求助QT inherits的用法

作者&投稿:中叔诚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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The QSound class provides a method to play .wav sound files. More...

qmake: QT += multimedia
List of all members, including inherited members
Public Types

enumLoop { Infinite }
Public Functions

QSound(const QString & filename, QObject * parent = 0)
QStringfileName() const
boolisFinished() const
intloops() const
intloopsRemaining() const
voidsetLoops(int number)
31 public functions inherited from QObject
Public Slots

1 public slot inherited from QObject
Static Public Members

voidplay(const QString & filename)
10 static public members inherited from QObject
Additional Inherited Members

1 property inherited from QObject
2 signals inherited from QObject
1 public variable inherited from QObject
9 protected functions inherited from QObject
2 protected variables inherited from QObject
Detailed Description

The QSound class provides a method to play .wav sound files.

Qt provides the most commonly required audio operation in GUI applications: asynchronously playing a sound file. This is most easily accomplished using the static play() function:

Alternatively, create a QSound object from the sound file first and then call the play() slot:

QSound bells("mysounds/bells.wav");
Once created a QSound object can be queried for its fileName() and total number of loops() (i.e. the number of times the sound will play). The number of repetitions can be altered using the setLoops() function. While playing the sound, the loopsRemaining() function returns the remaining number of repetitions. Use the isFinished() function to determine whether the sound has finished playing.

Sounds played using a QSound object may use more memory than the static play() function, but it may also play more immediately (depending on the underlying platform audio facilities).

If you require finer control over playing sounds, consider the QSoundEffect or QAudioOutput classes.

See also QSoundEffect.

Member Type Documentation

enum QSound::Loop
QSound::Infinite-1Can be used as a parameter to setLoops() to loop infinitely.
Member Function Documentation

QSound::QSound(const QString & filename, QObject * parent = 0)
Constructs a QSound object from the file specified by the given filename and with the given parent.

See also play().

Destroys this sound object. If the sound is not finished playing, the stop() function is called before the sound object is destroyed.

See also stop() and isFinished().

QString QSound::fileName() const
Returns the filename associated with this QSound object.

See also QSound().

bool QSound::isFinished() const
Returns true if the sound has finished playing; otherwise returns false.

int QSound::loops() const
Returns the number of times the sound will play. Return value of QSound::Infinite indicates infinite number of loops

See also loopsRemaining() and setLoops().

int QSound::loopsRemaining() const
Returns the remaining number of times the sound will loop (for all positive values this value decreases each time the sound is played). Return value of QSound::Infinite indicates infinite number of loops

See also loops() and isFinished().

[static] void QSound::play(const QString & filename)
Plays the sound stored in the file specified by the given filename.

See also stop(), loopsRemaining(), and isFinished().

[slot] void QSound::play()
This is an overloaded function.

Starts playing the sound specified by this QSound object.

The function returns immediately. Depending on the platform audio facilities, other sounds may stop or be mixed with the new sound. The sound can be played again at any time, possibly mixing or replacing previous plays of the sound.

See also fileName().

void QSound::setLoops(int number)
Sets the sound to repeat the given number of times when it is played.

Note that passing the value QSound::Infinite will cause the sound to loop indefinitely.

See also loops().

[slot] void QSound::stop()
Stops the sound playing.

See also play().


bool QObject::inherits ( const char * lname ) const

QTimer *t = new QTimer; // QTimer继承QObject
t->inherits( "QTimer" ); // 返回TRUE
t->inherits( "QObject" ); // 返回TRUE
t->inherits( "QButton" ); // 返回FALSE

// QScrollBar继承QWidget和QRangeControl
QScrollBar *s = new QScrollBar( 0 );
s->inherits( "QWidget" ); // 返回TRUE
s->inherits( "QRangeControl" ); // 返回FALSE

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