初中三年即将毕业 你想对母校 老师 同学说些什么英语作文 要翻译

作者&投稿:习图 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初中三年即将毕业你想对老师同学说些什么英语作文 要翻译 速度~

Dear teacher
I am really grateful that you have teached me for 3 years and take me seriously. I will never forget your shade in class. I will never forget your encouraging me to study. I will never forgrt your interest class and the kindest person I have ever met. I will guaduate from our school soon, but I will never forget you
Your student xx

Life in the future
Our homes will be very comfortable.And we will use the sun to heat our homes.No one will be cold.We will be very comfortable.
In the future we will study at home and we will
do our homework and send them by email to the teacher.
Planes will be very large so flying will be very
cheap.Fuel will be very expensive so everyone will have a small car.
There will be bad weather in spring and autumn.
It will get warmer and warmer at the North Pole.
So winter will be very short and the seas will be
very rough.

Our school is situated in the outskirts. But transportation is convenient and the enviroments are pleasant. Great hills lie in the back of the building and before us is the great blue sea,where we go swimming after classes.

Life in the school is full of variety and interest. All our teachers are rich in knowledge and of good character and they teach us very earnestly. Therefore, we have always done better work in joint examination than students of other schools.Our school is like a large family. The teachers are like parents and elder brothers and sisters and students are like children and younger siblings. All live happily together.

My middle school life has been the best part of my life. I have learned many things from my teachers and received assistance from my schoolmates. All in all,studying in our school is a great privilege. Students always remember their mother school after graduation.

public places so our aim is to ensure that all indoor public places are smoke-free. Because now, the number of smokers in China accounted for more than three hundred fifty million people.People were forced to passive smoking 400 million people about 5.3, the dangers of passive smoking on people very large, where there are about 100,000 people a year because of passive smoking and death. Now our male smokers smoke 75 per cent of the total number, women accounted for 25 per cent. So China began smoking signs posted. Please do not smoke in public, because it not only endanger their own lives but also threaten the lives of others.









The students, no feast, but I believe we will meet again!

public places so our aim is to ensure that all indoor public places are smoke-free. Because now, the number of smokers in China accounted for more than three hundred fifty million people.People were forced to passive smoking 400 million people about 5.3, the dangers of passive smoking on people very large, where there are about 100,000 people a year because of passive smoking and death. Now our male smokers smoke 75 per cent of the total number, women accounted for 25 per cent. So China began smoking signs posted. Please do not smoke in public, because it not only endanger their own lives but also threaten the lives of others.

Our school is situated in the outskirts. But transportation is convenient and the enviroments are pleasant. Great hills lie in the back of the building and before us is the great blue sea,where we go swimming after classes.

Life in the school is full of variety and interest. All our teachers are rich in knowledge and of good character and they teach us very earnestly. Therefore, we have always done better work in joint examination than students of other schools.Our school is like a large family. The teachers are like parents and elder brothers and sisters and students are like children and younger siblings. All live happily together.

My middle school life has been the best part of my life. I have learned many things from my teachers and received assistance from my schoolmates. All in all,studying in our school is a great privilege. Students always remember their mother school after graduation.

that all indoor public places are smoke-free. Because now, the number of smokers in China accounted for more than three hundred fifty million people.People were forced to passive smoking 400 million people about 5.3, the dangers of passive smoking on people very large, where there are about 100,000 people a year because of passive smoking and death. Now our male smokers smoke 75 per cent of the total number, women accounted for 25 per cent. So China began smoking signs posted. Please do not smoke in public, because it not only endanger their own lives but also threaten the lives of others.

个旧市15971522706: 马上就要初中毕业了,想给老师写点什么来感谢他 -
柏良世扶: 成长过程中,总有那样一个人,教给你知识,教给你道理.他们与你非亲非故,却时刻关心着你,用心照顾你.他们,就是老师.老师是人生道路上重要的角色,他们占据了学生时代的我们大部分时间,与我们留下深厚的感情.或许就当我们在...

个旧市15971522706: 初三毕业对老师说的话· -
柏良世扶: 考试,是所有老师对自己学生的见证,让老师可以宽慰的是:自己的学生考上重点高中,考出全市前10名的好成绩. 但是也有一种办法:体会老师的期望与辛苦,记下老师对你的好,每天,遇见老师时,给予老师一个甜美的微笑. 毕业后常给老师寄贺卡```

个旧市15971522706: 初中毕业学生感恩母校主题五分钟发言稿五篇
柏良世扶: 我们都知道,六月是万物繁盛的季节,也是伤感的离别季,天下没有不散的宴席,... 谢谢大家!初中毕业学生感恩母校主题五分钟发言稿二尊敬的各位领导、敬爱的老师、...

个旧市15971522706: 初中毕业学生对母校留言 -
柏良世扶: 光阴似箭,日月如梭.转眼间,三年过去了.三年,这里留下了我许多美好的回忆;三年,这里记录了我成长的过程;三年,这里见证了我美丽的蜕变.今天,我就要告别这里,我亲爱的母校,我爱你!

个旧市15971522706: 初三三年毕业,写给老师,还有朋友的感谢言!!还有感谢金给你们. -
柏良世扶: 1.老师,虽然我不是您最出色的学生,但您却是我最尊敬的老师.我很感谢你,你教会了我很多很多.2.一年就这么过去了 不可思议 谢谢这个班的所有人 让我初三不在孤单3.追忆往事,哭过,闹过,笑过,团结过.... 幸福,这个初中好幸福,我很感谢 其实写出自己最真实的感受才是最好的 我也毕业了哦

个旧市15971522706: 初中毕业时对母校老师同学的真挚情感.80字 -
柏良世扶: 时间如流水般飞快,转眼间,你我将各奔东西,募然回首,思绪般的记忆已荡然无存,怀念你清脆的声音;怀念你矫健的身躯;怀念你神采飞扬的面庞,怀念我和你在一起的点点滴滴;我们一起经历了人生第一个转折点——毕业考试.六年来,...

个旧市15971522706: 将离开母校,你想对老师和学校说些什么(毕业赠言) -
柏良世扶: 给老师:1.假如我们是一棵棵小树,您就是甘甜的雨露,您就是我们走向成功路上的一盏灯,老师,我们将永远感谢您! 2.三寸讲台三寸舌三寸笔,三千桃李;十年树木十载风十载雨,十万栋梁. 3.老师,是最美的耕耘者;最美的播种者.是...

个旧市15971522706: 明天,我们就要毕业.你对母校、老师、同学最想说的话是什么 -
柏良世扶: 感谢母校,老师,同学.谢谢你们对我三年的照顾和关心,我的所有成绩都是你们给我的,我的未来是你么给我创造的,我不知道用什么语言来感谢你们,我只能用我以后的行动来证明我对你们的感谢吧!!母校,老师,同学,你们是我的骄傲,是我的自豪,我会以你们而感到光彩,感到无比的快乐.我衷心的祝福母校越来越好,老师工作顺利,身体健康!!!祝所有的同学在明天可以取得一个理想的成绩,考上自己理想的大学.

个旧市15971522706: 初中生活这3年我想对学校说的话. -
柏良世扶: 感谢学校这三年给我带来的这一切,感谢老师,因为有亲爱的你们,我在这里学习,成长了不少,懂得了很多,这里给予了我很多很多,谢谢你们

个旧市15971522706: 要毕业了, 送给老师的赠言 -
柏良世扶: 1.老师,三年的时光已悄然过去.也许我曾让您头痛,也许我曾让您担忧,也许我曾让您舒心,也许我曾让您骄傲……无论怎样您始终是我敬爱的老师.也许您桃李满天下,不一定会记得我,但是我始终都会铭记您的教诲. 2.三年的时光如云般...

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