
作者&投稿:畅贩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,"So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.  In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.  May Day is my favorite day!

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我的建议是取消全国性的长假,将休假权放给每一位公民,而不是取消假期。 一年一度的五一节日就要来临,各地的交通、旅店全面升温,全国人民在中国巨大经济成就的支持下,人们纷纷利用这个长假外出,近的地方可以看看自己的家乡,远一点的地方可以了解祖国的大好河山,再远一点,还可以出国,学习和了解国外的风土人情。利用节假日外出旅行、探亲访友,一方面可以增长自己的知识面、陶冶情操和修身养性,另一个方面还可以会见新老朋友和自己的亲人,的确是一个一举多得的好事情。可是,当全国人民都同时来做同一件事情的时候,就不可避免地产生许多副作用。有的时候,副作用甚至是远远地大于正面作用,这个时候,就需要考虑是否需要修改一下规定了。比如说我国的长假制度就是弊大于利,我们可以具体分析如下。 第一,长假所形成的集中旅游,对自然环境造成了极大的破坏。每一个景点都有其最适宜的旅客接待容量,而这个接待容量,在中国的经济和人口总数的比较下,就显得相当地不够用。因此,每一次的长假,全国的许多著名景点都是人满为患,游客的人数远远大于最佳的可接待人数。在这样的超负荷运行下,景点的自然环境和设施当然要受到巨大的破坏。 第二,长假中的集中旅行对交通系统是一个疲劳试验。且不说每年的中国传统节日春节来临之时,车票难求,就是五一、十一等长假,车票一样是珍贵如黄金,去许多热门城市的车票还没有开始出售就被关系部门预定一空,等我你我这样平头百姓去排队买票的时候,剩下的就是千篇一律的不耐烦声音,“没有!没有!”好不容易弄到一张临时的加班车票,等跑到车站一看,到处是人山人海。车上更是挤满了人,有时连厕所里也是挤满了人群。每次长途坐车旅行,都像经受一次逃难的洗礼。交通系统经受着一次又一次的疲劳考验。 第三,流动人口的大量集中对社会治安管理是一个挑战。社会治安稳定的一个主要原因就是知彼知己,大家住在一起,你知我,我晓你,要是来了一个第三者,我们马上就会发现。可是,当大量的游客集中到某一个地方的时候,从概率意义上说,发生意外的可能性就增大。而且,在一个到处都是自己不熟悉人的地方,人们总有这样的一个幻想:即使自己有点小打小闹的不规范,反正也没有自己熟悉的人知道,也不会伤到大雅。当许多人都是这么想着的时候,问题就会接踵而来。这些小问题的积累,就会演化成一个比较大的问题。更加重要的是,人口的集中对于处理紧急事务是没有正面帮助的,所以,过多集中的流动人口对社会治安是一个挑战。 第四,全国性的长假会使经济生产活动停滞,影响经济的不间断发展。这方面的内容是显而易见的,所以,就不需要赘述了。 因此,建议取消全国性的长假,而代之以个人自由的休假制度。每一个单位可以给每一位职工每年不少于N天的带薪休假日。这样,职工可以在综合考虑自己的休假需求、工作状况并在得到单位的许可之后,自行休假。如此,既满足了职工自己休假的需求,也不会对旅游景点、交通和社会造成集中性的负担,同时还不影响整个单位的正常运行,是一个一举多得的方法。所以,建议取消全国性的长假制度。
Whether to lift the May 1 holiday
My suggestion is to abolish national holiday to leave right up to every citizen, instead of abolishing the holiday. The annual May 1 holiday is just round the corner, around the traffic, hotels comprehensive warming, people throughout the country, China's enormous economic achievements, with the support of many people use the holiday to go out, Near the place can look at their home as far as the understanding of the motherland can the beautiful rivers and mountains farther away, can also go abroad to study and understand the way of life abroad. Permission to travel during holidays, visit relatives and friends, on the one hand, the growth of knowledge, mold character and self-cultivation. Another aspect could also met with new and old friends and their relatives, is a fully staffed things. However, when all the people in the same time to do things with a time and will inevitably lead to many side effects. Sometimes, even the side effects far greater than the positive role this time on the need to consider the need for changes to the regulations. For instance, our system is more harm than good holiday, we can specifically discussed below. First, the holidays are created in the tourism focus on the natural environment caused great damage. Each one has its attractions in the most appropriate capacity to receive visitors, and the reception capacity, in the Chinese economy and compared to the total population, it becomes quite inadequate. Therefore, every time the holidays, many of the country's famous attractions are overcrowded, and the number of tourists is far greater than the best room. In this overload operation, the natural attractions and facilities must be enormous damage. Second, the focus of the holiday travel traffic system is a fatigue test. Not to mention the annual traditional festival of Chinese New Year approaching, the ticket is hard to find, is on May 1, 11 such holidays, Tickets are like gold as precious to many cities in the hot ticket has not yet begun on the sale was scheduled for a sectoral space, you wait for me - I am the first people to buy the queuing time, leaving only approached the impatient voices "No! No! "finally prompting a temporary overtime tickets, etc. went to a station, There were huge crowds of people everywhere. The vehicle is crowded with people, and sometimes even the restroom is crowded with the crowd. Each long-distance car travel, like a flight through baptism. Transport system once again experiencing the fatigue test. Third, the large number of floating population in the focus of public security management is a challenge. Social security and stability is itself a major cause of friends, we live together, you know me, I knows you, If the arrival of a third party, we will soon discover. However, when large numbers of tourists concentrate to a certain place, did probability sense, the probability of accidents on the increase. Moreover, in a land of their own people are not familiar with the place, people always have such an illusion : Even though he is somewhat minor irregularities, since they are not familiar with the people to know and will not hurt the refinement. When so many people are thinking about the time, the problem will follow. These small problems accumulated, it will evolve into a big problem. More importantly, the population concentrations for emergency services is not useful, therefore, excessive concentration of mobile population on social security is a challenge. Fourth, the national holiday would be economically productive activities stagnation, the economic impact of the ongoing development. Such content is clear, therefore, no need to repeat the arguments. Therefore, the proposal to abolish the national holiday, and to replace it with the freedom of individuals leave system. Each unit can be one trade union for each year of not less than N days of paid vacation days. Thus, workers can be considered their vacation needs, and working conditions in the units to be permitted, to leave. Nevertheless, the workers will not only satisfy the needs of their vacation, it will not tourist attractions, transportation and social concentration of the burden while not affecting the entire unit to the normal operation of a fully staffed method. Therefore, the proposal to abolish national holiday system.

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匡高塞疏: 希望能帮上你:I guess the reason this question take this long time to argue is that some guys really want a long holiday, but some guys will prefer going back home in the traditional festival to have meal with their family. So, which one do I prefer? In ...

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匡高塞疏: long vacation takes stress to turism

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