谁知道神秘园最初专辑《insid i m singing》my land歌词?

作者&投稿:博志 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求神秘园第六张专辑Inside I'm Singing中Thank You的歌词~

If I lived to be a thousand years,
If I ruled the word – it’s hemispheres,
I could not repay the love you brought my way,
So, I want to say it now
To thank you for each day you gave me.

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

We have just one life to seize the day,
We only have what time there is to say…
‘n’do what we must do, express our gratitude,
So, I whant to say it and sing it now to you.

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

At the close of every day,
When I close my eyes to pray,
All I need to do, is just to think of you…
Then, all I need to say…is…

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

when i'm less than i shuld be,
when i just can't face the day;
when darkness falls arount me,
and i just can't find my way.
when my eyes don't clearly see,
and i stumble through it all.
you i lean upon,you keep me strong,
and you rise me when i fall.

youare there when i most need you
you are there so constantly
you come shining through
you always do
you are always there for me

when life brings me to my knees
when my back't against the wall,
you are standing there right with me.
just to keep me standing tall
though a burden i may be
you don't weary
you don't rest
and i know i'm heaven-blest

(repeat chorus)


Lay down your head, And I’ll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years, Of loo-li lai-lay;
And I’ll sing you to sleep…And I’ll sing you tomorrow…
Bless you with love, For the road that you go.

may you sail fair
to the far fields of fortune
with diamonds and pearls
at your head and your feet
and may you need never
to barish misfortune
may you find kind ness
in all that you meet

may there always be angels
to watch over you
to guard you and keep you
safe from all harm
loo li...loo li...lai..lay

may you bring love
and may you bring happiness
bebloed in return
to the end of your days
now fall off to sleep
i'm not meaning to keep you
i'll just sit for a while
and sing loo...li..lai..lay

(repeat chorus)


across to where you are
and so you stay
just half a world away

and i would cross
the universe for you
what good would it do
if you weren't even there
till you return
until you way is clear
i will be here
not half a world away

you're half a world away
and no one is to blame
if love outlives it's day
and turns into an ember from a flame
i love you as befor
till worlds will be no more
till i can find a way
to where you stay
just half a world away.

(repeat chorus)

you're half a world away......

Raise your voices! Raise your voices!
Praise Him - the Living Word
To the heavens high ascending
Raise your voices to the Lord

Though the night be dark and fearful
Though we face the dimming day
Though the heart be sad and tearful
Trust Him, He will light the way

Through the mists in this vale of sorrow
Through the glass we but darkly see
We will rise again tomorrow
Then, our eyes will lifted be

Long the road that has no ending
Far the path that has no turn
And the soul is never wending
To the place it first was born

See the host of angels singing
When they hear that trumpet sound
When the piper's call is ringing
Then shall my soul be ever homeward bound

Mountains tall and seas will thunder
One unceasing chorus ring
Hean'v and earth will sleep no longer
Then the universe as one will sing

How green are your valleys,

How blue your great skies
Your mountains stand tall in their glory
Your rivers run free
The bright stars are your eyes
Your beauty is endless before me
For you are the song
ever singing in me

And you see the heart ever true
For you are my land
and you always will be
The voice ever calling me home to you
When to your gbreen valleys

some day I return
When you lay you mantle around me
At rest I will be
where the heart will not yearn
Then my land will ever surround me
For you are the song
ever singing in me
And you see the heart ever true
For you are my land
and you always will be
The voice ever calling me home to you
The voice ever calling me …
Home to you
Music Rolf Lowland
Lyrics Brendan Graham and Alana Graham
(Secret Garden's Solo)

Secret Garden是一支来自挪威的乐队,由罗尔夫·勒夫兰(Rolf Lovland)和菲欧娜·雪莉(Fionnuala Sherry)组成。他们以其融合了古典、新世纪和凯尔特音乐的独特风格而闻名。以下是对他们的一些专辑的详细介绍:【专辑一:《神秘园之歌》】这张专辑是Secret Garden的首张录音,包含了许多经典曲目,如《Adagio...

关于<<secret garden>>的详细资料
乐队溶合了爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐,乐曲恬静深远,自然流畅,使人不知不觉便已溶入其中。专集介绍:神秘园专辑一:Song From A Secret Garden song from a secret garden 来自神秘园的歌(1996年4月)这张专辑风格比较统一,乐曲舒缓柔美,充满了思忆,不经意之间流露出些许的忧愁...


神秘园 专辑
神秘园音乐网(http:\/\/music.94i.cn)提供长期有效的下载地址!【神秘园第一辑】Songs From A Secret Garden (来自神秘园的歌)http:\/\/music.94i.cn\/viewthread.php?tid=12345 【神秘园第二辑】White Stones(白石)http:\/\/music.94i.cn\/viewthread.php?tid=12381 【神秘园第三辑】Dawn Of ...

神秘园是挪威的音乐组合,专辑中的歌曲主要以钢琴、小提琴、风笛等乐器为主,曲风充满着神秘、舒缓、梦幻的感觉,适合用来放松、缓解压力。经典专辑包括:《Song from a Secret Garden》(《神秘园之歌》)、《White Stones》(《白石头》)、《Dawn of a New Century》(《新世纪的黎明》)、《Once in a Red Moon》(...


Secret Garden一共正式出过几张专辑?
一共9张专辑 1996 Songs From A Secret Garden(神秘园之歌)1997 White Stones(白石)1998 Fairytales~Highlights From Secret Garden(仙境传说)-访华精选 1999 Dawn of a New Century(新世纪的曙光)2001 Dreamcatcher(追梦人)-精选集 2002 Once in a Red Moon(忆游红月)2004 Dreamcatcher~...

在上述十大金曲中,《Songs From A Secret Garden》是神秘园的首张专辑的标题曲,它温柔而深情,仿佛带领着听众走进了一个秘密的花园。《Pastorale》则以其宁静而美好的旋律,令人仿佛置身于田园牧歌般的美景之中。而《Adagio》的旋律悠扬,如泣如诉,是神秘园最具代表性的作品之一。这些金曲不仅旋律优美...

我把每张专辑都找到了。我觉得歌曲要自己听了才知道好不好。专辑一:Songs From A Secret Garden (神秘园之歌)01. Nocturne 夜曲 02. Pastorale 田园 03. Song From A Secret Garden 神秘园之歌 04. Sigma 神秘曲 05. Papillon 蝶舞娉婷 06. Serenade To Spring 春之小夜曲 07. Atlantia 沉睡...

如果你正在寻找神秘园的第一张专辑《神秘园之歌》中的第三首《Song From A Secret Garden》,你可以通过简单的百度搜索找到它,然后使用迅雷进行下载。以下是专辑的部分曲目列表:1. "Son课兴害优套攻gs From A Secret Garden" 包含:- Nocturne 夜曲 - Pastorale 田园 - Song From A Secret ...

台湾省17664443135: 谁知道神秘园最初专辑《insid i m singing》my land歌词? -
蛮全藿香: How green are your valleys,How blue your great skies Your mountains stand tall in their glory Your rivers run free The bright stars are your eyes Your beauty is endless before me For you are the song ever singing in me And you see the heart ever true ...

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蛮全藿香: 这些是从wikipedia弄来的资料 我相信这是唯一能弄到的了,大部分只知道她们唱过神秘园的歌吧. Niamh Kavanagh (born 1968, Dublin) is an Irish singer.Singing "In Your Eyes" (words and music by Jimmy Walsh) she won the Eurovision Song ...

台湾省17664443135: 西城男孩唱的you raise me up是谁写的、??? -
蛮全藿香: 根据爱尔兰传统民歌 Danny Boy 获得了创作灵感,这首歌最初题为《无声的故事》(Silent Story),由Secret Garden成员Lovland作曲成为世界上最适合被钢琴和小提琴演奏的经典曲目,Lovland在读了爱尔兰小说家和歌曲作家布Brendan Graham(伦丹·格雷厄姆)的小说后,请他为该歌填词.此歌于神秘园2002年的专辑《红月》(Once in a Red Moon)中首次发布,由爱尔兰歌手Brian Kennedy(布赖恩·肯尼迪)演唱,并在爱尔兰和挪威销量较佳,当即占据各大排行榜冠军的位置长达十几周.

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蛮全藿香: 这首闻名遐迩的歌曲,是根据诗人叶芝的同名诗歌〈Down By the Salley Garden〉谱曲而成,最初翻译为《柳园里》,是叶芝早年的诗作.他的早年诗歌韵律优美,感情细腻,辞藻华丽,象征意味浓郁,明显受到英国浪漫主义和法国象征主义诗歌的影响.《莎莉花园》,英文名:《THE SALLY GARDENS 》,由爱尔兰作曲家: Phil Coulter (菲.库尔特)创作,该曲子被收录在他的专辑《绿野仙踪》内.

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蛮全藿香: 神秘园 secret garden的 夜曲 Nocturne

台湾省17664443135: 关于爱尔兰风笛《漫步神秘园》 -
蛮全藿香: 这首歌是根据叶慈的同名诗歌〈Down By the Salley Garden〉谱曲而成,最初翻译为《柳园里》,是叶慈早年的诗作.他的早年诗歌韵律优美,感情细腻,辞藻华丽,象征意味浓郁,明显受到英国浪漫主义和法国象征主义诗歌的影响 . 《柳园...

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蛮全藿香: Brian Kennedy全名Brian Edward Patrick Kennedy 哦? 那就不清楚了呵呵

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蛮全藿香: Fionnuala Sherry(菲奥诺拉·莎莉) 成长于一个爱尔兰的一个音乐世家,出生于爱尔兰Kildare的小镇Naas.她从小就受到各种熏陶,从而对音乐产生了极大的兴趣,后毕业于爱尔兰大学的音乐学院.除了古典交响乐和协奏表演外,Sherry还涉足各式各样自己感兴趣的音乐题材.在神秘园成立之前,Sherry曾为爱尔兰著名歌手谢妮·奥康娜和范·莫尼森的专辑作过伴奏.在神秘园乐队的演出中,Sherry精湛独特的小提琴表演将Lovland的作曲意境淋漓尽致得表现出来,配合可谓相得益彰.参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/18549.htm?fr=ala0_1_1

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蛮全藿香: 可以啊,用count,对你select 出来的任一字段count就可以了 如: sel...

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