六年级下英语复习资料 牛津版

作者&投稿:宗圣浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

( )1. How your holiday in Shanghai? A. is B. were C. was
( )2. I went to visit a museum . A. last Sunday B. tomorrow C. now
( )3. I was born Beijing. A. on B. in C. at
( ) 4. My father was born on . A. Oct. 4th, 1965 B. October C. 1965
( )5. Where were you holiday? A. at B. on C. during
( )6. I to see a movie yesterday afternoon. A. go B. going C. went
( )7. I was very interested reading books. A. at B. in C. on
( )8. When were you ? A. burn B. birth C. born
( )9. Bob was not at school . A. last week B. next week C. tomorrow
( )10. How your holiday? A. was B. are C. were
( )11.Dinosaurs lived of years ago. A.thousands B.hundreds C.millions
( )12.Peking Man was ape-man. A.a B.an C.the
( )13.Peking Man made fire to warm in winter. A.keep B.make C.take
( )14.Lisa saw some on the cave wall. A.draw B.paint C.drawings
( ) 15.We got water from the river A.nearby B.near C.close
( ) 16.Did you holes? A.dig B.dug C.digged.
( ) 17.We went to the science museum last week.We about some interesting animals. A.learn B.learned C.learning
( ) 18.Dinosaurs lived millions of years . A.before B.between C.ago
( ) 19.Did you tress yesterday? A.go to planted B.go to plantC.went to plant
( )20 .Yesterday was New Year’s Day. It very cold. A.was B.is C.were
( )21.I an interesting book till 10:00 last night . A.read B.reading C.red
( )22. There is a clothes shop on the left the hairdresser.A. off B. of C. in
( )23. There a park near my home. I go there everyday .A. am B. is C. are
( )24.A: Excuse me, how can I the City Library?
B: Go straight down, you will see it. A. to get B. get C. get to
( )25. There’re many trees front the building. A. in, on B. on, of C. in, of
( )26. A: How can I get to Dong Hua Men?
B: You can the No.2 bus over there. A. take B. buy C. by
( ) 27. Please get the bus at the third stop. A. of B. off C. at
( )28. A: Can I go there bus or taxi?
B: You’d better take a taxi. A. take, take B. by, take C. by, by
( ) 29. You can go there by bus. Look!
The bus is coming. A. no. 826 B. No 826 C. No.826
( ) 30. I to go to London next holiday. A. would like B. will C. can
( ) 31. Can we go a trip to Niagara Falls? A. to B. on C. in
( ) 32. We visit the Ming Tombs next Thursday.
A. are going B. will to C. are going to
( ) 33. They go to Sanya ship. A. Are, by B. will, take C. will, by
( ) 34. They are going to train to Tianjing. A. take B. take a C.took
( ) 35. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the .
A. cinema B. library C. museum
( ) 36. will you do? I’ll play football. A. What B. When C. Where
( ) 37. It’s one of theme parks in the world. A. great B. the greaterC. the greatest
( ) 38. We fishing tomorrow. A. will go B. will go to C. go
( ) 39. What are you going this evening? A. do B. to do C. doing
( ) 40. Would you like to play football with us? I’d love to. But I my mother after lunch. A. leaves B. will leave C. is leave
( ) 41. Is your brother in? Yes. But he for shanghai soon.
A. leaves B. will leave C. is leave
( ) 42. What time we ? At eight tomorrow morning.
A. are. Start B. shall, starting C. shall, start
( ) 43. I’ve got a toothache. I’m going to the . A. park B. dentist C. teacher
( ) 44. May I your bike? Sorry. A. ride B. reading C. read
( ) 45. Whose ruler is it? Maybe it’s . A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
( ) 46.We saw banana trees, coconut trees and flowers in Sanya.
A. many B. much C. little
( ) 47.There isn’t excuse to hurt the animals. A. lots of B. any C. some
( ) 48.We shouldn’t cut down too trees and clean too land.
A. many, many B. many, much C. much, many
( )49.We waste too water and energy. A. many B. much C. some
( )50.Where were you during your holiday?I spent time in wonderful Shanghai.
A. a little B. any C. a few
( )51.There are tall buildings in the Olympic village. A.some B. much C. a little
( )52. We waste too water. A. many B.much C. a lot of
( )53. We wear cotton clothes. A. should B. shouldn’t C.can’t
( )54. We should good to wild animals. A. not B. be C. not be
( )55. We should take good care the trees. A. on B. off C. of
( )56.We can tell people hunt the wild animals. A. to B. not to C. not
二. 读句子。根据句子的描述选择最佳答案,并将其标号写在题前的括号内。
( )1. It is the season between spring and autumn. What season is it?
A. Spring B. Summer C. Winter
( ) 2. It is a city in China. We call it “Spring City” and it can be visited anytime of the year. What city is it? A. Hangzhou B. Beijing C. Kunming
( ) 3. It is a building where films are shown. What place is it?
A. A cinema B. A classroom C. A bookshop
( ) 4. It’s the first month of the year. It has 31 days. What month is it?
A. February B. June C. January
( )5. He/She helps people to learn something or show them how to do something. What’s his/her job? A. A teacher B. An artist C. A reporter
( ) 6. It’s a place. Last year, I went there. What a beautiful place it is! It is warmer than Beijing in winter. What city is it?
A. Tianjing B. Harbin C. Kunming
( )7. It’s a city. In winter, it looks more beautiful than usual. You can do ice-making there. Where is it in? It’s in .
A. Heilongjiang B. GuangHou C. Yunnan
( )8. It’s also a place. You can find good books there and of course you can borrow them back. What place is it?
A. A bookshop B. A store C. A Library
( )9. It is a small Australian animal. What is it?
A. A kangaroo B. A monkey C. A koala
( )10. It is a large area of fresh water with land all around it. What is it?
A. A river B. A lake C. A sea
( )11. It is very thin.You write on it and books are printed on it.
What is it? It’s .
A. paper B. pencil C. newspaper
( )12. It is a large wild animal. The male one may have horns called .What is it? A. A deer B. A crane C. A goat
( )13.It is thick, soft hair that grows on the bodies of animals. Bears, rabbits and cats have it. What is it? It’s . A. fur B. ear C.tail
( ) 14. It is a large boat. It can carry people and things across the sea.
What is it? It’s a . A. train B. plane C. ship
( ) 15. It is drawing that helps you find your way around. What is it?
A. book B. newspaper C. map
( ) 16. It is a famous lake in Zhejiang Province. With each season, it looks different. Which lake is it? It’s . A. the West Lake B. Daming Lake C. Kunming Lake
( )17. It’s a capital city of Britain. We call it “the city of fog”. What city is it? It’s . A. WashingtonD.C. B. London C.New York
( )18. It’a city in the northeast of China. We call it “the city of ice”. Do you know what it is? It’s . A. Changchun B. Beijing C. Harbin

A.Where did Peking Man live? B.What was the weather like?
C.When did you get there? D.What did Mr.Zhang tell you?
E.Did you water the young tress with your friends?
( ) 1.A: ? B:He lived in a big cave.
( ) 2.A: ? B:He told us about some interesting animals.
( ) 3.A: ? B:It was snowy.
( ) 4. A: ? B:Yes,Idid.
( ) 5. A: ? B:Lsat week.

A.Xi’an. B.Dug holes. C.Very cold D.Yes,I did.
( )What did you do lsat weekend?
( )Where did you go?
( )Did you go to plant tress yesterday?
( )What was the weather like?


A. Yes. I like it very much. B. We shouldn’t make our rivers dirty.
C. They live in Australia. D. What should we do?.
E. They live in China. F. I can draw and paint.
G. Yes, I am. H. What are you good at?
I. We learn a lot form our textbooks. J. Why should we save our planet?

( ) 1. What should we do to our planet?

( )2. _________________________________
We should keep our rivers clean.

( ) 3. __________________________________
Because we have only one planet.

( ) 4. Where do the pandas live?

( ) 5. Where does a platypus live?

( ) 6. How do you learn?

( ) 7. What can you learn from your art class?

( ) 8. Are you a good student at your school?

( ) 9. Do you like your school?

( ) 10. _____________________________________
I am good at making things.

A. Where were you last year? B. I went to visit Hangzhou.
C. When were you born? D. Where were you born?
E. It was exciting. F. Last Friday.
G. How do you get there? H. Where do you live?
I. It was snowy. J. Did you water the trees with you friends?

( )1. ___________________________________
I was born on March 18th , 1998.

( ) 2.__________________________________
I was in Hangzhou.

( ) 3. __________________________________
I was born in Hangzhou.

( ) 4. How was your holiday?

( ) 5. I went to visit Sanya last summer. How about you?

( ) 6._______________________________________
By bus.

( ) 7.______________________________________
I live in Hangzhou.

( ) 8. What was the weather like?

( ) 9. When did you get there?

( ) 10. ______________________________________
Yes, I did.


A. Where is the bank? B. Go straight along this road.
C. This Saturday. D. Where do you live?
E. I am going on a trip. F. Last Week.
G. Where are you going to visit? H. Certainly.
I. No. It’s to the north of Beijing. J. Great! I’d love to.

( ) 1. __________________________________________.
Next to the hairdresser.

( ) 2.When did you move to that neighbourhood?

( ) 3.How can I get there?

( ) 4._________________________________________
I live in a flat near the bank.

( ) 5. What are you going to do this holiday?

( ) 6. Would you like to go to the World park?

( ) 7. Is the Great Wall far from here?

( ) 8.When will you go to he hairdresser?

( ) 9. _______________________________________
We are going to visit the Great Wall.

( ) 10. Can we go on a trip to Canada?


Unit. 1
new 新的 a student 一名学生
welcome 欢迎 a teacher 一名教师
our 我们的 a nurse 一名护士
a school 一所学校 a boy 一名男孩
a tree 树 a girl 一名女孩
climb 爬 a man 一个男人 (复:men)
sir 先生 a woman 一个妇女 (复:women)
again 下一次 a doctor 一名医生
thank you 谢谢你 come down 下来
that boy 那个男孩 let me see 让我看看
Excuse me ! 对不起 climb trees 爬树
in the tree 在树上 come here 过来
You’re right 你是对的 over there 在那边
Who’s that….? He’s / She’s….. He’s / She’s a ….
Who’s that man? He’s Mr Brown. He’s a doctor
Are you a …? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Are you a teacher? No, I’m not. I’m a doctor.
Unit 2
grandfather 祖父,外祖父 hair 头发
grandmother 祖母,外祖母 a head 一个头
father 父亲 an eye 一只眼睛
mother 母亲 an ear 一个耳朵
brother 兄弟 a nose 一只鼻子
sister 姐妹 a mouth 一个嘴巴
evening 晚上 late 晚的
with 具有…的特征 party 聚会
white 白色 hurry 赶快
skirt 短裙 friend 朋友
good evening 晚上好 that girl 那个女孩
the boy with big eyes 大眼睛的那个男孩
the girl with a small mouth小嘴巴的那个女孩
which one 哪一个
the one in the white skirt 穿白短裙的那一个
the girl in the white skirt 穿白短裙的那个女孩
let’s hurry 让我们快点 in the car 在小汽车里
we’re late for the party. 我们聚会迟到了。
Who’s the …...with…? He’s / She’s my….
Who’s the boy with a big mouth? He’s my brother.
Is that…… your……? Which one? The one in the……..
Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn’t.
Is that man your father? Which one? The one in the black coat. No, he isn’t.
Unit 3
a policeman 一名警察 (复:policemen) a worker 一名工人
a policewoman 一名女警察 (复:policewomen) a cook 一名厨师
a waiter 一名男服务员 a farmer 一位农民
a waitress 一名女服务员(复:waitresses) an engineer 一名工程师
a driver 一名驾驶员 a postman 一名邮递员(复:postmen)
job 工作 they 他(她,它)们
how 怎么样,如何 their 他(她,它)们的
cold 冷的 red 红色的
today 今天 sweater 毛衣
old 老的 about 大约
sixty 六十 guess 猜 eighty 八十
my name 我的名字 your job 你的工作
how old 多大,几岁 their jobs 他们的工作
look at that old woman 看那年老的妇女 about sixty 大约六十
I 我 I am = I’m 我是 my 我的
You 你 You are = You’re 你是 your 你的
He 他 He is = He’s 他是 his 他的
She 她 She is = She’s 她是 her 她的
They 他(她,它)们 They are = They’re 他(她,它)们 their 他们的
Who am I ? 我是谁? How old am I ? 我几岁? You’re …
Who are you? 你是谁? How old are you? 你几岁? I’m ….
Who is he? 他是谁? How old is he ? 他几岁? He’s….
Who is she? 她是谁? How old is she ? 她几岁? She’s….
Who is Nancy? 南茜是谁? How old is Nancy? 南茜几岁? She’s….
Who is the boy with big eyes? How old is the boy with big eyes ? He’s……
Who are they? 他们是谁? How old are they ? 他们几岁? They’re….
What’s my name? 我叫什么名字?What’s my job? 我做什么工作? You’re a…
What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?What’s your job? 你做什么工作?I’m a……
What’s his name? 他叫什么名字? What’s his job? 他做什么工作? He’s a….
What’s her name? 她叫什么名字? What’s her job? 她做是什么工作? She’s a….
What’s your father’s name? 你父亲叫什么名字?What’s your father’s job? He’s a….
What are their names?他们叫什么?What are their jobs? 他们做什么工作?They’re…..
What do you want to be? I want to be a/ an…..
Unit 4
an apple 一只苹果 a pineapple 一只菠萝
an orange 一只橘子 a lemon 一只柠檬
a banana 一只香蕉 a strawberry 一只草莓(复:strawberries)
a peach 一只桃子(复:peaches) a mango 一只芒果(复:mangoes)
a grape 一个葡萄 a watermelon 一只西瓜
a pear 一只梨 some 一些
these 这些 many 许多
those 那些 kilo 公斤,千克
good 好的 great 好极了
how many 多少 some apples 一些苹果
the red one 红色的那个 these or those 这些还是那些?
Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?(你要点什么)
What are these / those ? They’re …
What are these ? They’re apples. → Are these apples? Yes, they are.
What are those ? They’re oranges. → Are those oranges? No, they aren’t.
They’re teachers. → Are they teachers?
What would you like? I’d like……
I’d like some … ,please. How many kilos? … kilo(s) , please. Here you are.
I’d like some apples,please. How many kilos? Tow kilos, please. Here you are.
Unit 6
a station 一座火车站 by train 坐(乘)火车
a supermarket 一家超市 by plane坐(乘)飞机
a library 一座图书馆 by metro坐(乘)地铁
an airport 一座机场 by motorcycle坐(乘)摩托车
a hospital 一家医院 by minibus 坐(乘)小型公交车
a theatre 一座剧院 by taxi 坐(乘)出租车
late 晚的,迟的 by bus 坐(乘)公交车
free 空闲的 on foot 步行
go to the theatre 去剧院 go there 去那里
Are you free now? 你现在空吗? Good idea. 好主意
Let’s go by taxi. 我们乘出租车去 How do we go there? 我们怎么去那?
How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学的?
Shall we go to…by…? All right. ? OK.
Shall we go to the library by minibus? All right.
Shall we go to Xi’an by plane? No. How do we go there? Let’s go there by train.
Is this(that)…for…?
Is this train for the library? Yes, it, is.
Is that plane for Shanghai? No, it isn’t.
Unit 7
a pie 一个馅饼 a sandwich 一个三明治(复:sandwiches)
a hamburger 一个汉堡包 chips 薯条
sweets 糖果 biscuits 饼干
noodles 面条 chocoloate 巧克力
tea 茶 coffee 咖啡
juice 果汁 (apple juice苹果汁)milk 牛奶
hungry 饿的 thirsty 渴的
basketball 篮球 bread 面包
water 水 move 移动
some chips 一些薯条 something to drink?来点喝的如何
anything else 还要其他什么? A cup of tea 一杯茶
how much 多少钱 play basketball 打篮球
I can’t move 我动不了 It’s late 晚了,不早了
See the doctor 看医生 I don’t want to…我不想(做某事)
have a sandwich 吃三明治 some ice cream一些冰淇淋
What can you see in the picture? 在图片里你能看见什么?
What would you like? I’d like…..
What would you like? I’d like some milk
How much is it? It’s…..yuan How much is the….? It’s….yuan.
How much are they? They are…..yuan.
How much are the….? They are….yuan.
Unit 8
a chair 一张椅子 a blackboard 一块黑板
a noticeboard 一块布告板 a computer 一台电脑
a picture 一张图片 a bookcase 一个书柜
a tape recorder 一个录音机 a music room 一间音乐房
an office 一间办公室 a playground 一个操场
our 我们的 big 大的
bright 明亮的 classroom 教室
piano 钢琴 window 窗户
songbook 歌本 near 在…附近
T-shirt 体恤衫 map 地图
smart 时髦的,好看的 word 单词
them 他们(宾格) open 打开
sometimes 有时候 our classroom 我们的教室
in your classroom 在你教室里 near the window 在窗户旁
lots of 许多 I love China 我爱中国
What’s in/on/ near…..? There’s / There are……….
What’s in your desk? There’s a tape recorder. 在你课桌里有什么?有一台录音机
What’s near the classroom? There are some bikes. 在教室旁有什么?有些自行车。
There is a tape recorder in your desk. 在课桌里有一台收音机。
There are some bikes near the classroom. 在教室旁有些自行车。
I’ve got…. 我有…. I’ve got a new toy. 我有一个新玩具。
Unit 9
a knife 一把小刀 a fork 一把叉子
a plate 一个盘子 a bowl 一只碗 (a bowl of noodles一碗面)
a cup一只杯子 ( a cup of tea) a bottle 一个瓶子 ( a bottle of water 一瓶水)
a spoon 一把勺子 a glass 一个玻璃杯 ( a glass of juice)
a cupboard 一个碗柜 a pair of chopsticks 一副筷子
rice 米饭 (some rice) bread 面包 (some bread)
breakfast 早饭 table 桌子
milk 牛奶 fridge 冰箱
try 试 use 用
right 对 dinner 正餐
What’s for breakfast? 早饭吃什么?in the cupboard 在碗柜里
I’d like to try 我想试试 let me try again 让我再试试
watch me 看(观察)我 use chopsticks 使用筷子
Where’s / Where are the / my …? It’s / They’re…
Where’s my glass? It’s on the table. Where’s the chair? It’s near the desk.
Where are my glasses? They’re on the table.
Where are the chairs? They’re near the desk.
There’s no…in / on / near….
There’s no teacher in the office.
There’s no spoon on the plate.


it它 one一 two二 three 三 four四 five五 six六 seven 七 eight八 nine九 ten 十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen 十三 fifteen十五 twenty二十 what什么 time时间 math数学 Chinese语文 English 英语 P.E.体育 music 音乐 for为...

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八年级下册重点语法和短语Unit 1 Will people have robots?重点语法:一般将来时态的应用 do\/does 的一般将来时态形式:(shall\/will) do do\/does 的一般将来时态的被动语态:(shall\/will) be done一般将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:肯定句例句:People will have robots in a few years.否定句例句:People ...

七月初期考,我急需人教版七年级英语下册知识点的复习整理一份。哪位七年级的同学,朋友,朋友的亲戚,亲戚的朋友可以帮的就帮帮我啦~~~资料越详细越好... 七月初期考,我急需人教版七年级英语下册知识点的复习整理一份。哪位七年级的同学,朋友,朋友的亲戚,亲戚的朋友可以帮的就帮帮我啦~~~资料越详细越好 展开 ...

当她正在厨房做饭时,Mike给她打电话。 先把《八年级(下)U1——U3知识点总结》发给你,如果觉得这份学习资料对你有帮助,在评为最佳答案后,请用百度Hi联系我,我会把剩下的U4——U10的知识点总结发给你^_^ 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

泰安市13966326162: 六年级英语(牛津下册)复习重点 -
典度硝酸: 你好!牛津6B Unit 4知识点整理Unit 4 Review and check词组: 1.do the long jump跳远 2.get on bus No.6 在6路公交车处上车 3.next to the Bank of China 紧靠银行旁边 4.high jump 跳高 5.50-metre race 50米赛跑 6.be good at running 擅长跑步 句...

泰安市13966326162: 六年级下牛津英语期中复习卷50分的复习卷,只要语法部分,不要阅读和作文 -
典度硝酸:[答案] 语法知识3A - 6B Grammar1.人称代词主格: I we you she he it they宾格: me us you her him it them形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs2.形容...

泰安市13966326162: 谁能帮我把牛津上海版的六年级下册的英语知识点和语法整理一遍 -
典度硝酸: 动词时态:一般现在时Be型: I用am, you用are, is连着他她它;单数isWhat did +do+过去时间?Did +主语+动词原形+过去时间?动词过去式变化规则:规则变化:①一般在动词原形末尾加ed②词尾e的动词加d③末尾只有一个辅音字母...

泰安市13966326162: 六年级牛津英语知识
典度硝酸: Where will I be? will后面加名词youhesheit……

泰安市13966326162: 六年级英语语法复习资料 -
典度硝酸: 六年级英语语法知识汇总英语 2010-05-27 22:02:56 阅读15 评论0 字号:大中小 六年级英语语法知识汇总 一、词类:1、动词:行为动词、be动词、情态动词.(1)行为动词 原形、+s/es、+ed、+ing,具体判断方法如下:(2)be动词 a、Am--...

泰安市13966326162: 牛津小学英语六年级下册补充习题u5答案
典度硝酸:26: 1、summer 2、cloudy 3、winter 4、windy 5、autumn 6、spring 7、countryside those 27: 1、hot Is it hot 2、the weather like as as warm 3、rain rains 4、the weater like winter cold snows make 5、as as 28: 1、Su Yang's dad New York one ...

泰安市13966326162: 牛津英语6a复习计划
典度硝酸: 你是哪的啊?(从 U1-U4,U5-U8)单词两天复习一次,词组3天复习一单元,句子每5天读3边,重点句型多读读,我就是那么过来的!

泰安市13966326162: 牛津小学英语六年级下补充习题第二单元答案 -
典度硝酸: D部分 1.B:NO,it doesn't 2.A:Does jump farther B:does 3.Does Mr Green drive faster than Mr Brown? Do the butterflies fly highing than the bird? NO,they don't E部分 1.zebra 2.monkey 3.panda 4.rabbit

泰安市13966326162: 六年级下册英语期末考试复习 -
典度硝酸: Ⅰ. 1.kitchen 2. bathroom 3. landed 4. took 5. imagine 6. meaning 7. following 8. experience 9. shouted 10. accident Ⅱ. 11. kidding 12. will happen 13. were, doing 14. is cleaning 15. sleeps, got 16. was shopping 17. doesn't think 18. imagine 19....

泰安市13966326162: 六年级英语复习资料 -
典度硝酸: tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (体型)更小的 应该掌握的...


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