
作者&投稿:轩杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

see movie 看电影

7. see a lot of与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)
8. see double(酒醉时)把一件东西看成两件
9. see far and wide掌握全面,高瞻远瞩
10. see for oneself亲眼看
11. see here[美国口语]听我说;喂(唤起对方注意或表示不赞成)
12. see little of someone极少与某人来往
13. see someone across护送某人穿过(河、马路等)
14. See you at York first!见你的鬼去!
15. see someone back送某人回家
16. see someone blowed (或 damned, dead, hanged) before (或 first)[口语]绝不,去你的(表示拒绝等)
17. see someone coming让某人上当,欺骗某人
18. see someone through帮助某人度过(难关、危险等);足以维持某人的(生活)等
19. see something in someone看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面
20. see the good of尝到…的甜头
21. see the time when遭遇
22. see the use of知道…的价值
23. see things产生幻觉
24. see (to it) that务必,必定;设想使
25. see with half an eye一看就明白
26. See you![口语]再见!

see to 照料

see to:注意,负责,照料,I‘ll see to it我会对它负责的
see eyes to eyes:我们意见相同
see off:送别,I’ll going to see my sister off at the railway station我正要去火车站送别我妹妹
see though:识破,看穿
see sb though:帮助……度过
see it though:使…顺利通过
see sth though:使顺利通过…;进行到底

for all (the world) to see
clearly visible; in a way that is clearly visible 明显;显而易见
Idiom: see something coming
to realize that there is going to be a problem before it happens 料到会有问题;意识到会出麻烦
We should have seen it coming. There was no way he could keep going under all that pressure. 我们本该料到的。承受着那么大的压力,他不可能坚持下去。
Idiom: see for yourself
to find out or look at something yourself in order to be sure that what somebody is saying is true 亲自看,亲自了解(以核实)
If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself! 要是不信我说的,你自己去看看!
Idiom: see somebody/something for what they are/it is
to realize that somebody/something is not as good, pleasant, etc. as they/it seem 看清某人(或事物)的真实状况(不是表面那样)
Idiom: seeing that…
because of the fact that… 鉴于;由于;因为
Seeing that he's been off sick all week he's unlikely to come. 他请病假整整一周了,所以今天也不大可能来。
Variant: seeing as (how)… informal
Idiom: see you (around) spoken; (I'll) be seeing you spoken; see you later spoken
goodbye 再见
I'd better be going now. See you! 现在我可该走了。再见!
Idiom: you see spoken
used when you are explaining something (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道
You see, the thing is, we won't be finished before Friday. 要知道,问题是星期五以前我们完不了事。
Phrasal: see about something
to deal with something 办理;照料;料理;安排
I must see about(= prepare)lunch. 我得做午饭了。
He says he won't help, does he? Well,we'll soon see about that(= I will demand that he does help). 他说他不帮忙,是不是?好,我们这就去找他。
I'll have to see about getting that roof repaired. 我得找人把房顶修一修。
Phrasal: see something in somebody/something
to find somebody/something attractive or interesting 看上;看中;觉得…有趣
I don't know what she sees in him. 我不知道她看上他哪儿了。
Phrasal: see somebody↔off
to go to a station, an airport, etc. to say goodbye to somebody who is starting a journey 为…送行;送别
to force somebody to leave a place, for example by chasing them 赶走,驱逐(某人) British English
The dogs saw them off in no time. 几条狗立刻把他们吓走了。
to defeat somebody in a game, fight, etc. (在游戏、战斗等活动中)打败,击败 British English
The home team saw off the challengers by 68 points to 47. 主队以 68:47 击败前来挑战的客队。
Phrasal: see something↔out
to last until the end of something 持续到…结束
They had enough fuel to see the winter out. 他们有足够的燃料过冬。
Phrasal: see over something British English
to visit and look at a place carefully 察看(某处)
We need to see over the house before we can make you an offer. 我们需要好好看了房子以后才能给你开个价。
Phrasal: see through somebody/something
to realize the truth about somebody/something so that you are not deceived 看透,识破(某人或事物)
We saw through him from the start. 一开始我们就识破他了。
I can see through your little game(= I am aware of the trick you are trying to play on me). 我看透了你的小把戏。
Phrasal: see something through
to not give up doing a task, project, etc. until it is finished 把(任务、工程等)进行到底;坚持完成
She's determined to see the job through. 她决心完成这项工作。
Phrasal: see somebody through; see somebody through something
to give help or support to somebody for a particular period of time 帮助(或支持)某人度过
Her courage and good humour saw her through. 她靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。
I only have $20 to see me through the week. 我只有 20 元来维持我这一周了。
Phrasal: see to something
to deal with something 办理;照管;料理
Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? 你来负责安排下次会议,好吗?
Don't worry—I'll see to it. 别担心 这事儿我来处理。
We'll have to get that door seen to(= repaired). 我们得找人把那扇门修一下。
Phrasal: see to it that…
to make sure that… 确保;务使

see something in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see things 发生幻觉;见神见鬼

see in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)

see here [美国口语]听我说;喂(唤起对方注意或表示不赞成)

let's see 让我们看看

as you can see 正如你所看到的;你是知道的

see through 识破,看穿

we'll see 你我都会明白

nice to see you 很高兴认识你

go and see 去看看

see as 看作为;视…为…

see clearly 看清楚

glad to see you 见到你很高兴

see a movie v. 看电影

what can you see 你能看见什么

see you tomorrow 明天见

see you soon 再见;待会儿见;希望尽快见到你

as you see 如你所见;可见

常用,see sb. doing sth.

as far as I can see 据我所知

ee ea字母组合发音规律
类似于汉语中的“伊”,是一种前元音。它发音时,嘴唇不用收缩,舌头也不用贴在牙龈上,只需要将口形张开,让舌头稍稍上抬即可。常见的EE EA单词有:beach(海滩)、tea(茶)、teacher(教师)等。元音发音规律:1、如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音,且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发短音。如...


1、通讯与网络 通讯与网络是目前很热门的学科方向之一,主要包括无线网络与光网络,移动网络,量子与光通讯,信息理论,网络安全,网络协议与体系结构,交互式通讯, INTERNET运行性能建模与分析,分布式高速缓存系统等。2、信号处理 信号处理技术是现代电气电子工程的基础。包括声音与语言信号处理,图象与视频...

ee esc h能组成什么单词?
ee esc h能组成的单词是cheese.cheese单词发音:英 [tʃiːz]、美 [tʃiːz]。一、cheese单词释义 作名词时意为“[食品] 奶酪;干酪;要人”。作动词时意为“停止”,作形容词时意为“叛变的;胆小的”。二、cheese单词用法 cheese用作名词,cheese的意思是“干酪、奶酪”...

根据单词 feet,beef,meet, tea,read,eat, 得出字母组合ee和ea

白发并不能告诉你一个人心灵的年纪. ——Edward B.Lytton 5. 励志的超短句英语越短越好,要唯美一点的 唯美、励志的超短句英语示例如下: 1、Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.——Tagore 有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。——泰戈尔 2、Courage is grace under pressure.——...

英语单词中字母e发音规则 说清在什么情况下读什么音
(1) honest['ɒnɪst] adj.诚实的;正直的 2、e字母发:[ə](1)children ['tʃɪldrən] n.孩子们 (2)student ['stjuːdnt] n.学生 (3)listen listen ['lɪsən] v.听;倾听 四、ee字母组合经常发的音:[i:]1、see [si...



显示EE的故障代码表现为:制热灯闪15次,为室外机除尘器故障。格力变频柜机,故障代码显示:E1 压机电流大,压机感温包(过热保护)开路 E2 防冻结保护(内管温)E3 内传感器短开路 E4 蒸发器管温开、短路 E5 通讯失败(N、L)不能接反)普通柜机,故障代码显示:E1 压机高压保护 E2 内冻结保护 E...

丽水市17636988227: see有什么短语 -
由姿龙血: see you Tomorrow

丽水市17636988227: look 和see 有哪些固定词组? -
由姿龙血: LOOK OUT. 小心. I SEE. 我明白了.SEE STH…… 看着某样事物 LOOK AT STH…… 看着某样事物 LOOK FOR STH…… 寻找某样事物 LOOK UP 查字典 LOOK FORWARDS TO DOING STH…… 盼望做某事

丽水市17636988227: see 和look,look at,watch的用法 -
由姿龙血: look 强调集中注意力看,不强调看的结果 see 强调看的结果看见 如:Look, can you see the plane in the sky? look 为不及物动词,要跟宾语需要加at watch 指看电视,看比赛,观察,监视等 read 指看带有文字的东西

丽水市17636988227: see和watch构成的主要短语 -
由姿龙血: see double v. 看重影 see eye to eye 与…意见一致 see red 生气,发火,勃然大怒 see the light 领悟,领会;问世,出版 see through v.1、看穿,识破 2、支撑着度过,熬过(某一时期、困难) holy see 【法】 教廷, 教皇的地位或权力 点击查看...

丽水市17636988227: notice,see,look,watch,read的区别是什么?谢谢! -
由姿龙血: see意为“看到”,表示视觉器官有意识或无意识地看到物体,强调“看到”的结果.look意为“看”,表示有意识地观看,强调“看”的动作.watch意为“看,观看,观察”,指有目的地,集中注意力地观看、注视,通常用于看电视,体育...

丽水市17636988227: look,look at,watch,see的区别和用法 -
由姿龙血: look 为不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,常单独使用,以引起对方注意. 例如: Look! That's an English car. 看!那是一辆英国的小汽车.look at 是由动词look 与介词at组成的词组,相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重"看"的动作. 例如...

丽水市17636988227: 为什么see后面跟动词原型 -
由姿龙血: see 是感官动词,后面既可以用不带to的动词不定式(动词原形)作宾补,也可以用动名词作宾补,即 see sb. do sth 表示看到某人做某事的过程 see sb. doing sth 表示看到某人做某事的片断,看到某人正在做某事 see的用法 用法1:see的基本意...

丽水市17636988227: 有 make 与doing 组成的短语吗?
由姿龙血: 没有这种说法,只有make sb do sth. 但是想see, hear, find这些词就可以用作see/hear/find sb doing sth.为了便于记忆和理解,这个可以从意思上去理解.其实make和see这些词是不同的,以see为例,你可以看到某个人正在做某事,所以可以是see sb doing.而make(强迫)则只能是强迫某人去做某事,如果说强迫某人正在在某事的话就很牵强.

丽水市17636988227: 短语和句子的区别 -
由姿龙血: 短语是有几个相关的词连在一起构成一定意义的一组词,而句子则有主语,谓语,就是能够表述谁或什么干了什么事,或怎样的一组词. 如:see a film 这是短语,see是个动词,所以它是个动词短语.I saw a film 是个句子,因为它表述了谁干了什么事.I seeing a film 这不是个句子,因为seeing 不能单独做谓语.I was seeing a film 这是个句子 was seeing 表明了正在进行的see.

丽水市17636988227: 英语中watch,see,look区别及用法
由姿龙血: watch1)观看,注视(形容观看的内容比较精彩,比较有过程)watch a game/watch a fight(看比赛,观看打斗(看得东西都比较有内容)2)注意,当心(这个意思see 和 look都没有) watch out!! /watch youself 小心!!/看着点你自己3)照顾...

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