丹尼斯 理查德演的一部恐怖片,讲一个小镇的墓园凡是埋进去的人过几天就会复活,守墓人只能杀死他们

作者&投稿:彩依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

导演: 德鲁·高达
编剧: 德鲁·高达 / 乔斯·韦登
主演: 克里斯汀·康奈利 / 理查德·詹金斯 / 弗兰·克朗茨 / 布莱德利·惠特福德 / 杰西·威廉姆斯 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧 / 悬疑 / 恐怖

制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语 / 日语
上映日期: 2012-03-09(西南偏南电影节) / 2012-04-13(美国)
片长: 95分钟
又名: 尸营旅舍(港) / 诡屋(台) / 林中屋

老爵士多了~英国老一辈的演员了演过很多舞台剧,度娘一下就知道= =
奥兰多的 ,加勒比海盗,指环王些列就不说了比较熟悉。《天国王朝》(这个要看导演剪辑版190分钟的),《避风港》《伊丽莎白镇》。最近几年都在拍小制作的独立电影~像 《坐拥怜悯》,《良医》,这俩电影国内资源几乎没有= = ,还有将要上映的 《三个火枪手》 在里面演白金汉公爵= = 造型很潮啊ORZ,等着《霍比特人》 又要演LEGOLAS了( ̄▽ ̄)

"魔诫坟场" 很久前的片子!大概2002年左右的吧!

叫“魔诫坟场” 我最爱的僵尸片

爱的墓园 观看地址很难找, 可以去欧美恐怖片贴吧看,那里有这个电影!

更多外文片名: Demons '95 Cemetery Man .....(USA) Of Death and Love .....(Australia) Of Death, of Love .....(International: English title) (literal title) 影片类型: 爱情 / 奇幻 / 恐怖 / 喜剧 片长: 105 min 国家/地区: 意大利 法国 德国
对白语言: 英语 意大利语 色彩: 彩色 幅面: 35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统 混音: Dolby 评级: Rated R for macabre violence and gore, strong sexuality and some language. 级别: USA:R Italy:T Canada:R Canada:13+ Australia:MA Spain:18 UK:18 Germany:18 Canada:18 制作成本: $4,000,000 (estimated)魔诫坟场 海报(1张) 摄制格式: 35 mm 洗印格式: 35 mm 胶片长度: 2885 m
导演 Michele Soavi 演员 鲁波特·埃弗雷特 Rupert Everett Francesco Dellamorte 安娜·法驰 Anna Falchi She François Hadji-Lazaro Gnaghi Mickey Knox Marshall Straniero Fabiana Formica Valentina Clive Riche Doctor Verseci Katja Anton Thin Girl Barbara Cupisti Magda Anton Alexander Franco Pietro Genuardi New Mayor Civardi Patrizia Punzo Claudio's Mother Stefano Masciarelli Mayor Scanarotti Vito Passeri Ghigini Alessandro Zamattio Claudio Marijn Koopman Renato Donis Husband of 'She' Claudia Lawrence Miss Chiaromondo Francesca Gamba Hospital Nurse Elio Cesari Nun Maurizio Romoli Hospital Doctor Maddalena Ischiale Stanza Franco Nurse Elena Fresco Hospital Sister Michele Soavi Man in City Square (uncredited) 编剧 Gianni Romoli Tiziano Sclavi novel 制片人 Conchita Airoldi executive producer Heinz Bibo producer Tilde Corsi producer Dino Di Dionisio executive producer Gianni Romoli producer Michele Soavi producer 原创音乐 Riccardo Biseo Manuel De Sica 改编音乐 摄像师 Mauro Marchetti 电影剪辑 Franco Fraticelli 协调剧组人员 造型设计 Massimo Antonello Geleng 艺术指导 布景师 Roberto Caruso 服装设计 Alfonsina Lettieri Maurizio Millenotti 化妆师 Daniele Auber assistant makeup artist Maria Teresa Corridoni chief hair stylist Enrico Jacoponi makeup artist Marijn Koopman assistant makeup artist Barbara Morosetti assistant makeup artist Francesco Motolese assistant makeup artist Sabrina Ranalli hair stylist Sergio Stivaletti makeup artist Gino Zamprioli key makeup artist 制片主管 Carla Bernardin unit manager 助理导演 Julie Gavras assistant director Enrico Grassi first assistant director Francesca Marra assistant director 美术 Roberto Angelini sculptor Marina Pinzuti Ansolini set dresser Sebastiano De Caro property master Tommaso Dubla set painter Umberto Fantina carpenter Maurizio Garrone assistant production designer Sergio Grassi property master Osvaldo Monaco property master Caterina Napoleone assistant production designer Dionisio Rossi sculptor 音效 Andrea Dallimonti sound recordist Alessandro Peticca sound editor Alfredo Petti boom operator Angelo Raguseo sound mixer Frank von Kuegelgen adr editor Heiko Müller sound re-recording mixer: German version (uncredit 特技师 Daniele Auber special effects assistant Marijn Koopman special effects assistant Barbara Morosetti special effects assistant Francesco Motolese special effects assistant Sergio Stivaletti special effects designer 视觉特效师 Francesca R. Di Nunzio ossuary designer Sergio Stivaletti ossuary designer 特技演员 Valerio Colombaioni stunts Fabio Romanielo stunts Mauro Romanielo stunts Pamela Vitali stunts Nazzareno Zamperla stunts Rinaldo Zamperla stunts 其他职员 Renato Agostini set technician Guido Airoldi paymaster Alessandro Bolognesi steadicam operator Domenico Caponecchi grip Giovanni Casalnuovo assistant costume designer Giordano Esposito production assistant Stefano Falivene focus puller Renata Franceschi continuity Claudio Frollano electrician Ofelia Garcia casting: children Julie Gavras post-production Luciano Giusepponi key grip Alessandra Guerra cutting room assistant Roberto Luzi camera operator Marco Massaccesi electrician Anna Orieti production accountant Cesare Pascarella grip Barbara Petrelli production secretary Marco Pieroni steadicam operator Giovanni Piperno camera loader Roberto Priori assistant editor Claudio Quaglietti set technician William Quarshie dialogue director Monica Ricci costume assistant Otello Simotti generator operator Maria Spigarelli wardrobe mistress Claudio Verdenelli chief electrician Emilio Zaccaria production assistant Maura Zuccherofini wardrobe mistress
Aspect ratio1.66 : 1 Cinematographic processSpherical Film length (metres)2885 m Film negative format (mm/video inches)35 mm Printed film format35 mm
制作公司: Audiofilm Bibo Productions Canal+ [法国] Eurimages [法国] K.G. Productions [法国] Silvio Berlusconi Communications [意大利] Urania Film [意大利] 发行公司: 锚湾娱乐 Anchor Bay Entertainment [美国] ..... (2005) (USA) (DVD) Fox Video [美国] ..... (video) Jacinto Santos Parrás [西班牙] ..... (Spain) Malofilm Home Video [加拿大] ..... (Canada) (VHS) (as "Cemetery Man") (dubbed) Norstar Releasing ..... (1996) (Canada) (as "Cemetery Man") (dubbed) October Films [美国] ..... (1996) (USA) (dubbed) Penta Video S.r.l. [意大利] ..... (Italy) (VHS) VellaVisión S.L. [西班牙] ..... (Spain) (DVD)
国家/地区 上映/发行日期 (细节) 加拿大 Canada 1994年9月9日 ..... (Toronto Film Festival) 法国 France 1995年5月10日 荷兰 Netherlands 1995年6月3日 葡萄牙 Portugal 1996年2月 ..... (Fantasporto Film Festival) 美国 USA 1996年4月26日 西班牙 Spain 1997年2月27日 瑞典 Sweden 2001年4月28日 ..... (Uppsala Horror Film Festival)
Many sources incorrectly state that this film is derived from Tiziano Sclavi's comics featuring the hero Dylan Dog; it is in fact an adaptation of a Schlavi Novel (also called Dellamorte Dellamore) that does not contain the Dylan Dog character. Years earlier, however, Schlavi did base his Dylan Dog drawings on the facial features of Rupert Everett which is probably how the confusion began. An American Dylan Dog movie was developed a few years after the release of this movie, but never came to fruition According to Director Michele Soavi, The "returners" get their energy from the Mandragola roots in the cemetery. Tangerine Dream was originally supposed to do the soundtrack, but something else came up. 77 An American company was willing to fund and distribute the movie if 'Matt Dillon' was cast as Francesco.
Francesco Dellamore : Death, Death, the whore. Francesco Dellamorte : At a certain point in your life you realize you know more dead people than living. Francesco Dellamorte : Death, death, death comes sweeping down, filthy death the leering clown, death on wings, death by surprise, failing evil from worldly eyes, death that spawns as life succumbs, while death and love, two kindred drums, beat the time till judgement day, an actor in a passion play, without beginning, without end, evermore, amen. Francesco Dellamorte : Don't worry, I'll get the next one. Francesco Dellamorte : Hold on a minute Franco. Francesco Dellamorte : I haven't read more than two books in my whole life. One I never finished, and the other is the phone book. Francesco Dellamorte : I'd give my life to be dead. Francesco Dellamorte : Just because we've got the new ones doesn't mean we have to throw old ones away . . . these books are classics! Francesco Dellamorte : Move aside. Francesco Dellamorte : My name is Francesco Dellamorte. Weird name, isn't it? Frances Of Death. Saint Frances Of Death. I've often thought of having it changed. Andre Dellamorte would be much better. Francesco Dellamorte : Oh, you know how things are. Life goes on. Francesco Dellamorte : Pass this town is the rest of the world. What do you think the rest of the world looks like? Francesco Dellamorte : The Living Dead and the dying living are all the same. Cut from the same cloth. Francesco Dellamorte : You and I are both the same: we kill out of indifference, sometimes love, but never hate. Franco : No, no nothing. Just calling to see how you are. Girl: Mind your own business. I shall be eaten by whoever I please. Girl: No, please don't. He's only eating me. Major's daughter: Dad, I love him. I want to marry him. Major's daughter: We'll fix that presently. Major: Over my dead body! [Francesco almost runs over a bicyclist.] [Francesco finds a zombie biker snacking on his living girlfriend. He pulls out his gun.] [Francesco is on the phone. There's a knock at the door.] [He opens the door. A zombie businessman is standing there. Francesco shoots him in the head] [On discovereing Gnaghi burning old phone books] [Shoots]
Revealing mistakes: The wires on the firelights are visible. Revealing mistakes: When Franceso is making love to "She" in the graveyard and her dead husband attacks, Dellamorte's underwear disappears and reappears between shots.. Continuity: The bandage on Dellamorte's shoulder covering his bite wound is visible in some shots and missing in others.


扎囊县13785315200: 丹尼斯 理查兹主演的影片有哪些?尤其是那一部. -
拓功克林: 尼斯·理查兹/丹妮丝理察斯 英文名:Denise Richards参与影片:《埃德蒙德 (2005)》,《胖子阿伯特/摇摆大肚王/肥肥艾伯特 (2004)》,《猫王不在了 (2004)》,《娼妇 (2004)》,《真爱至上 (2003)》,《惊声尖笑3/恐怖电影3 (2003)》,《黑金帝国 (2002)》,《撞翻姻缘路 (2002)》,《情人节 (2001)》,《2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 (2000)》,《007:黑日危机/纵横天下/新铁金刚之黑日危机 (1999)》,《美丽比一比 (1999)》,《狂野速度 (1999)》,《玩尽杀绝 (1998)》,《四海兄弟情 (1998)》

扎囊县13785315200: 《电锯惊魂》的故事简介 -
拓功克林: 五部 1.电锯惊魂(Saw) 剧情:当年轻的亚当(雷·沃纳尔饰)渐渐从昏迷中苏醒过来时,发现自己被锁在一间破旧的地下室内,而在离他不远的地方,还锁着另外一个不知所措的人——劳伦斯医生(卡利·艾维斯饰).在他们两个人的中间...

扎囊县13785315200: 寻找一部片! -
拓功克林: 美国电影《梦境》 (1983) 导演: 约瑟夫·鲁本 Joseph Ruben 主演: 丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert 凯特·卡普肖 Kate Capshaw 上映: 1984年08月15日(美国 )更多地区 时...

扎囊县13785315200: 一部电影 美国的 关于磁暴 然后 30年前 30年后夹杂着 放的 -
拓功克林: 是否是类似于《蝴蝶效应》的经典穿越题材电影,丹尼斯.奎德主演;《黑洞频率》 又名 生死调频、隔世救未来、时空频率、生死频率;非常经典的电影;讲由于天空的磁暴现象主人公与30年前的父亲联系上了.

扎囊县13785315200: 深空失忆剧情 -
拓功克林: 故事描述地球末日的到来, 人类为了求生存而准备到"双子星系"上面移民, 因此这艘"第五舰队"太空船就是地球人最后的希望, 然而这趟航程需要好几年的时间, 所以太空船上的人必须进入「深眠状态」, 只有少部分的驾驶员轮流...

扎囊县13785315200: 求美国惊悚公路电影 -
拓功克林: 电影:决斗 DUEL导 演: 斯蒂芬 斯皮尔伯格 (Steven Spielberg)编 剧: 理查德 马西森 (Richard Matheson)主要演员: 丹尼斯 韦弗剧情简介:主人公戴维·曼在空无一人的州际公路上独自驾车,一俩装载易燃物品的大卡车出现了.两车分别超了对方的车,随着戴维的超车,卡车司机彷如发疯一般追逐戏弄着戴维的车,甚至还要把他逼上绝路.在被逼无奈的情况下,戴维只得与这辆要置自己于死地的卡车展开决斗.

扎囊县13785315200: 恐怖片,说一帮人在一个屋子里,能赢得奖金,屋子里开始死人,就剩一个人活着 -
拓功克林: 9人禁闭室 House of 9 (2005)6.4 导演:史蒂文·R·蒙若尔 主演:丹尼斯·霍珀 凯莉·布鲁克 西波里特·吉拉多特 ... 9个表面上毫不相关的陌生人被绑架:她们被下毒,然后被人绑架到一间房子里……最后活着的人不仅可以得到自由,还可以获得500w美元的奖金.

扎囊县13785315200: 外国恐怖片,一对男女开车开车撞死了动物,后来躲进屋子,外面碎肉试图进屋咬人,一只手在地上跑咬人, -
拓功克林: 《刺》, 生物学博2113士赛斯和妻子宝莉驾车去郊外游玩,路上,他们遭遇了另一对夫妇.丹尼斯和蕾丝是一对亡命鸳鸯,他们希望5261偷渡墨西哥开始新的生活,但是汽车在路上抛锚.因此,丹尼斯劫持4102了赛斯夫妇的汽车,并将他们绑作人质.驾驶汽1653车的宝莉无意中轧到一个奇怪生物,引起汽车爆胎.众人下车查版看,赛斯惊奇地发现被压扁的动物竟仍有生命迹象.惶恐的他们逃到一座加油站,然而很快发现,他们正被一种长满刺权的未知生物所包围.

扎囊县13785315200: 电影黑暗之下讲的什么意思 -
拓功克林: 作为一部“后窗”式邻家杀手类恐怖片,影片不仅毫无惊悚感和悬疑感,而且还毫无原创性,生搬硬套地加入超自然元素却形同鸡肋,唯一值得一看的也就丹尼斯•奎德怪异而神经质的表演了

扎囊县13785315200: Yeeoow什么意思 -
拓功克林: 野东西》(Wild Things)(1997年) 【发表评论】 【查看留言】 【查看本频道留言】 【有错你来纠】 【论坛】 导演: John McNaughton编剧: Stephen Peters引言:两个女的和一个男的,其中一个女的是丹尼斯.理查德(哇!) 剧情...

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