巴黎凯旋门 中英对照介绍

作者&投稿:阳韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Arc de Triomphe of the Lion in Paris is located in the centre of the Charles de Gaulle Square in Paris, France, at the west end of Champs Elysees Street.
The Arc de Triomphe, as its name implies, is a triumphant gate for the army to go out for battle. It is the largest circular arch in the world today. It is located in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square in central Paris.
The square was also built with the Arc de Triomphe of the Lion, because the completion of the Arc de Triomphe brought inconvenience to traffic.
In the mid-19th century, a circular square and 12 roads were built around the Arc de Triomphe, each of which was 40-80 meters wide and radial, just like the brilliant light of a star. A square is also called Star Square.
The Arc de Triomphe was originally designed by Shaglang and Raymond. Because of disagreement, Raymond resigned two years later.
So the Arc de Triomphe was finally completed according to Shaglang's design. The French National Monument Centre is responsible for maintenance, repair and management.


Paris is the capital France. is continental Europe's largest city, is also one of the world's most prosperous cities Paris is France's largest industrial and commercial cityParis is a historic city of the world, there are plenty of attractions, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame de Paris, the Georges Pompidou Center, and other cultural and arts,UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations, the headquarters are located in Paris(法国首都巴黎 (Paris) 是欧洲大陆上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一,巴黎是法国最大的工商业城市,巴黎是一座世界历史名城,名胜古迹比比皆是,埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、爱丽舍宫、凡尔赛宫、卢浮宫、协和广场、巴黎圣母院、乔治·蓬皮杜全国文化艺术中心等,联合国教科文组织、经济合作与发展组织等国际组织的总部均设在巴黎) 自己挑着用吧o(∩_∩)o...

巴黎凯旋门(Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile),又称雄狮凯旋门。位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,是拿破仑为纪念1805年打败俄奥联军的胜利,于1806年下令修建而成的。拿破仑被推翻后,凯旋门工程中途辍止。波旁王朝被推翻后又重新复工,到1836年终于全部竣工。




A triumphal arch is a structure in the shape of a monumental archway, usually built to celebrate a victory in war. The arch is invariably a free-standing structure, quite separate from city gates or walls. In its simplest form a triumphal arch consists of two pillars connected by an arch, crowned with a superstructure or attic on which a statue might be mounted or which bears commemorative inscriptions. More elaborate triumphal arches have flanking subsidiary archways, typically a pair.
H I S T O R I Q U E Le 31 mars 1889, la pose du drapeau au sommet de la Tour Eiffel consacrait l'oeuvre mondialement connue de Gustave Eiffel, au terme d'une construction qui aura nécessité 18 038 pièces métalliques, 2 500 000 rivets et plus de 2 ans d'assemblage. Edifiée pour l'exposition universelle qui célébra le centenaire de la Révolution Fran?aise, la Tour Eiffel a acquis en 108 ans, une réputation mondiale et plus de 167 millions de visiteurs de toute nationalité ont, depuis sa création, escaladé le monument érigé en fer puddlé, symbole du rayonnement de Paris. En 1996, pas moins de 5 530 279 visiteurs ont apprécié, du haut de ses 318,7 mètres avec antenne, la vue portant à 80 kilomètres par beau temps. The most famous monument in France and the symbol of Paris H I S T O R Y On 31 March 1889, the flag was raised on the top of the Eiffel Tower, thus consecrating Gustav Eiffel's world-renowned monument, made of 18,038 metal components, 2,500,000 rivets, which took over two years to assemble. In the 108 years since it was built for the World Exhibition, in celebration of the French Revolution, the Eiffel Tower has gained world renown. Over 167 million visitors of all nationalities have climbed the monument made of puddled iron, which has become a symbol of the cultural influence of Paris. In 1996, from its 318.7 meter summit (including the antenna), no less that 5 530 279 visitors enjoyed the view, which extends for up to 80 kilometers in fine weather. Come admire the Eiffel Tower!


固安县15076916394: 凯旋门英文介绍 短+易+快 -
湛筠咖啡: Eiffel Tower 一点关于艾菲尔铁塔历史介绍中文,英文,法文对照H I S T O R I Q U E Le 31 mars 1889, la pose du drapeau au sommet de la Tour Eiffel consacrait l'oeuvre mondialement connue de Gustave Eiffel, au terme d'une construction qui ...

固安县15076916394: 法国一座纪念战争胜利的著名建筑?tongshang
湛筠咖啡: 凯旋门 位於巴黎市中心戴高乐广场(又名明星广场)中央,是世界上最大的一座凯旋门. 它是拿破仑为纪念1805年打败俄奥联军的胜利,於1806年下令修建的. 拿破仑被...

固安县15076916394: 巴黎凯旋门有什么样特点?
湛筠咖啡: 巴黎凯旋门位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,是拿破仑为了纪念1805年打败 奥俄联军的胜利,在1806年2月下令兴建的,拿破仑被推翻后凯旋门工程曾一度中 断,直到...

固安县15076916394: 法国凯旋门如何建造的?目的是什麽?
湛筠咖啡: 巴黎凯旋门(Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile),又称雄狮凯旋门.位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,是拿破仑为纪念1805年打败俄奥联军的胜利,于1806年下令修建而成的....

固安县15076916394: Arc de Triomphe是什么意思 -
湛筠咖啡: Arc de Triomphe 凯旋门 双语对照词典结果: Arc de Triomphe [地名] [法国] 凯旋门〈巴黎〉;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1. French car maker psa peugeot citroen workers demonstrate past the arc de triomphe inparis, wednesday. 法国汽车制造商雪铁龙公司员工示威游行经过凯旋门,巴黎,周三. . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

固安县15076916394: 带凯的世界美景名字 -
湛筠咖啡: 凯旋门 巴黎凯旋门,即雄狮凯旋门(法语:Arc de triomphe di l'Étoile),位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,香榭丽舍大街的西端.凯 旋门正如其名,是一座迎接外出征战的军队凯旋的大门.它是现今世界上最大的一座圆拱门,位于巴黎市中心...

固安县15076916394: 世界上有五大凯旋门谁有它们的图片
湛筠咖啡: 法国巴黎凯旋门,位于巴黎市中心星星广场,1836年为纪念拿破仑在奥斯特尔茨战役中打败俄、奥联军而建.门高49.54米,宽44.82米,外刻法国十八、十九世纪著名...

固安县15076916394: 问一下这个凯旋门的英语怎么说? -
湛筠咖啡: 巴黎凯旋门, 英文名triumphal arch 说明: 凯旋门即雄狮凯旋门,位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,香榭丽舍大街的西端. 1836年7月29日竣工,高50米.

固安县15076916394: 5大凯旋门背后的历史故事急用啊,兄弟<br/>最好加上图片
湛筠咖啡: 巴黎凯旋门:1836年为纪念拿破仑打败俄奥联军而建.位于法国巴黎市中央星形广场.门高49.54米,宽44.82米,门上刻有法国18,19世纪著名战士浮雕.柏林凯旋门:1791年为纪念普鲁士王国统一德意志而建.位于德国柏林市菩提树下大街西端,门高11米,宽60米,顶部有女神,战车雕像.罗马凯旋门:位于意大利罗马帝国大道,为世界上最早的凯旋门.米兰凯旋门:1807年为纪念拿破仑征服意大利而建.位于意大利米兰市古城堡旁.门高25米,有骏马,武士,古兵车塑像.平壤凯旋门:1982年为纪念金日成当年投身共产主义革命而建.其规模居世界诸凯旋门之首.位于朝鲜平壤市牡丹峰下凯旋广场.门高66米,宽52.5米,门侧有浮雕群像.回答加不了图...

固安县15076916394: 法国巴黎 各大名胜古迹的英文名称 -
湛筠咖啡: triumphal arch 凯旋门

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