
作者&投稿:匡弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、From the United States financial crisis sweeping the globe. States of emergency introduced policies to save the national economy corresponding to the impact of the crisis to a minimum.
2、The economic globalization brings the crisis globalization .
3、In the context of economic globalization, the face of financial crisis, all countries should strengthen their confidence, strengthen cooperation and jointly cope with economic crisis.

It is Friday today. What class do you have in the afternoon?
Yes. PE.
I think everyone knows we are going to learn how to swim in today'sPE class.
So. Now I am going to tell you something about the history of swimming , the benifit and some learning skills.
First of all, Let's know something about the swimming history.
Next, Let's have a look at the benifit of swimming
All right. Let me say something to you about how to swim and what you should pay attention to.






1. 相当地或一定程度地:例句一:看到他和他的前妻在一起我相当吃惊。例句二:他跛得相当厉害。2. would rather被用来表达你更愿意做什么事或拥有什么东西:例句三:我更愿意在电视前度过一个宁静的夜晚。例句四:假如你更想做那件事的话,我们可以晚点吃。例句五:“我认为你最好问下她。”“我...

1不是我 It's not me.2是我做的 I did it.3是我 It's me.4 我可以用你的钥匙吗?Could I use your key?5我把你的钥匙忘家里了。 I left your key at home.6我丢了你的钥匙 I lost your key.7 我一会儿就去 I'm going there in a moment.8 我有话要对你说 I have some ...

求英语大神用英文翻译一下下面几句话!谢谢! ①时光飞逝。 ②昨天广...
1.The time is going.2.There was a heavy rain in Guangzhou.3.The meeting will keep five hours tomorrow.4.Yesterday he was discussing loudly in classroom.5.The smile is on his face.6.Tomorrow he will study in this university.7.The train sets out in 5:00am every day.手打的...

2,I am going to Europe to take a holiday with my family nex year .3,I want to spend more time on my study.4,We are living in a high-class guesthouse with good establishment .5,Do you get up when you wake up ?6,How often do you stay up all night ?7,Who is your...

2.那件衬衣非常适合他。 Shirts that are very suitable for him.3.她轻轻地走进房子,生怕弄醒了家人。 She gently into the house, for fear that the family wake.4.我想不出该如何答复他。I can not think of how to answer him.5.随着电脑的发展,有朝一日它将会取代电视。With the ...

第五句:我们可以步行去车站。第六句:哪层楼?第七句:5楼,5A房间。第八句:(遇到)红灯停下。第九句:不算太远。短文:The traffic light are the same in every country.每个国家的交通信号灯都是一样的。. There are always three lights : red,yellow and green.通常有三种灯:红灯,...

辛迪总是帮她妈妈做晚餐 他总是在学校图书馆里读书 我妈妈非常忙,她有很多家务要做 大多数女人在她们空闲的时候喜欢购物 我每天晚上必须练习钢琴

第三部分 英译汉(20%)说明:下面有五个句子,请将它们翻译成汉语。41.在公交车上年轻人把座位让给老幼病残是中华民族的一个传统美德。42.有些足球球迷受到高度推崇并不是因为他们自己的成功,而是因为他们所支持的球队获得了胜利。43.一份关于儿童父母及老师的调查发现四岁的儿童有足够的自制力...

2, In fact, we both are right, just not suitable for each other.3,To gain a person's love just by compelling results nothing at all 4, I think it right that to love a man does not necessarily mean to own him .i will be very happy too as long as he is happy 5...


方山县13021156654: 请翻译以下的几个英语句子!谢谢!!1.她约朋友一起去上舞蹈课. 2.跟别人打招呼是有礼貌的. 3.这家运动商品店星期一到星期五营业. 4.PETER想在2月... -
南蒲再奇:[答案] She invited her friends to go to dance class together It polite to say hello to others This sports shop open from monday to friday Peter want to eat traditional Chinese food in the China town at February 6th The middle autum is coming Let .s buy some ...

方山县13021156654: 请英语高手或老师帮我把5个句子翻译成英语!谢谢! -
南蒲再奇: 应该是1. Great Wall of China have more than 2,000 years of history. 2. It is the world's longest city wall, up to 6,000 kilometers. 3. Stones for building materials, construction work is carried out manually. 4, mainly for protection against intruders, the ...

方山县13021156654: 帮忙翻译下下面五个句子.英语 谢谢了
南蒲再奇: 1,First came to the United States, it is hard for me to let people understand my English.2,Every time came into the classroom, I will find him in studying hard.3,By an old hunter leading the way, the soldiers toward forest set off 4,Work abroad after 20 ...

方山县13021156654: 各位请你们帮我翻译下这五句!谢谢!
南蒲再奇: 1.take good care of yourself when you are in Ningbo 2.I'm here in Chengdu waiting for you 3.I'm missing you so much, eager to see you, even though we can meet a year later. 4.One year time is not so short, not so long too. 5.take care of yourself, ...

方山县13021156654: 英语高手帮我翻译下这5个句子,谢谢啦!1.谁是谁非昭然若揭,Ji
南蒲再奇: 1. 谁是谁非昭然若揭,Jim无意和他争论. It was abundently clear that who is right and who is wrong, therefore Jim had no intention to argue against him. 2. 令人惊讶的...

方山县13021156654: 请帮我翻译一下下面几个句子(英→汉) -
南蒲再奇: 1: I think that has always been a man and nature should live in harmony 2: the development of the industry led to increasingly serious pollution, resulting in many parts of the world have been destroyed, a large number of dead plants 3: direct ...

方山县13021156654: 五个句子,翻译下 -
南蒲再奇: 1 That man insist that he didn't steal the things in his shop and tasking the manager of the shop apologize to him.2 He choose this subject because of his big intrest on Chinese cu...

方山县13021156654: 各位帮忙翻译下面五个句子
南蒲再奇: the teacher should be patIent to students. he wants the teacher to care him more. please give up smoking,because it is bad to your health. in the past few years, he changed a lot. to her surprise, telephone has changed her life. 谢谢,请再次检查翻译语句.

方山县13021156654: 4句话请帮我翻译下请帮我翻译下列句子谢谢了:1、在电话里我告诉他
南蒲再奇: 1、在电话里我告诉他,如果他明天来的话,我就可以陪他一整天. 1, in the phone, I told him that if he tomorrow to come, I will be with him all day. 2、我还是感到迷惑不解...

方山县13021156654: 请英语高手翻译一下.想请请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的句子.先谢谢
南蒲再奇: 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞. 我的世界 我精彩 一切皆有可能! the sea is large enoough for the fish to spring and the sky is high enough for the birds to fly. My world, my stage. Anything is possible.

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