
作者&投稿:晁娇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请确实封闭好, 以及盖好盖子后使用
可以整个洗, 但是不要不要放到水中洗
不要使用洗碗机 干燥机
使用后请清洗干净, 腐败会导致飞出

这么长才5分啊 很显然没人做

Self-assessment : a cheerful disposition and be honest and carefully, with good team spirit and a strong sense of responsibility. Practical experience of 2,007 / 2 Shanghai (Switzerland) 10,000 disabilities Limited Finance Department intern documents recorded daily, monthly production. 2006/2-2006/3, Dexin accounting firms audit trainee in a foreign company on the annual evaluation process, With the participation of pumping, reconciliations, data log, etc., understanding and mastering a number of auditing methods. 2005/7-2005/8 Tiancheng, the Road Information Systems Services Limited Shanghai Branch of the sales department intern Honors received the 2004-2005 school year 2005-2006 academic year scholarships Third advanced social practice the individual certificates 2,005 / 6 CET-42005/12 CET - 62006 / 5 Computerized Accounting 2 006 / 9 Intermediate English interpreters in Shanghai Certificate (written) 2,007 / a Shanghai Intermediate other computer - Fun-loving : calligraphy, photography, classes and other organizations as members, school Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department

Appraised that,Is cheerful, the manner is honest, works carefully earnest, has the good team cooperation spirit and the intense sense of responsibility.

2007/2 Shanghai (Switzerland) Wan Shitong the limited company finance department intern daily certificate enters the account, the manufacture monthly report. 2006/2-2006/3 German Joyful Accountant Office audits the intern in to examine in the process to some foreign capital company year, participation has pulled out depends on, to the account, the data records and so on the work, understood and has grasped some audit method. 2005/7-2005/8 Beijing Jin Daotian becomes the information system service limited company Shanghai Subsidiary company Sales outlet intern

Attains honor
2004-2005 school year people scholarship third prize 2005-2006 school year social practice Advanced Individual prize
2005/6 Accountant CET-42005/12 CET-62006/5 the computerization 2006/9 Shanghai English intermediate interpretion credentials (written examination part) 2007/1 Shanghai computer intermediate
interest hobby: The calligraphy, the photography, and so on the assumption classes and gradees organize committee member, school propaganda department vice-minister

哪位大侠帮我翻译成英文啊 谢谢啊
Wucheng --- Back home, Kim Dong-area, the Dragon Boat Festival is the mother of his daughter back home to see the day. Gifts to the home is a tam dumplings, commonly known as "holding the Dragon Boat Festival," from the Dragon Boat Festival Tam can be the first to the ...

China is the world's second largest scientific and technological research, spending on science and technology spending after the United States, that is, last year's spending increase of 20% this year, China's science and technology spending is expected to have 136,000,000,000 U.S...

2003 annual financial work "advanced workers" in 1995, Meihekou City, Jilin Province ---1996 toothpick factory worker ---1997 people in 1996, the FDA Antu County Office ---2006 Section officer in 1997, Yanbian City Credit Cooperative State Accounting 2006 ---2007 Yanhe Yanbian...

汉译英 哪位大侠帮我翻译一下,谢了
“17 years” the time, the mainstream words to launch on the feminine body along two: On the one hand is indulging in unbridled propaganda men and women both sexes in political, the economical, the cultural equal standing; On the other hand is to the feminine sex characteristic,...


Man: XXX, X, X, X, born, ID number: XXXXXX address: XXXXX Woman: XXX, X, X, X, born, ID number: XXXXXX address: XXXXX The two sides met in 1994, freedom, love, in the January 6, 1996 the registration of marriage, birth of a child marriage: XXX (1996年11月18, ...

Moslems never eat pork. During Ramadan days they avoid eating or drinking anything between sunrise and sunset. Some of the buddhists do not eat any meat; Sikhs reject beef; in some countries such as India, Indonesia, Mali, or some Arabism, touching people or giving something ...

求助,,各位大侠能帮忙翻译一下这段文字吗?急用,谢谢。。。 This is...
on May 25,2008.这是为了证明约翰史密斯先生于2008年5月5日承认他有急性支气管炎,并已接受治疗,且于同年5月25日出院。His health condition will permit him to return to his work after a week's home recovery is normal.他的健康状况会允许他在一周的休息后正常工作。希望对您有帮助~...

如果没有足够的时间!大不了只是一段记忆!等待,又如何有指望。但也做了一些多少时间用于作为留念,但也做了一些多少时间用于快乐,但也做了一些多少时间为使 一个新的开始吗?只希望你一切顺利,尽快!繁忙也不要紧。如果你知道,我可以帮你,以提高你的生活质量 使得一个新的开始,生活一切如常!

Numpad 0: Level Points 等级点数 Numpad 1: Attack Points 攻击点数 Numpad 2: Defense Points 防御点数 Numpad 3: Spellpower 法术力量 Numpad 4: Knowledge 知识,经验值 Numpad 5: Movement 活跃性 Numpad 6: Mana 威望 Numpad 7: Wood 木材 Numpad 8: Ore 矿石 N...

万源市15587677659: 急求各位大侠帮忙翻译!! -
雷鱼桂林: I, JACK, a notary public of the republic of the marshall islands admitted under registration No. MI-315 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this 2014-1-24 before me personally came Joseph known to me to be the individual described in and ...

万源市15587677659: 哪位大侠帮我翻译下~急用~谢谢 -
雷鱼桂林: 私は九月の中旬に、日本语二级の勉强を终わりました.今は会话能力の强化を顽张っています.日本语学习の前はアシスタントの仕事をしていました.质よく仕事を完了していました.暇の时には友达と野外活动をするのはすきです.性格は朗らかで、物事の惯れるのも早いです.今は、会话の能力はまだまだですが、それを向上するためにもっと顽张ります.今回のチャンスを大事にしていますが、もしもここで働かせていただければ、一生悬命顽张るつもりです.ご返事を待っております.

万源市15587677659: 急!麻烦各位笔译大侠帮忙翻译一下: -
雷鱼桂林: Today I will play the “Qing Qing Qu Shui Shang Yao Shan” which is composed by Ding Jialin, adapted by Jin Youzhong and added Cadenza by Bo Lin. It can be divided into four parts. Fist is andante, second is allegro, third is Cadenza and the ...

万源市15587677659: 哪位大侠帮我翻译一下下面这段话,谢谢了! -
雷鱼桂林: Which master translate for me the following the paragraph, thank you!

万源市15587677659: 跪求,大侠们帮我翻译一下,谢谢啦 -
雷鱼桂林: 这是外贸方面的英语.你为什么不把句子分开说得更清楚呢?我是这么理解的→翻译:(货物的)包装要放入双层(PE+PP材质)的大袋子里面,在20尺小柜中,每吨要使用一个托盘(装). PS:请注意第三个单词的拼写!

万源市15587677659: 哪位大侠帮忙翻译一句话!!!
雷鱼桂林: This phone card can not only make telephone calls from A area to B area but also from B area to A area. The time from A to B is 7 hours and from B to A is 95 minutes.Although the time from B area to A area is very short, if it rings only one time or ...

万源市15587677659: 哪位大侠可以给我翻译一下
雷鱼桂林: Somewhat loses is doomed, some fates will be will never have the result, will like a person not necessarily being probable to have, but had a person certainly to treasure, did not want the time which, when injured only then begs to forgive, did not want the time which, when lost again recalls!

万源市15587677659: 哪位大侠帮翻译两句话.谢谢! -
雷鱼桂林: ① やはりうわさはほんとうだった. 传闻果然是真实的.②これからは外国の品物がもっと入ってくるらしいですよ. 以后外国的商品会更多的进口来···

万源市15587677659: 哪位大侠帮我翻译下吧,谢了 -
雷鱼桂林: According to the product development plan, propose, establish and implement the underbody system, after the wall assembly, after breast beam assembly design, improvement and...

万源市15587677659: 各位大侠,请帮忙翻译一下,很紧急.拜托了. -
雷鱼桂林: Hello, XX Company! Very glad that you can receive my email, and give me some replies. Thanks for your help. Although you have given some replies, it is not effective at present. So I think your company can solve this matter seriously. We have spent...

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