
作者&投稿:尾科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.cake 第二大题fish potato beef stawberries broccoli 把这些词圈起来
3.salad.2.pears 表格
4.tomato potato strawberries broccoli beef chicken
fish stwabe rry borccoli carrot
fish beef strawberries broccoli carrot

1.what did you do last saturday?
2.where did you read a book yesterday evening?
3.who practiced the guitar on sunday?
4.when did you play football in the park?
5.why did your mother is very happy?

Ⅰ1.visited 2.started 3.watched 4.travelled 5.played 6.studied
Ⅱ was born were wactch listen watched visited went
Ⅲ1.Jaskson didn't like playing chess when he was young.
2.Bruce didn't walk to school yesterday
3.Did the boys destroy the toys a moment ago? Yes,they did./No,they didn't.
4.Did Tony's mother watch TV last night? Yes,she did./No,she,didn't.

七年级下册英语作业本参考答案(一)Unit4第五课 Ⅰ、1、relax 2、read 3、follow 4、Don't play 5、make 6、helps 7、keep 8、get Ⅱ、Can, have to \/ must, can't, have to \/ ruust, can't. have to \/ must, can Ⅲ、略 Ⅳ、略 七年级下册英语作业本参考答案(二)Unit5第五课 ...

人教版三年级下册英语作业本Unit 3 3答案
【答案】: 1、(1)six (2)is (3)pig (4)thin (5)zip (6)milk 2、2 4 5 1 6 3 3、(1)milk (2)pig (3)six (4)gift (5)big (6)thin


人教版八年级上册英语课堂作业本答案 【Unit1SectionA(1)答案】一、1、 2、 3、 4、 5、C A C A C 二、1、nothing 2、everyone 3、something 4、anyone 5、someone 三、1、went;summer;camp 2、visited;his;uncle 3、Did;anyhere;interesting 4、most;of,time;reading 5、Long;time;see ...



我们有五个足球, they do. D 5.”可知答案为D。”由these可知答语中主语的形式应是复数. Do,否定形式应是doesn?. He has five baseballs,结构为let sb,interesting和fun意为“有趣的”。 4:“你们有电视机吗,所以应是“我的”名字. basketballs 4?”“是的. A 根据句意是做自我介绍....

1happy come smaller younger there thinner shorter shorter 2monday for apicnic mt grandpa got a cold wednerday my uncle my mather boought a new bag friday my brother saturday enjoyed my birthday party 38页同求 参考资料:都是我自己做的,仅供参考。

1,sunny yesterday,it's rainy 2.there was a small tree beside the road, it grows to be a big tree 3.can't ski, he skis well 4.our school has no resturant, it has 代写小学各种作业,有意联系

A) 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B B) 6. evening 7. Hello 8. How 9. name 10. Good Ⅲ. 1. B 根据英语基本常识可知英语中共有26个字母,其中5个元音字母,21个辅音字母,应选B。 2. D 音素无大小写之分,故先排除选项A和B;两者都是辅音字母。 3. D 根据英文字母排序可知D...

榆树市17880724882: 七年级下册英语作业本(1)33页 -
蒙芝牛黄:[答案] Ⅰ1.visited 2.started 3.watched 4.travelled 5.played 6.studied Ⅱ was born were wactch listen watched visited went Ⅲ1.Jaskson didn't like playing chess when he was young. 2.Bruce didn't walk to school yesterday 3.Did the boys destroy the toys a ...

榆树市17880724882: 七年级下册英语课堂作业本(1)第3页答案 -
蒙芝牛黄: Feifei's Pen Pal name:Sam age:Fourteen Country:Australia City:Sydney Language:English Hobby:Watching Chinese movies F E A B C D May

榆树市17880724882: 七年级下册英语作业本(1)第3页
蒙芝牛黄: 2

榆树市17880724882: 文字作业本 - 初中英语七年级下册人教版.pdf 谁有链接
蒙芝牛黄:初中英语七年级下册 人教版.pdf百度云链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgoXJFM

榆树市17880724882: 七下英语作业本(1)42——43页答案 -
蒙芝牛黄: ①. 2.He doesn't like it 3.He like it. 4.He loves it. 5.He doesn't like it. 6.He can't stand it. ②.A C B C A' ③ stand;can't;want;to;shows;like;favorite;don't;stand;operas

榆树市17880724882: 七下英语全品作业本答案2016p113页的 -
蒙芝牛黄: 一、1.pronounces2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken4.pronunciation5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all 2.Later on3.laugh at 4.take lotsof grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6....

榆树市17880724882: 初一下册英语作业本 -
蒙芝牛黄: 一、1.swimming 2.table temis 3.cycling 4.runing 5.football 6.basketball 二、1.small 2.short 3.good 4.high 5.expensive 6.diffcult 7.exciting 8.dangerous 9.young 10.warm 11.cold 12.short 三、1.Cyding is more dangerous than swimming.2.Table ...

榆树市17880724882: 七年级下册英语全品作业本
蒙芝牛黄: II. 1.takes 2.does; live 3. walking 4.kilometers 5.drives III. 1.needs 2.rides 3.subway 4.far 5.breakfast

榆树市17880724882: 人教版七年级下英语作业本 -
蒙芝牛黄: 只有1Contents Unit1 Where's your pen pai from? Unit2 Where's the post office? 懒得打了~~~~~~o(╯□╰)o!!

榆树市17880724882: 7年级下英语作业本
蒙芝牛黄: M:Can I help you, Madam? W:Yes, I want some commodities. M: Could you please make a list for those and I will show you where to find them? W:Well, I need soda, soap, towels, bedsheet,bedlamps and a hair drier. M:Let me see. You can go ...

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