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the beatles 英文简介~

The Beatles are undoubtedly the greatest, most influential, most fans and most successful band in the history of pop music.
The Beatles have made great contributions to the development of rock and roll all over the world.They have influenced the music and thoughts of several generations of rock and roll bands since the 1960s and directly influenced the change and development of rock and roll.
In Britain, the Beatles have influenced the formation and development of almost every band since the 1960s.

甲壳虫乐队是一支颇具传奇性的乐队。从成立到解散,他们仅仅存在了十年的时间,但是作为一个音乐文化的革命者,其文化影响力早已超过了其艺术的本身。他们的歌声影响了一代人的艺术趣味、服装发式、生活方式和人生态度 。
参考资料来源:百度百科-The Beatles

披头士乐队(英语:The Beatles)是1960年在利物浦组建的一支英国摇滚乐队,在华语地区亦称为“甲壳虫乐队”、“披头四乐队”等。
在1962年末发行第一首打榜歌《Love Me Do》后,披头士走红英国。后一年,随着披头士狂热在英国的蔓延,他们取得了“Fab Four”的昵称。到1964年初,披头士已征服美国流行乐市场,成为国际巨星,引领了英伦入侵潮流。
1965年后,披头士制作了一系列革新而影响深远的专辑,包括《Rubber Soul》、《Revolver》、《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》、《The Beatles (White Album)》以及《Abbey Road》。

1965年,女王伊丽莎白二世授予列侬、麦卡特尼、哈里森和斯塔尔大英帝国勋章中的员佐勋章。1970年的电影《Let It Be》获得了1971年的奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖。披头士乐队一共获得了十座格莱美奖和十五座艾弗·诺韦洛奖,在美国拥有六次钻石唱片认证、24次多白金唱片认证、39次白金唱片认证及45次金唱片认证。
2004年,《滚石》杂志把披头士列为史上最伟大的艺人。他们也在《公告牌》杂志2008年的“史上最成功音乐人Hot 100”榜单上排名第一。截至2015年,他们是公告牌百强单曲榜最多冠军歌曲的纪录保持者,共有二十首。
2014年,披头士获得了格莱美终身成就奖。2017年,披头士电影 : 《The Beatles: Eight Days A Week The Touring Years》 获得了格莱美奖最佳音乐电影奖。

The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队):

约翰•列农(John Lennon,1940~1980,主唱兼节奏吉他)、
保罗•麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney,生于1942年,贝司兼主唱)、
乔治•哈里森(George Harrison,1943~2001,主音吉他)
林格•斯塔尔(Ringo Starr,生于1940年,鼓手)

1958年,约翰•列农、保罗•麦卡特尼、乔治•哈里森和另外两位青年组织了一个乐队。乐队曾几经易名,开始起名为"甲壳虫"(Beetles),最后列农故意把Beetles拼作Beatles。1962年,另外两名青年先后离队,林格•斯塔尔(Ringo Starr,生于1940年,鼓手)加入其中,"披头士"的四名队员从此固定下来。

1961年,利物普唱片公司的老板布莱恩•爱泼斯坦(Brian Epstein)发现了他们的巨大潜力,成了他们的经理人。首先,他所做的事情是包装"披头士"的外形:长头发、无领四扣的上衣、烟囱似的长裤子和矮靴子。
1962年,EMI下属的"帕洛风"(Parlophone)唱片公司经理乔治•马丁(George Martin)与"披头士"签约,并与同年9月发行《爱我吧》(love me do,例23)和《附言:我爱你》(P.S.I love you)两首歌曲。
1963年3月又推出一首《请让我愉快》(Please,Please me),引起了极大的轰动并登上了榜首。同年由"帕洛风"发行的其他歌曲如《从我到你》(from me to you)、《他爱你》(she loves you)、《我想握住你的手》(I want to hold your hand)接连获得第一。"披头士"因此而名声大振。11月,"披头士"被邀请在皇家综艺剧场参加演出,英王太后和玛格丽特公主都出席了现场。
1964年,"披头士热"传到了美国,美国流行音乐排行榜差不多成了披头士的天下。大街小巷到处飘荡着披头士的声音。同年,他们的第一部电影《辛劳之夜》(A hard day's night)放映,同样引起了轰动。影片的主题歌使"披头士"荣获当年格莱美最佳演唱小组奖。

接着,他们推出的三张专辑《橡胶灵魂》(Rubber Soul)、《昨天和今天》(Yesterday and Today)、和《左轮手枪》(Revolver),实验成分逐渐加大,表现了"披头士"已从早期在歌曲中大呼"耶、耶、耶",开始过渡到艺术上追求专业技巧、力求更加精致的阶段。
《橡胶灵魂》 首先从封面上看就与前不同。"披头士"四个人的面孔都有点变形,这种多多少少的超现实手法暗示了后来被称作"迷幻摇滚"的音乐。专辑中包括了《单字》(The word)、《米歇尔》(Michelle)、《在我的生活中》(In my life)等歌曲,其中另一首歌曲《挪威的森林》(Norwegian wood)中运用了印度的西塔尔琴(Sitar)而独具特色。
第二张专辑《昨天和今天》仅在美国发行。其中《哪里都不去的人》(Nowhere man)的歌词受民谣摇滚的影响,显示了更多的社会评论的性质。
在第三张专辑《左轮手枪》中,《埃莉诺•里格比》(Eleanor Rigby)使用了弦乐八重奏形式,这种歌曲从很多方面预示了后来发表的《佩伯军士的孤心俱乐部乐队》的风格。
通过这三张专辑的制作,“披头士”积累了大量录音棚实验的经验,于1967年推出了他们最经典的一张专辑《佩伯军士的孤心俱乐部乐队》(Sergeant Pepper's lonely hearts club band)。这张专辑由"披头士"与管弦乐队合作,在制作人马丁的监制下用了四个月的时间制作而成。它不仅是"披头士"长时间艺术探索的鼎盛之作,同时在摇滚乐历史上也占有重要的地位。
《佩伯军士的孤心俱乐部乐队》是一套组歌,共12首歌曲。标题曲《佩伯军士》不仅是组歌的开始曲,也作为统一全曲的主题反复出现。这里的佩伯军士实际上就是代表"披头士"乐队自己,他们在一种迷幻音乐会的气氛中进行一系列的演唱。比如《缀满钻石的天空中的露西》(Lucy in the Sky with Diamond),歌名几个单词的开头字母LSD即明显暗示了此曲与麻醉药有关,歌词中又出现了各种迷幻景象。音乐上每段节歌都是从三拍子转到四拍子的叠歌,在摇滚乐中是首次出现拍子的转换,这使歌曲不再具有通常摇滚乐的舞蹈性质。录音效果上运用了加大混响和正常人声的对比等等。《拥有你,失去你》(within you without you)则显得缺少规整,乐句长短不匀;从整体上看,迷幻成分较浓,给人带来一种类似催眠的效果。
1968年,他们录制了《The white album》。 1969年,他们制作了《Let It Be》这时他们非常疲惫,觉得这些专辑应该是他们最后的作品。不过他们觉得《Let It Be》有点过于悲伤,因此他们又制作了专辑《Abbey Road》。他们在他们开在伦敦的苹果公司的房顶上进行了最后一次演出。

姓 名:The Beatles 中文名:甲壳虫(jiǎ qiào chóng)乐队 (又称披头士乐队、披头四乐队) 吉他手:John Lennon 贝斯手:Paul McCartney 吉他手:George Harrison 鼓手:Ringo Starr
The Beatles is a fairly legendary band.This band formed in 1959, Liverpool is home household evening, the band formed by four.created a new musical style, inspired a lot of new ideas and concepts in the form of pop music with a rich connotation.To 1969, The Beatles announced the dissolution due to internal differences,issued dozens of literary and artistic works were created and more than 20 classic recordings of these works can be divided into four periods : representativeOne early to album, "Meet The Beatles> as representatives;Second, in 1965 the "Rubber Soul> represent a serious experiment;Phase three is representative of the mystery and magic "Sgt Peeper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band>;Fourth is "The White Album> (1968) reveals hundreds of maturity and later lit a" white album "and" The Beatles Anthology>."The Beatle kind of "Tomorrow far apart in their minds. Wish you happiness, "the carefree moodacross the arena was full of stereotypes in the United Kingdom, sad, rigid and old-fashioned atmosphere.Britain thus almost fanatical when the younger generation.The Beatles pop music of Jueqi implies that the United States declared the end of the British rule status. The Beatles的确是一支颇具传奇性的乐队,这支成立于1959年的利物浦乐队可谓家喻户晚,乐队由四人组成,开创了许多新的音乐风格,启发了不少新的思维和概念,丰富了流行音乐的形式与内涵。到1969年,The Beatles因为内部产生分歧而宣布解散,共创作发行了数十首佳作和20多张经典唱片,这些作品大致可分为四个代表时期:一是初期,以专辑《Meet The Beatles》为代表;二是1965年的《Rubber Soul》代表他们严肃的实验期;三是代表神秘及迷幻期的《Sgt Peeper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band》;四是由《The White Album》(1968年)所揭示的百家齐放的成熟期以及后来的一张《白色专辑》和《The Beatles Anthology》。 The Beatle那种“把明天遥远地抛在脑后.愿你多欢乐”的无忧无虑的情调,一扫当时充斥在英国舞台上的陈腐、伤感、古板和陈旧的气氛,从而几乎使英国年轻的一代狂热不已,The Beatles的倔起意味着美国流行音乐在英国的统治地位宣告结束。

披头士乐队(The Beatles,又译甲壳虫乐队)毫无疑问是流行音乐界历史上最伟大,最有影响力,最为成功的乐队。披头士乐队对于流行音乐的革命性的发展与影响力无人可出其右,对于世界范围内摇滚的发展做出了非常巨大的贡献,影响了自60年代以后的数代摇滚乐队的音乐和思想,直接影响了摇滚乐的变革和发展,在英国,披头士乐队更是影响了60年代至今几乎每一支乐队的形成和发展。而乐队中四名伟大的音乐家,特别是约翰·列侬(John Lennon)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney),对于世界各个角落的后辈摇滚歌手及音乐创作者们的影响持续至今。

The Beatles (The Beatles, and as The Beatles) no doubt is The greatest pop music history, The most successful, influential The band. The beatles music to pop the revolutionary development and influence the right may not be out for the development of worldwide rock made very great contributions since the 1960s, influence after several generations of the music and thought rock band, a direct impact on the reform and development of rock and roll, in Britain, the beatles is affected 60 age has almost every a band formation and development. But the band four great musicians, especially John Lennon (John Lennon and Paul McCartney (McCartney), for younger people to every corner of the world music creators are rock singer and continues impact of until now.

The Beatles although from foundation to dissolve only existed for years of time, but The band as a music culture revolutionaries, and their cultural influence is also had more than its works of art itself. The beatles in this decades of time, already became popular music and pop culture symbol, also became Britain culture history of a trademark, they will be members of the British queen seal knighted. The Beatles Beatles led The 1960s and 1970s world each country's pop culture direction, become fashion popular vane, about The Beatles' anything all became The most cultural connotation of goods, and The Beatles used anything can be purchased to auction with surprising. The beatles in addition to countless boarded the various magazine cover, but also often exploded on the world countries stamps and postcards, etc souvenirs, they have countless related topics museums and documentary, movies and other related cultural material storage organization. In addition, the world still has a large beatles career imitator, and professional organizations and evaluation of institutions and organizations imitation of competition. The beatles and the beatles culture had become a human in the 20th century cultural field is an important component of forever engraved, their last century pop culture as the trademark, never received any challenge.

July 7, 1940
Ringo Starr was born.
October 9, 1940
John Lennon is born at Oxford Street Maternity Hospital in Liverpool, England, to Julia Stanley and Alfred Lennon.
June 18, 1942
James Paul McCartney is born in Liverpool, England.
February 25, 1943
George Harrison was born.
Julia, John Lennon's mother, bought him his first guitar through a mail order ad. His incessant playing prompts John's Aunt Mimi to say, "The guitar's all very well as a hobby, John, but you'll never make a living out of it." John forms his first group, the Quarrymen.
July 6, 1957
John Lennon meets Paul McCartney at the Woolton Parish Church in Liverpool during a performance by John's group the Quarrymen. Impressed by Paul's ability to tune a guitar and by his knowledge of song lyrics, John asks him to join the group.
February 1, 1958
Paul McCartney introduces George Harrison to the Quarrymen at a basement teen club called the Morgue. George joins the group.
August 1, 1960
The Beatles make their debut in Hamburg, West Germany, with Stu Sutcliffe on bass and Pete Best on drums.
January 1, 1961
The Beatles make their debut at the Cavern Club in Liverpool.
November 1, 1961
Local record store manager Brian Epstein is introduced to the Beatles. He soon signs a contract to manage them.
March 7, 1962
The Beatles make their radio debut performing three songs, including Roy Orbison's "Dream Baby," on the BBC.
April 10, 1962
Stu Sutcliffe dies of a brain hemorrhage.
June 1, 1962
The Beatles audition for George Martin at Parlophone/EMI Records. He agrees to sign the group, but insists that Pete Best be replaced. Within months, Richard "Ringo" Starkey joins the group.
SEPTEMBER 4-11, 1962
The Beatles record their first sessions at EMI Studios in London, with George Martin as producer.
December 1, 1963
"I Want to Hold Your Hand," the Beatles' first American single, is released by Capitol Records.
January 26, 1964
I Want To Hold Your Hand (The Beatles) was a hit.
February 7, 1964
The Beatles arrive in America
February 9, 1964
The Beatles make their first appearance on 'The Ed Sullivan Show'.
February 11, 1964
The Beatles begin their first U.S. tour at the Coliseum in Washington, D.C.
March 15, 1964
She Loves You (The Beatles) was a hit.
March 29, 1964
Can't Buy Me Love (The Beatles) was a hit.
April 4, 1964
The top five slots on the 'Billboard' chart are held by the Beatles, a feat never before or since matched.
May 24, 1964
Love Me Do (The Beatles) was a hit.
July 6, 1964
The world premiere of The Beatles' 'A Hard Day's Night' takes place in London.
July 26, 1964
A Hard Day's Night (The Beatles) was a hit.
August 14, 1964
The Beatles cut Little Willie John's "Leave My Kitten Alone" at EMI Studios in London. Intended for album 'Beatles For Sale' ('Beatles '65' in the US), it was left off and remained unreleased until 'Anthology 1' in 1995.
The Beatles release "This Boy" from their first American album 'Meet the Beatles'.
December 20, 1964
I Feel Fine (The Beatles) was a hit.
March 7, 1965
Eight Days a Week (The Beatles) was a hit.
The Beatles release "Yes It Is".
April 1, 1965
John Lennon composes "Help!" the title song for the Beatles' second film. He later confides that the lyrics are a cry for help and a clue to the confusion and despondency he feels.
May 16, 1965
Ticket to Ride (The Beatles) was a hit.
July 29, 1965
The Beatles release their second film, 'Help!'.
August 15, 1965
The Beatles play in front of almost 60,000 fans at Shea Stadium in New York City. August 27, 1965
The Beatles spend the evening talking and playing music with Elvis Presley at his Bel air home.
August 29, 1965
Help! (The Beatles) was a hit.
October 3, 1965
Yesterday (The Beatles) was a hit.
October 9, 1965
The Beatles reach #1 with "Yesterday".
October 26, 1965
The Beatles are awarded England's prestigious MBE (Members of the Order of the British Empire). John comments, "I thought you had to drive tanks and win wars to get the MBE."
January 2, 1966
We Can Work It Out (The Beatles) was a hit.
March 1, 1966
London's 'Evening Standard' publishes an interview with John Lennon in which he states that the Beatles are "more popular than Jesus now." The comment provokes several protests, including the burning of Beatles records.
June 19, 1966
Paperback Writer (The Beatles) was a hit.
July 31, 1966
John Lennon's comments on the state of Christianity ?made in March, but only lately picked up in the U.S. - spark protests and record burnings on the eve of the Beatles' 1966 American tour.
August 29, 1966
After their concert at San Francisco's Candlestick Park, the Beatles declare this to be their final concert tour.
John Lennon makes his first appearance away from the Beatles in the role of Private Gripweed in Richard Lester's film 'How I Won the War'. He writes "Strawberry Fields Forever" during the filming.
March 12, 1967
Penny Lane (The Beatles) was a hit.
March 18, 1967
The Beatles reach #1 with "Penny Lane".
June 1, 1967
'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' is released in Britain.
August 1, 1967
Beatle George Harrison and his wife, Patti, stroll through the streets of Haight-Ashbury, bringing more international attention to the scene.
August 13, 1967
All You Need Is Love (The Beatles) was a hit.
August 19, 1967
The Beatles reach #1 with "All You Need Is Love".
September 1, 1967
John Lennon writes "I Am the Walrus" while under the influence of LSD. He also anonymously sponsors Yoko Ono's Half a Wind Show (subtitled Yoko Plus Me) at London's Lisson Gallery.
December 24, 1967
Hello Goodbye (The Beatles) was a hit.
December 30, 1967
The Beatles reach #1 with "Hello Goodbye".
February 15, 1968
The Beatles depart for Rishikesh, India, for an advanced course in transcendental meditation.
May 1, 1968
Apple Corps, Ltd. begins operating in London. It is the Beatles' attempt to take control of their own creative and economic destiny. Later that month, John invites Yoko to his house in Weybridge. They make experimental tapes all night.
September 22, 1968
Hey Jude (The Beatles) was a hit.
September 28, 1968
The Beatles reach #1 with "Hey Jude".
January 30, 1969
The Beatles make their last performance as a group on the roof of the Apple building during the filming of 'Let It Be'.
May 18, 1969
Get Back (The Beatles) was a hit.
May 24, 1969
The Beatles reach #1 with "Get Back".
November 23, 1969
Come Together (The Beatles) was a hit.
November 29, 1969
The Beatles reach #1 with "Come Together".
April 5, 1970
Let It Be (The Beatles) was a hit.
April 10, 1970
Paul McCartney announces that he is leaving the Beatles due to "personal, business and musical differences."
June 7, 1970
The Long and Winding Road (The Beatles) was a hit.
January 2, 1975
John and Yoko are reunited. The Beatles' final dissolution takes place in London.
December 8, 1980
John Lennon is shot by a deranged assailant as he and Yoko return to the Dakota after a recording session. He is pronounced dead at Roosevelt Hospital.
The Beatles inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
November 19, 1995
"Free as a Bird," the first new Beatles single in 25 years, is premiered on the televised Beatles Anthology. The song, a 1977 demo by John Lennon completed in 1995 by the three surviving Beatles, reaches #6 on the singles chart in early 1996.
March 23, 1996
"Real Love," a 1979 John Lennon demo finished in 1995 by the other Beatles, becomes the second new Beatles single to chart in less than three months. Released as part of 'The Beatles Anthology' recordings and TV special, it reaches #11? Not bad for a band that broke up in 1970.
November 29, 2001
George Harrison dies at the age of 58 after a long battle with cancer.

甲壳虫乐队的《help》是在1965年发行的。Help, I need somebody 救命!我需要人帮助 Help, not just anybody 帮助,而不仅仅是任何人 Help, you know I need someone, helpWhen I was younger, so much younger than today 帮助,你知道我需要一个人,帮助我年轻时,比今天年轻得多 I never ...

在乐队组建后期,列侬所写的歌曲大多充满神秘色彩,而麦卡特尼的歌曲则更倾向于流行乐。到了60年中期,列侬成为乐队中第一个吸毒的人,他还鼓励其他人和他一样学习瑜珈功。 在组建披头士乐队后不久,列侬就与音乐学校的一名女同学辛西娅-鲍维尔结婚,并与她于1963年生下一子,取名朱利安。但是,两人的婚后感情却非常不...

Michael Learns to Rock - That's Why (You Go Away)迈克学摇滚 试听:http:\/\/v.youku.com\/v_show\/id_XMTAzOTgzNDEy.html

我曾经拥有一个女孩 或者我应该说 她曾经拥有我...She showed me her room, isn't it good, norwegian wood?她向我展示她的住所 很棒吧 这 "挪威的木屋"She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere,她说要我留下 让我找个地方随便就坐 So I looked around and I noticed ...

哈哈,太搞笑了!!!其实披头士的歌好不好听每个人都有不同的见解,我个人比较喜欢yesterday http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?f=ms&rn=&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&word=yesterday&lm=-1 hey, Jude http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=+Jude&lm=-1 yellow ...

谁能帮翻译下甲壳虫乐队的《黄色潜水艇》和《昨天》的歌词大意_百度知 ...
谁能帮翻译下甲壳虫乐队的《黄色潜水艇》和《昨天》的歌词大意  我来答 2个回答 #专题# 东京奥运会有哪些丑闻?匿名用户 2013-10-10 展开全部 Yellow Submarine In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea. 我出生的小镇,住着一位海员。 And he told us of his life in the...

不是的哈 the beatles:有两个主唱的 成员包括John Lennon (1940-1980),节奏吉他、键盘乐及主唱;Paul McCartney (1942- ),低音吉他、键盘乐及主唱;以及George Harrison (1943-2001),主吉他、西达琴、钢琴及和音。1962年,Ringo Starr〔原名 Richard Starkey,1940~ )加入,负责鼓及和音。1970年,...

对中国做乐队的后辈影响都非常大,我接触过很多乐队,都是听Beyond长大的,我觉得他们就是中国的甲壳虫...,柔中有刚的一曲,这是Beyond很阳光的一面 5. 为了你为了我 这首单曲是最不好找的,原因就是它...和“海阔天空” 一样是家驹在最后一张“乐与怒” 专辑中留给歌迷的绝唱 本回答由娱乐休闲分类达人...


.他在音乐中已经将摇滚乐的所有元素捕捉一空!他对香港及世界的背悯情怀会让每一个有心人感动得流泪.99年之后,黄贯中的吉他SOLO作曲和技术更为成熟和合理,03年并荣货了美国吉他Ovation公司的形象代言人,成为了香港第一流的吉他好手。曾多次到海外演出,均受到一致好评! 顺便说一下`大家注意了没有....

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队成员都谁?
席眉博欣: 约翰·列侬(John Lennon) 【1980年12月8日被暗杀】 保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney) 吉他手乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)【2001年因病去世】 鼓手林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr) 鼓手彼得·贝斯特(Pete Best)【1962年退出乐队 健在】 贝司手斯图亚特·苏茨里费(Stuart Sutcliffe)【于1962年因病离世】

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队的成员有哪些 -
席眉博欣: 贝斯手斯图亚特·苏茨里费,吉他手保罗·麦卡特尼,乔治·哈里森以及约翰·列侬

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队有哪几个人 -
席眉博欣: 披头士乐队(The Beatles,又译甲壳虫乐队)毫无疑问是流行音乐界历史上最伟大,最有影响力,最为成功的乐队.主要成员 节奏吉他:约翰·列侬(John Lennon) 【1980年12月8日被暗杀】 低音吉他:保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney) 首席吉他:乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)【2001年因病去世】 鼓: 林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr) 前成员 前鼓手: 彼得·贝斯特(Pete Best)【1962年退出乐队 健在】 前贝司手:斯图亚特·苏茨里费(Stuart Sutcliffe)【于1962年因病离世】

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队的成员都有谁啊
席眉博欣: The Beatles,二十世纪最知名的英国摇滚乐队,1956年成立於利物浦,成员包括John Lennon (1940-1980),节奏吉他、键盘乐及主唱;Paul McCartney (1942- ),低音吉他、键盘乐及主唱;以及George Harrison (1943-2001),主吉他、西达琴、钢琴及和音.1962年,Ringo Starr〔原名 Richard Starkey,1940~ )加入,负责鼓及和音.1970年,乐队解散,四人分道扬镳.

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队的成员叫什么名字? -
席眉博欣: John Lennon,Paul McCartney,George Harrison,Ringo Starr ,Stuart Sutcliffe是英文名字 乔治·哈里森,保罗.麦克特尼,托尼·谢里丹 约翰·列侬, 贝斯手斯图亚特·苏茨里费

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队的队员谁还活着. -
席眉博欣: 甲壳虫乐队的成员的情况: 约翰·列侬(John Lennon) 【1980年12月8日被暗杀】 保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)【健在】 吉他手乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)【2001年因病去世】 鼓手林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)【健在】 鼓手彼得·贝斯特(Pete Best)【1962年退出乐队 还没死】 贝司手斯图亚特·苏茨里费(Stuart Sutcliffe)【于1962年因病离世】

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队由几个成员组成?他们是哪个国家的?
席眉博欣: 刚出道是五个,后来贝斯手史都华离队,保罗改弹贝斯,一直到解散,是四个人.史称披头四哪个国家?大不列颠利物浦

香港特别行政区15995444282: 英国甲壳虫乐队的四个人分别是什么角色比如主唱andsoon
席眉博欣: 约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)吉他手兼主唱保罗·麦卡特尼(PaulMcCartney)吉他手... 影响了自60年代以后的数代摇滚乐队的音乐和思想,直接影响了摇滚乐的变革和发展...

香港特别行政区15995444282: 甲壳虫乐队简介! -
席眉博欣: The Beatles是一支成立于1960年的英国利物浦摇滚乐队,在流行音乐史的商业和艺术上都取得了巨大成功.乐队最著名的成员为John Lennon,Paul McCartney ,George Harrison,以及RingoStarr.The Beatles在20世纪60年代掀起了一阵“Beatlemania”(披头士狂热),引领了英伦入侵(British Invasion,是60年代的文化标志之一,乐队于1970年解散.The Beatles在英国一共发行了12张录音室专辑,是历史上销量最高的乐队,

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