请求各位高手帮忙用英文翻译下面的内容,不要在线翻译!! 谢谢了

作者&投稿:邗录 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有没有人愿意帮我下面的内容翻译成英文,不要在线翻译的。拜托了各位 谢谢~

Computer supported cooperative learning(CSCL) means, the teacher teaches the students by computer network, multimedia and some other relevant techniques,then they can discuss the contents which the teacher taught each other through the internet and exchange the informations, so as to promote students' understanding and mastering.This text is in accordance with the problems exiting in the College English Teaching, and searches for the applied research on College English Teaching, based on CSCL thorough the resaerch methods of documents and case study method, then promote the College English teaching and assist the teacher.

Games, as elementary school students' favorite activity, can help students adjust their attention and ensure quality of classes; it's widely used in classroom education and has a very important role. At the beginning, this article talks about the role and effect of games in elementary school English education. Then it talks about various games types in elementary school english education, including operational games, excitement-triggering games, collaborative games. It then explains those games in detail, and is able to blend those games into the classroom very well.

Among Ten Play of Li Yu, a Wrong Kite is the most popular one, in which he made the great artistic achievement. The drama is about a love story in which the four main characters have mutual relationship and finally get what they want. And the kite is the clue of the whole drama. Beauty-Ugliness Contrast among the characters is one of the indispensable artistic techniques in Li Yu’s theory of drama. After clarifying some character details of the beauty ones and the ugly ones respectively, I draw a conclusion that the Beauty-Ugliness Contrast Theory manifests in the following three aspects: the first one is the routinization of the romantic story; the second one is the comic impact of the coincide of the misunderstanding between the beauty and ugliness; the third one is theatrical pattern of the Beauty-Ugliness Contrast.
key words:LI Yu; a wrong kite;Beauty-Ugliness Contrast;coincide
另外,才子佳人可以译成chinese romance,或者bel-esprit and beautiful woman

The Li weng guan mu ten kinds of music ", but "the kite", but also the most thrilling by mistake most outstanding artistic achievements guan mu movie. The play for marriage clues to the kite, launched two paragraphs of dislocation and eventually enables each story. Marriage The characters in the contrast is shameful guan mu theory indispensable comedy constitutes one of the artistic techniques. This text aims at understanding the basis of each faction, contrast clarify that shameful, after the kite mistakenly "when the characters of controlled art shameful mainly lie in the following three aspects: first, stylized beauties of the story; Second, in the tenth mistaken none received in the comedy coincidence effect; Third, the dramatic mode in shameful controls.

Put the following content translated into English "abstract: the Li weng guan mu ten kinds of music", but "the kite", but also the most thrilling by mistake guan mu most outstanding artistic achievements in the movie. For marriage clues, kite launched two paragraphs mutual dislocation and eventually the marriage of each story. The characters in the contrast is shameful guan mu theory indispensable comedy constitutes one of the artistic techniques to deeply understand the original. This, on the basis of their respective comparative clarify that shameful, after the kite factions of the characters by mistake when controlled art shameful mainly lie in the following three aspects: first, stylized of beauties; secondly, shameful story in the mistaken received another comedy coincidence effect; third, the dramatic mode in shameful controls.

In the Li weng, guan mu ten kinds of music", but "the kite", but also the most thrilling by mistake guan mu most outstanding artistic achievements in the movie. For marriage clues, kite launched two paragraphs mutual dislocation and eventually the marriage of each story. The characters in the contrast is shameful guan mu theory indispensable comedy constitutes one of the artistic techniques to deeply understand the original. This, on the basis of their respective comparative clarify that shameful, after the kite factions of the characters by mistake when controlled art shameful mainly lie in the following three aspects: first, stylized of beauties; secondly, shameful story in the mistaken received another comedy coincidence effect; third, the dramatic mode in shameful controls.

Keywords: guan mu; Kite mistakenly; Shameful contrasts; Beauties; Coincidence"


翻译 英译汉 求各位高手帮忙 十万火急呀!
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求英文高手帮忙翻译 小弟谢谢各位啦~!!!
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仍强古汉: excuse me (hi), may I take your order now? 你现在要点餐吗? would you like any drink? 你想要点什么喝的吗? we serve Chinese dishs, Western dishs, steak and spaghetti.我们提供中餐,西餐,牛排 还有 意大利面 Chinese dishes,we have rice with mushroom beef and rice with curry beef. 中菜有 鲜菇牛肉饭,咖喱牛肉饭 do you like to check (the bill) now? 你现在想买单吗?

桓仁满族自治县15333572409: 请高手帮忙用英语翻译下面的话!
仍强古汉: 到来者消失在人群中,就好像他们曾经也是人群中的一员.

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仍强古汉: No matter when, don't do anything that damages the honor of the class, make an effort for the class of "5A", fight for the glory for the class, but/and at least do not shame the class.文明班直译的话是-civilized class,但是这里用civilized听起来很可笑(一般用在是非野人-文明人),所以直接用class 就好了.

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仍强古汉: 1, the Huangpu River in Shanghai has added the United States. (add to) 2, their next meeting on the date of the agreement. (agree) 3, I think the subject worthy of discussion. (worthy) 4, and her sister are familiar with both English and French are ...

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仍强古汉: 你好,翻译如下 因为我英语不好,所以工作交流过程中,如果有不礼貌,或者做的不好,不到位的地方,请多多包涵.Because my English is poor, so if I am being impolite or I am doing it wrong in working, please remind me.谢谢,请您谅解....

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仍强古汉: what u mean ?~~ u wanna translate this paragraph ?~? 能不能请你在图纸上1号线的位置备注一下,这样就更清晰一点.另外,图纸上电缆的宽度为28mm,我们的电缆为40mm,所以供应商需要进行切割,供应商会把切割后带字母的部分给我...

桓仁满族自治县15333572409: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译以下句子 -
仍强古汉: We have urged the rest 40% payment many times, but still no feedback.This violated the rule. If no more reply on the residual payment within one week, we will take legal channels to resolve.

桓仁满族自治县15333572409: 求英语高手帮忙翻译下面的句子.《亲爱的—— 我知道, 你下个星期二将会回到美国,因为你的生日即将来临.那我就提前祝你生日快乐吧!在中国,我会说... -
仍强古汉:[答案] 《亲爱的——一定正确哦!"Dear --我知道,你下个星期二将会回到美国,因为你的生日即将来临.那我就提前祝你生日快乐吧!在中国,我会说祝您健康长寿,快乐每一天.你一定很期待回到你的家乡,见到你的家人,因为无论在世界的...

桓仁满族自治县15333572409: 请英语高手翻译句子请大家帮忙翻译下面句子,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢!1:得马上请医生来.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤... -
仍强古汉:[答案] 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday.4:不能把这些...

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