
作者&投稿:剑欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 主语是play,要表达的是:play can be just imporant to your overall well being. 其中being此处可以理解为life。
进一步加入了 as ...as...比较结构,中间用形容词,后面接比较对象。具体到这句就是 中间 important, 后面是work。
to your overall well being 是对imporant 的修饰。
2 that feature high biological diversity 是that引导的定语从句(就是句子做了定语而已),而且通常紧跟在所修饰的名词后。
很显然,在本句此定于从句修饰 areas。

1 Chinese New Year Eve Last day of lunar year Chinese New Year Eve 大年夜 Clean the house, put up new posters of "door gods" on front doors, blow up fireworks before the family reunion dinner, which should be at least a 10 course meal with a whole fish entrée symbolizing the abundance of the coming year. (The fish entrée should not be consumed completely because the leftover symbolizes the abundance) There are also many taboos concerning what brings luck and what doesn't. Here are some: Do not say any unlucky words related to death or bad fortune; if you drop or break anything you should say "Fa Hoi Foo Guai", which means prosperity is coming; do not cry, which means you will cry for the whole year; do not borrow money, which implies insufficiency, etc. Each year, there are different lucky directions and positions in the house, and different measures should be taken in those places. <There are countless beliefs ruling what you should and should not do, and the ones listed here are only a few.

2 Spring Festival 农历新年, 春节, 春节,大年初一 More fireworks after midnight, visit family members.

3 Lantern Festival 15th day of 1st lunar month Lantern Festival 元宵节(yuánxiāojié)/元宵节,小年 Lantern parade and lion dance celebrating the first full moon. Eating tangyuan. This day is also the last day of new year celebration.

4 Qingming Festival At the jie qi known as qing ming, solar longitude 15 degrees, 104 days after winter solstice (around April 5) Qing Ming Jie (Tomb Sweeping Day)/Mourning Day / Ching Ming Festival 清明节(qīngmíngjié)/清明节 Visit, clean, and make offerings at ancestral gravesites, spring outing

5 Dragon Boat Festival Dragon boat race, eat dumplings wrapped in lotus leaves Zongzi. This festival commemorates the ancient poet Qu Yuan; drink yellow rice wine, related to the White Snake Lady legend

6 Double Seventh Festival According to legend, the goddess "Zhi Nü" (the star Vega) fell in love with the farmer boy "Niu Lang" (the star Altair), but was disapproved by the her mother goddess. As punishment, they were separated by the Milky Way and could only meet once a year on this night.

7 Mid-Autumn Festival Eat mooncake, family union meal, related to the legend of Chang E

8 Double Ninth Festival Autumn outing and mountain climbing, some Chinese also visit the graves of their ancestors to pay their respects.

9 Winter Solstice Festival Have Tangyuan and Jiuniang and perform ancestor worship, Feast day, family gatherings, also named "Chinese Thanksgiving"

10 Laba Festival/Congee Festival This is the day the Buddha attained enlightenment. People usually eat Laba congee, which is made of mixed grains and fruits.

1.首先,as imporant to your overall well being as是一个插入语,整句的意思可以翻译为“运动同工作一样,对我们的健康都非常重要”(此处将play译为运动)
其次,此处的being 不是单独的单词,它同well一起构成新的词 well being意思是“健康”。
2 that引导的是一个定语从句,“that feature high biological diversity ”整个是用来形容areas的。整句翻译为“咖啡是世界上产量最大的商业农作物之一,并且通常生长在富有生物多样性的地区。”

1. as important as work 这是主干 to 是介词 对象是 your overall well being
well being 是安康幸福,状态良好的意思

2. feature high biological diversity 是个从句,修饰 areas 意思是高生物多样性的地区

"友情这种东西,大约比我们人类的寿命,还要更长久吧?"这个句子属疑问句了,并非陈述句 比如翻译这句吧,That kind of substance called 'friendship', may be much longer than a human's life?英文表述中陈述语序不能用问号 类比我们中文的句式拉 ...

为什么 英语 有的 不能找顺序翻译
因为英文和中文语序有几个区别:中文习惯把限定动作的成分在谓语的前面,如“上午10点钟”。如果把动词“去”看作核心谓语,那么“坐公交车”也可以视为“去”的修饰成分。 而英语, 主语、谓语顺序一般都是固定的,所有的修饰限定成分都排在谓语的后面。在英语中在绝大多数情况下修饰成分紧紧跟在被...

早期英语 举个例子来说:dede 仍是一个实词。到了中古英语后期,由于整个介词词组位于句首,它已经包含有说话者的一部分主观感情,in dede可解释为truly。在现代英语早期,indeed 已经不再是一个介词词组,而是一个表示说话肯定语气的副词。它 已完成了从实词到虚词的演化过程,其意义和语法功能与现代英语...



”主谓颠倒“即谓语放在主语前,这在英语中叫做”倒装句“。倒装句分为完全倒装和部分倒装。完全倒装是将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前;部分倒装是将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。I. 完全倒装...

1、主谓一致:句子中的主语和谓语动词应该在人称和数上保持一致。例如:She sings beautifully。(她唱得很好)。2、语序:英语的基本语序是主谓宾。例如:I love you。(我爱你)。但有时可以根据需要改变语序。3、标点符号:句子的结尾需要使用相应的标点符号,通常使用句点来表示陈述句、问号来表示...

即完整的句子应该为:Attracted by his melody, they would of their own accord dance into his net.其中的of their own accord为英语中的固定搭配,其有“自愿、自发”等意思。(因)被他的旋律所吸引,他们手舞足蹈地自发进入他的(捕捉)网。上述句子应该就是正确的语序。希望能够帮到您!

其实对于句子的主干,某人 做了 某事。汉语和英语的语序是一样的。不同的是,英语中的时间和地点根据表达需要会放在句首,居中或句尾,这是和汉语不同的地方,导致我们翻译时需要看全句子。再有一点是,英语中有时句子某个结构比较长时,为了避免句子的结构不平衡会将这个较长的部分挪到句子的...

抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。 区别2: 英语从属连词只能引导从句(subordinate clause),汉语连词主从句都可引导。 (虽然)我会开车,但技术还不够精。 I found that she was not as nice as she pretend to be. 区别3: 英语从句可在主句前(表示强调),也可在主句后(通常情况下);汉语分句位置一般...

泰山区17249824473: 两个英文语序的的问题,谢大家了,想了两天也不会 -
毓例腺苷: 1.首先,as imporant to your overall well being as是一个插入语,整句的意思可以翻译为“运动同工作一样,对我们的健康都非常重要”(此处将play译为运动) 其次...

泰山区17249824473: 关于英语语序的问题有些英语语序的问题搞不明白.比如:Let me feel what is love.不是说要用陈述语序吗?那应该是what love is才对啊.我想知道,什么时候... -
毓例腺苷:[答案] 都可以.因为这是一个宾语从句.what在从句中作主语,代表一个名词sth.你在陈述句里既可以说Sth is love,也可以说Love is sth.所以两种说法都是可以的. 特殊的情况是有,比如The doctor asked me what was the matter. 虽然the matter是名词,但这里...

泰山区17249824473: 关于英语语序的问题 -
毓例腺苷: 都可以.因为这是一个宾语从句.what在从句中作主语,代表一个名词sth.你在陈述句里既可以说Sth is love,也可以说Love is sth.所以两种说法都是可以的.特殊的情况是有,比如The doctor asked m...

泰山区17249824473: 看到一个英语语序的公式: when、what、whom、how、where、when 有疑问 -
毓例腺苷: What意为“什么”,“(干)什么”,对物体或行为提问;how意为“如何,怎样”,对方式提问.

泰山区17249824473: 初中英语 一直没有弄清楚的语序问题 -
毓例腺苷: 1. only修饰的是形容词one而不是名词problem2.it做形式宾语的句型,不是从句哦3.如果是“he found that it very difficult to get to sleep”这句话是不对的,后面应该是it is的,因为这个是宾语从句,如果没有is从句就没有谓语动词了4.单把从句提出来看:It is very difficult to get to sleep 这是一个形式主语的句型,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to get to sleep.而get to sleep是固定搭配的词组.明白没?

泰山区17249824473: 初二的英语语序问题 -
毓例腺苷: 2对的、我们英语老师强调过、别的宾语从句都 要用陈述语态、但有what was wrong with you的时候按照原来的语序

泰山区17249824473: 英语的两个小问题1 I shall的缩写形式是什么?2 是Who taught you English?还是Who did teach you English? -
毓例腺苷:[答案] I'LL 找特殊疑问词的时候一定要根据被体温对象来决定 who whom 人做主语提问——who 对宾语提问——whom 如果对主语提问,则句子的的语序和陈述句语序一样 如果对非主语来提问,则句子要使用特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的语序 正确 who既可以...

泰山区17249824473: 两个英语问题1、do you think 什么时候做插入语?什么时候做成分?如何判断呢?最好给出例句.2、symphony这个词是不是有什么来源?谢谢了 -
毓例腺苷:[答案] what do you think make these young people so exicted? 用于混合疑问句中.混合疑问句指特殊疑问句+一般疑问句 do you think相当于一个一般疑问句 混合疑问句的句式: 特殊疑问词+do you think(或其他表示心里活动的词)+陈述语序 “陈述语序”...

泰山区17249824473: 关于英语语序的问题 -
毓例腺苷: 没错以你提供的例句,翻译成英文就是:He had to stay in bed because he was sick. Because he was sick, he had to stay in bed.如果不是这个意思,欢迎追问!

泰山区17249824473: 一个很简单的英语句子的语序问题they bent will of others to their own他们使别人的意志屈服于自己的意志这句话我怎么理不顺,是不是有什么特殊的语法现象... -
毓例腺苷:[答案] they bent will of others to their own. they 主语 bent 谓语,bend 的过去式 will 名词,宾语,意思是意志 of others 定语,修饰will to their own 状语

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