete.
[TAdUpd04] Nuclear launch detected.
[TAdUpd05] Abandoning auxiliary structure.
[TAdUpd06] Upgrade complete.
[TAdUpd07] Nuclear missile ready.



中将)Samir Duran——中尉,后投靠虫族 是的阿列克斯.斯图可夫军衔那一栏是Admiral但军衔在翻译的时候是有一定修正的例如Jim Raynor军衔那一栏是marshall有的词典译为看守马的人,君王的跟随者.其实海军中将也是词典上的翻译结合实际来说星际哪有海呢,而且杰拉德是上将他的副将怎摸能也是上将呢?

星际争霸1.08虫族战役攻略(资料篇)  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 你知道哪些00后职场硬刚事件?原静杉48 2018-04-10 · TA获得超过198个赞 知道答主 回答量:115 采纳率:66% 帮助的人:66.5万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Zerg 虫:1、废墟之中剧情简介:Zerg 族的战役 :心灵之主成群...

其他类似问题 2013-07-23 星际争霸人族科技球都有什么技能 9 2012-08-01 《星际争霸》历史背景介绍之人族篇 56 2008-01-01 星际争霸人族科技给介绍下 15 2007-07-17 谁知道“星际争霸”中的Zerg(虫族),Terran(人族)... 48 2015-03-23 介绍一下星际争霸1的剧情 216 2011-04-19 ...

职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 知道团队 认证团队 合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 手机答题 我的 谁知道星际争霸的秘诀呀?越多越好!  我来答 11个回答 #热议# 孩子之间打架 父母要不要干预?百度...

以上浅见分享给刚接触星海不知道如何练习的人XD 2.星际争霸二里面的新手常用技巧和常识 我这里有个帖子 转来的 你看了就明白以下分享给刚接触SC2的新手, 老手或者有自己练习方法的高手可以跳过了XD 感谢^^其实1v1开场不管是谁我想做法都差不多! 那为什么后面差距会越来越大呢?这边简单讲,SC2PK要变强其实没这...

谁知道星际争霸中的特殊键盘用法 如crrl编队shift剔除编队中单位
哥们,,人家问你CTRL和SHIFT,,你这所问非所答啊,,,选中编队12人后,,按住Ctrl+1(或你想编的那个队的序号)以后按1就能呼叫他们了,,选中编队1(假设是1)按住Shift点你想剔除的那个单位,就行 如果想往编队(不到12个)里面加人的话,就选择编队1,之后按住Shift再点你想要的那个单位就行了 ...

我无聊来给你打一遍,截图就算了。先说Z B里面,第一排,第一个,基地。这个不解释。第二个防御前置建筑,可以变成防空和防地。第三个,油矿。第二排,第一个,给地面部队升级的。防空的前置技能。第二个,小狗和升级二级基地的前置技能。第三排,刺蛇的前置建筑,V里面,第一排,第一个,飞龙...

雷诺 蒙斯克 凯瑞甘 杜兰(BOSS) 塔萨达 泽拉图

生产制造 其他 用户 认证用户 视频作者 知道团队 认证团队 合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 手机答题 我的 星际争霸 10 谁知道星际的剧情呀,告诉我一下,详细一点!!答案不完全呀~!!... 谁知道星际的剧情呀,告诉我一下,详细一点!!答案不完全呀~!! 展开  我来答 7...

\\r\\n 首先希望你是完全知道SC1的剧情(包含母巢之战的内容) 如果不知道或者有遗忘,我简单概括下:\\r\\n 几个世纪之前 地球的一部分人类叛反科学家和政治犯人来到了另一处宇宙星系 他们利用人类特有的顽强与智慧在此立根,并发展了下去,地球人成立了联邦,后来事实证明联邦是个腐败的政府,于是各地出现了起义军,我们...

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸2神族说话的声音 -
尤熊益肝: 神族说话是有回音的,有意思的是,回音在前,声音在后,如果你的问题是如何模仿,那你就需要再找个人配合,说回音的人先发话,声音小并有气而无声,你后发话,在他说完第1个字时开始发话. 你别说你想学相位棱镜的声音……

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸这个对话的声音怎么调啊?谁能告诉我! -
尤熊益肝: 这个 你在游戏进行中 按F10 然后按OPTRIONS 然后按SOUND 把那两个条条全关到最低 按键顺序 F10 O S 然后全部调到最左边

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸1所有兵种的人物说话声音 -
尤熊益肝: 你可以用暴雪音乐提取器(mpqmaster)提取,去搜一下,很容易找到的.首先,你要确定一下你的星际的install.exe文件比较完整!最好是现在114MB大小的那个.然后打开mpqmaster,在用它打开install.exe,一般都有星际的内部列表,可以选也可不选,选的话比较容易看懂.然后在用mpqmaster全部解压缩出来~那就什么都有了,我不记得战舰的文件是哪个了,自己找下.最后解压缩出来的一般是最原始的无损音乐WAV,你要MP3的话就用千千静听专下格式吧,很容易的.

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸2. 游戏中,人族说话的各种声音,哪里有下载..文件夹里怎么找不到, 有知道的请告诉我, -
尤熊益肝: 可以使用MPQEditor这个小软件从星际2组件中的MPQ压缩文件中提取所有想要的游戏配音. 游戏配音位置为X:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\zhCN.SC2Assets 如果zhCN.SC2Assets文件无法打开,可以尝试在后缀加入.mpq.

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 跪求星际争霸里面各兵种说话的声音,最好是连在一起的MP3格式
尤熊益肝: 星际争霸1游戏背景音乐试听及下载: http://www.uushare.com/group/10370/topic/29545

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 请问哪里有下星际争霸各个单位的声音?
尤熊益肝: http://resource.gameres.com/#Graphics%20Resource那里有一个【 GameSprite2004 】可以提取星际,暗黑(其他游戏等)里面的资源.可以提取星际里面的声音.我曾提取过,Terran的 marine和tank 的声音.没问题.用它打开星际文件夹下的 .mpq 文件找找.

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸各个单位说话的音频文件谁有啊
尤熊益肝: 是my life for air !

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸人物声音
尤熊益肝: Install.exe文件必须在100MB以上的才能在星际中有背景音乐 http://www.starcraft.com.cn/Html/path/2006_05_06_065600235057145.htm 用最后一个下载地址即可下载 在游戏中Ctrl+S键是游戏音效的开关快捷键

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 《星际争霸2》里神族说的话怎么读? -
尤熊益肝: Protess Zealot (出场00)My life for Aiur! 我为Aiur而生! (闲聊00)En Taro Adun! (神族语) (闲聊01)All for the Empire! 一切为了帝国! (闲聊02)Doom to all who threaten the homeworld. 如果谁威胁到了家园,厄运就会降临! (...

张家川回族自治县13443524115: 星际争霸2语音小 -
尤熊益肝: 是不是你的声音选项里面没调好?背景音乐和战役里人说话、单位声音.是分开调的..全部都调到最大试试..

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