
作者&投稿:燕娣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, the "million" is the name of the currency, the Asian financial crisis, did not devalue the yuan as the West is expected rather more firmness than before.

2、明年人民币的升值压力将会有所减少。2, the pressure on China to revalue the renminbi next year will be reduced. 外国投资的流入速度正在变得缓慢起来。The inflow of foreign investments is becoming slow speed up. 出口增长的减少将使中国贸易顺差缩小,其结果是中国的国际收支状况将肯定变坏。Export growth will reduce China's trade surplus narrowed, the result of China's international balance of payments situation will certainly deteriorate.

3、商业银行的主要职能之一是为商品的生产与流通提供短期资金。3, a commercial bank and one of its major functions is to provide short-term capital goods production and circulation.

4、在西方发达国家有两种财务报表是最基本的:一种是收入报表或盈亏报表,另一种是资产负债表。4, the Western countries have two : one is the most basic financial statements or profit and loss statements, income statements. Another is the balance sheet. 资产负债表列出了公司资产和负债的财务报表,能显示一个公司的经营状况和财务状况。The balance sheet presents the company's assets and liabilities in financial statements, will show a company's business condition and financial status.

5、银行最重要的特征是,它能吸收存款和发放贷款,而一般非银行金融机构是不能这样做的。5, Bank of the most important features is that it can attract deposits and loans. and the general non-bank financial institutions are unable to do so.

6、美国“格拉斯-斯蒂高尔法案”(Glass-Steagall Act)不允许美国商业银行从事投资银行业务。6. The United States, "Glass-Steagall Act" (Glass-Steagall Act), do not allow the United States commercial banks engaged in investment banking.

7、虽然竞争日益激烈,但英美的投资银行仍能赚到很多的钱,这是为什么呢?7, although competition is becoming increasingly fierce, but the British and American investment banks can earn a lot of money, which is why? 有一种解释是:股票包销业务仍能依赖发行者与银行之间的密切关系,这使得竞争者很难挤进来。One explanation is this : The stock underwriting business can rely on the close relationship between the issuer and the banks. It is difficult to squeeze competitors to make.

8、在英国有牵头包销者(lead underwriter),通常为投资银行来帮助安排股票发行事宜。8, the lead underwriter in the United Kingdom (lead underwriter). usually stock issue arranged for investment banks to help matters. 但在实施过程中,牵头包销者会充分重视分包销商(sub-unerwriters)以及机构投资者的作用。But in the process of its implementation, lead underwriters will pay full attention to sub-underwriters (sub-unerwriters) and the role of institutional investors.

9、在美国付给股票包销者的费用是比较高的,部分原因是美国的高营销成本。9, stock underwriters in the United States to pay the cost is relatively high, partly because of the high marketing cost to the United States.

10、大多数股票发行者为老字号的大企业。10, and most of the stocks were issued for the oldest name in large enterprises. 它们很少抱怨包销费用的多少。They seldom complain about the amount underwriters. 但从另一方面看,由于这些强有力的大客户,投资银行在其他服务领域,如兼并咨询费方面被迫减少了费用收入。From another perspective, as these big and powerful clients, investment banking services in other areas. being forced to reduce costs as merger advisory revenue.
1, lowering the average age of the population, income growth to create favorable conditions for the development of the life insurance industry.
2、美国国际保险集团是美国最大的商业和工业承保商,但它的运营收入的50%来自海外的经营。2, American International Insurance Group is the nation's largest commercial and industrial insurance business. but 50% of its operating income from overseas operations.
3、共同保险是指由几家保险公司共同分担保险单中的风险。3, co-insurance is shared by several insurance companies, the insurance risk.
4、债务保险是一种新的保险业务。4, debt insurance is a new business. 有人说,中国的保险公司还没有开展这种保险业务。Some people say that China's insurance companies have not carried out such insurance.
5、债券与股票都是证券,但两者有区别。5, stocks and bonds are securities, but there is a distinction between them. 最本质的区别是:债券是债务凭证,而股票则是所有权的证明。Notes : The essential difference is the debt instruments, while the stock is evidence of title.
6、股市分两种,一种叫“牛市”,指股票价格持续上扬的股票市场;另一种叫“熊市”,指股价不断下跌的股票市场。6, the stock market at the two, called a "bull market," referring to the stock market share prices continued to rise; Another is "bearish" referring to the falling stock market prices.
7、成100股的股票交易称之为“整份购买”。7, the 100 shares of stock transactions called "the whole purchase." 少于100股的股票购买称之为“零星购买”。Less than 100 shares of stock as "sporadic buying." 零星购买时,“投资者”要交较高的费用。Sporadic buying, "investors" have to pay a higher fee.
8、除付股票价格外,购买者还得向经济商行(brokerage firm)支付服务佣金,佣金一般是股票交易总价值的1-2%。8, the stock price was paid, economy buyers need to firms (brokerage firm) payment services commission The commission is generally 1-2% of the total value of stock transactions.
9、造成泰国金融危机的原因不少,其中主要的有:严重的经常项目逆差、泰铢的过早自由兑换,以及短期外国投机资本流入过多。9, the Thai financial crisis caused by many reasons, chief of which are : the current account deficit. Premature free convertibility of the Thai baht and excessive short-term foreign speculative capital inflows.
10、经济学中长期争论的一个问题是:固定汇率是否优于浮动汇率?10, the long-term economics is an issue of dispute : whether it is superior to a fixed exchange rate floating exchange rate? 对此问题作出过分简单的回答是不适当的,因为无论哪种汇率都是不完美的,它们都有自己的优点和缺点。The simple answer to this question is too much inappropriate, because no matter what the exchange rate is not perfect. They have their own advantages and disadvantages.
1, the fixed rate or floating rate are not a substitute for sound macroeconomic policies. 这些政策显然包括货币政策和财政政策。Clearly these policies, including monetary policy and fiscal policy.
2、由于最近泰国实施了一些极端的控制手段,泰国银行已不被允许向进行投机的外国投资者出售投资者出售其本国货币,外国投资者也不能再出售泰国股票换成泰铢。2, due to the recent implementation of the extreme means of control in Thailand. Bank of Thailand has not allowed foreign investors to sell speculative investors to sell their own currencies, Thailand could no longer sell shares to foreign investors into the Thai baht.
3、联邦储备银行系统(简称“美联储”)是美国的中央银行,其职能是:政府的银行、银行的银行、发行的银行和执行货币政策。3, the Federal Reserve Bank System ( "Federal Reserve Board") is the Central Bank of the United States, whose function is : bank Bank of banks, issuing banks and the implementation of monetary policy.
4、在美国有12格联邦储备区,每个区都设有一个联邦储备银行。4, 12 Georgia in the United States Federal Reserve districts, each have a Federal Reserve Bank. 为协调这12个联储银行的业务活动,在首都华盛顿建立了联邦储备委员会。This 12 Federal Reserve banks for the coordination of operational activities, the establishment of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington.
5、公开市场操作涉及到对政府证券的买卖,政府证券包括短期国库券(treasury bills)和长期债券两种。5, the open market operation involving the sale of government securities. Treasuries, including short-term government securities (treasury bills) and two long-term bonds. 出售这些证券可以减少货币供应,而当购买这些证券时可以使利率下减,增加货币供应,从而加快经济发展。These securities may be sold to reduce the money supply and interest rates when buying these securities can be lowered under increasing money supply, in order to accelerate economic development.
6、美联储除用贴现政策、存款准备金、公开市场业务这些传统的执行货币政策工具外,近几年来还越来越多地使用利率来调节货币供应量。6, in addition to the Federal Reserve discount policy, the deposit reserve requirement, the implementation of the open market operations of these traditional tools of monetary policy, In recent years also increasingly using interest rates to regulate money supply.
7、银行破产经常让政府感到恐惧,因此不少国家的政府创立了存款保险计划,如成立存款保险公司。7, bankruptcy often let the banks fear the government, the governments of many countries are founded a deposit insurance scheme. If the establishment of Deposit Insurance Corporation. 这样做的目的是为了保护储户使他们免受因银行破产所带来的损害。Their purpose in doing so is to protect depositors and keep them from the damage caused by the insolvency of banks.
8、呆帐、坏帐问题不能小看,这些问题会导致一连串银行破产的发生。8, so the problem of bad debts should not be underestimated, which will lead to a series of bank insolvencies from happening. 资本充足标准就是在此背景下产生的。Capital Adequacy Standards in the background. 该标准要求银行留出一定数量的钱以便在银行资产价值失去时保护存款人和债权人的利益。The standards require banks to set aside a certain amount of money in the bank to protect the value of the assets lost when the interests of depositors and creditors.
9、一些借款人不付利息,甚至不能付还本金,这是商业面临的风险。9, some borrowers do not pay interest, not even on repayment of principal, which is the commercial risk. 为对付这种风险,按国际标准,银行必须至少留出相当其贷款组合价值的8%。To counter this risk, in accordance with international standards, banks are required to set aside at least 8% of the value of their loan portfolios quite. 世界上不少银行家认为此标准业已过时,一些银行管理者也觉得有关的国际资本充足规定必须现代化,以适应新的已改变了的形势。Many of the world's bankers that this standard has been outdated Some managers also feel that the international capital adequacy requirements must be modernized to meet the new situation has changed.
10、银行提供的贷款有风险,但风险并不一致。10, the bank's lending risk, but risk is not unanimous. 对政府和金融机构的贷款风险肯定比向一般企业的贷款风险要小。Loans to the government and financial institutions to risk than the risk of loans to small businesses in general. 即使向企业的贷款风险也有差别。Even if there are differences in the risk of loans to enterprises. 对盈利甚丰的公司的贷款几乎没有风险,而向一个亏损企业的贷款风险则一定很大。HSBC profit for the company's credit almost no risk to the risk of loans is certainly a great loss.

The power industry is the basic industry of national economic development,as well as an important public good.It relates directly to the speed of national economic development and the level of living of the people.电力产品是一种特殊的,没有形式的产品。它的主要附加产品是服务。The product of the power industry is a special kind of product with no definite shape.Its main marginal product is service.长期以来,电力行业一直实行的是垄断经营管理模式。近几年,我国电力体制改革逐步深入,电网市场化运营机制基本建立并快速发展。The power industry has been run based on monopolised management for a lonf time.In recent years,our country has gone deeper into the reform of the power industry and the marketing of power grid has been established and developed upon.市场需求的介入、竞争机制的引入,都使得电力市场营销环境变得更加复杂,供电公司面临多方面竞争。The intervention of market demand and the introduction of competitive mechanism have made the market of power supply more complicated,making the power supply companies face competition from various aspects.电力营销工作的好坏,都将直接关系到供电公司的经济效益以及社会效益。The condition of sales power supply directly affects the economic benefits of power supply companies and the welfare of the society.因此,实施行之有效的营销策略,对于供电公司打开电力市场营销的新局面,赢得未来的电力市场,都具有极其重要的现实意义。Therefore,implementing efficient marketing strategies has very important and realistic significance for power supply companies in order for them to expand the power supply market and win over future market shares.


A work of art/a present/ a handmade product
I like toy models, and so I have collected various kinds of them including planes, tanks and so on, among which I favor a motor model most, a gift from my mother.
About ten years ago, my mother and I found it in a model exhibition. My mother was impressed with the note on it written “beyond all the pains by owning it”, so she bought it for me.
Except the interesting origin, the model attracts me for its unique and real-looking appearance. The body is painted blue dotted with green, with some letters looking like French engraved. Its front-wheels are movable towards right and left, and it looks wonderful when the motor runs with the headlights twinkling.
Aging as I am, my interest to the motor model never declines, because it is a piece of delicate artwork of deep significance.

A late experience/an unusual or interesting thing you recently do
前些时间,我无所事事,于是我打开了地狱之门。我走进地狱的混沌避难所(Chaos Sanctuary)。地狱的小鬼们企图阻止我前进,但在我的魔法面前,她们被迅速消灭了。
Several days ago, I opened the door of the hell to idle away my time. I entered the Chaos Sanctuary in the hell. Some devilkins attempted to prevent me, but disappeared with my magic.
在混沌避难所里面,我发现了5个奇怪的魔法阵,我非常好奇,于是我把这些魔法阵的封印给打开了。顿时,整个地狱都震动了。几十秒过后,diablo出现在我的面前。我想跟他say hello,但是他很生气,说我把他吵醒了,要杀掉我。于是他向我喷出了熊熊烈火,但是这种低级的魔法不能对我造成任何伤害。
In Chaos Sanctuary, I found 5 queer magic arrays. I was so curious that I uncovered the expression of them. At this time, all the hell quivered and scores of seconds later, Diablo appeared. I wanted to say hello to him, but he was very angry and declared he decided to kill me for I had awakened him. Then flaming fires burst out towards me, but I never got hurt from such low-grade magic.
In response, I freely intonated some incantations calling a snowstorm, and Diablo was frozen to death before long. After his death, some golden weapons were left which was too inferior in quality for me. I felt waste of time and returned to the real world by shutting my PC, then went to sleep.


我想介绍的市广东省立中山图书馆(Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province)。广东省立中山图书馆位于广州市文明路,是我国大型综合性图书馆之一,并且是广东省的总书库。
I’d like to introduce the Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province which locates in WenMing Road in Guangzhou city. It is one of the large-scaled synthesized libraries in China, and the head stack room in Guangdong Province.
I borrow books from library at times, and my favorite one is Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province where I go mostly. I am deeply impressed by not only the large amount and all complete categories of books, but also by the convenient system for borrowing and reading and the perfect services with special counseling item. Quite a few chairs are also arranged for readers. It is here that I collected useful information and finished many papers.

A person/ neighbor of technique/influence
我小时候很喜欢下国际象棋,而我的邻居Mr zhou是国际象棋的高手,因而,从小mr zhou就教我如何下国际象棋。
When I was a little boy (girl), I was interested in chess much. Mr. Zhou, one of my neighbors, was good at it and taught me all the time.
Mr zhou不仅棋艺高,而且他教人下棋非常耐心,总是耐心的解答我的问题。多亏了mr zhou,我才能对国际象棋一直保持浓厚的兴趣,并且国际象棋水平不断提高。在这十几年来,我获得了不少国际象棋比赛的奖项,包括了广东省国际象棋比赛的冠军。
Mr. Zhou was so patient in teaching others, that he always answered my questions about chess carefully. Thanks to him, I can keep the constant enthusiasm for chess and make gradual and continuous improvements in this field. In the past decade, I have achieved many prizes of chess, including the champion of Chess Tournament in Guangdong Province.
因此,我心里非常感激mr zhou,正是由于他,我才能学习国际象棋,我才能获得如此多的荣誉,我才能在国际象棋的舞台上创出自己的一片天地。
So I deeply appreciate Mr. Zhou. It is under his influence, that can I start to learn chess, and achieve so many honors to establish a new world of my own in the stage of chess.

Last weekend/out door activity/a late experience
Last weekend, my classmates and I took part in the soccer match hold by our school. Our class was strong enough and never lost. Today it was the last term, i.e. the final game.
I was the goalkeeper in the team which was of great importance. Furthermore, the rival team was the champion last year, so we kept up our spirits and encouraged each other for victory.
At the beginning, our gate fell due to the mistake of back fielders. But we didn’t lose heart and counterattacked immediately. After the first half period, we were in leading by 3 to 1. In the next half period, we continued to expand our victory and won the match by 5 to 1 finally.
We got the champion at last, and received the congratulation from all the people. How great to win the match!
the whole passage:
A work of art/a present/ a handmade product

I like toy models, and so I have collected various kinds of them including planes, tanks and so on, among which I favor a motor model most, a gift from my mother. About ten years ago, my mother and I found it in a model exhibition. My mother was impressed with the note on it written “beyond all the pains by owning it”, so she bought it for me.

Except the interesting origin, the model attracts me for its unique and real-looking appearance. The body is painted blue dotted with green, with some letters looking like French engraved. Its front-wheels are movable towards right and left, and it looks wonderful when the motor runs with the headlights twinkling.

Aging as I am, my interest to the motor model never declines, because it is a piece of delicate artwork of deep significance.

A late experience/an unusual or interesting thing you recently do

Several days ago, I opened the door of the hell to idle away my time. I entered the Chaos Sanctuary in the hell. Some devilkins attempted to prevent me, but disappeared with my magic.

In Chaos Sanctuary, I found 5 queer magic arrays. I was so curious that I uncovered the expression of them. At this time, all the hell quivered and scores of seconds later, Diablo appeared. I wanted to say hello to him, but he was very angry and declared he decided to kill me for I had awakened him. Then flaming fires burst out towards me, but I never got hurt from such low-grade magic.

In response, I freely intonated some incantations calling a snowstorm, and Diablo was frozen to death before long. After his death, some golden weapons were left which was too inferior in quality for me. I felt waste of time and returned to the real world by shutting my PC, then went to sleep.


I’d like to introduce the Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province which locates in WenMing Road in Guangzhou city. It is one of the large-scaled synthesized libraries in China, and the head stack room in Guangdong Province.

I borrow books from library at times, and my favorite one is Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province where I go mostly. I am deeply impressed by not only the large amount and all complete categories of books, but also by the convenient system for borrowing and reading and the perfect services with special counseling item. Quite a few chairs are also arranged for readers. It is here that I collected useful information and finished many papers.

A person/ neighbor of technique/influence

When I was a little boy (girl), I was interested in chess much. Mr. Zhou, one of my neighbors, was good at it and taught me all the time.

Mr. Zhou was so patient in teaching others, that he always answered my questions about chess carefully. Thanks to him, I can keep the constant enthusiasm for chess and make gradual and continuous improvements in this field. In the past decade, I have achieved many prizes of chess, including the champion of Chess Tournament in Guangdong Province.

So I deeply appreciate Mr. Zhou. It is under his influence, that can I start to learn chess, and achieve so many honors to establish a new world of my own in the stage of chess.

Last weekend/out door activity/a late experience

Last weekend, my classmates and I took part in the soccer match hold by our school. Our class was strong enough and never lost. Today it was the last term, i.e. the final game.

I was the goalkeeper in the team which was of great importance. Furthermore, the rival team was the champion last year, so we kept up our spirits and encouraged each other for victory.

At the beginning, our gate fell due to the mistake of back fielders. But we didn’t lose heart and counterattacked immediately. After the first half period, we were in leading by 3 to 1. In the next half period, we continued to expand our victory and won the match by 5 to 1 finally.

We got the champion at last, and received the congratulation from all the people. How great to win the match!
借鉴了一下前人的成果,对自己的拙作又进行了一些简单的修改,多谢lh_csevil - 高级魔法师 七级 哈.

A work of art:
I like toy models, and I collect many kinds of them. Motor model is my favourite one. Ten years ago, my mother and I found it in the model exhibition. A scrip written "beyond pain after owing it" was pasted on it. This seemed very interesting, so my mother bought for me.

It attracts me very much, which is not only because of its interesting origin, but also because of unique and real-looking aspect which is blue with green. Some letters which look like French are engraved on it. Its front-wheel drive is movable, and the headlight can sparkle when the model runs, which looks very beautiful. My interest to it never decrease, because this is a delicate and meaningful art.

A late experience:

I will introduce the Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Provice. It is one of the great synthesized libraries and the focus of stack room in Guangdong Province, which locates to the Civilization/WengMing Road.

I used to borrow books from the libraries, of course, inclusive of Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province where I mostly go. The amount and category
of the books there are quite enough for the readers, and the process system of borrowing and reading is very convenient. The readers can get help from the special counseling and enjoy the perfect services. There are still many chairs lying at the walls. By looking up the information here, I have finished many papers.

A influential man to me:
I liked chess when I was young. My neighbour Mr Zhou is very good at it, so he taught me chess all the time.

He is very patient of teaching others chess. Thanks to him, I can keep the enthusiasm for chess and improve myself in this field more and more. In the past several years, I achieved many prizes of international chess tounament, inclusive of the champion of Guangdong International chess tounament.

Last weekend:
Last weekend, my classmates and I took part in the soccer match hold by our school. Our class' strength was very strong and we never lost. That was the final.

I shouldered the role of goalkeeper which is very important. We never despised the rival because they had won the champion of last year. We encouraged each other for the victory.

At the beginning, our gate had fallen due to the mistake of the backfielders. But we were never disanimated, and counterattacked at once. After the first half period, our ratio to them was 3 to 1. Next period we continued our vigorous attack and won this match in a draw 2:2 at last.

We got the champion, and everybody came to congratulate us. To win this match was so great!

I compare to like better the model, so there is many models in home, airplane, tank, every kind of.Among them I like most of is a motorcycle model.
This model is my mother to give my gift.I still remember about decade ago, I visited the model exhibition with mother, discovering suddenly a motorcycle model, stuck a note up:Bought and then can cross pain and sufferings.My mother feel very interesting, bought to send me.
It is not only background interesting, but also the shape is very special.See very lifelike far.The motorcycle carriage regard blue color as principle, going together with to embellish with green.The carriage still engraves many letter of alphabets, should be French.And it ex- round can or so ambulation, still have the headlamp when the car runs, can still Shandong, very beautiful.
Although I have grown up now, I like this motorcycle model very much still, because this is an an elegant art for very meaningfully article.

A late experience/an unusual or interesting thing you recently do
A little ex-er time, I do nothing, hence I opened hellish door.I walk into the hellish mentally dense refuge shelter.( Chaos Sanctuary)The hellish little devils scheme keep me from going forward, but in my sorcery in front, they is exterminated quickly.
In mentally dense refuge shelter, I discovers 5 strange sorceries a for, I very very strangely, hence I these sorcerieses printing to open.Immediately, whole hell vibrated.Several ten seconds are later on, the diablo appears in my in front.I want to follow his say hello, but he is very angry, saying that I fight him awake, toing kill off me.Hence he faced my jet flaming and very hot fire, but the sorcery of this kind of low class can't result in any disservice to me.
Hence, I sang a few voodoos literally, invoking an one blizzard, very quick starve with cold the diablo.He is clay-cold, leaving a heap of gold color weapon.I am on seeing, belonging to the sex very bad, I feel to waste time a trip, hence returned to the realistic world, close the computer, the sleeping went to.

I think introductive municipal Guangdong province inside mountain library.( Sun Yat- Sen Library of Guangdong Province)Guangdong province inside mountain library locates the civilization road of Guangzhou City, is an our country large synthesizing the one of the sex libraries, and is the total vault for books of the province of Guangdong.
I usually go to the library borrows the book, but Guangdong province inside mountain library is a library that I most usually with like most to go to.Not only is many because of there book, the category is well-found, but also because borrows to reads the system there very convenient, and still has to consults exclusively service, serve very thoughtful.The building inside still put to put many a chairs convenience borrows to read read, many of thesis be at check to seek the data and complete of.

A person who there is technical ability/ a to you contain the person/ neighbor of the influence
I the childhood days likes the international Chin chess in bottom very much, but my neighbor the Mr zhou is the expert hand of the international Chin chess, as a result, since the childhood mr zhou teach I how to descend the international Chin chess.
Mr zhou not only the chess is high, but also he teaches person how to play chess very patiently, always patiently of my problem in solution.Luckily mr zhou, my talent hases been keeping to the international Chin chess thick thick interest, and the international Chin chess level increases continuously.In these more than ten in the last yearses, I acquired the awards of not a few international Chin chess games, including the champion of the international Chin chess game in the province of Guangdong.
Therefore, my in the mind feels grateful the mr zhou very much, exactly because of he, I then can study the international Chin chess, I then can acquire such many honors, I the talent satge in international Chin chess ascends to create an one of oneself world.

Last weekend/out door activity/a late experience
Weekend last week, I with our a football for of classmate together attending school holding game.Our a real strenght is very strong, having not the defeat, today is the last one field of the game, is also a finals.
What I serve as is champion brigade that wicketkeeper a job, the duty is important, and the other party is a last year, we dare not to be slacken the slightest, encourages to say to must obtain the victory mutually.
Just beginning, because of the error of our rearguard, we threw first a ball.But we did not lose power, step up the countercharge.When first half field is at an end, we are already 3:1 be in the lead.Second half field we extend the results in battle continuously, end we with 5:1 obtained the victory.
We won the champion, everybody comes over to congratulate us., that kind of victorious felling was really too the stick.

A work of art/a present/ a handmade product
I compare to like better model, so there are many models in home, airplane, tank, various.Among them, my aming the most favorite is one motorcycle model.
This model is the gift that my mother sends to me.I still remember about before decade, I with the mother visit a model exhibition, suddenly discover a motorcycle model and up stick a piece of note:Bought and then can cross pain and sufferings.My mother feels very interesting, bought to send me.
It not only the background be interesting, and the shape be very special.Far see very lifelike.The motorcycle carriage regards blue as principle and go together with to embellish by green.The carriage still engraves many letter of alphabets, should be French.And it ex- round ambulation with or so ability, there is also headlamp when the car run, return ability Shandong, very beautiful.
Although I have already grown up now,I still keep liking this motorcycle model very much, because this be an elegant art object.

A late experience/an unusual or interesting thing you recently do
The first some time, I do nothing, hence I openned the door of the hell.I walk into the mentally dense refuge shelter(Chaos Sanctuary) of hell.The little devils of hell attempt to keep me from go forward, but in my sorcery in front, they are quickly exterminated.
In the mentally dense refuge shelter, I discovered 5 strange sorcery, I am very curious, hence I these of seal to print to open.Immediately, the whole hells all vibrated.Several 10 later on, the diablo appears in my in front.I think hello with his say, but he is very angry and say me to chase him noisy awake, kill off I.Hence he spewed out toward me flaming and very hot fire, but the sorcery of this kind of low class can't bring any injury to I.
Hence, I literally sang a few voodoos, invoke an one blizzard, very quick starved with cold diablo.He was clay-cold and left a heap of gold color weapon.Once I see, the attribute is very bad, I feel waste time 1, hence returned to realistic world, close a computer, the sleeping went.

I want introduce of the city Guangdong province sign medium mountain library(the Guangdong Province of the Library of of the Sun Yat-Sen).The Guangdong province sign medium the mountain library be located on civilization road in Guangzhou City, is our country large comprehensive one of sex libraries, and is the total stack of Guangdong province.
I usually want go the library lend a book, but Guangdong province sign medium mountain library is I most usually with like most of a library.Not only is because of my book many, the category is well-found, more because there of borrow and read the system be still very convenient, and have a specialized consultation service and serve very thoughtful.Still put to put many chair conveniences to borrow to read reading inside building, many of my thesises were check to seek data and completed.

A person who has technical ability/1 have the person/neighbor of influence to you
I liked very much in childhood international Chin chess, but my neighbor the Mr zhou was the superior of international Chin chess, as a result, the mr zhou taught me how to play international Chin chess since the childhood.
Mr zhou not only chess skill Gao, and he teaches the person how to play chess very patiently and always patiently answer my problem.Luckily mr zhou, I then can remain strong interest to the international Chin chess, and the international Chin chess level continuously raise.Ten several in the last yearses here, I acquired not a few awardses that the international Chin chesses compete and included international Chin chess in Guangdong province compete of champion.
Therefore, my in the mind feels grateful mr zhou very much, because of him, is exactly that I then can study international Chin chess, I then can acquire so many honor and I then can create an oneself's one world on the satge of international Chin chess.

Last weekend/out door activity/a late experience
On last weekend, I attended together with our classmate of class the school hold of football game.The our class' real strenght is very strong, haven't defeat and today is the last field of game, be also a finals.
What I hold the post of's ising a wicketkeeper is one job, responsibility graveness, and the other party be the champion brigade in last year, we the slightest dare not to be slacken and encourage to say to must obtain victory mutually.
Just beginning, because of the error of our rearguard, we threw one ball first.But we lost power, step up countercharge.When first half field end, we already 3:1 lead.Second half field we continue to extend results in battle, end we with 5:1 obtained victory.
We won a champion and everyones came over to congratulate us., That kind of the felling of the victory was really too good.

I compare like the model, therefore in the family has many models,airplane, tank, all kinds of. I most like am a motorcycle model. This model is my mother gives my gift. I also remembered the about tenyears ago, I and mother visit the model to unfold, suddenly discovereda motorcycle model, the above is pasting a paper: Bought has beenallowed to pass through the pain. My mother thought extremelyinteresting, bought has delivered me. It not only origin interesting, moreover the modelling is extremelyunique. Far looks extremely clearly. The motorcycle automobile body bythe blue color primarily, matches by the green embellishment. Theautomobile body also engraves has many letters, should be the French.And its front wheel can control moves, but also has the headlight runswhen the vehicle, but also can Shandong, be extremely attractive. Although I already have now grown up, but I or extremely like thismotorcycle model, because this was extremely significant a fineartware. A late experience/an unusual or interesting thing you recently do The first time, I am idle, thereupon I have opened gate of thehell. I enter the hell chaos refuge shelter (Chaos Sanctuary). Thehell little rascal attempt to prevent me to go forward, but in frontof mine black magic, they is rapidly eliminated. Inside the chaos refuge shelter, I had discovered 5 strange blackmagics, I am extremely curious, thereupon I for turned on these blackmagic seals. Immediately, the entire hell all vibrated. After severaldozens seconds, diablo has appeared in mine front. I want with his sayhello, but he is angry very much, said I have awakened by noise him,must massacre me. Thereupon he has spouted the flaming raging fire tome, but this kind of preliminary black magic cannot cause any damageto me. Thereupon, I casually recited several incantation, summons a piece ofsnowstorm, very quickly on froze to death diablo. After he died, hasleft behind pile of golden color weapons. I as soon as looked that,the attribute too has been bad, I felt comes in vain, thereuponreturned to the real world, closes the computer, slept. Library I want to introduce city Guangdong provincially establishedZhongshan library (Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province). TheGuangdong provincially established Zhongshan library is located theGuangzhou civilized road, is one of our country large-scalecomprehensive libraries, and is Guangdong Province's total bookstacks. I frequently must go to the library to borrow the book, but theGuangdong provincially established Zhongshan library is a librarywhich I frequently and most likes. Not only is because there booksmany, type complete, because there borrowing system extremelyconvenient, and also has the special advisory service, the service isextremely thorough. In the hall has also placed many chairsconveniences borrowing reading, my many papers are and complete in thesearch material. Has the skill person/to your influential person/neighbor Under I in childhood very much liked the chess, but myneighbor Mr zhou was the chess master, thus, how mr zhou did ask foradvice since childhood my under chess. Mr zhou not only the chess skill is high, moreover he teaches theperson to play chess patiently extremely patiently, always explains myquestion. Had been lucky mr zhou, I can continuously maintain thestrong interest to the chess, and the chess level unceasinglyenhances. In this for several years, I have obtained many chessescompetition award item, including Guangdong Province chess competitionchampion. Therefore, in my heart extremely feels grateful mr zhou, is preciselyas a result of him, I can study the chess, I can obtain so manyhonors, I can create an own in the chess stage stretch of world. Last weekend/out door activity/a late experience Last week weekend, I and our class's schoolmates attended thesoccer competition together which the school conducts. Our classstrength is very strong, has not had the defeat, today is thecompetition last, also is the finals. I hold the post am a goalkeeper duty, has a heavy responsibility,moreover opposite party was last year crown army, we slightly did notdare laxly, mutually encouraged to say certainly had to gain thevictory. Just began, as a result of our fullback's fault, we has first thrown aball. But we have not been discouraged, step up to counter-attack.When the first half ended, we already 3: 1 was in the lead. The secondhalf we continue to exploit the victory, finally we by 5: 1 has gainedthe victory. We have won the championship, everybody comes to congratulate us. Ha,that kind of victory feeling really was too good


中翻英! 急用!急用!!!有积分!!!在线等!!!
because we have a lot of basketball nearby places convenient to play basketball, we sometimes Dapingpang gymnasium or to youth activities center skating, we generally play from 1:00 to around April 5 before going home, we each have a very happy end....

Tom usually 6:30 at home to eat breakfast. Before he likes to eat fast food, now he changed his diet. In often ate rice milk, bread and eggs. 12 noon, eat lunch at school. He often eat a bowl of rice and some meat and vegetables. Sometimes he ate fish. In the eveni...

in a word,( briefly speaking), i prefer the sports-entertainment style of the XX. although 00 is ok, compared by the quality or the appearance, i believe that the XX is a little better than the 00. most importantly, the XX has a lot of style, appropriate for any kinds ...

大地震仍然在继续。这个山村严重需要很多的衣服。(on clothing)The big earthquake is still going on. This village needs much clothing.当我们到达车站的时候,火车已经离开了。(by)The train have been left when we get to the train station.在没人注意的时候小偷溜进了房间。(slip)The thife ...

1.你的笑话没使很多人笑,因为它不十分完整。Not many people responded for your joke because it was not complete.2.如果你不能把握住着最后的机会,你将会输掉你所有的钱。If you can't grab the last chance, you may lose all of your money.3.最终他们选择住在这个漂亮的小镇上。They ...

Professor return flight has been changed to May 13, the flights are CA102 and the take-off time to 12:00. Please help extended to her room on the 13th, and the cars scheduled to take her to a hotel airport.

1. The aircraft will take off at 3 o'clock this afternoon according to the time table.2. She was happily singing as a bird on her way home.3. She doesn't have to be in such a hurry as there is enough time left.

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厄……一楼翻译器……1、圣诞节是西方国家的一个传统节日。Christmas is a traditional festival in western countries.2、我的妹妹在度假。My sister is on holidays.3、这是他第二次看狮子舞。This is the second time that he's seen the Lion Dance.4、在夜晚,唐人佳将有烟火表演。At night...

The attachment is the feedback from customers about the machine, especially for the third point of which, his resolute attitude shows that, they won't pay until the questions are resolved.

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登扶甲硝: We wake up people scattered and memories grasp today looking to leave tomorrow

武昌区15139096714: 中翻英,帮人的,求中翻英1.这是我头一次写信给您,2.我平时都和好友一起文学交流.那您平时都在?3.不知能送我一支笔吗?4.最后祝福您天天快乐,圣诞... -
登扶甲硝:[答案] 1.This is the first time that I write to you.2.I often talk about literature with my friends,what about you ?3.Would you please send me a pen as a gift?4.At last,may you happy everyday and merry Chris...

武昌区15139096714: 急求中翻英.高分赏.
登扶甲硝: 老兄我字典都翻烂了; 翻译如下 The specialized technical hatchibator and the hypothesized hatchibator appearance is this time enterprise hatches systematized two signs. The specialized technical hatchibator usual take development facility sets ...

武昌区15139096714: 300分7点准时结束求英语短语翻译 -
登扶甲硝: 前面两个一看就是机器翻译,我来替你挽回你的感情.楼主用了很多歌词哦1.舍不得 can not sacrifice2.不舍得 not willing to give3.突然累了 I feel tired all of a sudden 4.爱

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登扶甲硝:[答案] For a total of six detection,including ABC three indicators percent of pass is 100%,and the rate of only three DEF respectively 75%,50% and 25%

武昌区15139096714: 【急!】【加分】求中翻英.要根据括号里给的单词写!1、政府估计在3年时间里将提供约40万套经济房.(estimate)2、估计暴力电影的数量增长了15%.(It is... -
登扶甲硝:[答案] 1, It is estimated that the government will offter about 400,000 economic apartments within three years.2. It is estimated that the number of violent movies has been incresed by 15%.3. It is common th...

武昌区15139096714: 求几句中翻英 急!!!
登扶甲硝: 1my mother and father were in Phoenix for two weeks. 2 there's huge cactus and gravel road to impress me. 3 also saw a NBA regular season. At the end of the game, we have a group of people in the hall outside the car back to the dormitory, several exciting young people saw us, shouting: chinese!

武昌区15139096714: 300字左右中文翻译成英文,谢谢! -
登扶甲硝: With the information industry to develop telecom market development, the driving force was driven by technology, driven by market price at the present differences by transforming the service in the direction of the service capacities of a new period, ...

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登扶甲硝: we love peace and we should stand against the terrorism SARs give people a good lesson, so everybody should take the duty to keep the envirnment clean 3 June 1999, a worldwide famous chess player lose a match whiling taking a contest with ...

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登扶甲硝: The design belongs to a decoration language part, the clothing design takes the design art a part, is following one kind of unique art manifestation which clothing's appearance produces, it has with other decorative pattern same esthetics ...

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