
作者&投稿:逯狗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.


Back when the Earth was being overrun by glaciers, and animals were scurrying to save themselves from the upcoming Ice Age, a stupid sloth named Sid, a woolly mammoth named Manny, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, and an acorn-loving saber-toothed squirrel named Scrat are forced to become unlikely heroes. The four reluctantly come together when they have to return a human child to its father while braving the deadly elements of the impending Ice Age.

长毛象 wolly mammoth :Manny
剑齿虎 saber-toothed tiger: Diego
树獭 sloth: Sid



  When Sid, Manny, Diego and the baby are walking through the ice cave, they walk past a UFO frozen in a block of ice, as they walk past, the baby does the Vulcan hand salute (from "Star Trek" (1966)). more
  Goofs:Continuity: The first animal to step on Scrat in the opening is a mammoth, yet no mammoth is visible in the long shot of the crowds of animals. In fact, no mammoth other than Manfred is seen throughout the sequence. With this, a large bird also steps on Scrat, but no birds are seen in the crowds. We also only see two legs of each animal stepping on Scrat even though three of them are quadrupeds.


  "Music Of The Heart" is an awe-inspiring film that contains outstanding performances from every single actor and actress in the film. From Meryl Streep to Angela Bassett and Aidan Quinn to Gloria Estefan as well as the extras, the actors made "Music Of The Heart" a wonderful film.

  Meryl Streep is exceptional in the role of the true life violin teacher who deserves most of the credit for this superbly performed film. The way that Along with Angela Bassett, Gloria Estefan and Aidan Quinn, "Music Of The Heart" is a success.

  I particularly enjoyed the scene in which her former students came into the classroom to inspire her current students to doing their best in their concert. However, the best part of the whole film was at Carnegie Hall when the children performed in front of their parents and alongside world renownd violinists such as Itzhak Perlman.

  Finally, Hollywood has recognized an excellent true story and brought it to the silver screen. I cannot begin to tell everyone what a movie this was to watch. I can't begin to tell everyone that the performances brought out every positive emotion.

  Along the same lines as "Mr Holland's Opus," "Music Of The Heart" follows the life of violin teacher, Roberta Gaspiaurdi from the inception of the music program she created.

  "Music Of The Heart" is a film that touched my heart and inspired me into really looking inside myself and want to do charity for others. I highly recommend this movie to everyone because it will move, touch, and inspire.


20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.


The true story of a young teacher who fights against the board of education in her bid to teach underprivileged kids in a Harlem school the beauty of music through the violin. In her struggle she loses everything as the system comes down on her with all their might but her determination for the kids happiness helps her to battle back with wonderfully inspirational results.

精灵鼠小弟 玫瑰神偷 双重阴谋 暗藏杀机 惊天行动 狂飙战警 第六感女神 超时空恋爱 角斗士 碟中谍2 完美风暴 单身汉 总有骄阳 超级妈妈 弦动我心 霹雳天使 小鸡快跑 出租司机 人猴情 同命鸳鸯 特别押送 梦游美利坚 真假姻缘 战火焚情 路边草 锄暴特警 我们接吻吧 芭蕾 悬情疯人院 大刺杀 烈火恩仇 必死无疑 ...

繁星 批注
【赏析】人活着离开心爱的人时,在夜晚总会不由自主的看月亮,此时的悲伤与思念让人不由得泪眼朦胧。...【赏析】我是背叛着。请不要相信我。我会给你带来烦恼。其实我也是受害着。叫你不要相信他 他只是...【赏析】这句话运用了比喻的手法,生动形象地写出了我对父亲的崇敬和对生活的热爱。七六月明之夜的梦...

珍重些罢不要把心灵中的珠儿抛在难起波澜的大海里一八心是冷的泪是热的心——凝固了世界泪——温柔了世界一九漫天的思想收合了来罢!你的中心点你的结晶要作我的南针一一青年人呵!你要和老年人比起来就知道你的烦闷是温柔的一一一太单调了么 琴儿我原谅你!你的弦本弹不出笛几的声音一一二古人呵!你已经欺哄...

是《不装饰你的梦》愿意心痛苦 不装饰你的梦 别再将我心反复的戏弄 宁愿我携着忧郁归去 像刚消失那阵风 别再伤我心它伤得那么重 像块冰碎开它显得太空洞 狂热与天真早消失了 在郁郁的岁月中 谁愿意一颗心永落空 谁愿意只装饰你的梦 宁任我的心在长期地痛 亦不想给你抚弄 让每声叹息消失于你...

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心是冷的 泪是热的 心——凝固了世界 泪——温柔了世界 一百零九 漫天的思想 收合了来罢! 你的中心点 你的结晶 要作我的南针 一百一十 青年人啊! 你要和老年人比起来 就知道你的烦闷 是温柔的 一百一十一 太单调了么 琴儿 我原谅你! 你的弦 本弹不出笛几的声音 一百一十二 古人啊! 你已经欺哄了...

的寻找证据。在庐山,在泰山,在华山。。。汗水可曾湿透你的衣衫?疲惫可曾滞缓你,使你步履蹒跚?终于,你用强有力的证据,用坚定的意志,改变了外 国人错误的认识。白哲特说:“坚强的意志可以磨练强者的心,并使强者更坚强。”李四光,你是毋庸置疑的强者,是你,扣动我的心弦。我 还看到了,那...

过道时,视线极其不好,爸爸的手随手的一动,将我推到了离车较远的一边,只是一个动作,我好像突然明白了父爱,在朦胧中,我却更能看清父亲那颗细腻而温柔的心,父亲的手和着我心弦的优美旋律敲击着我心灵,给我以无尽的温暖。 那些拨动我心弥的故事,将成为我人生的宝箱里的一颗颗珍珠,给予我一生的温暖与财富。

李白的诗!急!急!啊! 啊!
我志在删述。垂辉映千春。希圣如有立。绝笔于获麟。其二 蟾蜍薄太清。蚀此瑶台月。圆光亏中天。金魄遂沦没。□□入紫微。 【虫带】【虫东】大明夷朝晖。浮云隔两曜。万象昏阴霏。萧萧长门宫。昔是今已非。桂蠹花不实。天霜下严威。沈叹终永夕。感我涕沾衣。其三 秦皇扫六合。虎视何雄哉。

岫岩满族自治县18250974072: 1、伯牙鼓琴,志在高山,钟子期曰:“善哉,峨峨兮若泰山!”问:钟子期问什么能听懂伯牙的琴声?2、伯牙谓界再无知音,乃破琴绝弦,终生不复鼓.问... -
昔永双黄:[答案] 1.因为不管伯牙心里想到什么,钟子期都能准确地道出他的心意.伯牙的心意,也只有钟子期能真正理解. 2.伯牙喜欢弹琴,但由于钟子期的死,使他决定不再弹琴,从中可以看出伯牙悲痛欲绝的心情 这题我早做过了,好怀念啊

岫岩满族自治县18250974072: (x1+x2)(x1 - x2)/2+(y1 - y2)(y1+y2)=0,是怎么到[(y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2)]*[(y1+y2)/2]/[(x1+x2)/2]= - 1的.已知椭圆学x^2/2+y^2=1,求斜率为2的平行弦的中点轨迹方程.... -
昔永双黄:[答案] [(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)]*[(y1+y2)/2]/[(x1+x2)/2]=-1不对,应该是-1/2才对. 这是因为 (x1+x2)(x1-x2)/2+(y1-y2)(y1+y2)=0, 可化为 (y1-y2)·(y1+y2) = - (x1-x2)·[(x1+x2)/2], 再左右两边同除以 (x1-x2)·(x1+x2),即可得.

岫岩满族自治县18250974072: (1)求正弦曲线y=sin x按x'=1/3x,y'=1/2y 变换后的函数解析式;(2)将圆x²+y²=1变换为椭圆x²/25+y²/16=1的伸缩变换公式为 x'=lx(l>0) y'=ky(k>0),求l、k... -
昔永双黄:[答案] (1)因为x'=1/3x,y'=1/2y,所以x=3x',y=2y',代入正弦曲线方程有2y'=sin3x',即y=1/2sin3x.(2)因为x'=Lx,y'=ky(L>0,k>0),所以x=1/L x',y=1/k y',代入圆方程有x'^2/L^2+ y'^2/k^2=1,又因为椭圆方程x²/25+y...

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昔永双黄:[答案] 请问是什么意思呢?是全文吗? 破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 [宋]辛弃疾 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营.八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声.沙场秋点兵. 马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊.了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名.可怜白发生! 念奴娇赤壁怀古 ...

岫岩满族自治县18250974072: 已知圆C:(x - 1)的平方+(y - 2)的平方=4及直线L:x - y+3=0,则直线的弦长为多少?先求出圆心坐标,半径然后再求出点到直线的距离,然后呢? -
昔永双黄:[答案] 1.先求出圆心坐标,半径然后再求出点到直线的距离.接下来用勾股定理, sqrt(r)=sqrt(d)+sqrt(L/2) d·······点到直线的距离 L·······弦长 r·······半径 我记得我们当年还有一张方法求这类题.把直线带入园方程,化为二次方程...

岫岩满族自治县18250974072: 破阵子为陈同赋壮词以寄之完整版 -
昔永双黄:[答案] 破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 (可能你少打了一个字) [南宋]辛弃疾 出处:《稼轩长短句》 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营.八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声.沙场秋点兵. 马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊.了却君王天下事,...

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