
作者&投稿:允仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
高分急求英语作文一篇(汉语翻英语) 不要机译~

With the development of science and technology, Internet and people's lives become more closely linked.Some people said the internet will lsolate us from one another .But I think it creats a new way of communicationwhich makes the touch between people more
At first,Internet makes it easy for you to communicat with your
friends,compared to letters and telephone.
Internet is faster and more economic.As long as the other one is on the Internet at any time,you can get in touch with him/her.Second,the Internet gives a stage for our making more friends whom you can only talk online but you have never seen and you can get unusual happiness from them.Of course,you must protect yourself when you're talking with them.
Though,the Internet will make some people far from the reality life,but I still believe we can get more communication from Internet,and it won't lsolate us

今年7月,加利福尼亚州的一家名为 Control Components的公司被判海外商业贿赂罪,并为此支付了高达1820万美金的罚款。这家公司被指控向位于30多个国家的政府官员长期行贿。 受贿人员中也包括中国国有企业的官员。
(从这里开始感觉和上文讲的不是一个事情啊,我是忠实于原文翻得,欢迎大家讨论, 多多指教)
可口可乐在中国业务大幅增长, 如今其中国公司旗下已经拥有38个灌装工厂,约3万名在华员工。 此公司仍然期待进一步的开拓中国市场。

What I've taken from English learning.

It brings so much to me by studying English this term. Apart from English learning, I've got extra inspiration and realization on life.

Your teaching is distinctive, my teacher, both due to your aggression and personal charm. The 3rd and 4th class on Friday are the two where there is always the least absenteeism.

Some parts of your class, like reading poems together, sharing allegories, encouraging films analysis, personal English speeches, and authentic conversation practising, etc., are really special.

Although my learning attitude on English is no different to a any one outside our circle, I myself have made many breakthroughs. First of all, I am delighted about my attitude changing in the poems reading part. Compared with what I did before, slinkingly finding a place where nobody is around to read, and being shy about speaking English in front of people, I, on the contrary, expecting the reading part, when I can leave all my worries behind, and read loudly. Meanwhile, I can release my inhibition in the atmosphere when the whole class chant "suck out of all the marrow of life" at the end of the class, and speak English so energetically and innermostly. I can hear my own voice clearly in spite of the extremely loud voice shouted by my classmates, because there is only delight instead of fear. Our class is always holding together and I am proud of that. When I see the class reading poems loudly together every week, I feel every one there is simple and honest, and so is what I feel every week. I love myself reading, and even more, I love my classmates reading together whole-heartedly.

I reckon that I can gain extra things besides English in this class, like the rational behavior in society, which seems more precious. What you have got to make me especailly touched is not only your ability to teach us well, but your responsibility for supervising us on our moral behavior. I really want to say Thank You. You are so special, and never mind what other people say about you. You just want to be yourself. Perhaps you will never pay too much attention to a student's opinion on you, but I still want to say to you: You are such a teacher with your own peculiarities, and I would be happy for being your student once.


English feelings through this semester learning of English, to bring me a lot of different feelings, in addition to learning English knowledge, I also received a lot of inspiration and life sentiment. Your teachers teaching is very characteristic, whether that is because deterrence or personal charisma, We classes each week of attendance at Friday's 3.4 lesson to the strongest lineup. There are some very unique aspects, such as Qidu poetry, philosophy of sharing stories, inspirational film materials analysis, personal speech in English, simulation scenarios dialogue. Although I have the attitude of English learning from the outside world does not appear to be any obvious difference But I have already made many breakthroughs, starting each class before the chant, I am delighted that my change, I secretly compared to the original one did not find the place they wanted to study, ashamed to speak English in front of others, now each class instead of looking forward to the arrival of poetry links, and at this moment I can Throwing off concerns, read aloud, in the final one, "suck out of all the marrow of life" Qi roar of the class atmosphere, I can put aside false modesty English put so full of vigor and spontaneously, Even if the whole class has been deafening voice, I can still hear clearly in our own voices and really pleased that the moment you feared. It has always been our classes are very united, I proud and see everyone together weekly to chant loudly, think we are a unique simple, sincere person, an episode of the weekly show, like the poetry itself, like to see more input to the poetry you. Actually, I think this course, I was more of the curriculum of some things, like how real-world, things. it is all the more valuable. A good teacher teaching the course at the same time, but also have the responsibility to supervise the conduct of the students, in fact, I was very moved, want to say thank you. You are a very special teacher, you also said they would not mind other people's views, so long as their own. Perhaps you will not mind a student right in the end what is your view, but I would from my own fair to say : You are one of the habits of a good teacher, I am glad that you did the students.


Through this term's English study,I have got so much.Besides the english learning,I acquire many extra inspirations and sentiments of life as well.
It is very distinctive that your teaching bringing to us.We are all attracted by both your overawing and personal charm,especially showing in the attendance of your 3rd and 4th class on Friday.
Some parts of your class,for instance reading poems together, sharing allegories, encouraging films analysis, personal English presentation, and simulating conversation practising, etc., are really attractive.
My attitude on learning English,seen by others,do not change a lot,but for my own part,I do know that I have made many breakthroughs.
The most evident is those changes in the poems reading part which i enjoy so much(你只说了首先就没有第二第三了,所以我稍微做了点修改). Instead of reading alone in a all-is-quiet place,I now,thanks to u,am really expecting the coming of this part,in which I could lay my constraint down to speak out aloud.surrounded in the roaring of the last sentence--“suck out of all the marrow of life”,I throw my trammel behind shouting from deep heart with full of my vigor.Even though in the deafening environment,I could hear myself.Without fear was i in that moment but delight.
I am proude of the constant comity of our class.Seeing everybody reading aloud every week together,I always feel we are so pute and sincere.Everytime in your class hearing the read,i am happy to myself,and even more to my devoting classmates.(这一段我想你是想要赞扬老师给你们班带来的改变,所以稍微跟你的原文有点不同)
The most important thing in this course is something obtainable beside the class like the rationship behavior in society which is much more treasurable for us.I am very appreciate that you,a good teacher,give us a guidance to our behavior while teaching us well.It is very respectable and affecting.Howerver,as a special teacher,you said it would be better to perfect yourselfe than minding others' attitudes.Maybe you will not care for the feeling of student towards you.However,for my own aspect,I want to say impartially,you are a outstanding teacher with your own character,I am happy to be your student.

Pass the English study of the this semester, and take my lots of different feels, and apart from the study of the English knowledge the outsides, and I still acquired the enlightenning of many human lifed and feel the
Your teaching of teacher very have the special featureses of, wether say that is a dint because of the or personal magic power, personnel rate of attendance of our class of each week meeting at 3.4 of Friday section lessons attain the most strong appearance.
Have to some links very contain special features, if the 齐 read the verse, philosophy the , personal English of the sharing, aim high film of the small story to lecture, and the scene dialogue imitate the etc..
Although my attitude towards English study from outsider look to have no what obviously of different, for me that reading the poem link, my glad my variety, comparing of front by oneself and however and already haded to much broke, first is the local and small voice of each lesson is originally I stealthily sought a nobodied to study, in speak English in the other people's in front, until now each lesson on the contrary expectinged to read the poem linked of come, now I can the go to concerned, put the voice for for 齐 roaring rounding the inside, I too can let go ofing act with dignitying, English speaking like this alive with vehemence with hair from heart, even whole class of whole class for read alouding, in the last “ suck out of all the marrow of life" already deafening, I can still hear the pure and own voice, really very happy, that engraved and did not be afraid. Always since that time our class all and very solidify, and my 引 think the , and see everybody to loudly read the poem together every week, and feel everybody are all a group of s to are pure, sincerity of person, this act present every week, and like the oneself that read the poem the hour, and more like to see everybody that input the ground read the poem.
In fact I feel from in this lesson, let me acquire the more is some things of the course excludings, and resemble how to get alone with others, deal with affairs, seem to be more precious. while a teacher is teaching good this course, can still have to speed up the personal conduct of the student this duty in fact I move, want to say that thank you.You are a teacher for very specially, youed to also said and can't mind other people's viewpoint, and only do the oneself, perhaps you also can't care a student to are after all to you is what viewpoint, but I would still equitably say from my oneself:You are a good teacher for having a temperament, very happy did your student.

English feelings
Through this semester learning of English, to bring me a lot of different feelings, in addition to learning English knowledge, I also received a lot of inspiration and life sentiment.
Your teachers teaching is very characteristic, whether that is because deterrence or personal charisma, We classes each week of attendance at Friday's 3.4 lesson to the strongest lineup.
There are some very unique aspects, such as Qidu poetry, philosophy of sharing stories, inspirational film materials analysis, personal speech in English, simulation scenarios dialogue.
Although I have the attitude of English learning from the outside world does not appear to be any obvious difference But I have already made many breakthroughs, starting each class before the chant, I am delighted that my change, I secretly compared to the original one did not find the place they wanted to study, ashamed to speak English in front of others, now each class instead of looking forward to the arrival of poetry links, and at this moment I can Throwing off concerns, read aloud, in the final one, "suck out of all the marrow of life" Qi roar of the class atmosphere, I can put aside false modesty English put so full of vigor and spontaneously, Even if the whole class has been deafening voice, I can still hear clearly in our own voices and really pleased that the moment you feared. It has always been our classes are very united, I proud and see everyone together weekly to chant loudly, think we are a unique simple, sincere person, an episode of the weekly show, like the poetry itself, like to see more input to the poetry you.
Actually, I think this course, I was more of the curriculum of some things, like how real-world, things. it is all the more valuable. A good teacher teaching the course at the same time, but also have the responsibility to supervise the conduct of the students, in fact, I was very moved, want to say thank you. You are a very special teacher, you also said they would not mind other people's views, so long as their own. Perhaps you will not mind a student right in the end what is your view, but I would from my own fair to say : You are one of the habits of a good teacher, I am glad that you did the students.

以下是几种更爽的学习英语的方法:1. 看英语电影和电视剧:通过看英语电影和电视剧可以提高听力和口语,同时也可以了解到地道的英语表达方式和文化背景。2. 听英语音乐和广播:通过听英语音乐和广播可以提高听力和口语,同时也可以了解到不同地区的英语口音和文化背景。3. 看英语原版书籍:通过阅读英语...



7。美式英文和英式英文更喜欢哪个……嗯,就我这个能和日式英语一较高下的发音水平还真分不清啥叫美式,啥叫英式。大概来说英式英语应该发音更好听吧,汗……7. American English and British English prefer which... HMM, just I this can and Japanese English the toughest pronunciation still ...

读书让我感受到了许多的情感,使我时不时地情绪化,给了我丰富的感情。这个很明显啊,长知识,懂事……只要是有益的书,都有或多或少的好处的,好处因人而异 。古人云:“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉.”可见,古人对读书的情有独钟.其实,对于任何人而言,读书最大的好处在于:它让求知的人从中获知...

所以,希望大家在作文时克服恐惧心理,保持细心,争取把应得的分拿下来,千万记住一句话:“不写自己从没见过的句子。”【学英语关键是积累 单词识记不要脱离句子】 湖南理科状元 平时,我学英语时,碰到不懂的单词能勤翻词典,遇到特别重要的单词做到弄懂为止,但是,单词识记不要脱离句子,要放在句子中出现。学英语,关键...

away no matter how painful I would be.只要想到你是幸福的,我也能有快乐的动力 Thinking of you is kind of happy and that gives me strengh to be happy.通过翻译这些内容,其实很能感受和体会到楼主现在处于既无奈又难舍的情怀中...感叹“情”字往往是恼人的。上述译文没问题了!

英语考试后的总结与反思 篇8 一、考试结果 本次考试中,13、14班的成绩在预料之中。平均分分别为62.82和66.97;年级前400名分别为12人和16人。位次居下游。 二、试题分析 本次考试总分为150分,考试时间为120分钟,考试内容主要以新课标高中英语必修一和必修二为主,重点考查学生应该掌握的英语基础知识和基本能力...


I am gald to have an opportunity to go to France to stusy. There are a lot of reasons for me to choose France to stusy. First, France is a developed country, whose economy, industry, culture plays an important role in the world. Second, France has excellet academic culture...

清浦区17055648243: 高分翻英语感受
友晴忆立: More than English The one-semester English learning really impresses me in many ways. There are more I have learned about life, in addition to the English language. Your teaching style is special, my teacher, either for the stateliness in you or ...

清浦区17055648243: 高分!!翻译成英语! -
友晴忆立: Text: the message about the direction of Professor wanted to research topics, because the problem of garbled so this made a research proposal directly. On the research topic, if the professors feel is inappropriate, I can make changes, hoping to get your suggestions!

清浦区17055648243: 高分翻译成英语 -
友晴忆立: Based on the analysis of the literature,through the interview to a teacher and combined with the note that the author had made when they participated in teacher in-service education,the influential factors of teacher education and learning transfer are ...

清浦区17055648243: 本人想求一篇英语翻译心得,最好是用英语写的,字数大概七八十左右,谢谢!
友晴忆立: translation is a art,everybody had his own way to translate a sentence. and the way rely on feeling,for example,when you feel sad,your feeling never likes the happy one,and then your words express different meaning. finally i hope you like it

清浦区17055648243: 高分 翻译英语 -
友晴忆立: In order to use learning material better, I suggest that students who have already graduated donate some used books, newspapers,and magazines to the lower grade student. This activity not only helps students to enhence friendship, but also encourage student to economize.

清浦区17055648243: 高分求翻译观后感 -
友晴忆立: 呃,好长啊,可能有很多对不上的地方,不采纳也算了吧.《Happy big feet 》this name look to seem to speak a person, in fact speak penguin.You would feel very strange, what connection do b...

清浦区17055648243: 高分!英语翻译(在线等,急...) -
友晴忆立: I am honourable to be on behalf of my school to make a brief introdution of China to you. China is the third lagest country in the wold, so there are many places of interest in China which are worth time to pay a vist to, i.e. the Great Wall, Jiu Zhaigou in ...

清浦区17055648243: 高分求写高一学英语的感受(summary)的英语作文16篇 -
友晴忆立: 度过了一个火辣辣的假期,新的学期又开始了.有位诗人曾说过:上帝给了每个人一份珍贵的礼物,那就是青年.青年是崭新的,在你们的脑子里总会有那么多的新点子、新方法、新感受、新作品、新经验,新思维、新作为,在你们眼中每天升...

清浦区17055648243: 如何写翻译心得? -
友晴忆立: 翻译肯定是自己的语言水平和一定的翻译技巧的结合~ 所以心得呢,首先可以总体说一下这篇文章属于哪个类型,这种类型的文章翻译时候要注意什么,有哪些翻译技巧可以使用. 然后呢,具体分析一下这些使用的技巧(可以参考张培基的《高级翻译教程〉分析的时候呢,加上文章中的句子一起分析,作为例子.这块是重点~ 最后呢,说一下这篇翻译的不足之处~ 谢谢~

清浦区17055648243: 高分!英文翻译!给你的爱一直很安静 -
友晴忆立: The love I'm giving to you has always been so quiet .

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