初中英语教案《Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 2a-2d》-2021天津教师招聘考试

作者&投稿:初梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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根据人教社《义务教育教科书英语》七年级下册Don’t eat in class. Section A 2a-2d 部分,按要求进行相应的教学设计。







1.Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can know the meaning of some phrases, such as eat outside, wear a hat, eat in the classroom…and master the usage of sentences: --- Can we eat in the classroom? --- Yes , we can. / No, we can’t.

Ability aim:

Students can improve their listening and speaking skills by listening the tape in different ways and talking the class rules in group.

2.Teaching key and difficult points:

Key point: Can master the usage of some key phrases.

Difficult point: How to understand and observe the rules in their real class.


(1) Let students listen to the tape for the first time and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.

(2) Let students look at the activities they choose and predict whether Alan and Cindy can do them or can’t do them. Then, students should listen to the tape for the second time and circle can or can’t on the book to check their predictions. Later, the teacher will invite some students to share their answers.

(3) Students should listen to the tape for the last time and pay attention to the phrases and sentence structure.


(1) Q & A: The teacher will ask some questions and spur students to answer like this:

--- Can we eat in the classroom?

--- No, we can’t.

(2) Students should role play the conversation with their partners in 3 minutes. Then perform for the class.

(3) The teacher will give students 5 minutes to make a discussion in group of 4 to talk about our classroom rules by using the phrases and sentence patterns on the book. Then the teacher will invite some groups to share their ideas. And the class will choose some rules as our class rules.


Make some family rules with your parents and read the results for others next class..


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